Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Empire of Walking Monkeys

’An Empire of Walking Monkeys…’ that’s how Jake viewed the vastness of the Empire known as One Sith. For weeks he had been visiting world’s surrounding

One Sith territory. Scanning for any potential artifact or a trace of his Masters lineage without actually entering the vast area of the galaxy that was consumed by darkness; a darkness that called to him. For weeks he had fought the urge, the desire, the absolute need to enter of territory that even his smuggling crew refused. Had it not been for a trick Jake played with their navigation then they wouldn’t have landed him on the heart of One Sith territory; Coruscant.

They bolted back to Honoghr the moment Daniels was dropped off. Why wouldn’t they have gotten away safely? A small time ship that made a quick stop over? They had no illegal contraband; no stolen artifacts or text (much to Jakes chagrin), no weapons, just basic supplies. Security personnel simply waved the ship off the moment Daniels exited it. Here he stood, in a line of people attempting to exit a spaceport. Up ahead however was a security checkpoint. Baggage and identification checks. That was going to be a problem. Jake had no identification.

Glancing around he couldn’t help but take in the sight of Coruscant. The last time he had stepped foot on the planet it had been just weeks before the Plague spread. Back home he could do nothing but watch as the infected panicked and died. Doctors, military personell, Senators, everyone had no idea as to what to do. The galaxy was on borrowed time. Buildings had burned due to riots. Ships crashed. People panicked. Yet to stand here and see that the City Planet was nothing like he remembered. The man could only internally rationalize that centuries had passed, not the two months since he woke. To Jake, his mind was still in the frantic survival mode from the Plague outbreak; the desire to save those he loved. That’s why he was here.

”Move it along.” A Guard nudged Daniels on the back of his shoulder gently.

Snapping from his foggy memories, the man continued on the line. His cane firmly in hand, a limp ever present in his step. One after another, each person had either an i.d. present or a pupil scanned. Their bag was checked. They then were permitted to leave. The Fallen Knight gave the area an immediate once over. The One Sith didn’t play games. For a bunch of walking monkey’s they knew how to show a good flex of muscle. As Daniels neared the checkpoint he came face to face with a guard.

“Identification.” The Guard ordered. He stood slightly taller than Jake. Clad in armor that was completely unrecognizable to the man, Daniels eyed the weapon on his side. A pistol of some degree. The armor itself was thick but fitting. Plates covered the strategic portions of his body; torso, thighs, waist, shins, and head. Ah yes, the head. A black visor matching the helmet allowed Daniels a moment to stare at himself; his reflection revealing the disheveled, unshaven, unkept man.

’I’m getting closer. The pull, the tug, it’s stronger,’ Daniels thought. Even though he had finally relented and came to a place he so desperately wanted to avoid; the oath he had given his Master, the pledge to look after her family, was still deeply rooted into his psyche. Whether bound by the will of the force itself or driven by something or someone different altogether, Daniels knew that he would find that lineage within the confines of the One Sith. He would find his Masters lineage and together they would awaken the dead.

’They’re watching you. Watching. Be careful. You can’t trust them. Remember the failure of the last group of Sith that claimed an Empire? You need to do this. You shouldn’t do this.’ Thought after thought wrought his mind into a numbing fog. Even the force itself, the vastness of darkness that Daniels hadn’t felt in such a long time was weighing down on the fragile human. What was worse was that his own connection to the force seemed to pulsate; seemed to act like a light house. Bright impact. Dim impact. Bright again. Dim once more. If anyone with any inkling in the force were close, they’d had felt the mans presence. He simply couldn’t control his imprint on the force; not anymore. On top of all of this was his mind which continued it’s own unstable taunts, ’They’re going to kill you…’

“I need to see your identification.” The Guard stated.

Daniels said not a word as he glanced around once more. This time attention was being drawn. A second guard neared the first on the other side of the table, while a third turned his position and kept watch over the scene. The walking monkeys were quick to spot potential trouble. He had to give them that.

“Sir?” The Guard said.

“Apologies,” Daniels finally said. “I don’t seem to have any.”

The Guard lifted a retinal scanner towards Jakes face. The bright blue light took only a second to perform its task. The moment the Guard got a reading he showed it to the second behind him. In response the second pressed a button on the side of his helmet and turned away. Daniels curiosity was peaked. He obviously didn’t appear in their registry.

”I need to see your bag.” The Guard ordered. The third Guard suddenly motioned for those that had been in line behind Jake to find a different avenue though the security checkpoint. He took up a position just a few feet from the Fallen Knight.

Jake’s icy blue eyes gave the guard a once over before setting his messenger bag on the counter. There were only five items in the bag. Each was pulled out and placed on the table in sight of everyone. The first was a notepad with various scribbles or random words, planets, and doodles. The second was a simple black writing pen. Nothing spectacular. The third was a pill bottle. The Guard held them up to Jake.

”Sleeping pills.” Jake replied.

The Guard glanced at the name, ”Your name is Rania?”

Daniels shook his head, ”Friend. She gave them to me after the first night she and her two boyfriends drugged me. Kinda like being able to sleep now.”

The Guard put the half empty pill bottle down then pulled out the forth item, the same family photo, now framed, that Jake took with him everywhere. Then the fifth item came out, an aged lightsaber. That was what drew the response from the third Guard finally pulled his sidearm, as did the second behind the first. The first, the one whom held the lightsaber continued to give it a glance. He set it on the table.

”It doesn’t work.” Jake said to the second and third guards. Neither lowered their weapons.

The Guard before Jake drew the mans attention, ”What’s your name?”

”HAHAHAhahahaHAhaHAHAhahaha… how the mighty have fallen. They want to know my name,’ Daniels tapped his forehead with his cane, desperate to cease the taunting of his fragile mind, ’stop… Stop… SHUTUP!’ His body jerked as he fought control over himself. The pull on the force, the desperation to find a way to bring his family back, everything was becoming too much.

”My name is Gravis.” Jake said.

”Never heard of you. What are you, Jedi?” The Guard asked.

Daniels eyes turned from their icy blue to sun yellow, ”Do I look like a pacifist moron to you?”

The Second Guard spoke, ”Stay here. Word just came down. Someones coming to question him.”

’HAhahaHAHA…’ His mind once more taunted, ’someones in trouble… someones in trouble… guess these walking monkey’s aren’t going to just let someone dilly dally around their planet now are they.’

This time Jake smacked the side of his head to silence the thoughts. He was getting worse. He knew it. Umako and his crew knew it. Hopefully being back amongst the darkness; perhaps amongst a legion of dark walking monkeys, would bring some sort of stability to Jakes depleting mental capacity. For now though, he could do nothing but wait for whichever walking monkey was going to appear next.
Arabella was slowly making her way through the twists and turns of security on Coruscant this was not her favorite place to be but there were times that she needed to leave Atrisia to come to the Capital of the One Sith.

She heard the rising voices of the sentries and paused to watch the scene play out before her. Someone normal might have walked over and find out what was going on, she however took delight in watching the struggles of others this appeared to be someone new to Coruscant. A retina recognition did not seem to produce the reading the sentry wanted, oo interesting.

Oh drugs, not her weapon of choice.

Rania? Wife, Girlfriend, Prostitute? Who knows, keep for frame of reference.

Gravis? Bella had studied some of the older documents, and holocrons. That name felt vague, distant but she didn't know why.

The Sentry said someone was coming to question, not who...well she could easily be a who. She smiled maybe some of these skills she had been learning towards getting her Inquisitors title would come in handy.

She was dressed appropriately.

She closed her eyes allowing the force to come and wash over her, a gentle soft breath passed her lips. Bella's entire demeanor changed the noble of Atrisia was gone, now stood the Sith Knight, she turned walking with the slow predatory lope she had gained over the years of training she headed towards the Sentry all for effect all for the visual of what the Sentry would perceive.

"You're holding someone for questioning, show me" Her voice lacked any hint of care, only curiosity remained.

Bella was led to where [member="Jake Daniels"] stood, "Well well, who have we here.."

"He says his name is Gravis" the sentry piped up.

Turning her head slightly she stared into the face of the Sentry, "I'm done with you, go away" She turned back looking upon the troublemaker at the gate, "Gravis, so.." there was something about him that fluttered on the force, she arched a brow, "ever been to Coruscant before?"
’Isn’t she a bossy one.’ Daniel thought as he watched the woman appear and in no time dismiss the Guards gathered. The Fallen Knight didn’t need to completely reach out in the force, he knew point blank that she was dark; she was dangerous. She was dressed in a style of clothing that was completely foreign to Jake. Compared to his worn down blue jeans, green t-shirt, with coat, and muddy workboots, she was dressed to impress. All business compared to Jakes slovenly appearance.

He was asked if he’s even been to Coruscant before. Now that was a good question. When had the Sith taken over the once crown jewel of the Republic from Jakes era? How long had they dominated its people and the surrounding territory? So many questions. So little answers. This was also where Jake weighed his options. Insult the woman by not answering and he might have caused more trouble than needed. After all his body was failing him. His connection to the force was shot. His lightsaber didn’t work. He was completely out of his element and for a man that prided himself on always having the upper hand he now knew what his targets used to feel like.

”I was here just a few months ago.” The Fallen Knight replied. He gave the cityscape a quick glance, ”Though it seems there is new management in town. Have to say though, the population has bounced back pretty well given the last time I had seen it there was utter chaos. People dying left and right. The Republic freaking because it couldn’t save its own citizens.” That comment brought Jake back around to his absolute point of being on Coruscant to begin with. He was going to bring back those he couldn’t save.

”Which reminds me. I need to be taken to the nearest Sith Archives. I have urgent research.” The yellow of his eyes slowly returned to their icy blue, ”Please? Miss...?” Now that was a word Jake had very rarely used before; so rare in fact it used to be a joke amongst Sith if Jake actually knew how to speak it. Polite. Courteous. He couldn’t rock the boat. He had to get stronger. He had to get smarter. If that meant kissing the arse of various Walking Monkeys then so be it.

Witty fingers playing with the wedding band that still rested on his left ring finger Daniels knew he would find the people he sought; one way or another.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
She nodded and listened, a few months ago she arched a brow, it had been longer than a few months since the Sith had come to Coruscant, "yes new management" Curious, how long had it been for him, he was becoming a bit of a puzzle for her to solve. She stepped back letting her senses and the force tell her something about him, anything that she could pluck from the force. "many died on Coruscant, my father...and then netherworld took many others you may not have seen that" that took Muadie from her. She was alone, and this conversation just took a turn in a direction she didn't want to go. Reminders of her own loneliness, and the bouts of anger she had about them leaving her. Moving along.

She took a deep audible breath, control her mind whispered. "Your lucky day I just happen to be going there myself" She was looking for hints on Maudie something anything! But she didn't let that show either. He was definitely a force user, and he did not feel like a Jedi.

"I'm Arabella Darkhold, everyone calls me Bella. Does everyone call you Gravis or is that just the name you give when asked?" Might just as well get the pleasantries out of the way. Her eyes were drawn down by the movement of his fingers he was playing with the band on his finger, married.

She smiled. How ridiculous! She smiled! She and Maudie talked a million nights about it, even now her heart clenched at the thoughts but it never happened, and never would. Death claimed too many, and death was an enemy she found hard to defeat. She shut those emotions off, she too often lost it when she did, so best to tuck them back. Scream and cry later, time to be a Sith now not a whiny Jedi.

"Grab your bag, I'll take you with me" He wouldn't get passed some of the others without a known member of the order, she just became his ticket to wander around the archives.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
'Its a trick. She's lying.' Daniels mind began a new wave of taunting, 'Why would someone just so happen to be going to the same place I need to be. Come on we're smarter than this! Off her! Don't! Start a fight! Control yourself!' The man tapped his forehead with his cane to silence his unsteady psyche.

Quietly he collected his few possessions, placing the lightsaber in first, followed by the pen, notepad, and then the pill bottle. The man hesitated when he glanced at the family portrait. His finger tips slid over the faces of Cerusia, Romano, and Lysander. Realizing he was taking longer than he should have, Daniels placed the framed photo into his messenger bag. Slinging the bag across his torso, he glanced up at the woman whom had patiently waited.

Her name was Arabella Darkhold. A name as unfamiliar to Jake as was Coruscant now. She mentioned somethign called the netherworld; apparently some horrific event Jake had missed. How unfortunate; perhaps it would have been easier to get what he needed during that crisis. He did take a mental note however, 'Ask Umako about Netherworld.'

As Jake walked past the security checkpoint and with Arabella, he glanced back to see security personnel reopen his line instantly. The walking monkeys were efficient; he had to hand it to them. 'You never answered her question. Does everyone call you Gravis or is it just a name you give...? HAHAHAhahahaHAHAha... what a failure you've become. Went down in history as a nobody.' Jake smacked the center of his forehead this time; hard. The thoughts once more ceased.

"I was known as Darth Gravis, just Gravis now. I was a Knight to a Sith Empire that fell soon after the Plague hit. I was known as the Eternal Apprentice; loyal to one and only one within that Sith Empire." Jake hesitated before saying anything more. He wouldn't drop the name of his Master, not yet. What if his thoughts were right? What if he was being led into a trap. This was too risky but it was too late to head back. "Everything changed when the plague hit... I lost everything. I want it back." Daniels held back that he had been forced into stasis by his Master and his Wife; those closest to him. More importantly he hid, for now, what his intentions in the archives were. Then it hit him; this woman knew nothing about him yet she was just going to take him to the archives? Something was off. His nerves heightened as they walked; Jakes limp ever present.

"How did the Sith finally conquer Coruscant?" Jake asked.
[member="Arabella Darkhold"]​
Bella could see something about him something that swirled and dipped into darkness but what that was the question, the puzzle. She wasn't sure why she so willingly decided to just take him along, well that's not true she did. If anyone else had found him they would have thrown him in a cell until they could figure him out, she hated cells and wouldn't put someone in one. Then there was the whole buck the established rules agenda she had going on and some of the Lords around here would dress her down for such actions, bring it she thought.

She couldn't help but notice that he had a picture, ahh feth. Her heart sank at that moment he had family he missed that gentle sweep of his finger tips over their faces the only remaining connection he had to them. They were gone. She looked away how many times had she sat with the photo of her brother and father longing to hear their voices, or the pounding of their boots on the floor on long nights. She closed her eyes and once again blew out gently control, pushing the emotions down away, she couldn't melt down here.

She turned back. "Darth Gravis" did it ring any bells, any hints, she hated to tell him no. She decided to answer his question about Coruscant instead, it was not a favorite subject of hers but she could answer it with some ease.

"Coruscant, it is not the first time the Sith have been to Coruscant, the time before this they destroyed everything. The Jedi rebuilt, a few years back the Sith invaded, no mercy. And the Dark Lord had his voices and hands, and he took possession of a body. The Sith were invigorated the strongest they had ever been they took Coruscant." Bella looked around, "nice place to visit for information, don't live here"

They passed through the arches of the temple headed towards the archives, she stepped back to be more along side Gravis so that others would know they were together, not her dragging him along. That would draw attention that she didn't want.

"Arabella" A voice echoed she stopped, gradually turning, "Master Delfin" she kept her voice low, respectful. "Have you given up that foolish search for your father yet?" Bella shook her head no, "Arabella the body was brought to you, he is dead. Leave Hyogo and return to Coruscant and be instructed" Bella nodded to the man his deep set eyes, and raspy voice tended to unnerve her but lately all he did was make her angry. "I will once I know Hyogo is to be cared for" She stepped away, nodding, and then moving off making sure Gravis was with her. "nosey old man" she muttered under her breath.

They walked each a bit lost in their own thoughts she decided to break another rule, break one of good manners, "When you talked of the plague, did you mean you lost everything, or everyone?" This could be a bad move on her part but the picture and how gentle he was with it nagged at the back of her mind.

[member="Jake Daniels"]​
Gravis listened as she spoke of their conquest; taking the crown jewel that had once been the Republic. Yet, why take it and not all neighboring territories? Why not solidify its defense by snatching up Chandrila or the other planets? It seemed the Walking Monkeys had not learned from the past mistakes of prior Sith Empires. It seemed like the one he served, this empire of Walking Monkeys just wanted something because someone else had it and didn’t care about it once they got it. That was a pity really. This simply told Jake all he needed to know about the One Sith.

When they had entered the temple, Jake remained silent as Arabella spoke to some Sith Master. Honestly he didn’t care. They spoke of her fallen father, spoke of her needing to stay on Coruscant to learn, but then just as quickly the Sith insulted the Elder by muttering under her breath. Jake couldn’t judge that; he used to do it to. Unlike Arabella though, Daniels pushed aside fear of people hearing and openly challenged Sith Lords. He planned to do it again if needed. Perhaps Arabella would grow into such strength. Perhaps not. Jake frankly didn’t care.

His nonchalant attitude and focus on the task he had come to complete suddenly took a backseat when she asked about the Plague. The cocky, arrogant, and limping man glanced at her before memories of the chaos from those days washed back over him. She wanted to know if he lost everything, or everyone. ”Both.” Gravis replied.

This was where the man whom had gained a reputation for his mouth showed a bit of sass, ”When the plague hit, the Sith didn’t care. When it tore through the core worlds; no one thought it would hit the Empire. I, and a few like-minded, had a sense that this was different. When the plague spread out into the galaxy I did what I could. The Sith Empire folded in on itself. Many died. When it hit my home world I lost my family.” His voice trembled as the memories of his continued requests for medical aid on Honoghr were routinely denied, ”When the plague infected the Empire, hoarding began. Much like what we had witnessed in the core worlds, no one was immune to panic. Sith Lords. Sith Knights. Entire Armies went mad as they tried to figure out what to do. People hoarded food rations, water, medicines that we knew had no effect on the plague. It was complete madness. There were rumors that a few of the elites on the Council and their favorites were surviving by going into hiding. Many more died. My family fell during the height of the plague. There was nothing I could do. Not then. Now, however, things have changed. I have a new way of helping them and I intend to fully utilize it. If that means joining the biggest dog in the yard; One Sith, then so be it.”

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]​
She understood both it meant all he knew, and everyone he knew. She at least knew she still had family even if estranged from them perhaps that bit of knowledge had kept her sane but knowing or feeling that those she was closest too were gone that was hard to live with.

They approached the archives Bella nodded to the sentry who looked at her, and then looked to the man with her. If the guard had any inclination to stop them he quickly dismissed it.

She heard emotion in his voice the tremble it told her just how much all of the loss had affected him. She heard stories about the plague from Atrisians older than her father and Gravis was right the Empire became greedy keeping everything for itself. This was not unknown and it had left many families without heirs some it had ended completely. She did not think hard on that it was the past and she hoped that everyone had learned their lesson from it. Atrisia had, it developed more self sufficiency.

But now if the plague killed everyone did that mean he was immune for how was he here while all others were gone. Should she ask this question before entering? The great doors of the archive stood before them, "Knowledge earned and knowledge taken lay beyond these doors, I will stay with you until you are finished and then when you are finished I will escort you back to where you came in." She put her hand on the door ready to open it but her curiosity was killing her.

"Are you immune to the plague?" A nice way of asking how he survived she hoped.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
The emotion of sadness and grief began to vanish at her question. Arabella wanted to know if Gravis was immune to the Plague. That was a good question. If Jake was hinting at being from that era then how in the hell did he survive. "I am not immune. That was confirmed when the plague hit. That was recently reconfirmed." Daniels huffed in irritation. "When the plague hit and my family became infected my Master ordered me into Cyrosleep. I refused. I wasn't going to go to safety while my family suffered. I spent day and night with my men searching for a cure. It wasn't enough. My search. Their search. It all ended in nothing. My family died."

Jakes memories of his men's betrayal while his Master watched caused the yellow of his eyes to once more return; this time with a hint of orange, "Moments after I buried my family my men attacked. I was confused at first so as a mourning father I ravaged them. Their numbers were too great. Being my men meant they knew how to fight me. I was overwhelmed and knocked unconscious. When I woke I had been drugged to keep me passive. It was then that I learned my men had promised my wife to force my into cyrosleep after her and my sons deaths. That's how loyal they were to me. Risking life and limb to ensure that I survived. Even in death my wife fought to ensure my survival. In my life I will fight for theirs."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]​
Oooo he was from the time of the plague, how intriguing she thought. She was sorry that he lost his family she knew about loss not of a wife, but of a father. She imagined it was different when you're married to someone, cause Muadie was gone. Presumption was that Netherworld took him but that was assumption too, he'd come back if he wasn't right?

She cleared her thoughts but even as sadness wound through her emotions she saw his eyes change and that meant a shift in his force signature, his inner sith coming out longing to play she smiled she couldn't help it she liked to know that there was still fire in someone. So he wasn't laying down and taking it like some wimpy Jedi would and cry Oh woe to me my family is gone.

No, he wanted to do something about it.

His words showed anger towards them saving him yes she could understand that anger why save him, who was he to be saved? But such devotion from a woman, was she of the force as well. What besides love would drive her to have him saved to be awake now in a time of...well change.

Bella turned her head she could talk to the dead she would look for this woman but perhaps it had been too long and her voice too silent.

"How will you fight for theirs in this lifetime?" that Bella didn't understand, if they were gone, how do you fight for them, could fight in name in Being a bit naive on this she had to ask.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Daniels turned towards Arabella, "I plan to raise the dead." It was blunt. It was straightforward. It was too the point. "I plan to do what no Sith has actually done. I won't create clone bodies nor use objects with their essences. I will find the knowledge I need. I will find the lineage of my Masters family. Together we will rip into the force if we must and turn ash once more into flesh and blood."

They continued on their walk through the archives, "I need you to guide me to your oldest records. Specifically with regards to necromancy. What I plan to do isn't necromancy; I'm not making a bloody zombie." Daniels wasn't raising the recently deceased. Sith Necromancy had too many flaws in it. It often turned those whom came back into puppets of the person that raised them. Jake didn't want that. He wanted his true family back.

"I only need access to archives with regards to necromancy so I know what not to do. I will also need access to the Archives regarding spells relating to elongation of life and restoration of life." It was a vague request. Sith had thousands of archives from his time period; perhaps the One Sith had more? Jake just needed to study. He needed to ensure he fully understood the potential spells before asking a descendant of his Master to perform it. It was like being back in bloody high school again.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]​
[member="Jake Daniels"]​
Raise the dead. This was not a passing remark this was made by a man on a mission it was his intent. "What you seek to do is...difficult. Would it be easier to try and find one of the Netherworld openings walk through it face what is within find them and bring them out?" She knew that somewhere in Chiss space it was rumored that after the death of Akala this one doorway remained open.

Perhaps this was something they needed to look into, but she would take him to the sections he wished just in case she had misunderstood what had been relayed to her. She looked about, "This way" She would take him to the oldest section of the archives where all the sith magic, rune magic, sith spells and lessons on alchemy were recorded. She continued to think about his words, "What you seek to do will come at great cost Gravis no one no matter how powerful can possible raise the dead without it taking some part of their soul if not their life" Would it not be throwing away their gift of life to him if he died to bring them back, or was it in his mind equal he would die for them to live.

She moved silently through the tall columns until they came to another door a door without handles a door which seemed seamless one that required to speak the words, "Anga nu zodis" she whispered. Slowly the door moved the split in the doors opened allowing them entrance here among the ancient scrolls Gravis would find what he sought. "Do you know who taught this knowledge?"

The room vibrated with darkness it permeated everything in the room it soothed Bella's mind and filled her with energy. Dark energy that lusted for everything around it, as it bid them seek the knowledge they wanted.

Translation: Open I say
Jake wasn’t a child. He wasn’t a complete fool. He knew the dangers of what he sought. The brilliance in it? He was willing to pay the largest sacrifice he could; his own life. Since awakening from a four hundred year slumber the man had been hell bent on bringing back his family. He also had no illusion about the consequences. Sith spells, especially one that he sought, would require something to bind it. Something cannot come from nothing. Jake just can’t say a few words and then have ash turn back into flesh and blood. He would need to give something. He would give himself. The difference was that Jake was prepared to do it. Unlike every other Sith in the galaxy, self-preservation had never and would never be his primary instinct. His only instinct? His primal one? Bring his God damn family back.

“No I don’t.” Jake said in response to the question about if he knew who taught the magic. Jakes game plan was simple. Collect as much info as he could, find his Masters lineage then let them do the leg work. Daniels was already going to do the hard part; he was going to inevitably die from this.

It was something else she mentioned. Twice now the word Netherworld has escaped her lips. Twice now she referenced some other event that happened in Jakes slumber. It seemed opportune to ask about it. He tapped his forehead with his cane as he could feel his mind wanting to taunt him some more. He needed to keep his whits about him: at least for now. “What in the baboons bright red arse is the Netherworld you keep talking about and why do you think it can help me bring my family back?”

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]​
[member="Jake Daniels"]
"Such colorful words for such an old man, I'd think you'd have something more descriptive wording then mentioning a red baboons arse..." Bella shook her head, "So while you were sleeping about 7 years about there was an event brought on by the great beast Akala, she opened the veils between the lands of the living and the lands of the dead. Within a flash millions of people across the galaxy blinked out from the land of the living and went into the lands of the dead, into the Netherworld."

Bella walked between a desk and the shelves, "Dead crossed over and came back to the living, many were trapped in the land of the Dead and have never come out. On Csilla there is a doorway to go through to the land of the dead, and through hardship and other unknown dangers one can bring the loved ones out. It's a bloody fight, but that shouldn't bother you I think you'd like to fight get all that anger going and work to your advantage. These archives, they hold ways yes..either way you could die, either way, you could bring them back"

Bella pulled a holocron that she was looking for the Coruscant battle archives. She looked at Gravis, "So how's that baboon's arse doing now?"
'HahaHAHAHAhaha...' Daniels mind once more taunted him with laughter. The man gently rubbed the bridge of his tone as he tried his best to keep his composure. Jake goes into cryosleep for over four centuries and the galaxy discovers another dimension? Someone managed to blend the realities of the living and the dead?

"The baboons red arse didn't tell me anything useful." Daniels spat. "My family didn't get sucked into another plane of existence. They didn't go 'poof'. I watched, in agony, as a disease ravaged their bodies. I was the one that dug their graves. I was the one that lowered their caskets. I know exactly where they are. Now it does seem like the galaxy had itself bent over a table and ravaged like a horny man in a proctologists office but that doesn't help me at all. Not one damn bit."

Yet Jake was angry. He could barely control it anymore. "I think I'll just continue on my own. If something a bit more realistic to my needs comes to yours or any other Walking Monkey's head, then do come tell me. Otherwise keep the useless nature of "other planes, realities, or whatever" to yourself. They don't help me. Not one god-damn bit."

With that Gravis limped away to begin his search. He had research to do.
[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
"No. You don't get it. No matter how someone died they are alive in the Netherworld and can be brought out." you just have to fight your arse off to do it.

Yes she had to admit it it did sound fantastical and to some ridiculous but it did happen and it was possible. She held the datacron she wanted, "you don't get to just wander" Guy had more attitude than anyone she had met. Even more than Cam.

Shaking her head she followed him. Good grief. Touchy too.

"I get it you've suffered a great deal. Loss of everything. But you know you aren't the only one in the galaxy to do so. You just happen to be someone who might just know a way to bring an back. "

Had he thought about whether they would be the same. Death. Did things go the mind changed them. She had heard the rational become irrational. She had a feeling he didn't care. His goal was to restore what he had. Blinded by love and loss, grasping at anything that would change it to heal the anger and hurt he felt over it.

But this knowledge he had to learn. Her telling him right now not inviting a good reaction

[member="Jake Daniels"]
“I will be quite frank before we drop this completely. I can assure you, whatever this galaxy suffered from? It wasn’t enough. I’ll even go one step further and openly state here and now that I would watch and do nothing as a trillion people burned alive if it meant I could bring back my family. No one in this galaxy has gone through what I am now. No one else from my understanding has woken up centuries in the damn future with a mind that still tries to reason it’s in the past.” Gravis growled.

The Knight sat at a desk with what appeared to be a holoterminal. Activating the technological wonder, the man began playing around with its various screens. He first input a single command, ‘Resurrection’. What popped up was hundreds of different articles about the concept and beliefs of various Sith when it came to resurrection in itself.

“You know the problem with Sith?” Jake asked. “They never broaden their horizons.” His fingers slammed into the various keys as he went from one article and to the next. “Take this one for example. This article right here talks about the creation of a clone body and using the remnants of essence from a holocron to act as the vessels new ‘soul’. But that’s flawed. Its not complete. Its not the same person. I want the same people.”

Yet wasn’t there still lessons to be learned from this information? Daniels couldn’t just dismiss it. What if he could perfect it? What if the spell used on a cloned body could be altered to incorporate ash? But what would be the binding agent for a life essence? The man placed a thumb over his lips as he leaned back into the chair.

“Regardless of how stupid the concept of a netherworld i, as anyone with half a brain knows when you die you join the force, where do Sith these days believe a persons life essence goes upon death?” Gravis asked

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]​
[member="Jake Daniels"]

He had a point she had never met anyone that woke up after centuries but she knew someone who lived centuries and watched family die, watched the galaxy change, she knew how much it changed him. That one person however took another road, he decided to withdraw from life, live in solitude until someone showed him the galaxy was not all that he believed it had grown into.

She looked at Gravis again, she saw his first search resurrection. Resurrection bringing the dead back to life. A soul that is current and ongoing could be resurrected, but into what? How do you restore the body? Unless he had the bodies in cryo like he was, she didn't dare ask, not yet.

Bella sat down next to him, not touching but close enough that he would hear her speak in a softer tone. "They did not join the force Akala was a creature of the force, in great pain over, losing her lover. It seemed there were places of in-between this world and the next. Before they could go to be part of the force, and yes it may sound stupid but all things should be considered for what you want. There is always some truth to all things that sound impossible, and stupid." She looked at the holocron she held in her hand. She did possess his anger for she did not believe her father dead, or face anything that said it is hopeless. No matter how many of the Sith Lords looked at her and told her to return to training.

She knew one thing they both wanted to find their families and restore them. Wherever it took her, and to whatever path she needed. This much she could relate to.

She had a feeling in time her path was going to change.

"How many people would believe you lived in the time of plague in cryo unit to be opened how many centuries later? How many people know Atrisians live for centuries. If you do not find anything here, his library on Atrisia may contain something that will help.

"There's a lot of material in here, I'll help you look, tell me what else you have in mind to search" She would cut him some slack, and stop being such a one track mind. For a time she'd forget her own problems, and offer help.

Not very sith like.
Jake tapped at his forehead. The frustration was getting to him. He had found the one Sith. He had completed one part of his objective. Now he needed to do what he did best. Learn. Jake listened to what Arabella said. Something about some library on some distant world. Unfortunately Jake cared little for what some Atrisian potentially had. He'd never heard of them. He didn't care about them. The man would rely on what he knew best; the Dark Side. All he needed was the research; nothing more.

"I do not think I need your assistance anymore." Jake said while glancing at Arabelle, "You've been kind enough to show me here. I'll do my own homework from this point on. Family business and such. I do hope you understand but this is just something I will need to do on my own. Trial and error. Thank you for your help again. Good day."

Just as coldly as he said that statement, the man returned his gaze towards the screen.


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