Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Interesting Encounter

Ardon held out his arms in a shrug, "Month of this = better than in cell or dead." he admitted ready to get on the move. Could be worse he guessed, though, it could also be a lot better.

"On that we agree." She said grimly.

So she got to work on concocting an explosive. She'd done it enough times that she knew what to do and how. So the list of chemicals, and the alternatives, as well as the physical components like wires and such, was done fairly quickly.

So they were to go to this outlaw city. It was roughly a hundred miles away, so definitely not in walking distance, and it was fairly large, but not exactly like the cities on Naboo. It was actually a lot more similar looking to Mos Eisley, only a lot more blatantly criminal.

Everyone carried weapons, everyone. Things that were usually illegal, such as deathsticks and other drugs and various weapons, were being openly sold. But the thing that sickened Mila most personally was the open sale of slaves that seemed at least somewhat abundant here.

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