Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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AoL Raid on Bimmisaari Capture/Defend the Sith Emperor's Personal Ship

@[member="Natol'ine"] @[member="Yusan Fenn"] @[member="Shinjū Aÿasha"]
With the piece of metal nearby Felix grabbed it and flung it in the way of the blade as a shield to protect Max and Natol'ine. He grabbed onto the rope still dangling down from the rooftop and yelled at Yusan to grab a hold. "Come on buddy, we gotta go! Max got her out for now! We'll get her, I promise! Max, take her through the ducts!"

Max, feeling the wet tears fall on his fur adjusted and started to run with the little lady on his back through the ducts. If anything this dog was loyal and would get her to safety.

Grabbing a hold of Yusan Felix let out a flash of force illumination that flooded the whole room with a blinding light. Light side healer panic button. He started yanking both of them up the rope to the next floor. Opening the bag Aditya had given to him he tossed down a couple grenades and a canister of nitroglycerine for healthy measure. Scrambling to a nearby duct Felix yanked the cover off and yelled for Max to come around the corner with them. Seeing the dog carrying Natol'ine he saw how bad her wounds were for the first time.

"Yusan, are you okay carrying her? Fastest way up is by this rope. " Quickly looking around Felix handed him the rope and started focusing on pain control for Natol'ine. "I need you to keep looking at Yusan, alright, Miss Nato?" He gently reached out and touched her head. " Yusan, take these bandages and gently wash the wound with some warm water once you get on the ship. Remove the clothing around the area, ok? Once we get up onto we'll fly that brick Aditya left us.... It has good guns. uhh... Yusan... can you fly?" @[member="Aditya Amadis"]

"Now go." he thrust the rope into Yusan's hands. "I'll wait with Max." He reached down and pet his faithful dog on the head, applying the calming force ability to himself as much as the others.

"We're on our way" he said into the comm @[member="Manu Xextos"]
Yusan stared at Shinju for a long momsnt, almost not hearing Felix at all until he was grabbed and dragged along. Once they stopped by @[member="Natol'ine"], Yusan could do nothing but stare until Felix started giving him orders. His hands worked on their own while he tried to keep his mind straight. First washing the wounds and tying them once the areas around the injury was clear of inhibitors such as clothing. His mind raced faster than his hands, his friend was hurt below him and he couldn't even stand and defeat the sith that did this. If he ever got a chance and saw this sith again he would make sure that she got every bit of pain coming to her, that there would be nothing he would not do. His thoughts permeated into waves of hate and anger flowing off him before he was brought back to earth by Felix's question, thought the anger and hate remained.

"Wha- oh right, yes I can fly it, lets go..." He stopped as her heard him say that and nearly retorted saying the Jedi was not staying, only he looked down at Natol'ine who needed medical attention, and thought about the position that the Jedi was in, who was more important himself or Felix. "Fuck..." The word flowed into his mind at the point that he had no right nor could he argue. He took the rope in hand and slowly started to pull himself and Natol'ine up it, the progress heavily slowed due to the fact that he needed one hand hold Natoline without hurting her further. Once he was up there he would rush over to the shuttle and sit Natol'ine in the co-pilot's chair before running a diagnostics check on all systems, praying that no ships or troops arrived while he did. There would be no way for him to fight back without risking the life of both himself and Natoline.
OCC: Sorry for the delay, attempting to catch up from two pages back.
Bimmisaari Space
AoL Highcards - Space battle
Dancing with enemy fighters.

After breaking off from escorting the inbound Army of Light shuttles to the Apex on their final approach. Highcard's One and Two joined in the fray with the rest of the squadron. They were outnumbered heavily, but that didn't deter them from their mission.

// @[member="Judah Lesan"]… Let us relight the skies. On me. Stay alert. //

Hauling back on her stick and canting it over ever so slightly to the side, Cambria brought the E-wing up into a lopsided corkscrew maneuver. While the jerky motion of the ship's nose meant the Jedi Ace didn't have an icicle's chance on Tatooine of hitting anything, she was much harder to hit herself. The Twi'lek Knight pumped more power into her shields, then shot through a flurry of laser bolts before she penetrated the enemies formation. She pulled back her stick, killing the weaving flight and arrowing her snubfighter up into a flight of enemy fighters. Lining up one starfighter in her sights, she let it have a quad blast of laser. As the enemy fighter exploded, Cambria cut the stick hard to starboard, then rolled out into a level line that continued her original course, with half-kilometer cut to the right thrown in. As the enemy formation collapsed in after her, the Twi'lek cruised out the other side of it.

Inverting her E-wing, Cambria pulled the snubfighter into a loop that brought her around in the opposing squadron's wake, though slightly below their formation. Keeping the nose up, she headed back in again. The Twi'lek picked up on an enemy fighter that had broken right while its wingmate had broken left. Cambria's quad lasers shredded the enemy's starboard wing and blew apart one of it's engine. The other, operating at full power, sent the fighter spinning away. The Jedi Knight winced in sympathy for the pilot as she felt his fear and despair through the Force just before death took him in a brilliant light show. It was never easy taking another life, even in defense. And if killing ever did, then it would mean the darkness won. Something that Cambria vowed to herself she would never allow to happen.

Cambria dove back into the middle of the enemy formation once again. She snapped a shot off at one starfighter and watched it disintegrate. Her danger sense flashed just before her astromech droid warbled an alert and she mashed her right foot down on the etheric rudder pedal. The E-wing's stern slew around to the left, swinging Cam out of the enemy's line of fire while pointing the Twi'lek's nose right at the ship as it sailed past her. She punched the E-wing over ninety degrees, hauled back on the stick, then completed the inversion and dove down onto the fighter's tail. The Jedi Guardian sent kilojoules of scarlet energy into the cockpit and watched the craft explode.

Through the Force and a particular bond she was forming with her wingman, Cambria felt an urgent nudge to break left. Without thinking, the Twi'lek Jedi slammed the stick hard to port and caught the green highlights of laser bolts shooting through where she had just been. More red laser fire chased back along those same lines. It was Judah watching her six.
//"Right behind you,"// Judah returned to the Rutian pilot @[member="Cambria Zadira"].
When she rolled, he rolled, though with much less flare than she had. Her spiral and managed to break her through the fray though, and sent the enemy craft away before regrouping to converge on her location. Judah took his opportunity to go hard to port as the Knight rolled around to catch the first of two craft in his sights off guard. Pressing on the trigger, Judah let a volley of laser bolts fly as he cleared a path on the other side of pile of enemy craft closing on his wingman. Watching her fly and maneuver was quite impressive. Judah was a good pilot, but Cambria clearly commanded the starfighter better than he could.

Two more craft closed on his position, and Judah pulled hard on the stick and rolled starboard at the same time. Green laser fire nearly grazed his left wing, but he managed to pull out in time. Sparky made sure Judah knew how close a call that was too. The Knight rolled around and lined the fighters up before taking them out. His mind calm, focused on the surroundings. The enemy felt the same fear as Judah's allies. It was a shame really that in battle the only thing which made them different was the side they chose to be on. Granted there were those of the Sith who killed for pleasure, but these pilots, they were pawns, and it bothered Judah so many were losing their lives as such. This was why he fought. This was why he flew on this raid.

Distraction was something that neither side could afford, but something the inclusion of the two High Cards who had just joined the fray had caused. Other pilots were now frantic as it seemed the two new fighters were working their way through the much larger squads. Judah fired at the next ship in view, taking out the port side engine and wing. The damaged fighter careened into another enemy fighter as Judah pressed through the explosion to the other side.

"I always wanted to do that," Judah said to no one in particular as the force sent him a very disturbing sense about his companion, one that whether he wanted to admit or not was a result of a bond they were forming. Cambria had an unwanted guest, and she didn't seem to know it. Judah sent a thought through the a force, a warning, pleading her to bank hard left. As she did, Judah rolled behind the enemy fighter as it fired just seconds after Cambria had moved out of the way. Red streams chased after the enemy fighter, lighting it up, and making the pilot regret the decision to chase after that particular E-wing.

It was on to more fighters, as Judah sensed the gratitude from his friend and wingman. She would have done the same for him, and Judah knew the opportunity would come. This battle was not done until they were called back for departure.

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