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Approved Species Archiph

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  • Name: Archiph
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Homeworld: Quigos
  • Language: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: 170 Years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: An Archiph is a large creature which is rather difficult to categorize into the normal reptile, insect, or mammalian models. It resembles a spider, and it's ability to produce web pairs it farther with the arachnoid category. It's also incredibly terrifying and it's ability to use the force allows it to hunt down prey viciously
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average height of adults: Males: 1.9 Meters, Females: 2.7 Meters
  • Average length of adults: Males: 3.9 Meters, Females: 5.1 Meters
  • Skin color: Brown, Shiny Green, Black, Gray
  • Hair color: Light Gray
  • Distinctions: An Archiph is an incredibly large predatory spider-like creature that is capable of producing web, which is near unbreakable through kinetic force. The males are much smaller than the females and often stick in small groups of three, while the females stay by themselves and don't need to be looked after. The Archiph also lay hundreds of eggs every breeding season (Which is strangely only every 5 years). These eggs are laid parasitically in dozens of hosts which are taken care of by the mother (food and water supplied, and not eaten straight away) The eggs grow small mycelium like appendages into the hosts's cells, feeding off of it's energy and when the eggs hatch, the tiny Archiph which only are only a few centimeters in size feed off the corpse.
  • Races: N/A
  • Strengths:
Web-Slinger: Archiph are capable of producing an incredibly durable silk, around the same strength as durasteel, and which can come out in one of three forms, sticky, hardening, and silken. Sticky thread is used to catch pray, hardening silk slowly hardens to make it straight and durable instead of soft and flexible and is used to create nests, and silken is used for comfort reasons and to tie up the hosts for a female's young and is also used for heat by creating a large mound of it and burying oneself under the pile.

Force-Sight: Archiph is able to sense it's prey using the force up to 200 meters, and thus can track them almost anywhere.

Acid Vomit: Archiph are capable of spewing acid from their mouths that can melt organic material, they themselves are immune to it though

Wall Climbing: Archiph have special microscopic suction pads on their feet, and paired with their claws, are capable of climbing on walls and ceilings with little effort.

  • Weaknesses:
Photosensitive: Sun rays actually damage Archiph skin, and prolonged exposure will start to actually melt and burn away the skin and muscle

Weakness to the Force: The Archiph is the only being on Quigos capable of using the force and has never developed a resistance to it, thus force users can exploit it's sensitive nature to it to damage it easier when targeting it directly with mind-tricks and the like, but force-lightning or abilities similar in nature have no added effect

Not Suited for the Cold: Strangely, for a species native to a tundra world, they are not quite suited for the cold and actually get slower and sluggish when chilly, the females are slightly more resilient to this problem due to their much larger and fattier bodies, and the fact that they can build permanent nests to keep warm. ( They are atleast theorized to be from Quigos, there is another theory that they were imported to Quigos hundreds of years before Quiglings were capable of writing),

Unempathic: Even for animals, Archiph don't seem capable of empathizing with other creatures, not even other members of their own species.

  • Diet: Meat, particularly Luminoths, but they really enjoy Quiglings for supper.
  • Communication: Snarls, hisses, chattering
  • Technology level: Archiph can be described as 'Emerging Sapients', they're still animals, but are well on their way to gaining sapience
  • Religion/Beliefs: Eat or be Eaten
  • General behavior:
Males: Male Archiph tend to roam the massive and warm underground network (where they are more comfortable) of Quigos in small groups of 3, only making temporary nests for a few weeks until they find that the area they're hunting in has become particularly devoid of life, and so they move on. However, they quickly turn on one another during mating season, and the small groups have been known to fight, and even kill each other over the females that sometimes have absolutely no interest in them. Male young make up 80% of a brood, and are usually left to fend for themselves, and so many die off leaving only the strong to carry on their genes.

Females: Female Archiph are extremely large predatory creatures who claim several caves or even caverns (usually near the surface where food is plentiful) for themselves, marking their territory with their web which has a unique pheromone to it, unique to each Archiph and which drive male Archiph to mate more so than they already are. The only reason Female Archiph leave their territory is to hunt or expand their territory by fighting a nearby Female for control. Whatever food they catch they do not consume there like the males, instead they drag them back and store them for a rainy day, only eating what they absolutely need to.

It should also be noted that both genders can stand on their hind legs, but simply prefer not to do so as it is uncomfortable for long periods of time and they are much faster and more agile on all fours. And it should also be noted that the smaller arms on the torso are used for transporting things, usually females carrying corpses or barely living bodies back to their nests.


Archiph have been the primary enemy of Quigling kind (other than the machine) for as long as any Quigling can remember, especially those who live in the great underground caves who constantly battle with the females of the species for control over territory. And females have even been brave enough to raid the massive and heavily guarded cities for food and hosts for their young, infact, there have been two cities that have fallen entirely under Archiph control, each controlled by a particularly large and powerful Archiph female who make good use of the buildings for nesting chambers and food storage chambers. In fact, they've become a thing Quigling mothers frighten their children with if they don't go to bed on time.

They were one of the few species untouched by The Machine as any droid that made its way into the underground was quickly destroyed and used as decoration by the Archiph as the females enjoy decorating the walls of the cave entrances that lead to their territory with the bones and remains of past victims who have proved particularly difficult to showcase their strength to any other female who may attempt to take their territory.

In modern times, the Archiph are relatively left alone, except for the great organized hunting bands who believe a Archiph skull is one of the greatest prizes to hang on their wall. The only other exception is a recent scientific initiative lead by Sibi Virv to attempt to give an Archiph sapience, abducting them at a young age and transporting them to a secure testing facility on-board of one of their space stations. This testing has had very few promising results, and has since been discontinued.
Apologies for the delay.

Sibi Virv said:
Archiph is able to sense it's prey using the force, and thus can track them almost anywhere.

First thing, could you define just how far their sight is able to go? As it stands, it is slightly too vague for me to let it slide; just in case.

Sibi Virv said:
Sibi Virv to attempt to give an Archiph sapience, abducting them at a young age and transporting them to a secure testing facility on-board of one of their space stations. This testing has had very few promising results.

Second, semi-sentient massive species like this make me once more uncomfortable and it drives the question of what your intention is in doing this. Either I can treat this like an animal, one that players would be unable to directly control as a character, or treat it as a player capable character that requires the proper balancing.

I'll leave that up to you to decide. Feel free to tag me when you've done what I've asked!

[member="Sibi Virv"]


[member="The Slave"]

I added that the tests are discontinued (so they're animals)

And that their force sight is 200 meters
[member="Sibi Virv"]

No problems here with the content, I agree with the trainee's judgement.

The only issue I have is that your image source link appears to be dead. Can you find it again please.
The only contradictory thing I find in this submission is that one of their major hard weaknesses is cold ... and yet they hail from a tundra planet?

This makes very little sense to me. The entire planet is tundra, this tells me that the majority of their population (males) would not be able to survive. The females might stand a chance, but without males how are they reproducing?

I'll need you to clarify how they are capable of surviving on a planet that rightfully they shouldn't be on at all given their biology.

[member="Sibi Virv"]


They live underground, thermal vents and lack of wind keep it warmer than the average temperature on the surface, plus their size and body fat produces extra heat.

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