Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Interesting Duel

For many years, Krayzen had trained in the One Sith, honing his skills in the hope that he would one day become a Sith Warrior. He did not care about the Sith Lore, nor did he care about being a Sorcerer like those that served in the Ember of Vahl. Krayzen simply wanted to be a Warrior in order to get revenge on those that served the light due to them having killed his family, and his parents. With Galactic tensions rising between the Sith, and Jedi, it seemed that his wish might come to last.

The Anzat had sent an invitation for anyone that wished to duel him, making sure that it would be a no death, friendly match between two individuals. Surprisingly, a non, but powerful ally of the Sith by the name of Stardust had accepted the invitation. Krayzen did not know about her, but from what he could sense via the force, she had a powerful force signature. The former Zeison Sha Warrior knew that he had to be prepared.

Knowing full well that he certainly needed to prepare himself, especially when facing such a powerful opponent, Krayzen carried with him his lightsaber(with a dual-phase function), a Sil-50 sonic pistol on his right waist. He also wore armor which was composed of light plastoid, with the undersuit composing of armorweave, with a sound dampening overlay. He also had a FWG-5 flechette pistol on his left waist, each being connected by a belt.

He awaited the Rogue Master, as he meditated in the Coruscant temple.
Stardust hadn't visit corusaunt since the sith take over, so this was something she could use

She had been through the net and os things when she came across someone wanting a friendly fight, being one to always love a good spar she accepted it and prepared to head to corusaunt

She she leaned her fighter at the temple landing pads and madde her way to the temple she clippe dher sith sword katana to her hip and walked at a fast paced wanting to waist no time

As she made it to the temple she saw what looked like a near human and coughed once"I assume your the one I'm to meet"she said. She wore medium combat armor that most would think for her body frame she couldn't lift...however being a supersoldier had its advantages"

[member="Vidar Bothanduster"]
When Stardust entered the large room, he stopped meditating, his force reserves being battle ready(at least for an acolyte) for the fight. He closely examined his opponent, seeing that she had a light build, and quickly determining that agility was most likely where she focused some of her power on. With the medium combat armor however, it seemed that her speed would most likely be impaired from his analysis. For an Anzat however, they were both agile, and had a good amount of strength built in to them. Krayzen arrogantly wondered if she was faster than her.

"Yes; thank you for meeting me." he arrogantly, but respectfully stated. Krayzen believed that he was extremely good at a lot of things, but even he had to admit that his opponent was powerful than him based on her force signature. Despite being arrogant, he would be careful especially in this fight.

He nodded to her, and activated his lightsaber. Once she activated her lightsaber, Krayzen would attack, covering the distance quickly. Before their blades clashed however, Krayzen would fire the Sil-50 sonic pistol, which would be aimed at the median of her body. The Sil-50 sonic pistol mimicked the sound of sending electrical signals to the nervous system, meaning that it would mimic the sound of her body's nervous system. If the sonic bolts(3 sonic bolts) hit her, they would instantly cause her to feel nausea, disorientation, etc; two seconds later, she would be knocked out. The good thing about sonic pistols was that they couldn't be deflected by a lightsaber; furthermore, with seven meters only separating them, they were well withing the 'effectiveness' range of the Sil-50 sonic pistol.

With her most likely attempting to defend, or at least attempting to dodge the sonic bolts, the Anzat's lightsaber(which was in his left hand) would attack her. If she moved to the right, Krayzen would send an attack from her right waist to her left shoulder. If she moved to the left, the lightsaber, in his (right hand) would attack her from the left waist to right shoulder in a classic Djem So attack. Krayzen would make sure to use his strength, which far outpaced that of a normal human, but didn't really affect his speed since speed was practically the defining attribute of the Anzati race.

Hopefully, the attack would work.
She bowed to him"a pleasure "she said and sized him up, he looked fast and strong at that she'd have to pull all the mkves to defeat him

She activated both hers and smiled as she put her mindset into battle mode, her HUD would track his movements as good as it could, when he started running stardust stood still as she watched him before crouching and as soon as she heard the shots fired and jumped over him instead of heading left or right

While in mid air she grinned and let out a powerful force push to get him away before landing and sending lightning his way" very smart with that but you have to be smarter
One of the ways that you could defend yourself against a sonic attack was by dodging it; having used the weapon for many years, Krayzen knew that for a force sensitive, moving to the left or right, ducking, and jumping in the air were the only ways in which you could dodge the sonic blaster bolts. As he walked, his keen eyes observed her. He could see that she was in a crouch, which most likely meant that she was in a defensive position, or that she was most likely prepared to jump in the air.

When the shots were fired, he so that she jumped in the air, and she quickly let out a powerful force push toward him, which was most likely meant to separate the distance between them. As he was in the beginning moments of the force push, Krayzen put his lightsaber in a middle guard, meaning that it in front of his torso. He so that she had sent lightning in his direction. Using the oldest trick against lightning, Krayzen used his lightsaber to defend against that type of lightning, smirking at the fact that he had done so, especially against such an opponent.

As she landed, the power of the force push was at its end, and Krayzen put back his sonic pistol in his right waist. He then once again run up against her, sending an attack up from below as he moved his lightsaber in a diagonal fashion from the right waist, to left shoulder, his lightsaber in his right hand. As he did this, he moved to his left(her right), putting her further away from both of her dual blades as he moved in to encircle her.

Krayzen kept his right hand ready to use the force if necessary.
Once she leaned she turned and smiled as she watched dhim run to her and blocked him with her left bkade as she swung left with her right blade going at the midsection in a horizontal fashion"you strike well "she commented as they circled each other before blockimg him again and again before she smiled and inhaled. The air around them heated up and then she exhaled as fire went out at him, of course it was only there to scare and was perfectly harmless
Krayzen knew that Stardust was a master, and as a master, she was extremely powerful, and most certainly experienced when it came to using the force. Experienced masters however, could make mistakes; fortunately for him, this was one instance.

Firstly, she had blocked her lightsaber with her left blade when Krayzen's blade was just beginning to move from her right waist, to her left shoulder. This not only extended her left arm across her chest, it would trap her right arm) which held her other lightsaber. To put it simply, she would not be able to use it at all.

As she moved in a circular motion, just like he was, Krayzen's observant, experienced eyes was able to quickly determine a factor. The Anzat, his force sight activated, so an opportunity, and quickly moved in, prepared to attack. He grabbed his sonic pistol which was close to his right hand, and he sent sonic bolts at her lower torso(specifically in the kidney region.

Despite her experience, Krayzen's physical capabilities were also near the Anzati physical peak; furthermore, his usage of force sight, one of his most developed abilities, enhanced his reflexes, meaning that she would hopefully have difficulty with the attack. The sonic bolts were being sent as she gathered her force energies to use pyrokenesis, meaning that she would hopefully be concentrated using an ability like that.

"Thank you." he replied respectfully, but quickly.

The Anzat's attack hopefully would work, as he readied himself to use his lightsaber if necessary.
She had looked him in the eye as their blades locked together, she had only realized her mistake when the sonic bokts hit he rcausing her to stumble back and the fire to stop as she started feeling woozy....however she put it off and looked at him as she panted and held her side feeling a stabbing pain"a crack shot you know"she said as she stood up and then fell back down face first groaning...he had won be cunning force
[member="Krayzen Dratos"]
Due to the fact that she was knocked out(two seconds after the sonic bolts hit her), whatever counter she would think, or attempted she could do wouldn't be able to work. He had beaten an opponent, one that could be compared with that of could be compared to Jedi, and Sith Masters.

As she lied there, on the floor, he could feel the things that Anzats used to drain people of their energy coming out of his nose. He looked at her, and he could feel the energy that she had, the power that she had. As he felt his proboscices extend in an attempt to feed on the young Togruta Rogue Master, the Anzat at the last moment stopped himself. Despite his arrogant behavior, this had been a friendly match, and his strategic mind knew that the Sith would need their ally in the incoming war against the Republic.

Several Hours Later
Several hours had past, and Stardust would be beginning to wake up, the Anzat having waited in the same spot he had been several hours ealier, keeping himself distracted through the usage of meditation. She most likely would have memory loss, but how that would affect her, he did not know.

As he spoke, his arrogant tone became more eminent, but he still maintained some respect, mostly due to her abilities. "You were a worthy opponent, but you lost the duel."

Krayzen would await her reply.
She coughed and rolled as she shook her head looking up at the ceiling"ugh force forbid I feel like poodoo"she said and sat up looking around before spotting kray and tilting her head

I was going good for me"sge said, she only remembered the events before she was shot by the sonic gun "
After hearing her speak, Krayzen quickly responded. "I've used many sonic pistols, but in my centuries of living, I can state that the Sil-50 sonic pistol is one of the most useful weapons that I have used. This weapon was designed to help a force user win a fight, and that's what I did on you. I used the sonic pistol to knock you out." he replied, a hint of arrogance coming out of his tone.

He had never beaten a master level force user before, but now that he had, his arrogance had increased immensely, and now he had something to show that he was a lethal opponent. Krayzen wondered what her reply would be, closely monitoring her in order to make sure that he was ready for any attack she made.
She rubbed her head listening to hin"I might need to buy that pistol"she said and sighed"now your getting arrogant "she said and stood wobbling" that'll be the death of you"she said and looked at him"you must push your arragonce to the side in battle

She said and smiled at him'othe rthen that I congrats you on outwitting me
"We shall see about that." he stated, continuing to smirk. Krayzen then looked at her, wondering how she was smiling. She had been defeated by someone that was of a lower ranking than her.

Now that he had won the duel, Krayzen left. "Thank you for the duel" he replied, as he walked away. As far as he was concerned, he didn't have anything to do here.

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