Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ares Was A God


"That would make sense. Lets hope that we dont have to get in a fight on our way there." He said reading the data. "This is amazing! The data you are pulling out, and at such a fast rate, amazing!" He complemented. "Alright, so what else is there I should know?"

(Sorry I am a bit slow at the moment, trying to do three million things at once, so Im trying to ask as many questions that can help you flesh out Ares)
[member="Romeo Sin"]

A small image of Ares' face appeared in the helmet display. It was the same face as the droid body; however, this icon was capable of portraying emotion. And portray emotion she did.

A wide Cheshire smile split her face, as the AI was pleased with the compliments. "Thank you, my king. As for any other important information, it all depends. What else would you like to know, aside from the data I have already given?"

((No worries lol, I know it's kinda hard xD))
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Ares tilted her head, the ship still hurtling through hyperspace. "If you're asking for instances in which I would be of most help, I can name a few."

One scenario is if you wish to do cyber warfare. My aggressiveness and efficiency in taking over systems is a result of Zodiac bearing cyber warfare in mind. Especially if you want me to destroy things. I'm good at that, too."

I also come in handy when travelling to foreign governments, thanks to my cultures and languages file. And, so long as the government has access to the Holonet, I can download anything that's missing."

I'm fairly good with delivering advice on scenarios. I can also assist you in determining what sentence to deliver, or what torture to use. Only if you require it, though, my king."

She paused, awaiting Romeo's response.

"Okay lets run a judging scenario. A man is brought to me, his charges are theft, and treason. He is guilty of treason by possibly giving intel to the Republic, but he is actively against the Sith. Wht do you say?" He said looking directly at the AI.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Ares ran the scenario in her head, her processors turning over everything. After a moment's though, she replied, "It all depends on your loyalties, my king. The man is clearly against the Sith, as he is acting out against them and giving the Republic Intel. If you held loyalties with the Republic, I would recommend dismissing the charges against him. If you stand with the Sith, I suggest imprisoning him and, once you have gathered enough evidence to prove he is guilty beyond a doubt, execute him for treason as that is one of the few crimes collectively given the death sentence. If, however, your loyalties are with no one but yourself, the best way to avoid wrath from both is to challenge both sides to present their arguments before you, thus allowing you to determine the fate of this man in a manner that will seem fair."

Personally Ares would have just killed the man and gotten it over with, but those types of actions tended to have unwanted consequences -- especially if the organic proved to be useful later on. She also calculated that Romeo would have wanted to hear all of the best choices, anyway.

Checking the hyperspace data, Ares announced, "ETA is now at 10 minutes, my king." The icon tilted its face slightly. "When we arrive at our destination, I request permission to return to my droid body, my king."

"Romeo, just call me Romeo, and you're correct. Depending on what Intel he has given depends on whether he lives, or not. As a group wholly, we are activitly against Sith ways. We disagree with the Republic, but the Jedi know not what it really takes. Their separate. What the Jedi say, and what I say to the Republic could go both ways, they could agree with my options, or the Jedi's." He sighed
"Always feels great to be back home." By now they were in Shadow territory. "Okay next scenario. The Republic comes to us, they ask that we help take back Coruscant. They offer us nothing in return. What do would you have me do?"
[member="Romeo Sin"]

The console let out a chirrup, and Ares' head showed up again. "Updating admin name. I will now call you: Romeo."

Adjusting the ship to allow for a smoother drop from hyperspace, the AI mulled over this new scenario. Surprisingly, this one was easier to answer, as her solution was what she would do.

"Simple. You need to make a deal: your help, and in return the Republic must not only give a payment up front, but any spoils of your choosing if the dominion of Coruscant is successful. This way, you will be able to get something whether you win or lose. However, the type of payment you receive depends on what the Republic has and is willing to offer. The spoils, likewise, depend on what is left after the projected fighting."

A small ping caught her attention, and she said, "ETA is now five minutes, Romeo. I will continue preparing the ship for exit. The shields will also be raised, in the likelihood that we enter unpredicted combat."
Romeo nodded as Ares spoke of her opinion. It was a good idea, but highly likely the Republic would agree with it as the Jedi would butt in with a "But those are Jedi artifacts, and oit property."he had said this out loud in mockery. If the AI could read minds, which it couldn't, it probably would be less confusing to her.

"Sounds goo..." a message came up from one of his generals. "M'lord, pirates are attempting a raid! They have one cruiser, and a squadron of fighters! All our fleet is out scouting!" Romeo nearly facepalmed. "Ares? He grinned."
[member="Romeo Sin"]

The king's sudden outburst caused mild confusion in the AI. Zodiac had been prone to mumbling to himself while working on Ares.

"Romeo, I fail to see how that pertains to the scenario," she replied. "And, as a matter of fact, the Jedi are actually entitled to claim ownership of their own artefacts so, as much as I hate to admit it, they would not be--"

An incoming transmission interrupted her. The AI's face was replaced with that of the general's, and Ares remained silent, processing everything.

After he had finished speaking, she said, "Shields are at full capacity. All of the systems are in the green, and the weapons are primed and ready to go. Would you like me to relinquish control to you, Romeo? We will be dropping out of hyperspace in ten, nine, eight, seven..." She continued to count down, all the while ready to complete whatever task the Shadow King set her about doing.

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