Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Alysia Shields

Alysia Shields



ALIAS: Alysia Shields
ALIGNMENT: Neutral-Light
ROLE: Force Disciple
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
BUILD: Athletic
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Caucasian

  • Morally Ambiguous: Alysia Shields has never been one for rules, at the end of the day seeing only the objective and how to get it done. To the frustration of her peers, she isn't alike most Jedi and will not flinch at the expense of others if it means an assignment completed successfully.
  • The Greater Good: Alysia wants the best for the people of the Galaxy, contrary to the rumours from fellow students that she's a "Walking Contradiction of the Jedi". While her methods may not be traditional or clean, no one will argue that she gets results.
  • Walking The Line: Alysia's lack of self-discipline and exploitation of the Force has her walking a dangerous path, teetering on the line between the Dark and the Light and will at times be difficult to distinguish between which side she's playing for.
  • Public Embarrassment: If there were ever a representative of the Jedi, Alysia's farthest from it and should probably be kept locked in her dorm when the Order's under the spotlight. Her behaviour and her actions in the field are questionable at best and could cause a great deal of embarrassment if ever she were recorded and uploaded to the Holonet.


Alysia Shields is a young active teenager whose lifestyle, world views and personality have resulted in a rather rebellious self-image, often prone to acting out on her feelings and taking life head-on via her impulsiveness. Her choice of apparel is a far cry from the traditional Jedi attire, favouring darker colours such as blacks and greys often represented in her "spacer look".

Rarely does her hair look brushed and she hates the general concept of make-up, often expressing to those who do wear it that they should be ashamed of themselves for pretending to be what they're not. To some, this is quite a hypocritical statement given her growing up alongside the Jedi, yet behaving as anything but.


Alysia was born into a small-time family who made ends meet by way of petty crime on the world of Nar Kreeta before it was taken by the Bryn'adul many years later. Fortunately for Alysia, she would be far from her home-world during the war, as in her earlier years her parents were discovered by the Hutts to be undercutting them in their profits which earned them a fatal and violent visit in the night, of which Alysia was present at the age of four and spared due to her youth and general helpless appearance, left there until discovered by the authorities the next day.

The next couple of years Alysia would spend her time bouncing around families and the social services network within Silver Space, her caretakers often having trouble controlling the girl's aggressive outbursts and trouble-making behaviour as she contended with the memories of her past, a chip on her shoulder against the general galaxy for how unfair her life felt, learning to resent even herself for how clearly little she meant in the overall picture of life in a Galaxy that didn't seem to care in her eyes.

By the age of eight years old, Alysia's Force Sensitivity had developed to the point of becoming too obvious to ignore and her foster parents were more than eager to ship her off to the Jedi for all the grief she had caused them, often referring to them as "just another stepping stone" or her "temporary do-gooders". Somehow she managed to be inducted as an Initiate to the Jedi, and for the following few years giving her tutors no small amount of trouble, testing their own self-discipline and likely being an all-round bad influence on her fellow students while jumping between Enclaves and Temples over her years of training.

However, those who were able to get close enough to gain insight as to who she was, would be surprised to find that there was actually a good person buried beneath all of her hurt and external image that she used to guard herself. While Alysia never seemed to hesitate in pushing the lines and bordering on expulsion from the Enclave, those with the training and wisdom to see it would refuse to let her talents go awry and likely fall into the same pattern as her family had done, instead of seeking something of an unorthodox path in order to see her become an asset for the Galaxy...

Enter the Jedi Shadow.


Does your character have any special items, a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail
(what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).








Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed.
If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.



Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it.
If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.



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Casting shadows in sand (Jakku Jedi Enclave).



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