Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Awaited Return

Ra had changed since last seeing her old friend Flinx. However word had reached her that whatever issues he had the last time had been repaired. His lost connection to the Force and abilities had been mended. She didn't have the ability to heal him, but another of her friend's did.

Adron had taken in her friend and she owed him for that. His ability, methods or whatever he had done to fix her friend and she owed him more for it. In time Ra would repay her debt somehow.

Unsure if Flinx knew where her home was, she sent him a message when word got to her of his recovery and release. Along with the message, a man came to pick her friend up since he had lost all his possessions. She had a few surprises for him when he arrived.

The man would introduce himself as Iza and wait to see if Flinx needed to gather any belongings before leading him back to the ship he had arrived in.

Their arrival on Vjun was anticipated and Ra waited in the library for her friend to return.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx whistled, and from all around, five different creatures came forth.

First a slim dark grey quadraped, it sat next to flinx like a faithful hound. This was a vornskr. Over the last few years Flinx had raised this vornskyr from a pup and as Flinx moved, the vornskr named Thanatos mimiced what he could, every head turn, every step, he copied.

From the sky swooped a reptilian bat luke figure. It landed on Flinx's back and tucked its wing claws into the folds of his robes. As twi the shyrak, peeked his head over Flinx's shoulder he pet the creatures head refering to him by name.

Shyly following behind the growing group, a snow white bird hops and plays around Thanatos's legs, Star, the snow feather bird seemed small and non-threatening, but should someone lock eyes with the bird they would fall down in fear.

Galloping at full speed to the ship was a jakobeast. Flinx saw this and held out a hand and said, "hault Jake, we are taking a trip." The jakobeast slows and sheepishly mewls as he nudges Flix's hand and trotted into the hold promply falling asleep.

Lastly unknown to anyone besides flinx, another creature, known only as Shadow, slips into the hold of the ship.

After the creatures are stored away flinx let the messenger take him to his old friend.
Iza was uncomfortable with all the creatures on his ship, but they seemed to behave and didn't cause any issues for him. He would just need to clean up after them and the messes they left behind. He was not a happy pilot during the flight. Doing his job though, he got Flinx to the castle and escorted him to the entrance. There the familiar old man of Vincent was waiting and lead him to the library where Ra waiting.

He wouldn't be able to see her physical change of body, but she wasn't sure if there was any change in her through the Force. Her nexu was curled up by the fire like she usually was and opened her eyes when the shuttle landed. This gave Ra a little bit of a surprise since the feline hadn't done that before. It soon became apparent what had caused the cat to even stir.

What sounded like a herd of animals came with Vincent and Flinx. Motioning to Ankhaara to settle down, the cat laid back down and watched through the with her gold eyes. The eyes that almost matched the color of Ra's.

When they got to the doors, Vincent asked Flinx if he wanted anything to eat or drink and if he said yes would return with what he requested. Leaving the man to walk into the room where Ra was waiting for him.

She smiled, even if he could see it. Hopefully, he would feel it through the Force how she felt at his return.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx marshaled his little group inside and made sure shadow made herself visible both in light and in the force. As he got to the library he let his old bond with his friend open up. He hoped she would remember that they shared one. He felt her darkside energies but wasnt phased by it. Ues she was sith, but as he had learned over the years, the darkside wasnt inherently evil. It is what you did with it that decided if you were evil or not.

He bade his friends to lie down and reminded them of the kittys presence. Thanatos was leary and so was Star but i told star to stay with jake just inside the library doors. Jake being as big as he was needed to stay away from all the artifacts.

Flinx made sure they took care of buisness before and after the flight so he didnt worry about any messes and Jake aways carried the food for all of them so they were well fed and they all found their own water, though i did remind them not to drink the rainwatter since it was acidic.

Flinx strode further into the library flanked by shadow and thanatos with twi holding onto his back. Ra would notice that it seemed that a bit of Flinx's force signature was in all his friends. They all seemed to be a part of him. He told Vincent that he didnt need anything bit that he might need to get some water put in a good location so that none of his friends would suprize anyone by drinking out of the refresher.

He sat cross legged on the floor by ra's chair and let their bond be wide open to her should she choose to reconnect to it. Shadow and thanatos lay around him and twi climbed into his lap. They all loved their master and friend and would protect him from anyone but knew by his calmness that everything was ok.
Water was brought for the creatures and a drink for Ra by Vincent who closed the door himself when he left. If she needed to reach him, Ra knew how and would let him know if anything further was needed. She watched as the various creatures settled themselves in and Ankhaara positioned herself so she could keep her eyes on all of them at the same time.

Luckily there were many rooms in the castle and each of them could be taken by his pets. Looking at her friend as he sat down on the floor, Ra shook her head slightly.

"You know there are chairs to sit in right? Also get up, it's been a while."

Standing up, walking over to him, Ra held a hand down to help him to his feet if he would accept it. If he did, then she would pull him a hug when he stood up.

"C'mon, fill me in one what's happened to you over the years. We lost contact and then suddenly you reappear."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx accepted the hand and hugged his friend and ally, she felt slightly different. He would smile and pet her hair. "You have changed old friend. Then again so have I. I see you noticed my partners in the force. While in training I slowly recovered my sight. After i could suffeciently see, your friend sent me on little missions to assess my usefulness to him. While out in the feild he noticed my connection and desire to be amongst the beasts on different planets so he sent me to the best natural force weilders known, the Night Sisters of Dathomir. They found my willingness to interact and be 'subservient' to their matriarchy intrigued them. They taught me of the living force and through a few painful rituals, strenthened my connection to the force and most of my abilities."
He stood up and returned her hug, giving her a very brief update on what had happened to him in the past years since they last saw each other. He commented on her change and while he may not see her nod, she just nodded at it.

"Yes, I had to change. Do you want to see what the new me looks like?"

If he wanted to, she would allow him to feel her hair, face and physical outline. She would then move over to sit in one of the two chairs that were near the fire.

"What are their names? Ankhaara you met, but she's still here and over by the fire."

It wasn't yet time to reveal all the surprises she had for him, but summoned Vincent. Whispering in his ear when he arrived, she sent him off with her request.

Within a couple minutes, a beeping sound would be heard and Flinx's old BB-3 unit came rolling into her library. Ra had made sure it was the same droid and not just another of its kind when she found him. Hoping he would like his old companion, she waited to see what his reaction would be.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx felt of her hair and judged its length. He traced her face, the shape of her nose, the shape and size of her lips. He finally planted a kiss on her forhead as he hugged her again. He moved with her to the fire and sat in the chair. He noted the tiger nearby and sent it a complement feeling.

He noted her summons and actually could start to make out the shapes of things in the room. Just the rough outline with a some detail. Like a holo turned negative.

He called all the animals around the chair and bade them to bow to both Ankhaara and Ra, each in turn.

Thanatos bows to the tigress and lets out a soft huff. "This is my fist. This is Thanatos, and he is a Vornskr. He has never left my side through all my trials."

The next is shadow who smirks a catlike grin and phaze out of and back into the vizible spectrum and also masking its force signerature. "This is Shadow, the Maalraas. She is an expert at camoflage. Only through our bond can I find her and bring her to heel. She can be wild and fierce but she would not ever do anything to harm her cub as she calls me."

Next is Twi who had made her way to the back of the high back chair. Even sightless as she was she tracked every movement through her keen hearing. "That thing up ther is Twi. She can use the force which is almost unheard of in the galaxy. She is my link to the entire hive mind of the Shyrack on Korriban."

He then motioned to the two opposites that flanked the chair outside of thanatos and shadow. "These two have been in seperable ever since I got them. The big guy is Jake the Jackobeast. He is a klutz at times but as far as force power goes, he is the most powerful. He has sent whole fighters flying just because he thought they were going to hurt me. And while Jake is physical with the force, Star the snow feather bird is psychological. If something threatens any of who she deems friends, she will become their worst nightmare. If she locks eyes with you she can see the fear in your heart and use the force to, at least to the source of the attack, become that fear."

As all of us turn to the door at once we hear a sound of a droid rolling up. A familiar beep sound pierces the silence as I jump up and with a shakey hand to the sound. As the droid rolls up I drop to my knees "bb is that you?" I hug the droid to me as I tell all my friends in a series of memories just who she is. I look up to Ra "Thank you, thank you so much."
He made no mention that her height, face or hair had changed, but it had been five years so maybe he had forgotten what she looked like. He introduced his creatures and she nodded to each of them. The only animal that wasn't comforted though he tried was Ankhaara. She didn't like these other animals around in her territory.

"I wonder what your bird would see in me."

Making it more as an idle comment, she was still curious as to what might be seen within her.

She watched the reaction of surprise and love come from Flinx for his little droid. Giving him a half smile, Ra nodded.

"You're welcome, Flinx. I am glad I could find him."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx sent the others to get to know bb and for bb to get to know them. Flinx sat and looked in Ankhaara's eyes, trying to open himself up to her. "Im sorry I brought these others into your territory. They know this is yours and I will move them to my territory when I can find it. Your master told me to come but didnt know about my friends so please dont blame her. If there is a price to pay, I will pay it myself. I hope you will accept us into your land, at least till we get our own."

Flinx stands up and puts his hand on Ra's face and notices a scar. He freezes, "Who hurt you. Tell me." His serious tone sparked an attitude change in his companions. All of them including bb with star perched on his dome, came around him and looked concerened.
The words spoken to Ankhaara were understood and accepted. While the cat still felt like her territory had been violated, she would accept the others while he stayed. Putting her head back down on her paws, she watched as his pets greeted the droid that made irritating beeping noises.

When Flinx returned to Ra's side, he went and touched her face again, this time he noticed the scar across her face and asked who had hurt her.

"Whoever it was used to live in this body. You see one of the skills I know is called Essence Transfer. Something very difficult to learn and master. If you judge wrong when your host body dies and you need to get a new one, you may actually die. You see, you need to fight the mind and soul of the person inside the host body. If you fail, then you die."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx pondered this. "I understand, and yet I feel as though this new look suits you. As to the skill, well i see you have put it to good use. I hope you are comfortable in this new body and arnt burning it out like the last one. Though I did like how you had that ball at the end." He called off his friends and asked bb if he could tone his beeping down around Ankhaara. "So I feel as though I have been talking this whole time of me and have been neglecting my host. What has happened with you the last few years other than the obvious."
He said he understood what she meant and that the new look suited her. She chuckled a little at his comment about the ball she wore at the end of her braid. However, he didn't understand why she needed to trade bodies.

"I am at home, my friend, there's no need for me to wear that ball here. My hair is long enough that I wear it braided when I go out. As for why the body swap, I didn't burn out my old one. It was killed in a surprise attack. This was one of the attackers. I killed the other."

Mentioning that they had only been talking him since he arrived wasn't entirely true since the conversation had been going both ways.

"Well, the Dominion fell. Luckily I was able to keep the castle and my planets. Which that might not be something you knew about."

It hadn't been easy for her, but she made do with what she had acquired and lived comfortably.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx chuckled, "well down to the matter at hand. As you noted the dominion is no more. So seeing as you are the highest person in my life right now i wish to pledge myself to you and put myself in your service. And seeing as Ive strayed a little more to the light than Im comfy with. I could use a little dark." He smiled and put his hand on hers.
Flinx chuckled, "well down to the matter at hand. As you noted the dominion is no more. So seeing as you are the highest person in my life right now I wish to pledge myself to you and put myself in your service. And seeing as Ive strayed a little more to the light than Im comfy with. I could use a little dark." He smiled then bows his head planning his next move.
Flinx knew what he wanted now. His life had no real purpose untill Ra came into it. Ever since that day when he pulled her from the broken down YT freighter. He looked at her and knelt down on one knee putting his fists, knuckles down against the floor. "Please teach me what you can. And let me protect you and your planets as your hand." Flinx bowed his head and awaited her answer.
The words and actions Flinx did surprised Ra greatly. She had gotten in her time a small circle of people the supported her, but none had gone as far he did in basically pledging himself to her.

He knelt in front of her and requested she train him. On top that he wanted to protect her and anything else she claimed.

Another thing he said was that he wasn't comfortable being as light as he ended up going. She didn't care about alignment though, but would do what she could to help her friend out.

Holding her hands down to help him up from his kneeling, Ra stood up as well. Looking at Flinx, she nodded and blinked her eyes. He may not see this and she knew, but it was her nature to do that.

"I accept your pledge, Flinx and will train you the best I can."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx hugged Ra close. He finally had a purpose in life, he was overjoyed. "Lady Ra you will never regret this, ill do my best to make you proud and to honor you as master and lady."

Flinx reached into his robe and pulled out two light sabers of similar make and design to his original pair but now each seemed to resonate with their owner. oddly enough everything about Flinx seemed to resonate in the force. It was as if someone was playing a cord on an instrument. Individually each of Flinx's companions had their own force signature, but all of them plus the sabers plus Flinx's own signature made for a power cord the likes the galaxy had never seen before.

"Lady Ra, I have so much I want to thank you for, but for now I would love some of your old home cooking, just like you used to make."

In all the excitement all of Flinxes companions had fallen asleep in the corner of the library. "Also I would like to know where ill be staying while I'm here so that I can get them settled. They are all well trained but I do have a promise to Ankhaara to keep."
Flinx hugged her and then sat back, taking his two new lightsabers out to show them to her. Through the Force she could sense they were connected to him far deeper than her own were.

"How is it your connection to the Force is stronger than mine?"

Tilting her head to the side, her now red hair fell in front of one of her eyes. Being at home, she didn't wear the garb he would be used to. Instead it was a peasant looking shirt and skirt. Her hair was down and the length now grown out to hang to her hips again.

Her eyes fell across the sleeping animals and she looked back at her friend.

"Where did you get all the animals, Flinx?"

She would show him around after they finished their conversation. When he had been here before she had done it then, but Ra doubted he remembered much from that time.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx got up and kinda looked sheepishly "With all due respect lady Ra, I would like to drop all this formality. By your attire I gather at home you prefer to be simple, like the old days. Can we get a bit more comfy?"

Flinx tries to shrug off the thick leather robes. She notices he favors his left side. As he shrugs it off you see black Sith tattoos over what looks like a deep set of large claw marks that start on his left shoulder and rakes across his back. He spreads his robes out in front of the fire. He sits down and pats the spot next to him and offers his hand to help her to sit.

"I want you to get comfortable because its going to take a while to relate the whole thing. For old time's sake."

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