Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Unexpected Conflict

Zorren approached silent as death, then murmured, "Sorry about that." He finished the message he was typing out, "So, if your still hungry we can stay here for as long as you like." He chuckled, "Its not like we can go outside at the moment." Z finished then took another drink of the lemonade he had left behind. She was capturing his eye, and he wasnt afraid to blatantly show it. Zero hiding of it.

"We also have some other amenities here, including a small gym and the like. Though i dont have a preference for anything really. I could follow you to the ends." He offered a wink then finished his drink, and set it down on the table. A vibrating sound emitted from his pocket. Taking out his holopad and read the message, then moved to type once again.

"Sorry about all this. Its the progress of being a corporate head, I have a lot of responsibility."

[member="Lakura Salim"]
She clearly jumped when he returned and almost choked on the bite she was chewing on. Covering her mouth, breathing in and out through her nose, she pounded on her chest to help get food down her throat. When it finally cleared, she shook her and was a bright color from almost choking.

"What kind of business is this?"

Having missed it on the way in, she understood his position, but not what his line of work was.

"I'm actually full now. Ask me again in a couple hours and that answer might be different."

One eyebrow lifted in a touch of humor and she looked at his pocket as it buzzed. It was clear he was a busy man and she glad he took what time he did to be here.

Waiting until he was done, she would shake her head slightly as she went back to address what this building offered.

"I don't need to exercise really. My metabolism is super fast. Are there beds here?"

It seemed like a good idea to sleep in a safe and secure place for once. A location she wouldn't have to worry about somebody coming and trying to kill or take her captive.

[member="Zorren Royal"]
Zorren continued examining her, then began typing without looking down, showing plenty of practice in not needing to look as he did so, "You are so gorgeous.." He murmured, without even noticing he said it. But still he continued typing. When he put it away he added, "Sorry, this is a clothing company, high end fashion, with a secret undertaking of tech studies and manufacturing." Moving to rise, he grinned, "Trying to get me in bed already? Ok, lets go then, Ill show you."

At that he sent a storm of used dishes and full alike to the end of the room where a designated locale was for them. He frequently found himself doing mundane tasks without using his body, because why do it if it wasnt necessary? He could move things with his frickin mind! But when it came to doing intricate things, those were with his hands. He was frequently told he had the hands of a surgeon so it came as no surprise that he would want to use them.

Holding out a hand to help her, he teasingly slid his fingertips against her skin, "Need a hand?"

[member="Lakura Salim"]
He wasn't looking at the datapad in his hands when he made his comment, but he seemed distracted. She assumed he meant that to be for her, but wasn't positive.

"I've never had much for clothing."

It really hadn't been much of an interest, but it was noticeable that what she wore was well rather worn. At least the hem of her cloak had started to fray and tear. What was under that was an unknown to him, but most likely just as worn.

"That isn't what I meant!"

Not entirely opposed to the idea, she accepted his hand and instead of walking behind him, it was next. That uncertainty he had seen before was almost totally gone. Small hints did remain and that showed in how she moved. When a new person approached them, she would withdraw slightly and look to the ground in a submissive manner.

[member="Zorren Royal"]
"I know darling," Zorren said, calmly pulling her close to him, their bodies brushing against each other softly, "You should lighten up." Walking next to her, his hand would occasionally touch her, making light carresses, in a teasing fashion, "Dont worry though, I will show you the beds then leave you be." He had no plans to force himself onto her. If she was brave enough to ask, sure they might do a fade to black scene. He wasnt afraid. But he also wouldnt be that vile. So upon reaching the room with the beds, he smiled at her, taking her hand and kissing the back of it, "Well, here we are." His eyes sparkled with humor and tease.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
"How can one lighten up when ridicule almost one has known? It's a hard habit to break."

Not once did Lakura pull away from him personally as they walked. He was her guardian here, her safety net and protector. Could she fight? Yes, but didn't want to and did not like the thought of needing to.

"I never told you my name."

She spoke as he kissed the back of her hand and looked him in the eyes. Giving it a small squeeze when he finished and a smile to go with it.

"I am Lakura Salim and I bid you goodnight. Unless you also sleep in this room. I wouldn't want to presume and kick you out..."

[member="Zorren Royal"]
Z smiled deeply, his eyes bearing in on hers before lowering to her lips a moment as she spoke, but then back, proper as he could be in his youth. When she finished, he said, "Zorren Royal, not related to your species. I bid you goodnight as well, and yes I do sleep here when needed... do you wish for it?" His words were softer, more personal than the previous jests. If she wanted him to stay, it would be now she could say so. He didnt presume she did however, so was willing to sleep in his office.

"I can stay and make sure your needs are met, or this could be it for now." His eyes still never wavered.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
Z smiled deeply, his eyes bearing in on hers before lowering to her lips a moment as she spoke, but then back, proper as he could be in his youth. When she finished, he said, "Zorren Royal, not related to your species. I bid you goodnight as well, and yes I do sleep here when needed... do you wish for it?" His words were softer, more personal than the previous jests. If she wanted him to stay, it would be now she could say so. He didnt presume she did however, so was willing to sleep in his office.

"I can stay and make sure your needs are met, or this could be it for now." His eyes still never wavered.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
Z smiled deeply, his eyes bearing in on hers before lowering to her lips a moment as she spoke, but then back, proper as he could be in his youth. When she finished, he said, "Zorren Royal, not related to your species. I bid you goodnight as well, and yes I do sleep here when needed... do you wish for it?" His words were softer, more personal than the previous jests. If she wanted him to stay, it would be now she could say so. He didnt presume she did however, so was willing to sleep in his office.

"I can stay and make sure your needs are met, or this could be it for now." His eyes still never wavered.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
Z smiled deeply, his eyes bearing in on hers before lowering to her lips a moment as she spoke, but then back, proper as he could be in his youth. When she finished, he said, "Zorren Royal, not related to your species. I bid you goodnight as well, and yes I do sleep here when needed... do you wish for it?" His words were softer, more personal than the previous jests. If she wanted him to stay, it would be now she could say so. He didnt presume she did however, so was willing to sleep in his office.

"I can stay and make sure your needs are met, or this could be it for now." His eyes still never wavered.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
"I certainly won't forget your name."

She said this with a smile, even if it was still a little shy. Not letting go of his hand, Lakura turned to look behind her into the room and then back to her companion. As a sith, she had started to learn about their code and emotions. That they used them to gain power.

The tip of her tounge poked out of her mouth just slightly as she thought of her answer to him. Since she hadn't let go of his hand, she tugged on it slightly and tipped her head inside.

"I do wish for it."

[member="Zorren Royal"]
Continuing to hold her hand, he drew in close, pressing himself against her. He could taste her scent they were so close, but then he simply slid past her without taking advantage. Inside the room were rows of beds. Pulling her in alongside him, he wrapped an arm around her and guided her to a bed nearby. In an hour a genuine bond had been formed between the two, perhaps a Force Bond. But all he knew was he would hold the woman through the night, keep her comfortable, and be a gentleman.

He pulled her down with him onto one of the larger beds, making sure to cover her with the blankets, but leaving himself out of them. Wrapping her close once more, he left her head on his chest and stopped moving.

They would see what could occur in the moring.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
In a way Lakura wanted him to kiss her, but was pleased when he didn't. There was no hiding the fact he found her attractive and she felt the same about him. Just saying yes to him spending the night with her in the same room should have said something about that.

However, what actually did happen was a sort of internal catalyst for her. Zorren was a gentleman, a friend and somebody she could fully trust. Once they got settled in for the night, she let out a contented sigh and fell asleep very quickly.

It wasn't an entirely peaceful sleep for her. Every couple of hours, she would seems to cower in her dreams and mutter things that couldn't be understood. Not once did she fully wake up though and it wasn't until she felt a buzzing against her cheek that she woke up.

[member="Zorren Royal"]
Hoping he wasnt caught with his hand playing with her hair, Zorren pulled it back. Instead he just enjoyed her scent and warmth for a moment. It felt right having her on his chest, almost like she fit perfectly. Sometimes bodies were made for each other, and part of him was sure hers was made for his. Pretending he was looking at the wall the whole time.

Reaching delicately under her, he pulled out his buzzing holopad. Answering it allowed a projection of his front desk man to appear. He couldnt pretend to know the mans name at the moment, he was so content.

“Yes?” Zorren asked.

“Sir, just letting you know the fighting was over, and that repairs to the building are underway.”

“Thanks.” He wasnt rude, but he was curt, swift and finished.

Looking down, he was surprised to find he suddenly kissed the top of her head. It was so sudden and unplanned, it was just a bodily action. It did make him wonder where the action came from. But he couldnt stop himself from hoping she wouldnt be angry. Meanwhile he just hoped she wasnt, while he just enjoyed her scent and warmth.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
The converstion was observed in silence and the light kiss accepted. She wasn't angry, upset or offended in any manner and it. Looking at him, her eyes glowed in the dim light of the room. In a way, they were almost like little lights on her face. However, her sight was perfect and she could see a bit better in the dark.

"What was that for?"

It was good to know the fighting was over and she relaxed against him. This was something she could grow used to, but every time she had grown attached to something, it was taken away from her.

[member="Zorren Royal"]
"I dont know, if Im being for real." Zorren smiled, wrapping both arms around her and squeezing her gently. It was amusing that not long ago she was running from him like he was a demon, now here she lay. It made him feel good that in that time he could set her free from some of her worry. No one should have to be that afraid, that cautious against potential help.

"Would you like to go get more food?" Zorren grinned down at her, "I myself could use a bite, so you wont just be watched." He chuckled, then glanced at a wall space nearby that said the time. It was mid morning, not as late as he had expected, "We will still be serving mostly breakfast. Though that doesnt always have to stay that way, you can have whatever you like if you request it."

He brushed lightly at her hair with his fingertips.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
"I'm always hungry. So yes."

Nodding with a very firm affirmative, she started to wiggle to get up from the bed. Her movement stopped very quickly though as soon as he started playing with her hair.

"You had something to eat with me yesterday and didn't just watch."

She laid back down and rested her head on him and just enjoyed the attention he was giving her. Maybe they could have it brought to the room? Not having the courage to actually say it, she kept the idea to herself.

"Of course, I'm just as happy to stay here and keep getting pet."

Giving him a smile, she didn't move again until he might.

[member="Zorren Royal"]
Zorren sighed sadly, and rose to his feet, detaching slowly from her before he moved to the door, "Lets eat." Moving back into the cafeteria, he led her to the line of workers that were waiting to grab their own meals. He continued all the while, her hand in his own. Lightly his fingertips again carressed her fingernails, claws really for how sharp they were. He was not afraid of the cutting though, for he did not move in such a manner.

"Do you know what you want to eat?" Z asked with an arched brow. People around did their best not to stare as they noticed their generaly lonesome CEO was actually happy, and with another being. None had ever been able to guess if he was homosexual or hetero. Not that it mattered, for none judged either way. But it was still a point of interest.

"Do not mind the stares. it happens." He murmured to the lady, hoping she could keep her strength.

[member="Lakura Salim"]
In a sort of similar manner that she been with him yesterday, Lakura took on being a bit meek. Though she did walk at his side, when anybody else was near, she looked to the ground. They reached the cafeteria again and this time there were far more people around.

They caught their attention and she practically hid behind him. Only peeking out to answer his question.

"What is there? I need a lot of protein. Rabbit food doesn't do good for my digestion."

Her stomach gave its familiar growling sound and she groaned slightly, getting really annoyed at something she had no control over.

"Are they looking at you or me?"

[member="Zorren Royal"]
Zorren smiled down at the woman, “They are looking at us. But me mostly. It is probalby a surprise to them to see me with someone like this, holding hands and all.” Seeking her meek side once more, looking down to the ground and all that, he tilted her chin up and gave her a deep kiss, long and gentle.

“Calm down.” He whispered, “No one means you any harm. Ill protect you.”

“Sir, I have some things that need signing,” A man said as he approached, holo pad held out. He smiled at the girl once more, then turned and began signing, while saying, “Whatever breakfast food you could want. Imported cereals, coffee, omeletes, sausages and bacons, all of it.”

[member="Lakura Salim"]

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