Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Among Thorns


"Thanks Greta," said Baros, as he flicked the holo off. His name was back in the news. The long absent owner operator of Glitterstim was back. Atara and Greta had done well making the brand more mainstream, while maintaining the high end angle as well. This was essential, because the rich, elite's children were needed to make this whole ploy in the TBK case possible. Rich kids were known for many things, but one of the biggest - parties - always meant that they needed to be up to date on the last party vices.

There was a new brand of spice on the market, and if Glitterstim could be the first place to have it 'unofficially' at their parties - well, there would be plenty of revenue coming there way. This is not the sort of thing that Baros would normally have dealt with himself. No, years ago he knew this happened in Glitterstim, and even encouraged it, but he never got his hands dirty. Plausible deniability would be out the window after these next few days.

"Nervous?" Said Valere, shaking Baros out of his momentary stupor.

"Hell, yes," he said glancing at Teyla, "why wouldn't I be?"

He and Teyla had only talked business since their ill-fated spar. He regretted his display of self-preservation. Hurting her, so that her being hurt would not hurt him, was not exactly 'nice guy' material. He kinda lived up the scoundrel moniker that day. He hated the distance between them, but it was of his own making. They had approached a realm of the unknown for Baros, something he had never seen and only heard about before mocking relentlessly - open, transparent, dedicated love. It had been there just moments away from being his. He knew Teyla had the ability to be so disposed. But Baros, well, he had no pattern to follow. He loved his mother, but his father was a cold and distant man. His parents relationship was one of distance, and formality. There was no love expressed. Frankly, he would not have been surprised if their wedding vows had contained only a list of contractual obligations, and no mention of feeling or warmth. His mother, though, Baros knew she loved him. It was expressed many times. It was in that moment that he wondered if the reason she loved her children so strongly was because she had extra supply that would normally be given to her husband. Or was it the nature of all loving mothers to love their children so fiercely?

"'Ello," said Valere, waving her hand in front Baros' face, "Coruscant to Hesperidium. Come in Baros."

Baros blinked a few times and shook his head in synchronicity. "Yup," he said gathering what wits remained, "yup, yup, yup."

With Valere on the ship running an overseer role, and talking in their ears, and Teyla at his side. Baros had a moment where he felt invincible, and let out a wry smile.

"Let's go be drug dealers."

≔≒≒≒≑ FOLLO'S PALACE ≑≓≓≓≕


"We are so screwed," muttered Baros.

The room was large, but mostly from its length and height. It was only 25 meters or so wide, but its length was at or about 4 times its length. From where they stood they were level with where the Hutt sat at the far end overseeing the event, but that would not stay so as they were presenting with an option of two staircases, one to the left and the other to the right. Both descended half way to the floor, and then made a right angle turn to complete its descent. No banisters or safety railing of any kind gave Baros an instant feeling of insecurity. That was likely as it was intended. He had never been in a place like this, but it felt familiar and yet far more dangerous.

As he descended the stairs to the left of the entry balcony, he kept his eyes under control. Instead of darting around anxiously like he wanted to do, he took many deep breathes and just allowed his eyes to wander around the room. He thought he saw a Mandalorian reclined on a seat by the pool that took up the majority of the center of the floor. Twi'lek and Togruto servants pampered him while he leaned on his helmet. The pool was replete with young women and men of various species, scantily or barely clad, and doing a variety of things to entertain the rich, young and old, male and female, lord's of lower class crime. They were likely the middle and upper management of Follo's enterprise. Each wealthy in their own right, but also in obeisance to 'the Great' Follo.

Around the pool stood a variety of species again, mingling, lounging, staring off at others with felt like a holiday meal at his parent's house. Baros passed casually from one nodding greeting to the next, before a slightly rotund man that really needed to set some boundaries on his attire - or specifically lack thereof - rolled up. "Baros Sal-Soren!" He declared, "Look honey! It is Baros...the Glitterstim guy..."

A Zabrak woman turned and clung to the man's arm. She was a vastly different in physique. Her eyes were cold, and jawline seemingly chiseled from marble. Baros could only describe her appearance as less 'curved' and more a series of hard angles, that were defined by a muscular frame. Bodyguard and lover, he thought, seen this before.

"So I see," she said dryly.

" have always wanted to go, but look! I brought him to you!" Declared the man that really need to calm down before he burst a vein.

"So Glitterstim guy," she said without losing visual contact with Baros and Teyla, "make me something."

Baros opened his mouth to speak, when Valere's voice came across the comms. "You don't have time to play tailor. Get her to agree to something later, then make an excuse." Baros couldn't stifle a grimace as he thought about how all of this was going to tarnish his brand. He wondered in that moment if Valere could put in for compensation.

A booming voice distracted them from the conversation and brought all eyes to bear on the gelatinous figure of Fallo the Hutt a floor above them.

"Chobaso, chobaso bai bu danko see kouiehh. Kanbiusa kae, wamma mi alay."

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren
F O L L O ' S P A L A C E

Wearing: XoXo | Concealed Equipment: TE-32 , 3 Vibrodaggers | Theme: XoXo |
Since Teyla had left Soren Security all those years ago, and ventured out into the Galaxy in a desperate attempt to run from her problems, she'd learned quite a few things.

The first, was that she was no fan of Hutts, something her and Damon had had in common.

Besides their generally beastly, worm-like appearance, the slime balls frequently dabbled in slavery, drugs, and all other illicit underworld dealings. Activities that flew in the face of everything someone like Teyla, who valued life and freedom, abhorred. Nar Shaddaa was the core of a lot of those operations, so it made sense that criminals like Follo would make themselves comfortable here. Hopefully, this business with the Disciples would be finished sooner rather than later and she wouldn't have to spend too much time around the drug-addled elites.

Valere's plan was solid, but there were always unaccounted for hiccups that could occur. She recalled when Baros and her first went to Coruscant's 'Feed The Children Ball' and how well that had all played out. The memories of the dress she wore, still made her cringe.

At least today she was able to look the part of business entourage, and wear clothing that was not only comfortable, but was enhanced by armor weave to protect her, with secret inner compartments for her weapons.

Silent as the stars in hyperspace, Teyla walked a step beside and behind Baros. Impatiently watching and listening to each patron that approached him, Valere's instructions ringing in her ear as well. She rolled her eyes at it all, unsure how much more energy she had to keep up this silent, indifferent, and detached persona. Though, she supposed in some ways, it was fitting, and worked with helping them sell the overall image that her and Baros were back in business together.

Why? Because he had been good at pushing others away back then, too.

At least back then, he'd been oblivious to how he hurt her.

Taking a brief reprieve of paying attention to Baros, she took the moment to more closely survey the room, looking for anything out of the ordinary...

So far, so good...

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren

Tapping Teyla's arm Baros indicated to move away from the conversation with the distracted 'couple' and moved them to the right of the pool. There was about a five meter gap between the water and a row of pillars that were mirrored across the other side of the room. Between each pillar egress was granted to a hallway behind the pillars and a series of rooms that were in various degrees being used.

"Baros, your contact should be near the stairs to Follo's platform. Right hand side."

Without even a word of reply, he casually moved between greetings and conversations, but trended his direction in the appropriate way. Finally he approached group of humans, a Pau'un and a couple of Weequay body guards. One of the female humans, remarkably tall for a human female being not far off the Pau'an, nodded towards Baros.

"Just remember to be careful of the tall woman in the group. She bites. Literally. Oh, and be careful generally. It would be lonely to fly home without you...two..."

Bites? Yeah, I remember.

The pictures of the woman's victims still haunted his every waking moment. A chill ran down his spine as he was reminded again of just what sort of people he was mingling with. He wanted to reach for Teyla's hand, just for assurance that she was there. He did not.

The tall woman's nod was not to Baros, but to the Pau'an, who turned and grinned a sharp, toothy smile. "Baros Sal-Soren," he said with almost a hiss. Baros hated that people in this place knew his name so well. "And entourage," he continued with a nod towards Teyla, "are you sure you brought enough help Sal-Soren? These are mighty dangerous parts."

"Zalum Fior," Baros said without taking the bait, "it is a honour, to be sure. And this must be your wife, may I call you, Jah?" He said as she offered her hand and he stooped to kiss it.

"It is my name, Baros," she said smiling and revealing her dental implants. There seemed to be some level of cyborg technology to them, but as they appeared now they did not look that harmless. Apparently, that could change in an instant.

"How charming," Zalum sneered, before pointing towards the rest of the delegation, "Tallec Rois, Cynthie Respini and Gore they are all charmed as well."

The whole party, aside from Jah Fior, gave Baros and Teyla only a quiet, unsettling glares. Zalum waved his hand casually and wandered up to the mid point of the staircase towards Follo's nest. There was a door to the right there that he lead the party towards. Jah waited for everyone else to go up, and then followed closely after Baros. Her hand came to rest on Baros' shoulder. This shocked the business man into glancing up at her, and stumbling slightly on the next stair. She caught him by the shirt to keep him from falling. A smile again formed across her face. As it did, Baros thought he could see her teeth altering from something more resembling fangs, back towards the more human like shape. Her mouth closed, and her hand stayed on his shoulder all the way through the door.

"Don't take too much of a liking to him darling," Zalum said as he guided with a gesture towards a banquet table replete with sundry illicit meats and fine desserts, "come eat the provisions...we wish to do business with Sal-Soren."

Baros was only now aware that his breathing had grown a little deeper. Did he look as fearful as he felt right now? The table was an awkward ovoid shape, which left no real foot to the table but a definite head. Zalum sat at the head, to his right was Jah, then Baros, then Teyla. As there was no end, the table was already looping to a point where it would get back to Zalum, on the way sat Tallec Rois, Cynthie Respini and Gore Vil-Drammon, to complete the clockwise roll-call.

There was an awkward pause. Zalum flourished his hands with annoyance.
"Eat," he commanded, before glaring at his wife, who calmly removed her hand from Baros' thigh.

"As we feast, let us also toast," Zalum declared as Baros bowed in agreement, "may the spice flow, and Naboo prove to be as valuable an investment as we all hope it will be." There was no sense of negotiation or wriggle room. It had to be a good deal for them. They would get their product into Naboo. If not through Glitterstim, then some other way.

"You only think you are rich now, Zalum," said Baros as he lifted his glass, "Naboo will soon see it's first Glitterstim boutique open. All the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential will send their precious children...and they will lap up your new product like candy."

We are so screwed.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren


Zalum Fior
Right Hand to Fallo the Hutt


Jah Fior
Wife and bodyguard to Zalum Fior
Assassin for Fallo the Hutt
F O L L O ' S P A L A C E

The tension in the air was palpable as they took their seats. They wouldn't be making friends with small talk, or hand kissing. Hell, the only language these people understood was the mighty credit; and one of them was a Disciple, but which? None of them particularly 'stood out' from the rest. Except maybe for that Jah Fior. Beyond that weird biting obsession, there was something else about her that was throwing Teyla off, maybe it was just coincidence.

The only real way she was going to be able to determine any of their measures, would be to keep casually observing, and watch to see how they treated someone they believed was at their mercy.

Taking a cursory look towards Baros, she noticed that he was straight as a board in his chair, the fear on his face, plain as day. If only it wouldn't be so noticeable, she'd reach over and kick him. He needed to loosen up if he wanted them to buy this sham and not see right through them.

After the toast, she turned her sites on the plate in front of her, slicing a piece off of the decedent steak. What even was this... and did she want to know? Teyla put it in her mouth and began to chew slowly, trying to discern the flavor of the mystery meat. This was going to be a long night, and wasn't going to be over any time soon.

"I hope that's a promise you intend to keep," Zalum's voice was thick with greed and a hard edge took over toward the end, that would make anyone's blood run cold. "We can build something with you Mr. Sal-Soren, but...there is no room for carelessness. The Confederacy's capital sits in Theed, and we have no desire to have their wrath set upon us. How do you intend to see our product safely delivered?"

"This is where I step in, and I assure you, your product will be in safe hands."
Teyla remarked, feeling the eyes in the room bore her down. Her spine stayed straight and she made sure to soften her voice, offering up the rare smile. "Before Mr. Sal-Soren so graciously brought me into his company, I worked planetary security on Naboo." It was a blatant lie, but she said it with such confidence that hopefully it was believable. "I know all of the ins and outs of the city and possess security codes for ships bringing in product. Under my watch... everything will go smoothly and in your favor."

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
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"You worked planetary security on Naboo?" Came the voice of Cynthie Respini, finally breaking the silence from the other portion of the table. Her accent sounded Mid Rim in origin, Baros noted, refined with an air of pomposity was the only way he could define her way of speaking.

Baros glared at her, it was enough to draw the attention of Zalum Fior, who smiled slightly. Before he could finish thinking through a reply, the voice of Tallec Rois sounded forth in a dry, almost monotonous tone. It was only now that Baros noticed a AJ^6 cyborg construct under the man's hood. That was as good a reason as any to wear a hood.

"Teyla Ee'everwest, adopted - served as Handmaiden on Naboo. Formally Teyla Riggs, now going by her birth name. Graduated top of class, achieving prestigious honour of Junior Detective in the Coruscant Security Force directly out of training. Notable case: Thistlebark Killer - unsolved. Transitioned to head of security for Glitterstim. Transitioned to smuggling enterprises with now deceased husband Damon Riggs. Returned to home of Naboo and life of aristocracy with her two children, Marcus and Karina. Began consultation duties with Naboo Planetary Security, before accepting a position as head of security for Glitterstim Industries upon it's founders return. Adoptive parents: deceased. Adoptive brother: deceased. Adoptive sister: alive. Husband: deceased. Current relationship status: Single."

Baros only realized he was holding his breath when he let out a puff of air upon hearing the fabrication about her join Naboo PlanSec. How did they have so much intel on her?

"You can thank be later. Our team managed to implant some info here and there that will aide your cover story. You're welcome."

Valere's eye in the sky came as welcome relief. With eyebrows raised, Baros glanced with an apologetic shrug at Cynthie Respini once more. "Please do not question the integrity of my staff," he said curtly.

"Yes," said the Pua'un, looking entirely bored, "do act politely Respini. Please excuse her. Accountants are so untrusting."

"Follo doesn't pay me to be stupid," said Respini, biting back only as long as it took to catch a glimpse of Jah Fior standing from the table and begin to circle the table.

Baros was relieved to have the 'nibbler' away from him, but he was oddly fearful for Respini now.

"Darling," said Zalum to his wife as she walked behind him on her way to the opposite side of the table, "Respini is our third account this quarter...I do tire of retraining them." His wife paused, Respini held her breathe, and the Jah finally nodded calmly before rotating her positioning to stand menacingly close to Respini.

Baros' heart was bouncing in his chest like a rubber ball. "Miss Ee'everwest has a full read out of the material that will need to be shipped to the store on Naboo," said Baros, "providing you can supply all the fabric needed, we will be in business. Well, that is if you are convinced that you can produce this...what have you called it...Zenxian? So long as you can produce it in such a way as to mix in with the buttons and fastenings? I do believe that this seasons line is going to require many more such items."

The plan, when he finally said it out loud, sounded so ridiculous and brazen that it might actually work. This was where the Corellian spoke up. Gore Vil-Drammon had been staring Teyla down the whole time that they had been seated at the table. Now his attention switched to Baros. "And you are assuring my pilots safety to and from Naboo? I am not releasing docking clamps until I have seen official flight plans, landing codes and security passes." There was no wriggle room with this guy. His face was as hard and granite.

The dinner talk went on for some time with talk about security passes, taxes and the all important shipping manifests.

"Come now! Eat!" Said the Pua'un, "all of this can be completed over the coming day. We have time to air our issues, meet in private and make a final deal that will satisfy all parties. Right now I tire of all this...animosity. Jah and I are late for our nightly massage. Would you care to join us, Sal-Soren?"

No. Hell, no.

"Thank you for the invitation. It sounds relaxing. Miss Ee'everwest will of course be joining us too."

"I would expect no less," came the reply from Zalum with a tip of his head before rising from the table. The rest of the attendees were summarily dismissed from the space, and Zalum lead the way to a corridor out the back of the room. The whole way, Baros could feel the cold stare of Jah Fior on the back of his head.

We are so screwed.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren
F O L L O ' S P A L A C E
The atmosphere was so thick with hostility that it made it difficult for Teyla to actually enjoy any of the food set before them, but she kept observing the room, not letting her gaze linger too long on any one person. Tallec Rois had been the least vocal of the bunch, nearly inattentive - or at least that's what he wanted them to believe by appearances, besides the display he made of disclosing the Intel they had on her. Was the impassivity a clue?

As dinner concluded and they began to pardon themselves from the present company, she could feel the dagger-like stares at their backside and loosed a small sigh of relief as the door closed behind them. She knew this didn't mean that they were in the clear, this wasn't even a reprieve, really.

What was it Damon always used to say to her, when she was still green around the gills?

'The job's not over until it's over...' or in other words, 'Don't count your lucky stars until you're done.'

Stepping up besides Baros, Teyla nudged him lightly on the arm to draw his attention.

"Don't be afraid to assert yourself with these people," she kept her voice at a low whisper. "They respond to shows of power. Without you and without us, none of this is possible. We are more useful to them alive, than dead. Keep playing it cool, but quit letting them call all the shots."

She wanted to say more, to compare notes even, but knew that too much whispering could give the wrong impression and the last thing they needed was more heat on their necks.

Through the stretched hallway, Teyla mentally cataloged the armed guards. There were a number of them, standing at regular intervals and looking like they were ready to shoot at any second. There were more than what they initially accounted for, much, much more. It made the hairs on her skin stand on end. Escaping wasn't going to be an easy feat, if things went south. Valere's action plan had better be damn good.

"Do you like what you see?" Zalum's voice made her head snap back up to the front. "Never be ashamed of those appetites, my dear. It's good to be hungry." The tension in her shoulders melted, realizing that he thought she was admiring the opulence and wealth of the palace and not counting out the number of guards for future reference.

She only smiled.

I'm at least suffering from indigestion.

Probably shouldn't say that.

The room they were lead into was large and open, with a built in hot tub in the center, surrounded by pillars, and massage tables at the other end, sectioned off with delicately painted room dividers to give some sense of privacy. The lighting was kept to a minimum using candles for ambiance, a light perfume filling the area, while half-clad women of various species waited expectantly to service patrons.

Teyla idly wondered how many of them were slaves and how many were here of their own free will.

"Daesha," Zalum called to one of the young women, a light pink
Twi'lek girl shuffling over to them. "Be a dear and tend to Mr. Sal-Soren. He's much too dressed, and it's his first time. Treat him well, hm?"

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
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The Twi'lek identified as Daesha, nodded in obedience, and walked casually to a small room divider that was in the corner of the room. To its side, were a series of hooks at about head height and some cubby-holes with rolled up towels, and folded robes. Baros glanced at Teyla before following the Twi'lek behind the divider. He was grateful to find that his head still protruded from the top of the divider. He cast a glance again at Teyla.

"We can still see on tracking, Baros."

Valere's voice in his ear while he looked over at Teyla was an odd juxtaposition. The detective was very good at her job, and very focused. He had been grateful for her as a distraction from his thoughts after he and Teyla's disastrous spar.

"Thank you," he said to Valere, while directing his attention at the Twi'lek who had already begun unbuttoning his tunic. The Twi'lek did not respond verbally, but with a simple nod.

"There rest of you may leave," Zalum said with an air of derision seeping through his voice. He was already disrobed and standing unabashedly in his birthday suit besides one of the massage tables. "My wife will attend to my needs this evening," he finished before laying face down on the padded table.

Baros was unsure as to whether or not he was more uncomfortable with the gaunt, grey visage of an unclothed Zilum, or if he was more uncomfortable with having only the 5 of them left in this room. Less witnesses.

He was handed a robe but his attendant, to which he was most grateful. And then stepped out from behind the divider, following the Twi'lek to the remaining massage table near Zalum. So far as he could see on a 'casual' glance about the room, it was only the Fior's, Teyla, Baros and his Twi'lek attendant Daesha. "I do believe that we will have come to a very satisfactory arrangement by the end of my visit, Zalum," Baros said, as he came to a stop. He realized what the next step was in this massage process, and he was not super thrilled by it; however, he had just had a pep talk from Teyla. He needed to own this.

His robe dropped off into Daesha's hand with a casual flick of his own hand. The Twi'lek didn't flinch or avert her eyes. This was apparently her stock in trade. Poor creature. Zalum seemed impressed by Baros' faux-confidence. "Lie down Baros! Feel the refreshment that comes from being in the good graces of Fallo the Hutt. Daesha has many talents. If you wish, she can retire with you to your quarters," said the Pau'un, who was already in the process of being massaged by Jah.

"That would be most relaxing indeed," Baros said, after lying down on the table. He could feel Daesha beginning her work, and the conversation between he and Zalum continued on towards local gossip, galactic politics, and everything but business. He had to admit, Daesha was working wonders on his stressed muscles. But then she stopped...her hands removed from his back...but then returned, a little colder. She had moved sides of the table. Turning his head, he thought to catch a glimpse of Teyla to see how she was doing. His head now turned away from Daesha, he heard a voice: "I can see why you love her, Sal-Soren."

Baros tensed, all semblance of his previous relaxation evaporating into fear. He tried to push up from the table, but he found his body to be largely unmovable. "The poison only kills the first time it is administered. After that it is just a mild paralytic. Fun, right?"

Why wasn't Teyla moving to help him?

In realization of what was occurring, his head began to thrash to and fro, it seemed to be the only part of his body that was moving. In his thrashing and yelling, he noted that Zalum lay as still as if he were stone, and Jah stood like a statue with her hands pressed down on her husbands back.

"Calm yourself. I do not want either you or Teyla dead. You are my ticket to meet him. Don't you see."

"Valere. Valere, come in! Do you read me? Valere!"


How did this happen?

"The was in the food...but you are..."

"Immune. After a dozen or so doses you build up an immunity. Good for you, you are getting closer to that point yourself. Well done. Not many can say that." The voice, female, was eerily calm and almost childlike in its exuberance.

"If you you let Teyla die, I will..."

"Calm yourself, my Baros. You are one of the chosen. Embrace your role in his story."

A rag covered Baros' face, the last thing he saw before he passed out was Teyla standing still not more than a meter or two away from him.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren
F O L L O ' S P A L A C E
Teyla didn't relax even a little once Baros was escorted away by Daesha, displeased by... well ... everything.

Teyla endured it, however, knowing that this was all apart of the dance. Ritual circling, a few feints... in this case, the potential of actual daggers involved... Business and politics weren't that much different from each other. She'd never had an inclination towards either, despite knowing how the game was played. That had always been Alora's shtick. Baros needed to show that he was willing to join their 'circle' and 'strut his stuff'.

Even if that was... literally.

Teyla averted her eyes from the scene, thankful the sheer black fabric covering half of her face covered up the rosy blush. The last thing she wanted, was Baros to think he'd unnerved her in some way. It wasn't as if she hadn't seen flesh before. Though, the stark-naked image of Zalum made her a little envious of a droids ability to have their memory wiped. She wasn't going to be able to un-see that, for weeks.

"Lie down Baros! Feel the refreshment that comes from being in the good graces of Fallo the Hutt. Daesha has many talents. If you wish, she can retire with you to your quarters,"

Teyla's ears perked up.

He wouldn't...

"That would be most relaxing indeed,"

You karkin' piece of....

Teyla glared at him, and sighed in annoyance.

He didn't have to take it that far.

And the evening from there dragged on.

Terse words were not exchanged, Zalum and Jah seemed to be in high spirits. So far? Everything on the immediate front seemed calm. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. Luca Ioneşti had said to her before she left that those strong 'hunches' she often received were messages from the Force, and to trust in them.

Keeping her hand on her blaster, Teyla set the mode from 'stun' to 'kill' as a precautionary measure.

Moments later and silent as could be, the door to the spa slid open, and Cynthie Respini sashayed in, acting like she owned the place.

Teyla tried pulling the blaster from her holster. Was this the threat she'd been feeling? Only to be dismayed to find she could not move.

Stuck, ready to take action. Ready to spring to Baros rescue.

"You don't need to save everyone Teyla." Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest 's gentle admonishing, came to mind.

"Isn't this fun?" The woman's breath was on her ear, way more intimate than Teyla would have liked in any given setting. "Let's see how well he fares, rescuing you for a change."

T H E I N Q U I S I T O R ' S R E V E N G E

In and out... her vision kept fading, trying to piece what was happening together.

She could feel it in her veins, spreading, coupled by the pain of an open wound and the cold metal of an operating table beneath her.

Ferian Adair ? Was he here to finish the job? After all of these years, had he finally caught up to her?

No... No... that was wrong...

Cynthie... Where... where was Baros?

Her eyes began to roll.

"Oh, no, no, my dear." The sing-song voice of a woman was followed by a few taps to her cheek. "We're just getting started, and I need you to stay awake for this part."

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
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Willow and Ivy were so glad that they got to do a bit of exploring. Any new place was considered exploring to the twins and Follo's Palace was certainly that. Their employer Broka had brought them here two days prior, all in a bid to gain favour and secure more power not only for the Hutts, but for Broka himself.

And it was up to the twins to be sure that Follo wasn't planning on stabbing him in the back.

Draped in shiny silvery-grey fabrics that meant to hide the fact that they were siamese twins as best as it can, Willow and Ivy entertained themselves by watching everyone in the main hall. At times Willow would tap into the Force, picking up on the delicate webbing that connected everyone together and seeing where it would go, while Ivy kept her arm draped over her sister's shoulders. They both had drinks in their hands, all in a bid to try not to make them stand out too much.

"Tension is brewing. Can you feel it?"

"Yes. Is it for Broka?"

"No, no, not that I could see just yet. But we may want to get out of the way soon. Maybe even go back to our room."

"But Willow, I don't want to go back yet. Soon we'll be going back to Broka's. I want to enjoy being...well, somewhere else for a change."

"We have to be careful. Remember what we--"

Ivy was quick to cut Willow off. "I know! But this isn't where we saw it happen, now is it? So let's just try to take in new things. Okay?"

Willow sighed a little as she nodded. Once Ivy tended to dig in her heels, there was no stopping her. Perhaps she was being overly cautious. Yet they needed to protect eachother. Broka's guards could only do so much in the end.

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren

Midst the early moments of Baros and Teyla's wandering through the menagerie of Follo's Palace, and only a small amount of time prior to meeting Zalum and Jah Fior, Baros had just deftly avoided a rather annoying conversation with a slightly overweight middle aged man and his hard as nails Zabrak trophy wife. It was a fantastic bit of social avoidance, something he had picked up from years of meeting such annoyances and Glitterstim events, and prior to that his family's events.

The general consensus for Baros was that there were very few interesting people in the pool, and there were a high number of dangerous people on the outskirts of the gathering. To avoid the vapid, but also the violent, Baros took the most central route through the throng of miscreants. Most of the said miscreants were adjudged for their threat level, and then either minded or ignored, but one coupling...

Lovers? No...familial.

...yes they intrigued him enough to pause. It wasn't their apparent fondness that caught his eye and saw him momentarily pause. No, it was the cut of their garments. There was something off about them. Having worked his way up in the fashion industry from designing and creating his own garments, Baros knew how clothes naturally hung on a figure. What he saw was not too common. They were...

"...very much attached to one another, aren't we?" He said, thinking out loud.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy


He could not believe what he saw when being carted into the Inquisitor's Revenge on a hovering bed. Valere sat at the makeshift station in the commons, Baros had barely been able to make eye contact with her as he was pushed past the commons and towards what had been Teyla's jerry-rigged dojo. Valere was sitting deathly still, rigid just as Teyla had been last Baros saw her. The blood had just started to drip from Janus' nose. He understood the pain, and the panic in her eyes. It had been about twenty minutes since the poison had started acting on them, somehow it had been introduced into their food, and only released some sixty minutes later. The timeline fit his own experience. Valere was close to the point where she would start to feel like her skin was slowly being peeled off. The horror of the experience still haunted his memory.

"I promise I will..."

Baros said, unable to prevent a small sob escape and cut the sentence. He was in no position to make promises.

"My sweet Baros. You really are the caring sort under all that womanizing and gratuitous copulation," came the voice of Cynthie Respini, who was hovering over Teyla with a scalpel in hand, "Detective Valere would be a good choice, if you decided that she was worth your time. She is very pretty. I think you just need to settle's almost to the point that anyone would do."

Baros could twitch his fingers now, and move his toes a little. He was still no way near getting off the bed and challenging Respini, who seemed to be alone on the ship, aside her victims. "You sick son of a..."

"Sick!" She said looking offended, "no, no, no, no...I am your biggest fan. I have been following yours and Miss Ee'everwest's story for years now." He stroked Teyla's cheek with the back of the scalpel's blade.

Calm yourself Baros. Keep your wits. Control the situation...think...

"I will admit," she continued glancing at Baros, "it started off with a crush. First time I saw her...I understood your infatuation. She is beautiful. He thinks so too. And he wishes to apologize for Wexlor's behaviour. He was very uncouth. We are sorry if it resulted in any unnecessary discomfort."

"You are in communication with the Thistlebark Killer?" Baros said, cautiously.

She wandered over to Baros, her steps almost lighter than air. She seemed giddy with excitement. "He hates that name. So cumbersome."

She stooped and gave Baros a kiss on his forehead. It took all his strength not to thrash his head about in protest. A satisfied smile crept across her face before she wandered in the general direction of Valere. "Leave her alone...come back and talk to me more...I want to hear more of your you really think I have a shot with Jannus? Tell me more..."

"Oh no, we have plenty of time for that," she said calmly, "we can talk about it on the way to see him. We all can. First I just have to implant a micro explosive in Valere as well. I will be careful not to leave a scar that is too obvious, just in case you do go with her...but frankly...I have always seen you and Teyla together. You were meant to be, surely? Oh...don't worry...her scar will be barely noticeable."

Baros' head moved to look in Teyla's direction. Respini had left the room. "Teyla...Teyla...I know you probably cannot respond," he said in whisper, "we will get out of have to fight. We. Together. We can do this. Don't give matter what happens."

"Don't you two go professing your love to one another while I am out of the room!" Came a shout from the direction of the commons room.

Baros moved his toes again, more toes this time. He set his mind to regaining control of his body as much as he could before Respini reentered the room. Whatever he did, he would have to keep his full mobility secret from her...when it finally returned.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren
I N Q U I S I T O R ' S R E V E N G E
Adrenaline had flooded her system, she could feel her heart palpitating and the sweat bead down the side of her face. Her body wanted her to fight, resist, but the poison anchored her to the table, trapped in the throes of its agonizing mercy.

All around her were the sounds of disembodied voices, Teyla struggling to recognize whom they belonged to. Baros? Veon? Damon? They all blended together and faded into the background, as scenes of a time before flashed before her eyes. The lacerations, the pain, the blood-curdling gaze of that demon hovering over her. Veon's screams in the background, the kind that ripped through your skin like multiple shards of glass...

No. She thought, trying to fight for control over her fear. Don't go over that ledge.

Remember the last few hours. You're not there. You're on Nar Shaddaa.

The room started coming back into focus and the palpitations of her heart slowed, despite the searing pain that burned through every nerve ending. Her body felt like it was on fire.


Hear that humming? That's the sound of the Inquisitor's Revenge. Your children, your family, Baros... they need you.


A cool instrument caressed her face, like the gentle touch of a doting lover.

"...You were meant to be, surely? Oh...don't worry...her scar will be barely noticeable."


"Teyla...Teyla...I know you probably cannot respond,"

Hearing Baros' voice caused relief to flood through her. He was alive, though the matter of his safety was of another concern, and she desperately wanted to go to him, to put an end to any nefarious plans this woman had for them. But, she couldn't move, couldn't do anything. It frustrated her to no end to feel so helpless and out of control.

"we will get out of have to fight. We. Together. We can do this. Don't give matter what happens."

We. Together.

Despite the last week, their arguing, their distance, despite him being the scoundrel that he certainly was, Baros' brave words managed to give her something she desperately needed in that moment.


Maybe that made her a fool to so easily believe in him again, or perhaps she was just desperate to believe in anything, since there was a chance they may not come out of this alive. It was all so... unreal.

Unable to move or say anything, all she could do in response was whimper, while trying to think of some kind of solution that would get them out of this.

The effects of the poison had made it so she was far from being able to fight against anything.

Even with the Force, her energy levels were too depleted. Detoxifying the little poison that she was able to from Baros the first time, had drained her, and she'd been in peak condition then. Trying to tap into the Force's resources and heal herself, would prove only to be futile.

Her eyes scanned the room, and everything in her immediate periphery view, looking for something that could be their salvation.

Then, in the far left corner she noticed something akin to a brown shadow, lying in wait.


How a hulking Wookiee had managed to evade detection all this time, was beyond her, but Teyla wasn't about to start questioning it either. She was just thankful he was there.

"Now," The same sickening sing-song voice returned, seemingly oblivious to the gargantuan threat with his bowcaster now leveled at her back. "Where were we?"

Rafiki stepped up, and fired.

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
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It was Ivy that saw Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren and Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren approach first. And while Teyla seemed almost like she was in her own world, Baros had a certain look about him as he stared at them. More often than not, the twins were used to being gawked at, even though they tried to hide their connection as best as they could. At least they didn't share a leg or anything. But still, the fact that they were identical, as well as gifted in seeing different futures; a lot of people tended to look upon them as though they were sideshow freaks.

Baros on the other hand seemed to be almost intrigued. One could almost say that he was fascinated. From what Ivy could tell, there didn't seem to be any intent from him upon which he saw opportunities to exploit the pair.

"Yes, we are." Even t&ough he was just voicing his thoughts, Ivy wasn't the type to turn down a conversation.

Willow turned her attention to the newcomers as she sipped her drink. "Most people aren't so lucky." Never knowing what it was like to be alone, Willow was glad to always have Ivy there. Being alone was a scary concept. One that only gave her nightmares.


Baros grinned. "I have a hard enough time living with one of me, let know...two of me," he said with a glance across to Teyla. She would likely have an opinion on this matter.

"You've stopped to have a chat, Baros?" Came the voice of Jannus Valere over their hidden commlink, "can we really afford the time?"

"I'm curious," he said to Valere, with a hint of annoyance, but then realized he needed to make it sound like he was talking to the conjoined individuals before him, "I'm curious about you you?" Geez, way too personal Baros. He chided himself for his lack of improv skills. "I mean," he said trying to dig himself out of a hole that he perceived himself to be in, "I have heard that twins can feel what the other feels...or get cravings at the same time, same thing, you know? Is that...accentuated?"

"Smooth, Baros. Smooth."

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy



Respini spun around with a squeel. "The Wookiee...Wookiewookieewookiee..." She waved her wrist in front of the Wookie. There blinking on her wrist was a life-sign-monitor. "I removed your firing pin while you were working in the cockpit...just in case you arrived before I could let you know, lookie lookie," she pointed at the monitor on her wrist, "you know what this is?"

Rafiki responded with a downcast glance and a somber grumble. "That's right's a dead man switch...well, in this case...a dead Cynthie switch. I die...a pretty blonde and luscious brunette go kaboom!" Baros jumped a little on his table as Respini's hands simulated and explosion and she let out a yell of excitement. "Now ya hairy beast, take this, go lock the coordinates in...and let's get out of here," she said, tossing a datastick to Rafiki, "shoo...go us away!"

"Do it Rafiki...if we stay, we are all least we will have time to figure this out," Baros said, pleading with the clearly frustrated Wookiee. He was concerned that a rush of blood to Rafiki's head would see things spiral even faster downwards. There was a moment of hesitation from Rafiki before he resigned to the situation, and wandered off towards the cockpit.

"Thank you Baros...that was so sweet of you," said Respini, offering him her hand. Baros did not take up the offer. Her posture slumped like a petulant child. "Don't be like that Bar-bar...I have an antidote and I want you to administer it. Come on! Play!"

Reluctantly, Baros lifted his hand - it was shaking. He was still weak, but with Respini's assistance he was able to stand. She threw a small vial up into the air and caught it again. A eerily playful smile crossed her face. "Only one dose. Didn't bring anymore. You have to choose! You have to chooooose!"

Teyla. I choose Teyla.

There would never have been another decision that he would make. Valere had become a valued colleague, and he even might admit to her being close to a friend. But Teyla. Teyla was...everything. My everything. He had to play this game right though.

While Baros strained over the revelation, Respini tossed the vial up in the air one more time, but this time she backed away into a giddy childlike spin. Realizing the danger in the moment, Baros dropped to his knees, and cupped the vial into both hands as they stretched out at the last moment to grab it from smashing on the floor.

Respini continued to spin for a time, humming a tune that Baros did not recognize. She stopped, planting her feat about a shoulder width apart. "Now...I figure one of two things have and Teyla have finally gotten together and the choice is obvious," she said, her head tilted in curiosity, " have been fighting again. AGAIN. You two...tsk tsk...and you have fallen into the bed of a young detective who would actually give you the attention you Lothario you."

Baros stood from his kneeling position. His eyes staring at the vial. Was she telling the truth? Was this the only vial of the antedote that she had bought. It was then that his body shifted slightly as the ship lurched into life, and they began to rise from the surface of Nar Shaddaa.

"I've made my decision."

He couldn't even look at Teyla. Multiple possibilities were running through his mind. He knew that Cynthie, like all the Disciples, had and obsession with the Thistlebark Killers story and all its players, pust and present. Valere was a present player in the story, but Teyla was both past and present. Baros had to think that this made Teyla more valuable to Cynthie. If by saving Valere, he could force Respini's hand, there might be more antidote for Teyla. It was a risk. There were other options that flooded his mind.

Respini tossed an injector into Baros' fumbling mitts. "Go on then," she said, biting her bottom lip. Her hands clasped, and eyebrows raised in sick excitement.

"The choice...made itself really," he said, mumbling his words. Respini nodded enthusiastically.

Option 3.

Despite all that he had been thinking, he had just come up with an option 3 and he was going with his gut - and admittedly the cryptic words of Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy . He walked off quickly towards the common area. "Valere!" Respini squealed in surprise, "new love conquers unrequited love!" She almost bounced over to Teyla. "I'm so sorry Teyla," said Respini, eyes actually welling up with tears, "he should love you. He really should. But you just can't make him commit...if it is any consolation...I only think they will last a month or so." With that she bounded off towards the common room.

Baros was already in the common room, kneeling before Valere. "I promise I will find a way to save you, Jannus," he said, whispering to the young detective, "I swear to you on everything I hold dear. You will live to see another Coruscanti sunrise." She was still unable to move, but in the brief moment that they had been alone they had established a code, look up for yes, look down for no. "Please say you believe me," he whispered. She hesitated for a moment, and then looked up.

With a quiet sense of relief, Baros stood and showed to the newly arrived Respini an unused injector, and a full vial of antidote. With wide eyes, she jumped and clapped her hands in excitement. "Yay! I knew you would do it! I knew it...I always knew you two were meant for each other," she said, grabbing Baros by the arm and dragging him back to where Teyla lay. Respini jumped back to observe. Trying with all her might to contain her excitement.

Instead of looking at Teyla, he kept his eyes on Respini. "What?" She said with a shrug and upturned hands.

He was trying to lay the seeds for what was about to come. Taking the vial, Baros loaded the antidote. And calibrate the injector to inject 100% of the antidote. He showed the readout to Respini, who gave a satisfied nod. And then as he turned the injector away his finger brushed the calibration controls and rolled the percentage back around to 10. He pressed the device against Teyla's leg, and in one motion he depressed the trigger, while pulling it away from her leg - he could only pray his timing was right, and that the dosage would be enough to allow Teyla access to whatever force abilities she possessed. "NO!" He shouted, to cover the sound of the injector activating and shock Respini's attention away from it. He turned and threw the device across the room, smashing it against the wall - where the life giving liquid splashed.

"I don't love her. Not since..." Too far, Baros. No, you have to commit to has to work.

A few steps were taken towards Respini who was wide eyed and trying to figure out what was happening to her perfectly constructed narrative. Baros reached out to touch her face. "...not since I met you...I love you, Cynthie...your enthusiasm...your love for Him...everything. You are the one I want."

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, and a smile began to grow as he spoke. She was becoming part of the story that she obsessed over. She was becoming Teyla...she was becoming Valere...but then...the smile turned into a frown, and then bitterness washed over every fiber of her being.

"," she screamed, pummeling his chest with a series of wild, yet mostly harmless shoves, "you liar! I can see why Teyla hates pig!"

Trying desperately to suppress his utter hatred for the woman. "No, Cynthie it's true...I really do," Baros said, again advancing to close the distance between them. This was not the story. This was not the game she wanted to play. He was playing her now, and he could see that it was splitting her psyche in two.

"You selfish, idiotic...sithspawn!" She spat, "now one of them is going to die!"

One of them...there's more antidote.

Baros just had to push her a little further. Distract her with her own rage. He felt like an insane person himself. "I LOVE YOU CYNTHIE!" He declared, to which her response was to grab a nearby tool from a workbench and strike him across the face. From that point, the rage came out in a torrent of wild, unhinged verbal and physical abuse, raining down on Baros as she clawed at him with her fingernails, hit him with anything she could get to hand and occasionally resorted to biting. Occasionally she would pace away, giving Baros time to breathe, and she would mutter something about the story being all wrong. And then she would return to Baros, and the torrent of hate spewed forth again.

All the while, Baros knew that in spite of it becoming less and less possible by the moment that he could defended himself, doing so would always risk Respini's life, and to do so it would risk Valere's life, Teyla's life. So. He lay there. Slowly fading.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren
Teyla's eyes came back to settle on Baros, pulled momentarily from studying their surroundings. They really didn't have time for this, but she smiled tolerantly at Baros, clearly holding back on expressing exactly what she thought about being held up. They couldn't afford to be late meeting their contact. "I'm sure that the Galaxy would probably implode," she replied, trying to not let herself sound impatient.

"Don't mind Mr. Sal-Soren, he's a little bit out of sorts. There's a lot of pressure riding on tonight."

She took a deep breath and pocketed her hands. "Is this your first time to a Glitterstim event?" she asked casually.


All she could do was lay there, listening to the back and forth deliberations between Cynthie and Baros. It was excruciating to see it all unfold without being able to do anything. Cynthie was clearly off her rocker, riding the waves of Baros' emotions; the hesitation, and uncertainty, it was all written on his face as he weighed it in the balance. Would he choose her, would he choose Valere? Who got to live, and who would die? When Baros finally announced that he had made his decision, Teyla initially felt her stomach turn at the thought that one of them was about to die and braced herself for whatever that choice was. But, then...there was a subtle undertone in his voice she picked up on, like he’d just arrived at another option.

Since there was no way of being able to communicate whatever plan it was that he was brewing up, she would simply have to put her trust in him, instead.

Absolutely delighted by the live drama she’d created, Cynthie bounced to and fro, practically gloating in her ear over Baros’ decision to save Valere.

With every word and tearful apology made, Teyla’s chest tightened more and more into a knot, feeling her anger rise at this woman’s delusional fantasies. However, all of the gloating and tears soon turned to exuberant joy, as the dashing hero of the story returned with a full vile of antidote.

"Yay! I knew you would do it! I knew it...I always knew you two were meant for each other,"

The moment had Cynthie tittering on the edge with excitement to see her and Baros ‘love’ finally coming to fruition.

The gallant hero stood over her, and then…


The cool sting of metal pierced through her skin in a quick fluid movement, administering a small dose of the antidote into her system while the rest shattered on the far side of the wall.

It wasn’t enough to heal her completely, but it served the purpose Baros intended it to. Clever.

Teyla felt the ebb and flow of the Force returning to her, bathing her in its warm light. Concentrating that light, she began targeting the poison, slowly burning it from her system.

"I don't love her. Not since…”

Could she have moved, Teyla most definitely would have winced.

No. She chastised herself. Remain on track. Set aside your doubts.

Clear your mind, and look at this for what it is.

This is a game… He’s calling the shots.

Her fingers began to unfurl, her toes wiggled.

“not since I met you...I love you, Cynthie...your enthusiasm...your love for Him...everything. You are the one I want."

", you liar! I can see why Teyla hates pig!"

Teyla wasn’t sure if she was impressed that Respini knew it was a ruse, impressed Baros got her to admit there was more antidote, or growing more concerned over Baros’ safety as he continued to push his proclamations of love onto an ever increasingly agitated woman with homicidal tendencies, who’s bubble he’d just popped.

A short moment passed in which she felt a change in the air, and urgency pressed upon her.


A loud ‘crack’ echoed through the room. The constant ‘thumps and thuds’ rang through her mind like a bell.

Baros. Baros! In the grip of silent panic, Teyla strained against the traces of poison still in her system. She had to save him, she couldn’t lose one more person.

She couldn’t lose him!

All of her fear and frustration shot out of her like bottled up lightning, opening up a pathway to a power she’d never felt before.

“NO!” she screamed, a dark flare of energy projecting outwards in a powerful wave, slamming through her and throwing Cynthie like a rag doll across the room.

Breathing hard, Teyla found her feet and let this new found energy guide her, taking purposeful strides to their captor. Without thinking, Teyla’s reached out her hand.

Kill her. Came a voice inside her head. It was amorphous, raw, pure vengeful emotion. It was easier to tap into, quicker to follow her bidding. Her fist began to close, watching Cynthie respond in kind, as fingers clawed at her throat, thrashing for air.

All she had to do was command it, and her windpipes would snap in half.

Kill her.

The color from her face began to drain, the thrashing slowed, and her eyes rolled back.

The darkside.

Gasping at the realization of what she’d done, Teyla immediately released her fist and recoiled back, a deep and bone-cold emptiness filling her.

The bomb hadn’t gone off, which meant that she wasn’t dead.

But, she’d come very close to it...

And worst of all?

Teyla didn’t regret any of it.

Cynthie would have killed Valere, then her. If not now, then later. Whenever it suited her whimsy, as long as she got to meet her idol. Then move on to…


Rushing to his side, Teyla sank to her knees beside him, turning him over and gingerly adjusting him until his head was in her lap, trying to get an estimate on the damage that was done.

“Baros?” her thumb gently stroked his bruised cheek, trying to rouse him, but he was unresponsive. “Hey, come on.” Her voice trembled, fearing the absolute worst. “You did it, open your eyes.”

Hot tears began to roll down her cheeks, her heart sinking. “Please,” she sobbed, her shoulders shaking. “You said we’d do this together, you and me. Remember?” her head fell to rest on his, cradling him.. “Don’t leave me... “ her voice fell to a whisper. “I love you.”

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Ivy gave Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren an amused smirk as he seemed to be of the line of thinking that the identical twins were more or less two versions of the same person. It was a misconception that they had run into before. Yet it was never anything that they took offence to, for they knew full well about what it was like to be ignorant of certain things. "Yes, we can feel what the other is feeling, but some of the foods we like are different. My sister and I are two people, not one. We are as close as you two can be." She pointed towards Baros and Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren with her hand that held her drink.

Willow meanwhile, was back to studying the webs in the Force again, most especially in regards to the pair standing in front of them. She followed them with her subconscious mind, moving through time and space as easily as one could pilot an X-Wing. It took skill, yet with practice it was second nature. ".....I always knew you two were meant for eachother....You liar....You pig....Open your eyes....You said we'd do this together, you and me. Remember?..."

Ivy snapped her attention to Willow, speaking into her mind. <Not now! They can hear you. We don't need to attract that kind of attention.>

<But they could die. At least this way it gives them hope. Then they could help us when the time comes.>

<But they'll think we're freaks. Just like everyone else. They'll treat us different.>

<Not here they won't. Teyla will tell you why.>

Ivy looked to Teyla then, listening as she spoke of Baros and the event they were at. "Glitterstim? Oh yes. It's very unusual stuff. I think my sister took a little too much of it."

Of course neither twin had any of it. Even their drinks were non-alcoholic. "Yes....I feel as though I may...pass out...Is there an antidote for Glitterstim?...Or will my body purge it a poison?" Willow looked to the two quizzically, clearly focussing on the present now.

<That wasn't very subtle, you know.>


"Right, sorry," Baros said with a nod and an apologetic wave of his hand. It seemed that the nerves surrounding this event had jettisoned his charisma out the airlock. "You must really tire of people asking questions like that."

Teyla's words cut him a little, and he cast her a disparaging glare. She seemed to think that he wasn't up to this. Or that the pressure would get to him before too long.

Don't worry Tey. I will perform just fine when I need too.

Then one of them zoned out a little, he had read of similar situations in his studies about the force...or perhaps they were just partaking of one of the myriad substances on offer tonight. It was hard to tell as he had no first hand experience. The words that came out of her mouth were a different thing altogether.

Pig? Liar?

"Excuse me?" He said, to what he considered an affront to his character, "you might try..."

The rest of the words stopped him mid-sentence. There was a quietness in the conversation, and it seemed that Baros was not being let in on some secret that the two of them knew. The force?

He shifted uneasily on his feet at the mention of poison. Up until then, he was about to present them with his digi-creds so that they could make contact. He was very interested in know more about force users. But poison, that made him uncomfortable.

"Did they say something off the cuff about poison? Ah...Teyla..." Came the disembodied voice of Valere.

"Teyla...we must be moving. It was a pleasure to meet you both," he said, lying. He was rather unsettled to say the least.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy



A fog had clouded Baros' mind. He had taken one to many kicks to the head - one was too many. Thankfully in Respini's rage she had lacked accuracy, and her flailing tirade was more a shotgun of violence than concentrated release. This was likely the only thing that saved Baros' life, and perhaps it was what Respini intended. Even in her manic state, she was still thinking long game, and preserving Baros' life to present to TBK.

He moved in and out of consciousness. Teyla was up. How long had he been out? Then his eyes rolled back and he was gone. What felt like an emotional shock wave jolted him again back to consciousness. Baros again could not gauge the amount time that had passed, but Respini now lay on the floor and Teyla stood over her.

Don't let her die...

He could feel a warm stickiness on his arm. Unsure of what it was, Baros chose to focus on the warmth of Teyla's hand holding his face. His mouth moved, but no words came forth. But he clearly heard Teyla.

“I love you.”

The corners of his swollen lips curled up. "What' love?" He said, coughing slightly between words. He knew the truth. He loved Teyla too, but the moment to say as much had been filled with his normal non-committal nonsense. He already felt the stirrings of shame. This was not how loving people behaved. The moment was his mind began to reengage with what was happening.

"Valere," he whispered, "she's dying..."

Baros was oblivious to the transformative event that had just taken place for Teyla. Had he known, he would have comforted her for a moment at least, but all he offered was a kiss pressed against her hand before pulling himself up to his knees. Everything ached, and not more than one place was bleeding. "She has another vial on her," he said, towards the ungracefully fallen form of Respini. To the best of his ability, Baros began to crawl across to the dying woman. Behind him, his leg left a trail of blood - not extreme amounts but enough to be concerning.

He fumbled through her clothes, before finding the small vial. He looked up, Teyla still sat across the room, seemingly in state of shock. "Hey!" Baros yelled, "this ain't over yet. Get your head in the game, Teyla!" It was probably a bit terse, but they needed to act fast. By the looks of Respini, he could not tell what Teyla had done to her, but he was damned glad she had been pulling her punches when they sparred.

He rolled the antidote across the room, and it hit Teyla's leg. "Get that stuff into Jannus some how...I will keep Respini alive until you can get the explosives out...GO!" Baros felt like crumpling into a heap, and not waking up for a few days. His preference was that Teyla was there to do so with him, but none of that was possible if he didn't keep pushing himself.

Looking down at Respini, Baros knew what he had to do. His arms ached as he started the compressions on her chest. Bracing himself, he leaned down, and breathed into Respini's mouth. "Don't you die on me you insane..." His words were muffled with another breath into her mouth.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren
Though she was not highly trained in the Force just yet, it was strong with Teyla, who was sensitive enough to feel the ebbs and flows rushing through them like a raging current when it was being actively tapped into.

Luca had told her that some Force Sensitives were able to predict and receive visions of the future. They were often unclear, with multiple paths, but it was not something she’d ever witnessed before and had no point of reference to compare it with. Could that be what was happening now?

Moments before she was eager to leave, now all she wanted to do was stay and figure out what it was these two were going on about.

"Teyla...we must be moving. It was a pleasure to meet you both,"

Reluctantly, she turned to follow Baros, her eyes lingering for as long as possible on the two girls behind her.

Who were they?

“What do you think that was all about?”


I N Q U I S I T O R ' S R E V E N G E
"What' love?"

Teyla’s hand shot up to her mouth to stifle the sob, before quickly falling back to his shoulder to support him.

“Baros...” She breathed his name as one she despaired never speaking again, more tears running unchecked down her face, too overcome with her own emotion over the fact that he was alive, to even think or care about anything else.

Valere? Respini? They were thoughts that were far from her mind in the present moment, though apparently not from Baros’, who kissed her hand and shifted to get himself upright.

She moved her hands to a position to try and help him sit up, then looked at him for a long moment; she’d used the dark-side to save him, nearly killed Respini, almost went completely over the edge of the void with fear and rage, yet there was no time for her to sort through how overwhelmed all of it made her feel.

Her eyes traveled past Baros and over to the body of the crumpled Disciple against the wall. She could not muster up the same urgency he had, and just sat there, feeling unable to move, or even to speak. All of the sordid realities of the decisions she’d made, came rushing in.

What had she done?


A shaky breath loosed and her eyes fluttered, as someone coming back into a consciousness state.

“Right,” she murmered, fumbling to grab the vial and scramble to her feet, wiping the tears and semi-dried blood from her face. Once she’d been pulled unceremoniously back to reality, it only took Teyla a matter of minutes to accomplish her tasks.

Syringes and bacta were in full stock in their small medbay, so she would have no issue administering the dosage needed for Valere. “Here, this should help,” Teyla rolled up the detectives sleeve, and stabbed her arm with the syringe. It only took a matter of moments for limbs to become limber once more, Teyla was there and ready, grabbing onto the other woman when her body gave way. “Easy does it.” She soothed. “I still need to get the explosive out of you. Where did she put it?”

“In my right arm,” her breathing was labored, hesitant. The Detective was staring at her with a troubled look. Teyla chose to ignore it, carefully searching for the fresh incision. “near the shoulder.”

Found it.

“Don’t move. This is going to sting a bit.”


“I have them, here.” she said, rushing over to where Baros was and depositing the explosive chips into his outreached palm. Beside him was Cynthie, sitting upright and restrained, a look of abject horror on her face at Teyla’s arrival.

For a moment she feared that she may have said something to Baros about what happened, but when the Disciple tried to speak, there were no words that came out of her mouth, just scratchy gasps of air and silent mouthing.

She did that.

“Get her off my ship.”

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
"Yeah...sure thing." Ivy knew the look that Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren had given them. It was the same look others had given them when asked about their futures and realizing that they bit off more than they could chew. Although the future wasn't set in stone, there were some people that moved the chess pieces to be sure that the future that was foreseen was indeed set to come to pass. Willow and Ivy weren't such people. However there were plenty of others that took advantage of their abilities so that they could.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren didn't seem to share the same sentiment as her companion, which was more or less a good thing. At least that was one less person freaked out by the pair.

Once they were gone, Ivy sighed. " much for that."

"They'll be back. Don't worry."

"You scared them, Willow. And you're usually the more likeable one...."

"We'll see them again. Maybe not here, maybe not today, but we'll see them again. I can feel it."

"Yeah....I know..." Ivy finished off her drink. She knew what Willow could feel as they were tapped into eachother through their Force Bond. Their abilities were gifts, but sometimes Ivy felt them to be more trouble than they were worth.
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Respini had woken, much to Baros' disappointment and momentary fear. She had tried to sit up, but her attention was not on Baros, but instead her eyes darted and and fro looking for something or someone. Baros' eyes bore down on her, his mind being taken over with an all consuming rage. Never again. This would soon be over, and never again would the Disciples or the 'untouchable' Thistlebark Killer torment families across the galaxy. Respini would die today. Wexlor was already dead.

The full weight of everything that had transpired came to rest on his heart. His own poisoning. Teyla's family. Teyla herself...Jannus...even the Twi'lek, Daesha. These were just the names he knew personally. There was a list of affected parties that Jannus had reviewed with him more than a week ago. Each name no scrolled through his mind like they did that day on the datapad.

I will find them all. They will all burn. Never again.

"Never again," he whispered, as he dragged Respini by the hair across the room.

With a second wind, he found the strength to use his blood-soaked arm to lift the choking psychopath, and throwing her against the wall. Her own pair of binders would be used on her...and then...Baros knew what would become of her.

“I have them, here.”

Without a response, Baros curled up his fingers around the tablet sized explosives. He paused for a breath, and did not see the look of terror on Respini's face as she watched Teyla. "Open your mouth..."

It was almost like Respini was welcoming death as she obeyed, before Baros dropped them into her mouth. "...and swallow them."

"What are you doing?" Said Valere as she arrived in the room, "Baros...what the hell are you doing?"

Holding either side of Respini's mouth, he forced it open. Somehow she had managed to choke them down. It did not occur to Baros at this moment that all she needed to do was hide them under her tongue, and spit them out when not watched. The question as to why she did not do this, would come to haunt Baros Sal-Soren.

"We have got what we need from her," he said, venom dripping from every word, "now we drop her off."

Valere stepped away from the wall, but collapsed to the ground, the drugs still weakening her. "Baros...she must stand trial. A judge will decide her fate," Jannus said, "stop and THINK."

Pulling Respini to her feet, both wounded individuals made their way to the airlock, which Baros opened with a slap of his palm. "When you hurt the people I love," he said, eyes meeting Teyla's for just a moment, "you judge."

Valere could be heard from the other room trying to reason with the maddened Corellian. Baros held Respini mere inches from his face. "He will be joining you in hell soon enough," he spat at her, before pushing her into the airlock and slapping the button to close the door.

Inside the airlock, Respini stood defiantly to her feet. In the background, Valere cried out that it wasn't too late to stop this. Baros watched Respini for a moment, and then pulled the handle down to open the outer door.

"Never again."

Baros collapsed to the ground.

Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren
I N Q U I S I T O R ' S R E V E N G E

She’d wanted revenge.

Why not? One less scumbag off the streets wouldn’t make her lose any sleep at night. Cynthie was too dangerous to be left alive. If given the chance, she’d try to kill them again, or at least who ever held the least amount of value to her. Maybe succeed the next time. They were monsters, all of them.

So, yes.

Teyla wanted her dead.

But, standing there, watching Baros? His actions stunned her, and did nothing but sober her back to a rational state of mind, she shook her head. What had she said… What had she done? This was not the person that she was. This was not who Baros was.

Were these the consequences of using the Dark Side?

“No,” She whispered, making quick strides to him, to put an end to all of this, no hesitation in her voice. “Stop! Baros! Quit! You’ve made your point! Valere is right! She can’t die! She --”

Yes. She’d made a decision to act, but the window of time to do so had already passed. She was too late.

In the last glimpse she ever had of Cynthie, Teyla would never forget the look on her face right before she was violently pulled into the vacuum of space. A cheshire grin spread from ear to ear, with a pleased glint in her eyes, and a knowing look that she settled on Teyla herself.

What had been done, could not be undone.

An icy chill cut through her like a knife, and beside her, Baros crumbled to the ground.

“Valere!” she screamed across the ship, “Tell Rafiki to put her in autopilot and get over here, now!”


Rafiki had acted quickly, scooping up Baros from the ground like he was weightless and moving him to the infirmary. Teyla’s medical skills were very few beyond basic first aid, but she could administer bacta patches and shots, using up a good portion of their stock that would now need to be replenished at the nearest spaceport.

He’d lost a lot of blood, and there was no knowing if he suffered from a concussion, or what the true extent of his injuries were. Mental, or physical. He needed a real physician, someone that could do more than sit at his bedside and wait for him to wake up. In this, she felt completely and utterly useless.

There was also the matter of what would happen, when he woke up. To say that the Detective was displeased by what took place, was putting it much too mildly. And then, there was her own part that she’d played, and Teyla could not help thinking that she was the cause of this. The Dark Side corrupted, it stained everything it touched. She’d been worried about Cynthie telling Baros what had happened, now, she couldn’t see how she could keep this a secret from him.

But she feared his reaction, what he would think and say.

This was her fault.

Baros Sal-Soren Baros Sal-Soren
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