Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Ardak'Kolik (Arda)
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: No idea. yet, I hope.
SPECIES: Twi'lek. She likes to paint her lekku all sorts of colors before a fight.
AGE: No idea
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 135lbs
EYES: browney greeney.
HAIR: two long pointed floppy brain hairs. yeah.
SKIN: Pink


Clever- because of her lack of strength, she uses her brain and glamorous lekku to think things through before putting herself or others in danger.
Her pretty lekku.
Speed- she is remarkably fast and can outrun most pursuers.
Stealth- A skill she picked up from childhood. Despite her bold colors and looks she is remarkably good at not being noticed, when she feels it's necessary.
Resourceful- She is quite capable of using all items found around to to create things she needs, such as a make-shift engine or a quick medical patch up. The emergency mechanic parts she makes have a small tendency to blow up a little bit, but that's OK since it hasn't killed her yet.


Good food - she is easily won over (distracted/bribed) by tasty food
Force knowledge- A late padawan, she still has an incredible amount to learn of the force. Because of this she cannot always control her powers.
Her mother- Arda cannot remember her name, but she saved her daughter from her fate as a slave. her mother is most likely her greatest weakness and she still finds herself wishing for revenge over her mothers mutilation and murder.
Her lack of brute strength. She may be fast, but that doesnt mean anything if she can punch a pillow and the pillow wins.
Empathetic - because of her childhood, she is very empathetic towards beings in need, especially children.
Slight speech impediment- due to lekku/brain damage caused by her father

Her mother was a rare lethan twi'lek, given as a gift to Arda's father after she was old enough to reduce her value as a specialty slave in half. Her father treated her mother poorly and would still sell her out to those who would buy. When her mother had her, she knew she couldn't let her daughter live her life. She struggled to find some one to listen and to take her daughter away before she suffers the same fate. A bounty hunter, originally a client of Arda's mother, grew attached to the kid, who reminded him of his own daughter. He offered to take and raise her as his own, to which Arda's mother agreed. On the day when Arda was to be taken, her father realized what was happening. In anger He started to beat Arda and in the process damaged her head and lekku resulting in a slight droll. When the bounty hunter managed to get Arda away from the father, he turned out her mother. The last Arda saw of her mother was her father cutting off her mother's right lekku. This is also a reason why she values her lekku so much and paints them to show them off.

After this were a few years of peace on the bounty hunter's home world of Trandosha. He would leave for long periods of time, but she grew close to his children and their neighbors. One time, he did not come back, and as soon as the neighbors realized this, they attempted to capture and sell the children off. She managed to escape with the daughter that caused the bounty hunter to save her in the first place. She lived by stealing for her and her sister for a long time until a Jedi discovered she had a special affinity for the force. The Jedi put her sister in the hands of a couple who wanted a child, and took Arda back with her to be trained in the Jedi arts.

This is where I look for a master right?
Also, I haven't done this kind of role playing ever before, so I would actually LOVE for feedback and suggestions to change anything. Thank you!

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Bio looks good. Can't see anything wrong with it. Rank would be Jedi Padawan (assuming you want to join the Jedi Order and don't want to do something weird like a Dark Jedi serving the Republic), and I don't believe you technically have to have a master to have the rank of Padawan, the rank is more indicative of the individuals skill level, so you could request the Rank Title in this thread if you wish.

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