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Approved Planet Apo'hala

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Well-Known Member
Name: Apo'hala
Region: The Unknown Region
System: Olympia // Val'hala // Kato'hala
Suns: 1 White Dwarf, Hera/1 Brown Dwarf, Zeus
Orbital Position: First
Moons: n/a
Coordinates: Same as Val'hala
Rotational Period: 19 hours
Orbital Period: 230 days

Class: Super-Earth
Diameter: 13,840 km
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Desert, Volcanic
Gravity: 1.86
Primary Terrain: Volcanic, Artificial Environments

Native species: n/a
Immigrated species: Humans, Energy Vampires, Anzati, Tera Vampir, Maelibus, Ysanna
Primary languages: Galactic Basic, Vampiri
Government: Dictatorship
Population: 9 billion approx.
Demonym: Apo'halain
Major cities: Terafirma, Verivia, Coldsteel
Major imports: Alloys, Supplies
Major exports: Weapons, Armor, Vehicles, Starships, MerrTitan, MerrSteel

Affiliation: Valashu Elahad

Culture: What culture can be spoke of for a planet of craftsmen? Of a planet turned major factory? The people wake up each morning, ready themselves for the days ahead, then leave for work. Pertaining to their jobs, it is roughly even split between metallurgists that know the best of best methodology toward purifying elements, as well as smiths, of most kinds that take the metals and make them what they are.

The planet bears a few similarities to Val'hala, namely the religious background. This though has greatly been lessened. Valashu, GodKing, deemed it illogical that a planet that was utterly barren, covered in magma, would need temples and like to worship. This would be done in home, allowing those that truly did not believe, to do so quietly. On Val'hala, a non believer would be shunned by all, not just some. So this made life on the planet an ideal balance for some.

Another Val'halain similarity is the militant degree. Though they may not believe much as their family nearby, Apo'halain people are just as militarily aligned. They believe that fighting for what they believe and care for to be the best thing one can do with their lives. Any body able enough to be in battle, is deemed needed when the time comes. They are by their own merits led to believe that this is the greatest thing one can do in their lives. It is not required, more than by a personal life style choice. This though leads to them coming at their GodKing's call.

Militant Size: 50% population

Technology: Slightly above average pertaining to crafting, life support, and artificial life support systems (bio-domes etc). The rest though is hurt, lowering to below the galactic norm

History: Since time immemorial, this planet remains uninhabitared... that is.until about a decade ago, when Valashu Bonkai, really Valashu Elahad, came to the Universe on accident from his own, a similar mirror that was jot quite the same. Though much was adjacent to what he knew, a great deal was different. The most like his own verse, tended to be placement of spatial bodies and like info. Sometimes teraforming had altered what he knew, but more or less the galaxy as a whole was the same - regardless of who owned what.

Thusly when Damien Daemon stepped down as GodKing of Val'hala, attempting to nominate Val as his successor, Valashu had to attempt a semblence of control. What he knew could be aided if he were GodKing...

So he took the title. Immediately he began to put more effort toward the other planets of his star system, Apo'hala and Kato'hala. Firstly he sent people, money, and other goods to Kato, but immediately after he set about working on the then believed to be uninhabitable Apo'hala. He sent out teams to set up biodomes so as to allow habitation, as in his own universe he knew the planet was a major hub for the crafting guilds of the galaxy.

Cities of vast height were built on the planet, reaching to the skies above to house a decent sized population. While it was not unheard of for such, it was rare. However, it was backed by a major planet, one of the largest populations in the known Universe.

Since that point, the peoples have thrived. They have turned from their religious ways, ending on a much more work driven lifestyle. However, they still know they owe Valashu what they have, so they obey his command as if it were law.

Notable PCs: [member=Valashu elahad]
Intent: To add to the Olympia star system
Good day, Let’s see what hotness you got for us .

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Initial review
Hello [member="Damien Daemon"] , good start, but I want to go over a few things

Damien Daemon said:
Suns: 1 White Dwarf, Hera/1 Brown Giant, Zeus
Love the binary system idea but these star don't really seem right. A White Dwarf is basically a dead star cooling and per Wikipedia "A white dwarf's faint luminosity comes from the emission of stored thermal energy; no fusion takes place in a white dwarf wherein mass is converted to energy"

and a Brown Giant is not a star as far as i can see, did you mean a ... is the closest I can find.)

This is a good link to well studied Binary systems, may help you with figuring out what types to really want as both of these would not be able to host the many worlds you seemed to be looking to build.

Damien Daemon said:
Orbital Position: 5th
For the climate you are describing this orbit tends to be in the colder zone unless it is around a very "hot" star so it does not quite work unless once again you change star types.

Damien Daemon said:
Class: Super-giant
I think you mean super-earth here as there is not a super giant classification as far as I can find

Damien Daemon said:
Atmosphere: Oxygen
Should be something like Type-1 for normal earth-type atmosphere

Damien Daemon said:
Diameter: 13,840 km

Damien Daemon said:
Gravity: 1.25x Earth
These two numbers don't jive, the diameter is twice the size of earth but it has a grav of only 1.25 time, mass = gravity so either the grav needs to come up or diameter needs to come down.

Damien Daemon said:
Immigrated species: Humans, Energy Vampires, Anzati, Tera Vampir, Maelibus, Ysanna
Please link all species listed, ou got a bunch of exotics here and I want to make sure they are all recorded properly.

Damien Daemon said:
Merr-Steel, Merr-Titan
Please link these two for review.

Once that is done let me know. Looking foward to see how this one comes out.


Well-Known Member
1. Yup, meant Brown Dwarf. As is, this is an already loooooong ago approved system with stars in place etc. Can't exactly change it, and not change every rp based upon it. Which is a decent amount.

2. The climate I was having pertaining toward a massive damage done to it, letting the core overheat or something similar. I do know that this is achievable with enough study and linking, but I don't honestly feel up to it, so I will

3. No. I meant king sized. Ha. Yeah Super Earth, but again going off a past system and approved planet. Clearly I was not as ready for approval as initially done when working it through with Valiens.

4. Will change gravity

5. O.O gotta link em... sheds glad I didn't have to with Val'hala. Way more species in that one. I guess I will get to them.

6. Can link both.
[member="Damien Daemon"] almost there you went the wrong way with the gravity, super earth will have more then earth so gravity should be pretty darn close to double earth norm, something like 1.8


Well-Known Member
Not arguing when I say this, rather asking for clarification:

Valiens judged my Val'hala planet, which as said is basically the predecessor to this. Much of it is the same, cause its the same system. The planet was relatively close to the same size, but had no need for an increase of gravity at all.

Why is it present here?

[member="Bryce Bantam"]
[member="Damien Daemon"] it may have been judged on another system from a different version of the codex. What I am basing my assessment on his the current laws of gravity and mass in the real world. Basically the bigger the planet the more gravity. As this world is close to twice the size of earth it would then have close to twice the gravitational pull on objects on its surface.

Now the other sub may have had reasons for the difference as well that were not mentioned in this sub also.


Well-Known Member
Alright. Well either way, I just wanted clarification. Heavy gravity was what I wanted to begin with lol.

[member="Bryce Bantam"]
[member="Damien Daemon"]

So before continuing I've got some things that will need to be taken care of.

1. - Why is 50% of the population militant. You give no explanation of this [i.e. mandatory enlistment for ages 16-23, etc]. Please give the whys and hows or don't include it at all.

2.Culture - Please expand culture.You list two jobs but no imports on agriculture. In history you mention religion but list no religious holidays.You have a large military but there is nothing on how his effects civvies, vets, and the average person.

3.Your planet was not formed ten years ago. Please expand greatly on history. There need to be references to the Gulag plague and how it effected your planet. There is no mention on why your character was King. Or why in fact he stepped down. Or how this effected things.

Overall I'd like to see an expansion on what the planet is like, I'm not really getting a feel for what you're going for. Remember you won't be the only one using your planet.


Well-Known Member
The whole star system was hidden from the galaxies before it was approved. It was my means of stating why it wouldn't be known in canon. First came Val'hala, which is a zealous planet, bent on every person able bodied enough being a weapon for their gods if necessary. This simply traveled over to this planet, in a lessened form. In ten years not much culutrue could happen to a planet of smiths. But I can force some nonsense out.

Pertaining to the last mention, Damien being king and stepping down, had no impact at all on this planet. It was an explanation as to why the current GodKing was in place.

Anyway, as said I will work on fluffing it up. Honestly don't know what more I can have than what is already known.

Filled out the Culture more as requested, including the military info. Being that the planet became inhabited only ten years ago, there isn't much to know. I can mention the Omega, but it didn't pertain to the planet so I didn't know how. These people never went to the battle, so wouldn't know about it, nor have it effect the people.

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Damien Daemon"]

Alright, then put something related to "uninhabited until a decade ago, much of history is lost" or however you want to spin it.

Also, after Olympia in star system, could you add in the other planets as links? I don't see anything unless I'm overlooking it. Will give those who RP on the planets a better idea of their surroundings.
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