Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private And You Are?


Iris blinked. She didn't have the time to answer. Or really act. Her body twisted, getting out of the way of anything lethal under the Force's guidance but there was little to stop her from being grabbed, skewered, whatever it was Claudia wanted.

"S.. Stop! It means surrender!"
Kai's lightsaber slashed through the vines, severing them all in a single swing. Charred wood and plant matter fell to the floor, the smell overpowering now.

<That's enough.> He deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt. <Is everyone okay? Any injuries?>

"I'm fine," Claudia muttered. "Just a little bit dizzy."

Regardless of Iris' answer, Kai ran an exasperated hand through his hair. <If I knew you two would try to kill each other, I never would've asked Iris to come.>

"Do that again," Claudia said.


"The thing with your hair." A little awkwardly, he ran his hand through his hair again. "Yeah," she whispered, smiling dreamily.

<Did you even hear a word I just said?> Kai grumbled.

"Ye-es. You said if you had known we'd try to kill each other, you wouldn't have invited Iris. I agree. She is clearly psychotic." She gestured to Iris.

Kai's gaze flicked between the two girls, then he burst into laughter.



"I'm fine." She was already healing her wounds. More training, more utilizing her skills. She blinked though, glancing up at the colors. There was a different sort of shade as Claudia stared dreamily at Kai. One that brought a brief frown to Iris's lips before she could stop it.

Iris turned her gaze down to one particularly nasty cut on her arm, slowly closing it through the Force alone. "If I'd known you never fought before I wouldn't of pushed so hard. Sorry." More knowledge she shouldn't know, yet did. She smiled softly, glancing back towards Claudia. A genuine smile.

"You're really strong."
"You're really strong."

"The plants are strong," Claudia retorted, resting her hands on her hips. "And if I had known you were going to go full Jedi Ninja—"

<Right,> Kai interrupted. <I think we've had enough excitement for one day.>

"Oh, I'm ready to go for another six rounds with you, Kai," Claudia said. "Just not with Isis and her spinny death sticks that burned all my plants!"

<Her name is Iris.>

"With a name like that, is her true form a floating eyeball? Pretty sure that's a species somewhere..."

<And if you're not training against lightsabers, who do you expect to be fighting?> Kai continued, crossing his arms. <Petty thugs? Bounty hunters? Wild animals? Zombies?>

Something in the look he gave Claudia seemed to communicate something between them, a shared knowledge that Iris, still in the dark as to their true nature, wouldn't understand. She drooped under the intensity of his gaze.

"I'm sorry," she said. "It's just that, with all that's been happening... and Boz Pity... I wonder if I should even bother."

<Don't be sorry. Just take it seriously.>

"Why should I?" she shot back. "I probably won't even be alive for much longer. This will kill me before anything else does!" She hit her thigh, or what was left of it. Instead of the slap of flesh against flesh, they heard the dull thump of her palm striking solid wood. "You know that."

<I do.>

"Then why don't you act like it?"

<Because it's not a conversation we should be having here,> Kai replied, already heading for the door. Along the way, he shot a rueful glance toward Iris. <I think I had better take her home. Sorry, Iris.>



Iris blinked. Jedi ninja? What was Claudia going to say before Kai cut her off? Not that she had a chance to ask. Her gaze fell back to her wounds as she tuned the two of them out. It wasn't just that Claudia wanted to be alone with Kai, there was something about him that he couldn't share with Iris. And Claudia knew it. A different sort of feeling welled in her chest, one she'd much rather ignore.

So she let herself dwell in the colors. Trying to tune out the conversation that she likely shouldn't hear. Kai's 'voice' in her head maxe it difficult though. Her gaze drifted to him as he went to leave, then to Claudia. Right.

"Be safe." She offered a small wave, but didn't let it linger.

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