Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amphibious Combat [Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Ploo]

Ploo was a few parsecs from Myrkr and it was a natural beauty. The terrain was mostly comprised of wet marshes and surrounding it was the dominance of the ocean. No mountains, hills, or any rough terrain. Just wet ground...and an ugly reptilian species called Fluggrians as this was their home planet.

But what could the Mandalorians possibly gain from this planet? It offered no resources that they could work; however, it was part of the ancient Mandalorian Road trade route which connected Mandalore to Corsin, and was key in constructing the now Hydian Highway.

Actually, they weren’t interested in any of that. They were here to crusade and conquer the planet through lethal force, and free reported slaves that were taken by the Fluggrians and slavers they worked with.

The style of combat they would use wasn’t used commonly, but they were trained and prepared for it. They had the technology to help them fight in the wet lands of Ploo. They were always ready.

1. Crusade throughout the marshes of Ploo and conquer the Fluggrians
2. Focus on freeing the enslaved and eliminate all slavers. Let no slaver escape.
3. Bring your own objective
If there was one thing Silas Mantis loathed more than anything, it was slavers. It didn't come from any sort of tragic incident in his past, he had no deep connection with any former slaves, no deeply personal reason other than he simply saw it was wrong. So it was with great pleasure that he stormed through these wetlands and began to carve a bloody swathe through those who thought themselves so mighty that they deserved to own others.

He would show them how weak they truly were.

Cutting his repulsor pack, Mantis landed square in the middle of a group of Fluggarian's, the stout beings turning slowly to face the towering Mandalorian, in either hand rested a tomahawk hungry for blood. An instant later, six others landed around him, the slavers shakily raising their weapons, fear rushing through them as they looked on the beskar clad killers.


Silas lunged forward, burying the edge deep in one of the Fluggarian's foreheads before it could so much as make a sound. The Tal'Rekr began their hunt. Blasters and screams rung out into the air but none of the latter belonged to any Mandalorian. Silas hacked into the neck of one slaver and then into the belly of another, tomahawks biting through flesh and bone like the fangs of a predator gnashing through prey.

One after another after another the slavers died, the few who managed to actually hit Silas only felt themselves consumed with terror when the blasts did nothing to the Mandalorian iron he clad himself in. Within moments the platform was empty of life save the Blood Wolves and the caged slaves whom the beskar clad warriors promptly freed.

It was going to be a good hunt, Silas could feel it in his bones.
Ploo was certainly an odd target for the Mandalorian Empire as it didn't offer anything in the way of usable resources. Well that was if you considered resources to just be materials used to make something else. What it did have was access to an old trade route and plenty of locals who would love the chance for freedom. In that regard it was valuable and why they were here. Teagan didn't like the idea of slavery and it seemed the Mandalorians agreed with that. For him it was more personal as he had been a slave in all but name for a while there back at home. Tyrants didn't treat their people like people after all but more as slaves that owned loyalty and work. So the chance to right that practice from a system was something he was willing to help see done.

Their objectives was two folded for this mission just like it had been on Khorm it seemed. They were suppose to take the planet and free the slaves. Teagan saw a chance to do both at once, but it was not something he could do alone. As the drop ships began to land all over the planet, he was on one of them. The place was mostly marshes and water. A tricky environment for the heavily armored Mandalorians to operate in. It was at times like this he was glad he opted out for light gear and had access to RID tech. He had their artificial gill system attached to his helmet so he didn't need to worry about falling under the water. The real problem though with going underwater was how could he move around quickly without wearing himself out. Thankfully RID had a solution to that too in the form of their diving suits, but they weren't much for protection. So he had removed the jet system from the back of it and rigged it up so he could attach it to his own armor. He was now a fully mobile combat engineer underwater! He still hoped he didn't have to do too much with it though....

As that thought crossed Teagan's mind, an anti-air defense system began to take shots at the drop ship he was in. It got rocked from side to side hard. Great. This ride was feeling just like the one at Khorm. An explosion went off on the other side of the hangar from him and a hole was suddenly there were none was before. A few people were sucked out by the pressure change, but the rest managed to hang on by activating their maglocks. Then another explosion went off near the cockpit and the whole ship began to plummet towards the ocean below. Why was he always dealing with crashing ships?! Doors were forced open and people began to bail out. Everyone else had some form of jet pack on them and could take to the air, but not Teagan. All he could do was wait for the ship to hit the water and then try to get out using his aquatic equipment.

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Silas Mantis"]
Caz checked her data pad, reading through the reports from Kaine. There were quite a few children that needed them. She checked her bag for her crystals and a few of her oils. She closed her eyes for a brief moment and called on her guides to help her with whatever they needed.

She was settled between a few of the children who were happily eating; probably the first nourishment they had had in a very long time. She quietly hovered her hands close to one of their backs, and could feel the vibration of energy between the child and her hand. She had laid out some crystals and a few of them played with them, admiring how they felt in their hands and their shiny exterior, but none the wiser that they were being healed.

She scanned the child for a few places of pain and finally felt that she was good. "How are you feeling little one?" The girl looked up at her and smiled. "Better, thank you. It was scary until you came to save us." Caz smiled at the child. "Would you like a hug?" The girl nodded and leaned into Caz for a hug. Caz held her for a little bit. "Nothing to worry about now, little one, we will make sure you are safe from now on. Now I need to go tend to your friends, but if you need me just ask one of the men. They will find me. My name is Caz." The girl nodded and took another cookie from the pile of food the soldiers had left them. "Thank you Momma Caz. I will be alright."

Caz moved through the rest of the children, quietly evaluating their injuries and healing them, talking to them and reassuring them that they were safe. She wondered if Kaine had a plan for them now? Where would they go? They clearly had no where to go or anyone responsible to take care of them. When she was finished, she searched out her husband. She found him talking to a group of his men. She waited until they were done and pulled him aside.

"Kaine, do you have plans for these children? We will be looking to reunite them with their families, correct? If they still have them? If they don't, we can't just let them go on their own. They are too young and need to be cared for."

[member="Kaine Australis"]
Water flooded into the dropship as it hit the surface of the ocean. Teagan was nearly knocked down as it whipped him around on impact, but thankfully he had forgotten to turn his maglocks off. On the first sign of the liquid tomb seeking to take him, he turned on his artificial gill and waited for the entire torrent to consume the metal corpse into the surreal depths. It felt strange for Teagan to know he was completely submerged like this and slowly sinking lower but not to be feeling the effects outside of being thrown around for awhile. He didn't need to hold his breath. He was completely dry. He didn't even feel cold. All that changed was the shifting and shimmering of light as it danced within the water. It reminded him of his near death and how strangely peaceful everything was with his acceptance of his fate.

The wreck was deep enough now that things around Teagan were stable again. He deactivated his maglocks and turned his pack on. He was propelled forward with a fast he was not familiar with underwater. It reminded him again of his near death experience when he got turned into a living projectile by an explosion he triggered. The scars of it on his back and would continue to be constant reminder that refused to be ignored of memories he would rather forget. What had gotten into him? He was thinking of Doldur and that Civil War which took his parents and nearly him as well. Soon enough he broke through the divide of water and sky. His artificial gill began making a sucking noise, so he turned it off along with the pack on his back. The scope on his helmet was flipped down and he began to look around himself. There was a city somewhere close by. That was were the dropship he was just on was headed. Now he just needed to find it....

It took a couple of minutes, but Teagan had found the city floating in the ocean. It seemed like a strange place to build a city to him, but marshes were not much better. Other planets had cities like this was well such as Kamino, or so he had heard and read. Planetary defenses continued to fire out at the approaching Mandalorians. A shield was even up over the city. This was a battle, an invasion. It felt different than the Civil War had. For one thing he was no longer the defender but the assailant in this conflict. The other was that both sides had proper equipment not just the one. He couldn't see a shimmer in the shield this time though like on Khorm, so there was no way he could surge that shield down. Even if he could those defenses would still be tearing through dropships. The defenses needed to be brought down or turned against their enemy somehow. That was what Teagan could do. Turning back on the pack, he began to be propelled at a high speed towards the city. His people needed those defenses dealt with and he was the one that was going to try to do it!

[member="Caz Australis"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
Caz listened to her husband, all of the sudden feeling much more at peace with the situation. She knew not to doubt Kaine. He might be a bit rough around the edges, but he had a big heart and would do anything for his clan.

"Yes, my love, I am." Caz had always wanted children, but was never able to have them herself. She and Kaine accepted the fact that they would never have biological children, but were always open to adopting.

"You know I would never turn my back on children that needed us, Kain'ika. I will start making plans for our return home. We will have to have rooms made up for them, and clothes and make sure the pantry is stocked for the extra mouths we are going to feed."

Caz smiled at the thought of having a full house of children to tend to. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Kain'ika. You've made me very happy."

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Trying to travel with just the pack was not working out so well for Teagan. His armor wasn't built to reduce the friction of moving through armor and he lacked any sort of fin or rudder to steer himself with. That meant he had to do everything in bursts to make sure he was heading in the right direction or else who knew where he would end up. His fuel supply for it was limited also and he didn't exactly want to end up stranded with the city only in sight. His armor wasn't as heavy as the suits being worn by other Mandalorians, but it didn't exactly float well either. Nope too much could go wrong that he needed to keep track of.

After taking far longer than he would have liked, Teagan's last burst from the pack on his back got him within easy swimming distance of a ladder. There was no going back now since he would still have to find some fuel to move quickly in the water and there was no real way out of the ocean but through a starship. All of which were either sinking to the bottom of the ocean or collected into the city due to the attack. His back was not liking the mixture of swimming and climbing up the ladder either so his issues were just pilling up on him. If not for the fact that Clan Raxis was choosing to support the new Mand'alor [member="Yasha Mantis"] after his alor adopted her then he would probably just be back at base fixing up something right now.... Okay maybe this was better than the boredom of fixing up another ship for the thousandth time.

Teagan was only half way up the ladder when his back began to be a real pain. Its screaming had slowed down his climb and he started talking to himself. " Great idea Teagan. Pick a jet pack to travel through the water instead of one to let you soar through the air. You could have landed and not worn out your back by now. Oh and you decided to go after the defense systems all by yourself. Smart move buddy. Clearly no one will shoot at you on your way to the control room. Not like it isn't the most well defended spot in the city. Just so clever." He sighed as he was nearly to the top of the ladder now. As he got to the top, he had to get himself sat down to rest. The sound of fighting was going on from deeper within the city and panicked people were running around without a direction. Also seemed some of the slaves were beginning to turn on their owners having heard this whole operation was about freeing them anyways. Things were certainly getting chaotic in a hurry.

[member="Caz Australis"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
The Tyrant dropped out of hyperspace and the admiral was regretfully late to the party on Ploo. The admiral's ship began to maneuver closer to the pocket carrier. "I want all bombers scrambled to await tasking by the boots on the ground." The admiral was ready to throw all his fire on the scum that was the slavers. "Open a channel to [member="Kaine Australis"] and any other warrior that is engaged or may require some slaver's days to be ruined." The comm officer nodded to the admiral and with that the admiral began his talk. "I offer my bombers and my cannons to anyone who needs them. If someone wants fire-support simply send your location and the ordinance will be en route soon." With that the channel was closed and the admiral stepped away from his holo-map and opened a channel to the other warriors in the ship.

"I want every available warrior to the gunships and transports. The ex-slaves will need protection and some form of supplies. I also want every ration we can muster to be loaded into the transports. Remember we are here as liberators so I want no incidents; however, if you find any slavers raise hell." The admiral closed the channel and began to walk toward the hangers so he could help with loading the supplies on the transports.
A twinge of worry pinged at Caz's heart as she watched her husband rush off. She always worried when he went off to fight. There was no quarantee that he would come back. She murmured a little prayer to her guides to keep him safe and then walked back to the group of children she was sitting with earlier.

"Hello loves, I have some good news. We are in the process of making sure everyone has a safe place to go home to, with us. How does that sound?"

The little one she had healed looked up at her with big eyes. "Thank you Momma Caz. I could go with you?" Caz settled on the floor next to her and put her arm around her. "You sure can cyar'ika." Caz planted a kiss on the little girls forehead and pulled out her data pad. She started sending information home to get the house and the grounds ready for their guests. She hoped that Kaine wouldn't be detained for long and they would travel together, but she also knew that wasn't a likely expectation and wanted to be prepared regardless.
The situation was certainly not improving much as Teagan rested his back. More explosions. More yelling. More screaming. More crying. This was a liberation operation, but it always struck him how violence was violence no matter the reasons or means. Battle would be battle and the living would react as the living always did. Was this why his alor tended towards neutrality and diplomacy? The man certainly wasn't a coward afraid to fight. He had fought most of his life after all, but that didn't mean he chose to fight above other options. Teagan really was beginning to wonder just what point the violence of late was really serving Mandalore. They would have to fix the damage they caused and they were already having issues fixing Mandalore let alone other systems. Was this really the best idea? Throwing resources like this to gain resources but having to throw more resources after the fighting to fix things enough to gain more resources. It felt like a waste of time and desperately needed resources to appease someone. He couldn't say who or whom it might be, but it was entirely the wrong focus right now.

A fluggrian wearing some kind of strange looking armor to go with their strange looks came around the corner carrying a case in one hand and a blaster pistol in the other. The two locked eyes then the hideous thing began to shoot at Teagan. Most of the shots missed, a couple shots glanced his helmet, but the last shot hit his left shoulder near his collarbone. He winced as the fluggrian began to fumble to replace the energy cell. His case hit the ground and they cursed in a mixture of basic and his native tongue. Teagan drew his own blaster pistol out of its holster and took aim, an action the alien never took. As the energy cell got popped into place for the fluggrian's pistol, a couple shots rushed out from the young engineer's. Both struck the creature in its torso although the clustering wasn't the best. The enemy fell to the ground limp and the pistol slide out of their hand.

A bit of a panic came over Teagan moments after the struggle was over. His vision blurred a bit and a ringing took over his ear. His breath quickened and a thousand thoughts rushed through his mind at once. A panic attack. It was not the first time he had taken a life, but he was still not use to the action. He wondered if he ever would be. Somehow his own blaster managed to stay in his hand as it took him what felt like an hour but was in reality a mere minute to settle himself. As his vision cleared, the ringing lessened, and his breathing stabilized, he holstered his pistol and slowly got himself up. His shoulder burned. It had just had plasma pierce it after all. He tried to move his left arm and found that while painful it was still perfectly fine. Lucky for him. Seemed the shot had somehow managed to barely miss anything vital or important right now.

Teagan walked over to the dead fluggrian. Their eyes had that glazed look of death about it. If only they had run instead of shot at Teagan then maybe the damage done to both could have been avoided. He turned his attention to the case next. It was made of reinforced durasteel and had a complex lock on it. Why would they need either of those things for a case? He picked it up, wincing at the pain in his left shoulder. The thought of heading back over to the crates crossed his mind, but this incident taught him that even on the edge it wasn't safe to be exposed even a bit. He looked around until he found an abandoned building. That would be safe enough he imagined. This case had to have something special and important in it for the fluggrian to be so panicked and in a hurry. Could just be full of credits too. Whatever mystery was inside of it it had to be a benefit to Mandalore.

[member="Caz Australis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Quoron Viszla"]

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Objective 2: Kill 'em all
Location : Floating slaver outpost, Ocean of Ploo IV


And with that insult shouted, one of the doors of the central dome opened, the dead form of a Fluggrian tossed through the doorway, slamming onto the ground with a thud and splat. Stepping through into the central dome, the hulking form of Deram Carid emerged, elaborate armor covered in all manner of fluids from the enemy. In one hand he held the retracted poleaxe of his clan, Baltan's Fury, using the weapon as more of a beating baton, than the large axe itself. Clearly with such a small and underwhelming foe, there wasn't really a need to go all out - at least not from what Deram had seen. From behind the Mandalorian with the large fur cloak, stepped several other members of Clan Carid; each wore armor, wielding various weapons, and moving in a clear tactical formation.

Looking over the decimation of the central dome, Deram shook his helmeted head. It was a good cause, freeing these slaves, but the slavers themselves were rodents. Numerous, small, and they absolutely stank when you split them open. Still, orders had been given and the domes had to be cleared of the vermin, even if the challenge was a little lacking thus far. Deram motioned for his clansmen to move, as the group walked toward another party of Mando'ade that wore very familiar colors. With a quick flick of face-plate, Deram's helmet retracted and revealed his t-visor as he called out to the others.

"Alor Kaine, you old vornskyr," Deram called, his voice clearly displaying his grin as he stomped over to his companion and fellow warrior. "You're not slowing down, are you? Copaani gaan?"

With a chuckle, the tall Mandalorian reached out and offered his gauntlet in a clasp of greeting. It felt like an age since the pair had had a chance to talk, even though the current situation likely wasn't the proper time anyway. Still, running into brothers-in-arms was always a welcome event, even if you were knee-deep in crushing small aliens for enslaving. Things in that department seemed to be going well, even as one of the Carid clansmen turned and shot a flanking Fluggrian, blasting the creature with a powerful shatter gun.

"We've cleared dome five," The Epicanthix said, motioning over his shoulder with a thumb. "Little hut'uuns haven't been putting up much of a fight over there. I think we caught them by surprise, they were set up to ambush from this direction... so we had a lot of flank to cut through, and it was damn fun."

Straightening, Deram inclined his helmet as he looked over the warriors with Kaine.

"Did you want us to reinforce? I have no problem following your order, ori'vod... anytime, any battle."

[member="Kaine Australis"]

Copaani gaan
? = Need a hand?
hut'uuns = cowards
ori'vod - brother

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Objective 2: Kill 'em all
Location : Floating slaver outpost, Ocean of Ploo IV

Deram gave a firm shake, before releasing Kaine's forearm and turning his attention back to the task at hand. With a motion of the hand, the warriors of clan Carid fell into position, merging with Kaine's own seamlessly. Despite the fact most of them were farmers, they were first and foremost verd, and Deram demanded excellence, just as his clansmen expected it in return. There were no proverbial free meals in this group, and Deram would be damned before letting his warriors grow stale and ineffective. Following the other Mandalorian, the tall Epicanthix discovered the same issues with scanning - or lack thereof - the door ahead, which presented a small problem... they'd have to breach.

This is the fun part.

Walking several meters back down the corridor, the tall warrior rolled his neck as he turned around, facing the blast doors. Grasping the poleaxe in two hands, Deram twisted the long handle, as the weapon unfolded and expanded, the mighty axe heads locking into place with a large ka-chunk of beskar. The other Mandalorians stepped to the outer edges of the hallway, hugging the walls - they didn't want to be in the way for what came next...

"Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur," Deram said, his face a smirk under his helmet. With a quick internal activation, the T-visor was covered by armor face-plates sliding down offer more protection. Looking to Kaine, Deram nodded. "Stay alive, vod, you owe me a drink!"

Without another word, Deram began running. Legs pumping, poleaxe waving side to side in strong arms, the warrior rapidly approached the double blast doors. And right when he was about to impact, within feet, a single hand cannon shot rang out, catching the lock mechanism perfectly - and with a whoosh, the doors opened, the hulking beskar'gam wearing fighter launching into the open area beyond with a war cry. He immediately saw a dozen enemies, including a weapons platform to one side of the room; it was manned, but clearly taken by surprise, which meant Deram only had a few moments before things kicked off, and the fight began!

"Heavy gun right," Deram shouted, as he continued left, holding his poleaxe horizontal as he crashed into a group of armed Fluggrians. He lifted the smaller aliens up, as they were impacted against the long weapon, hoisted into the air and flipped back over the warrior's head with a quick arm raise. "I got the left!"

And right behind, the other Mandalorians rushed in, weapons whining and lasers filling the area. Deram began slashing with his long axe, catching several enemies with single swings, cutting through their pathetic armor like it was flimsiplast. With a roar, the hulking Epicanthix rushed the next group of enemies...

[member="Kaine Australis"]

Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur
= Today is a good day for someone else to die
vod - brother

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Objective 2: Kill 'em all
Location : Floating slaver outpost, Ocean of Ploo IV

Deram was a silent killer. While boisterous and loud in usual mannerisms, when it came to battle he rarely spoke, save to call out tactics or alerts. Today was no different. As Deram moved through his side of the open room, he could only enjoy the power of the axe in his hand, as it chopped into meaty Fluggrians with barely any effort. It was heavy, but the cutting capability was incredible. The alien slavers retreated, a group falling back to evade the reach of the poleaxe, firing wildly as they moved with blasters. In quick pursuit, Deram sent the axe forward, reaching and using the full extension, to trip one of the aliens, as he stepped on its back and crushed the thing's spine - assuming it had one. Reaching out, Deram grabbed the closest Fluggrian by the flabby neck, twisting his wrist and hearing a satisfying crack, before throwing it to impact against two of its brethren.

From behind, the other Mandalorians were firing as well, cleaning up the enemies that slipped through the two Alor's collective grasp.

An explosion from the right sent a flailing alien past Deram, as it splatted against the nearby wall. Dodging the corpse, the warrior twisted the poleaxe handle, retracting the weapon into a three-foot long baton, with the round, spiked pommel now serving as a mace head. Holding the weapon in his right hand, Deram began swinging, cracking skulls, sending fluids and blood spattering. As he reached a mildly reinforced location, namely several furniture items piled up, with Fluggrians behind, the Mandalorian paused - and skidding along the ground came a vibro-weapon. Catching it with a stamp of his boot, Deram picked it up and grinned, glancing over to Kaine who was busy at work, clearing away the emplacement.

He's always been thorough, Deram thought to himself, as he gripped both weapons firmly.

A powerful kick sent a couch flailing, causing the Fluggrians who had been firing at the Mandalorians in the middle of the room, to blink in surprise at the sudden threat beside them. Four of the foul, little rodents, each armed with blasters. With another roar, Deram rushed the pack, swinging the baton, slicing with the vibroblade; they were no match, as blaster fire dissipated against the decorated beskar'gam, leaving numerous heated spots, but not penetrating. Overreaching, to hit one particularly ugly Fluggrian, Deram grunted as a blaster shot impacted with his armorweave on his left flank, catching him. Finishing the attack through, knocking the other alien down with a thud of mace, Deram flipped the vibroblade into the air, catching it again in a throwing grip - and promptly hurled it at the rodent that had shot him, catching it right between the beady eyes, to slump on the ground.

With a nod to himself, having reached a corridor entrance at the back end of the room, Deram glanced over to the others. They seemed fine, perhaps scratched up but otherwise functioning. Kaine looked like he had taken a harsh blast to the gut, which was never fun. Still, all in all, a full room of enemies down and only minimal injury. Sudden thumps from the corridor caught Deram's attention, as he looked around the corner - and saw a dozen or so Fluggrians approaching quickly, fat stomachs bouncing with each step. They were all armed. One caught sight of the helmeted head peeking, and fired off several shots on the move, sending them wide and missing.

Deram pulled back, watched the lasers sail by harmlessly, before he jumped around the corner and waved the baton angrily - the Fluggrians all aimed blasters, to which the tall warrior stepped back, pretended he was intimidated, and moved back around the corner toward his fellow Mandalorians; and at the same time, pointed to Kaine, two fingers to his eyes, two flashes of five digits, and a thumb to the corridor. The message was simple: sighted, ten, corridor. Seemingly having fallen for Deram's exaggerated retreat, the Fluggrians cried a war cry of their own, rushing toward a particularly nasty surprise at the end of the hallway...

"Bring out the welcome mat, Kaine..."

[member="Kaine Australis"]

- brother
The inside of the abandoned building still looked like it was being lived in. It probably was until not long ago. It seemed to be some kind of business, but he couldn't make out exactly what kind. All he knew was there was a com system and holopad behind a reception desk, chairs or sofas or benches not exactly built for humans in a lounge area, and a door leading into the rest of the building. There was mostly glass everywhere around the lobby area and the way in. It was too exposed for Teagan's liking visibly. He was no tactician, but from his experience just now if someone caught sight of him they were shoot first and find out what he was doing second. So he needed to press further inside.

What Teagan found further in was an office. It might have belonged to the owner or to just a manager or even an HR person. All that mattered to him right now was that it was empty, closed in with no windows, and had a couch that he could actually fit on. So that was what he did. He set the case he had picked up off of that fluggrian on top of the desk then flopped down onto the couch. His left shoulder burned and hurt still as his back ached. Barely into the battle and he was already in rough shape. Wonderful start of things here. He pulled his helmet off of his head and set it down on the floor near the couch. The chatter over the com system was giving him a headache. His fellow Mandalorians were being very chatty about how things were going. For the most part it seemed to be going their way, but it was always so hard to tell in the middle of things like this. There was a more pressing issue for him right now that needed to be addressed before he got back on his mission.

Pulling a bacta needle out of his pouch, Teagan mentally got ready for finding the wound. Seemed the shot missed his plates and went right through the armorweave. Bad luck on his part for getting shot but good luck on giving himself a shot. He pulled the cap off and then positioned the needle. If it had gone through the plate instead he would need to remove everything above his waist to get to a good spot to stick himself. Thankfully he didn't need to go that far and pressed the needle in. That prick was quickly followed by the sensation of something moving under his skin then an extremely itchy feeling. It was something too familiar for him lately to be feeling. How many wounds was he piling up now from the fighting? He had one in his leg from Khorm and now this one in his shoulder when it healed up from Ploo. People said women found scars sexy, but that was only true for muscular men like his alor not lean guys like him.

Teagan dropped the empty needle to the floor. He was already feeling fatigued after the crash into the water, the constant need to be on top of traveling through the water, climbing a long ladder, and then getting shot. It made sense honestly why he would be. It was not easy being this active with a back like his. It was not easy being this active even for someone in shape without a disability. Why did he keep throwing himself into these dangers like this? Was he still seeking death like he did before on Doldur after his parents died? These thoughts weighed on his mind as everything just seemed to slip into darkness. Sleep fell upon the young man's eyes inside of the office.

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Objective 2: Kill 'em all
Location : Floating slaver outpost, Ocean of Ploo IV

The plan went well, executed with precision. And while cutting down a group of enemies with a heavy autocannon wasn't exactly challenging, sometimes it was logical to use what you had on hand. Besides, it wasn't as though the Mandalorians were battling against seasoned Jedi or Sith on this mission, with the Fluggrians proving little more than small obstacles to be squashed under boot on the way to ridding their presence from the dome. The thought of a challenge brought Deram back to some of the battles of the past, and a smile crossed his face within the helmet as he drifted. But Kaine's words, followed by the update from the other warrior, brought the tall Epicanthix back to the moment.

The doorway at the end of the hallway exploded, causing Deram to whistle.

"Where do I get one of those?" He said with a chuckle as he began moving toward the final dome. The helmeted head glanced to Kaine. "And you're through the door first this time, vod..."

Keeping pace, poleaxe in both hands, Deram followed the other Mandalorian's lead...

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Teagan Stoirm"]

- brother
Location : Floating Slaver Outpost - Ocean of Ploo IV
Objective : You can take our lives, but you can never take our Plooooo!

Shia descended from the heavens like a proverbial valkyrie, darksaber in one hand, the hand-cannon in the other. From this angle she wasn't worried about the fire inside the dome, but the AA-gunners decided that she and her Stryx were a tempting target. Her personal shield howled under the anti-air fire, then with a rush of wind she was down on the broken top of the dome.

There were a few guards left up here, one of them took a shot at her - it was as much to her surprise as his when she parried the blow, she could win a close-combat duel, but as a non-force user she couldn't see the future, then she sprung across the distance and severed his head from his shoulders, snapping off a wrist-rocket towards a group of Fluggrians in the dome below. One of the open-air AA emplacements detonated with a rather statisfying whump.

"Idiots." She muttered. Who stored their ammo open to fire from above? She crouched on the edge of the platform and sheathed the darksaber, smoothly drawing the length of her shattergun from her back and shouldering it. Target markers began to populate her buy'ce display.

No wind. Elevation adjustment. The gun fired with little more than the muted sound of the mechanism cycling, and one of the Fluggrians manning the DEMP gun flew backwards and to the ground. She could pin them, but she didn't have the firepower to take that position while the AA fire was still aimed upwards.

Deram Carid Teagan Stoirm Yasha Mantis [member="Kaine Australis"]
Shadows cast down to the surface. The shadows broke into smaller segments, as a rush of bes’uliik flowed from the reserve ships in Ploo’s orbit.

One bes’uliik soared down to [member="Kaine Australis"]’ position, engines screaming in a canine-like growling roar. A half dozen bes’uliik bared down, breaking off the group to chase down the leader like a spearhead.

The roar continued, a mesh of bes’uliik and the roar of its’ rider. Arcing blue lightning coursed from the rider, who held aloft the massive Wolfhammer. The lightning slammed into the DEMP gun.

Mand’alor the Hell Wolf descended to Ploo with the verve and decadence of an angry banshee after the wrongfully alive.

[member="Shia Kryze"] had a faster point position, it gave Yasha the chance to rush through the Fluggrian line.

Yasha Mantis’ and her bes’uliik’s roar broke the concentration of the Fluggians attacking Kaine Australis’ position. The young woman launched off her war droid, free-falling the last twenty feet, hammer swinging at the DEMP gun. The bes’uliik’s forward cannons burst upon the Fluggrian position, frontal ‘claws’ tearing at the upper mezzanine.

Yasha’s hammer crumpled the side of the enemy weapon. She wrenched it loose two-handed, and smashed the DEMP gun to pieces, then ran off the end of the second level to land both feet solid on the ground beside [member="Kaine Australis"]’ position.

“Australis. Lost you on comms. Report!”

[member="Deram Carid"] [member="Teagan Stoirm"]
A drop of crimson into azure glass. Ripples of purple coursed through clear. Silence roared about. It screamed and bellowed and shouted. A cloud of smoke ringed in red. Blue circles around gray dots. It was raining. Everything was dry. Something was off, but Teagan couldn't place it. What was it? He felt this way for a reason. His shoulder hurt. Why? Something had happened. What was it? Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang....

A loud noise woke up Teagan. Explosions and shots were going off not too far away. Well not as far off as they had been when he fell asleep. How long had he been out for? He tried to get up off the couch, but his back was making that task difficult. His should throbbed as well and his energy was just not there in his limbs. Clearly it had not been that long. With some effort and a grunt, he got himself up into a seated position. The task took too much out of him. This was just a bad idea Teagan. You need to stop signing up for these kinds of things and stick to repairing ships from now on. Sure it was boring but at least he didn't get shot.

After sitting there for a few minutes, Teagan got himself off of the couch. He picked up his helmet off of the floor and slide it back onto his head. Over the coms there was a lot of chatter about the Mand'alor, [member="Yasha Mantis"] , and [member="Shia Kryze"] showing up ground side. Where they suppose to be here? He should have paid more attention on the way here, but he was so busy fixing some jetpacks for people. The things worked and saved lives so maybe it wasn't all that bad. If the important people were here now though then he really needed to get himself back on task. He needed to get those planetary defenses down somehow so the fluggrians either had to surrender or be opened up to the full force of the Mandalorians. Yeah that was what he needed to do now, and he wasn't going to get it done from here.

As Teagan went to leave, he remembered the case he had picked up earlier. It was an impulse at the time thinking it could be important. It was just shiny though. Why did he think it would be important if it was shiny? That was stupid. He was stupid for picking it up. So he went to leave the office, but he stopped himself at the door. He couldn't just leave the case. He got shot over the case. As foolish and stupid and moronic and every other word to describe him right now as it was, he had to know what was enough for him to be shot and the fluggrian to end up dead over the contents of it. It was going to be credits. He knew it. He just knew it. So he turned back around and walked over to the case. It had a really good lock on it, so he had two choices now. He could take the time to slice into it, which could take him a bit to do. Or he could pull out his new plasma torch and bust the thing open. Well he had a hole in his shoulder so it was only fair the case get a hole in it too. He pulled out his torch and got to work breaking the case open.

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Deram Carid"]

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Objective 2: Kill 'em all
Location : Floating slaver outpost, Ocean of Ploo IV

Running behind Kaine, intent on keeping pace, the tall Mandalorian paused momentarily as he looked up through the exploded doorway. He caught sight of the weapon above, and was about to call a warning, but it was too late - and Deram watched as Kaine took a solid hit, knocking his systems out in the process. Cursing, Deram heard the shout of warning, and knew he had to take care of it; leaving a DEMP firing on them would make things far more complicated, even though that was kind of what the warriors wanted... still, right now, things were going well and they were pushing on with the mission, which meant pride had to take a side seat.

"On it, vod!" Deram called, helmet modulating his voice mildly, as he burst into the room swinging his poleaxe. "Cover as you can!"

Knowing he only had several moments, Deram smashed his weapon into several nearby Fluggrians, before preparing to engage his pack. The aim would be to get up high, fire down on the position with a -- a sudden crunch of metal from the DEMP caused Deram to glance up and smirk. He had wondered when the young Mand'alor was going to arrive, and Deram was pleased to see her entrance wasn't subtle. In fact, with Yasha smashing the weapon, and then proceeding to land beside Kain, that left the ones below to take care of.

Retracting the axe, Deram slung it to his hip, before reaching beneath his leather cloak, finding the particular item strapped to his back and pulling one of his favorite weapons to bear, held securely in both hands - his WESTAR MG-01. Sliding to one knee, Deram eased back into a supported firing position, as he glanced to the Mand'alor and Kaine, chuckling...

"Mind the mess, oya!"

And pulling the trigger, the barrels began spinning, working up rapidly, before a loud constant roar of projectiles began spraying across the room. The Fluggrians were caught between a literal wall and a heavy repeating minigun, as it spewed slugs at an alarming rate within the small confines of the dome. The tall Mandalorian kept the gun going, trigger held, until the first powerpack ran dry, at which point he stopped and stood, surveying the damage and what remained of the enemy on the ground floor...

"Should have mentioned I had that, eh, Kaine? Must be getting old..."

[member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Shia Kryze"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Teagan Stoirm"]

- brother
Location : Floating Slaver Outpost - Ocean of Ploo IV
Objective : You can take our lives, but you can never take our Plooooo!

Oh. They brought a cyber-rancor. How nice of them.

Shia glanced sideways down the line of the Stryx, then held out a hand.

"Big gun."

She said simply. The woman holding the immense anti-material blaster looked up, then nodded and threw it across the gap between them with servo enhanced strength.

Hunting Rancor wasn't easy, but it was something Shia Kryze had literally grown up doing - rancor, felids, dragons - no job too small, no job too large for the Kryze hunter teams. Game from the biggest to the smallest.

The trick with hunting a Rancor was first, not to be where Kaine was - but you didn't always have a choice in that. Second, however was - as Aunt Vivi (She of the ripe old age of 120) was heard to comment 'Shoot the big kriffer where it hurts'. Not Aunt Vivi's soundest advice, lacking as it did some important specifics. But it formed one of Shia Kryze's mottos for life.

She lined up the sights on the gap most rancor had on the backs of their neck, then noticed the armour plate locked there. Of course thats where the cyberweb went into it. Hrm, well...

The beast roared, Shia's eyes caught a glint of light, she smiled.


The noise of the heavy anti-vehicle rifle could be distinctly heard among the chaos, but no shot hit the rancor. Indeed, no shot went anywhere near the rancor.

There was a long pause, then a creaking groan.

"Heads up down there."

A large, knife-like section of the dome gave way and began to hurtle down towards the unaware rancor and it's opponents. Probably not enough to kill the beast, even if it hit. But at the very least it would be a very effective distraction.

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Deram Carid"] [member="Teagan Stoirm"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]

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