Name: Alunrovaan
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Negosvern
Language: Tinvaok (non-canon Thu'um, w/ modifications. Translations Available)
Average Height of Adults: 5'6 ft
Skin Colour: Alunrovaan typically spend their time underground, so as to avoid the harsh climates of the surface of their homeworld. As a result, through the passing down of genes a lack of pigmentation in the skin a peach-pale is achieved to most of the current generation. Generally, the younger the Alunrovaan, the lighter their skin tends to be. Much of the lack of pigmentation in the skin is also attributed to by the uzuur organ, making solar nutrient-intake unnecessary. Inevitably, their bodies have reduced pigmentation presence.
Hair Colour: Alunrovaan have predominantly black or other extremely dark shades of hair. Aside from black, the most common colours are a dark purple, and dark blue. Pure-blood Alunrovaan have no sort of keratin pigmentation that result in shades of yellow, orange, or green. Grey usually occurs when Alunrovaan are well aged, and a silver hair-tone results from the aging of an Alunrovaan with dark-blue hair. Any sort of red-variation (actual red, not ginger-red) is extremely rare, and is culturally regarded as a 'Harbinger of Death', or 'Bringer of Salvation' in accordance with Alunrovaan religion. Lighter shades of purple are uncommon, but have no cultural connotation, positive or negative. Simply a rare hair-colour. Alunrovaan born with white hair are regarded as royalty, and have only been found in descendants with direct lineage to the first female Alunrovaan.
Breathes: Alunrovaan require carbon to breathe, though the intake of other gases is not a major inhibitor, and even ones commonly poisonous or harmful to most species' with respiratory systems can be filtered to an extent.
- Strength/Weight and Limitations - In comparison to most other races, Alunroovaan (Alua'an for conventional and informal reference), exhibit extraordinary strength despite their commonly petite bodies. The primary factor in the development of superior strength in Alua'an derives from the muscle architecture. In comparison to most other races with similar humanoid figures, Alua'an's muscle fibers are more plentiful and more tightly woven on a macroscopic level. With additional muscle fibers, Alua'an may typically move their body with more efficiency and precision than most, and the average strength for a female is comparable to a war-elephant. Unfortunately, the addition of muscle fibers results in Alua'ans being extremely heavy, and the sheer density of their bodies tends to disagree with acts such as swimming. Furthermore, while the muscles are plentiful and well-developed, Alua'an bone density is fairly average compared to other races. As such, the amazing strength they wield is held back by their skeletal structure, with the very common occurrence of breaking bones as a result of using their strength.
- Spatial Reasoning - Not always present in all Alua'an; rather, only the force-sensitives. As the capacity to manipulate the force is common in Alua'an and a cultural must, one of the many subjects of the force they focus on in a child's youth is the ability to sense their surroundings. Using the force to grasp one's surroundings is fundamental in the training and education of the force to their young kin.
- Internal Organ - Alua'an have common internal-structures in regards to organs as many other races, such as a mono-cardiovascular system, and a brain to dictate the function of the body; however, Alua'an have an addition to their vital organs: the uzuur. The diaphragm in Alua'an are smaller than most, primarily due to the placement of the uzuur. The uzuur itself is a small organ, and the space it takes up does not lessen the diaphragm too much, but still a noticeable amount. The uzuur allows for molecular conversion of the carbon and silicon intake to form other essential nutrients for the body, allowing them to be completely sustained off of purely carbon and silicon. Because their whole body is dependent on the artificially produced nutrients given by the uzuur, loss of the uzuur's capacity to function will effectively kill off an Alua'an within a minute, unless some sort of life-support is given. The abilities of the uzuur make it a desirable item on the black market for those aware of the their existence; thus, not only does it add another vulnerability to the Alua'an, but a high price on their bodies.
- Feminine Bodies - Alua'an are frequently born with feminine looks, even as a male. Their muscle-density eliminates the necessity in expanding the body to make room for muscular development, taking out one of the things that defines a 'masculine appearance'. Also due to the development of their muscles, bone growth is somewhat stunted, frequently resulting in shorter and thinner bodies than most. Alua'an have the uzuur, which contributes to a feminine appearance in several ways. First, the placement of the uzuur. Taking up what would be some space for the diaphragm, Alua'an have higher-pitched. The uzuur is located below the diaphragm, often times making its placement a tad higher. This eliminates the need for longer vocal cords, which also contributes to higher pitched voices. The uzuur also artificially produces nutrients, making excessive fat nearly non-existent in them and maintaining a slim body in Alua'an. Because the uzuur produces nutrients for the body, the creation of Keratin is more easily moderated and attained. Because of this, hair is often extremely luscious, silky, and overall appealing. Furthermore, hair growth is accelerated, as cell-production in Alua'an can be done far faster than most due to production of their own nutrients. Given that, old cells are pushed out at a faster rate, thus more hair is produced. One of the few things that's not entirely explainable is the lack of hair growing throughout the rest of their bodies. Perhaps an evolutionary result, in which the attraction of smooth, hairless skin has eventually made it a dominant trait. Due to the rarity, Alua'an are frequently attracted to muscular, large forms with some facial hair, with the last being more likely a temporary trend amongst the young. A major feature in distinguishing males from females is chest-size.
- Overdeveloped Processing Speed/Elongated Temporal Sense - Carbon and silicon are the main two components consumed by Alua'an in any way. Alua'an is a carbon/silicon-based race, with many components of their body primarily built upon the two elements. Many organs in an Alua'an are primarily carbon, with select parts and tissues comprised of silicon. Silicon, being a semiconductor, is capable of translating electrical signals well while still retaining the capacity to do many functions for the body that carbon can. As a result, electrical signals are relayed from the rest of the body to the brain, with nerves being one of the few body parts comprised mainly of silicon. With electrical signals reaching the brain and being sent out faster, Alua'an suffer less of a time-delay than other races, allowing for faster processing speed and more finely tuned motor function and reflexes. Additionally, the brain can process information faster as a result, and effectively have the effect of "faster thinking" in layman terms. Unfortunately, this expands an Alua'an sense of time. While advantageous in some situations, they also suffer situations 'longer' than most. For example, in a torturous scenario, they comprehend the pain faster and essentially 'feel' it for longer amounts of time than most others in terms of sense. If an Alua'an were in a lonely situation? Despite not necessarily 'thriving' on social relations, they will still suffer the effects of isolation, and likely be 'hit' by these effects before others would, as they perceive this isolation for longer periods than most.
- Agile/Detail-Oriented - Due to the muscular structure and bone density of an Alua'an body, taking care of ones movements has become a thing of necessity, and eventually a cultural demand. Grace and elegance is a widely attractive trait, and exhibiting control of the body is equivalent to the human attraction to large breasts, aside from the supposed 'maternal-organ' effect. In tandem with their Overdeveloped Processing Speed, Alua'an may be accurately acclaimed to having extremely fast reflexes. On the other hand, their attention to physical movement has made them overly aware of 'detail'. Adding their processing speed, they may quickly notice and evaluate the details of most things they perceive, which often results in many Alua'an suffering from an assortment of 'effects' such as OCD.
- Night Affinity/Solar Weakness - Being a race that commonly populates below the surface of their planet, the Alua'an thrive in darkness. Adding their affinity to spatial reasoning and common breeding of force-sensitives, a lack of light does little to inhibit them. Unfortunately, this development has led the majority of them to be 'weaker' in well-lit areas, primarily due to the body's sensitivity to light so as to function in dim areas. Alua'an are particularly weak to solar-produced electromagnetic radiation, as their skin lacks pigmentation to protect from the radiation.
- Self-Sufficient/Atmosphere-Dependent - Given that Alua'an have the uzuur organ, much of their bodies needs are covered, and a respiratory intake of carbon is usually enough to keep them living. In contrast, this makes Alua'an extremely dependent on having an available and plentiful source of carbon. Furthermore, Alua'an lungs are essential to an Alua'an life, even by the second. A lack of carbon to breathe in can end their lives within minutes. Even simply holding one's breath can result in death if done for too long, adding to their lack of efficiency in water.
- Healing Factor/Short Livespan - As aforementioned, the nutrient conversion and production for their bodies are not well monitored. As a result, the constant and rapid production will inevitably give Alua'an the uncanny ability to heal their bodies, some to the point of rapid regeneration. Naturally, a rate of rapid regeneration cannot be done on internal parts of the torso and head (and neck), but most chunks of tissue is subject to repair. Unfortunately, this lack of moderation also means a rapid burn of 'life'. As with most species', Alua'an cells have a limited number of reproduction. A constant and rapid rate of cellular reproduction will allow Alua'an to reach their final days, on average, within 30 years. Of course, the majority are force-sensitives, and many are capable of granting themselves longevity. Naturally, longevity is attained only by the more skilled wielders of the force, but the process and concept is not unheard of in Alua'an culture. Additionally, their healing factor inherently offers Alua'an extremely high stamina. Typically, Alua'an are capable of healing entire limbs within the span of minutes (and are limited to only healing tissues such as skin, bone, and muscles at such a fast rate; everything else, if they can be healed, will repair at a normal rate). While this often prevents manners of death such as bleeding out, it should also be noted that Alua'an bodies tend to repair around something, as opposed to pressuring whatever was in their way, out of the way. Given that, if something were to be enlodged in them, they would typical heal around whatever was enlodged, effectively keeping the object there for an unspecified amount of time--indefinitely would be a possibility. This also prevents acts such as surgery or attempting to remove whatever was enlodged within them, as their bodies would actively heal while the process was taking place. Furthermore, bodily illnesses that register as native tissue (such as a tumour or cancer) will regenerate along with any other tissue, frequently resulting in the illness killing the Alua'an long before it would any other species.
- Rationale/Underdeveloped Empathy - Alua'an are capable of rational and logical thought. In fact, the side of the brain that deals with logic, numbers and the sort is well-developed. On the other hand, the development of the logical portions of the brain has effectively stunted the growth of the emotional portions of their brain. While they are extremely emotional beings capable of comprehending feelings, Alua'an typically suffer social deficiency. Their logical output can frequently fail to take into account the emotional aspects to a situation--sometimes even their own.
- Blind/Deaf - In accordance with Alua'an culture and tradition, after determining a child's capacity to fit into their society (comparable to Sparta's necessity in determining their children's capabilities) the newborn is blinded, either through removal of the eyes or other, more 'humane' methods. In addition to blinding the child, their hearing is stripped as well, through similar methods (e.g disrupting eardrums). In Alua'an culture, blinding and deafening children are to help them embrace and understand the force, making communication and daily living entirely dependent on usage of the force. Through the force, Alua'an (with the aid of developed and taught spatial reasoning) become aware of their surroundings, perceiving a certain range around them in three dimensions, with themselves as the epicentre of their range. Perception of sounds is done through the translation of vibrations through the air into meaning, also done through the force. Those more skilled are able to distinguish colours through differences in electromagnetism (which is how one might learn of another's hair colour).
Distinctions: Alunrovaan look nearly entirely identical to a human. The only difference is in the physical restrictions to their appearance. All pure-blood Alunrovaan have hair colours limited to either Red, Purple, Blue, Black, and White, with a small spectrum of shades available; furthermore, their hair tends to be grown out, as cutting them would be a tad redundant given the speed of their hair growth (10 inches a month/avg). Speaking of colours, Alunrovaan will without exception, even in the event of cross-species breeding, possess fair skin, primarily due to the lack of pigmentation. In terms of overall body shape, Alunrovaan tend to be rather slim, with an average 5 feet and six inches in height, for both males and females. Alunrovaan possess eyes of all colours, but are typically found to have pitch-black irises that blend in with their pupils. If not pitch black, other common colours include red, grey, green, purple, and blue. Another distinctive eye-trait is the common appearance of epicanthic folds, frequently being mistaken for an Epicanthix (given their rarity throughout the galaxy, it would be understandable for people to guess them Epicanthix before Alunrovaan). Aside from the explicitly stated, Alunrovaan will typically vary in appearance in all sorts of ways.
Average Lifespan: 30 years, Earth-Human standard (1,000,000,000 seconds approximately).
Races: Alunrovaan are comprised of only one singular race.
Estimated Population: Pre-Nego Destruction: < 10,000 Post-Nego Destruction: less than 50
Diet: not necessary to eat anything, but eating something with high carbon and/or silicon can give them a temporary boost of physique. The uzuur is limited in controlling nutrient creation and output, making it simply force out all the nutrients as fast as possible and essentially giving the body a surplus of nutrients to quickly burn off. Doing so stresses the uzuur and can ultimately damage the organ if frequency and consumption is too high. Eating anything that does not contain a suitably high amount of carbon and/or silicon can and will give Alua'an some internal 'difficulties'. The stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys, gall-bladder, etc. are still necessary. The uzuur creates nutrients out of re-arranged molecules of carbon and silicon, crystallises/liquifies the result and allows the rest of the body to handle it.
Communication: Alunrovaan have developed their own language, primarily based on the vibrations that produce sound, as opposed to sound itself. There are characters and written versions of their language, with few dialects that are local to planetary regions. Others aside from Alunrovaan can speak and comprehend Alunrovaan language through the noises made to create variations of 'vibrations' that Alunrovaan can mentally convert into meaning. A particular must in Alunrovaan communication is the precision of syllables pronounced, as vibrations can easily mesh into senseless ramble. Aside from their native language of vibrations, commonly referred to as 'Tinvaok', Alunrovaan can speak and comprehend other languages, but typically have a harder time learning different languages than most species'.
Culture: Alunrovaan follow a warrior-esque culture, in which those with greater fighting capability are those that thrive in their society. Considering they are a self-sufficient race, most things available are all luxuries, as little else except air to breathe and perhaps a home to shelter them are necessary. Aside from training in the force from their elders, Alunrovaan find little else to keep them occupied. Of course, there are plenty that dedicate themselves to the force more than others, but aside from the force the only thing to keep them busy is each other. The planet Alunrovaan populate has little else to offer, with Alunrovaan being the singular species on the planet. So, besides those that dedicate themselves to the force, many Alunrovaan take to practicing combat, frequently against each other. Because of their high rate of regeneration, brink-of-death combat is a common practice. Much of their combat-oriented society is a result of remnants of habits and traditions carried over as a result of their heavily war-based history. With fighting as their primary form of entertainment and manner of 'settling things', Alunrovaan are bolstered in reputation in correlation to their fighting ability. Those who are better fighters are seen in better light, and are frequently regarded as 'more attractive' by both genders. A part of Alunrovaan culture may be misinterpreted as 'open-minded' in regards to the freedom of choice in their society. Instead, Alunrovaan are actually extremely strict, but because of their small numbers and generally close community, there are few who interpret their traditions differently than others. Thus, they are commonly in agreement with their rules and traditions, creating the guise of seemingly 'open-minded'. In Alunrovaan society, they do not look simply at 'fighting' as a good quality, but combat as a whole. That in mind, these people are also appreciative of the less direct methods of winning a fight, such as intelligence, resourcefulness and especially the ability to use the force in unorthodox manners. Most of the physical cultural traditions placed upon Alunrovaan spawn at young age are stated elsewhere in the application.
Some smaller details such as specific aspects of their [singular] religion or other similar bits may be revealed through the dialogue of an Alunrovaan character or narrative.
Technology Level: Having their level of technology rapidly decline in the massive moon-wide civil war, Alunrovaan have quickly dropped to a lack of technology completely. They instead rely on their own bodies and the force to accomplish things. Alunrovaan are capable of utilising technology, however. With the uzuur being a highly valuable organ to be sold in the black market, pirates and other criminals frequently came to Negosvern. With failure being common, many ships of varying types were left on the surface, and the more curious Alunrovaan had learned to commandeer these ships and the other mechanics within it. For the most part, these ships and other pieces of technology are used for entertainment purposes, with the few survivors of their final war using the ships to escape the moon before its destruction.
General Behavior: Based on the cultural effects on them, Alua'an typically exhibit narcisstic attitudes. Given that they were founded upon isolationist ideals (or rather, were forced into isolation as a result of their past actions and/or inactions), and are beings capable of self-sustenance, Alua'an look to themselves and others to keep their sentient minds running fluidly. With a cultural heirarchy founded upon exhibiting power, those who have proven themselves stronger, faster, more attuned to their senses, and overall better fighters in all aspects and manners will naturally be treated with more respect than others. That in mind, Alua'an are typically self-involved and arrogant, with those 'on top' even moreso. On the other hand, given that all of them tend to be extremely powerful physically, wisdom and intellect is a highly valued trait, capable of turning the tide of a battle that was previously completely one-sided. That in mind, their arrogance is often only expressed indirectly, in sarcasstic, condescending, and/or passive-aggressive manners. On top of their usually unpleasant personalities, Alua'an rarely exhibit care to their surroundings. Without much necessity in their surroundings, even taking to moving underground as shelter, they frequently flaunt their abilities without attention to constructs around them, aside from their strategetical use. This sometimes even includes other living creatures. With Alua'an entertaining themselves through combat, caring little for injury due to their rapid rate of healing, they often fail to provide care for the well-being of others. Even if they had no intention in injuring another, it has become somewhat of a subconscious characteristic to simply assume that whoever was injured would be fine in the end. Overall, Alua'an are extremely unsuited to environments aside from their own, especially those of 'civil' standings.
History: Two different humanoid races birth 5 children. Ship breaks down and they settle on a moon revolving around a dwarf-star. Children grow up, the parents die. Children inter-breed, create their own children, which interbreed in turn. The genetic mutation gained from inter-breeding, rather than creating mental or physical deficiencies, seems to mimic a sort of accelerated evolution. Process continues and accelerated evolution continues. Soon, differences between opinion in the Alunrovaan create a schism between two factions. Their war devolves technology as reliance on the force and more primal weapons and their own bodies. Other surface-populations on the planet are hunted to give more energy and a boost of physique. Often times they even resort to eating the dead bodies of each other. A force user 'sees' the future in a vision and predicts that the war will end by the hand of an Alunrovaan born from both sides. They will have the greatest power their species has ever seen. War continues as people grow tired of the war that claims hundreds of thousands of lives over the span of several decades. Soon enough, children without adequate force capacity are sent away, killed and used as a boosting agent, or employed as more remedial servants. Some even start blinding their children and deafening them so as to draw them closer to the force, so to speak. People who tire from endless war seek out similar-minded people from the other faction and copulate, in hopes that their child would be the one to end the war. Many people do this, and each faction considers this treason. Fighting turns from faction versus faction to two civil wars on the opposite sides of the planet. During this, many of the people who have bred with those of opposing factions turn to the underground to hide and escape their hunters. Soon enough solar spikes and winds blast out, slowly annihilating those on the surface. All that's left is the Alunrovaan underground, who have begun to start their own society. For the time being, they live in peace. Some of the war habits and cultures still prevail, however; soon, they became simply cultural traditions, widely accepted by most everyone. Some decades fast forward, Yuuzhan Vong. With Yuuzhan Vong beginning to land and scourge for signs of life, the underground society was soon found. It quickly became a war between Yuuzhan Vong and Alunrovaan. With the force being something which could not effect the Yuuzhan Vong, Alunrovaan quickly developed new fighting strategies, which revolved around the force boosting themselves as opposed to being attacks and techniques in itself. A war waged for several more decades. While the Yuuzhan were a formidable opponent, Alunrovaan were well-adapted to their moon's conditions, such as the gravity most Yuuzhan were likely unaccustomed to, and the carbon-primary atmosphere breathed in. Unfortunately, fighting on the ground quickly took to the skies and space. Alunrovaan, who were an isolationist species with lack of technology, soon perished, as the entirety of their planet was destroyed with the Yuuzhan Vong finding it no longer worth the trouble to conquer the planet as opposed to simply destroying it. In place lies massive debris, still close to each other with a gravitational pull slowly reforming the moon.
Notable Player-Characters:
Intent: The purpose of this race is to serve as a way to create dynamic plots and threads. In terms of a more direct influence on the SWCRP-universe, hopefully Alunrovaan will serve as an unknown and therefore cautiously regarded species, given their origins from the 'edges' of The Galaxy. Their history and survivors are to hopefully give impact to the SWCRP-universe and provide new plots with a refreshing basis for many members. Originally, there was to be a planet-creation thread to pair along with this race due to the Netherworld event, but with their planet utterly destroyed, it seems a bit pointless now. Note: This species just so happened to be one of the first affected by Yuuzhan Vong entering the current Galaxy from their own. Note 2: Considering the low numbers of this species, I would appreciate it if creating an Alunrovaan NPC was discussed with me before its submission. If an Alunrovaan PC is created, I'm fine with no consultation.
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Negosvern
Language: Tinvaok (non-canon Thu'um, w/ modifications. Translations Available)
Average Height of Adults: 5'6 ft
Skin Colour: Alunrovaan typically spend their time underground, so as to avoid the harsh climates of the surface of their homeworld. As a result, through the passing down of genes a lack of pigmentation in the skin a peach-pale is achieved to most of the current generation. Generally, the younger the Alunrovaan, the lighter their skin tends to be. Much of the lack of pigmentation in the skin is also attributed to by the uzuur organ, making solar nutrient-intake unnecessary. Inevitably, their bodies have reduced pigmentation presence.
Hair Colour: Alunrovaan have predominantly black or other extremely dark shades of hair. Aside from black, the most common colours are a dark purple, and dark blue. Pure-blood Alunrovaan have no sort of keratin pigmentation that result in shades of yellow, orange, or green. Grey usually occurs when Alunrovaan are well aged, and a silver hair-tone results from the aging of an Alunrovaan with dark-blue hair. Any sort of red-variation (actual red, not ginger-red) is extremely rare, and is culturally regarded as a 'Harbinger of Death', or 'Bringer of Salvation' in accordance with Alunrovaan religion. Lighter shades of purple are uncommon, but have no cultural connotation, positive or negative. Simply a rare hair-colour. Alunrovaan born with white hair are regarded as royalty, and have only been found in descendants with direct lineage to the first female Alunrovaan.
Breathes: Alunrovaan require carbon to breathe, though the intake of other gases is not a major inhibitor, and even ones commonly poisonous or harmful to most species' with respiratory systems can be filtered to an extent.
- Strength/Weight and Limitations - In comparison to most other races, Alunroovaan (Alua'an for conventional and informal reference), exhibit extraordinary strength despite their commonly petite bodies. The primary factor in the development of superior strength in Alua'an derives from the muscle architecture. In comparison to most other races with similar humanoid figures, Alua'an's muscle fibers are more plentiful and more tightly woven on a macroscopic level. With additional muscle fibers, Alua'an may typically move their body with more efficiency and precision than most, and the average strength for a female is comparable to a war-elephant. Unfortunately, the addition of muscle fibers results in Alua'ans being extremely heavy, and the sheer density of their bodies tends to disagree with acts such as swimming. Furthermore, while the muscles are plentiful and well-developed, Alua'an bone density is fairly average compared to other races. As such, the amazing strength they wield is held back by their skeletal structure, with the very common occurrence of breaking bones as a result of using their strength.
- Spatial Reasoning - Not always present in all Alua'an; rather, only the force-sensitives. As the capacity to manipulate the force is common in Alua'an and a cultural must, one of the many subjects of the force they focus on in a child's youth is the ability to sense their surroundings. Using the force to grasp one's surroundings is fundamental in the training and education of the force to their young kin.
- Internal Organ - Alua'an have common internal-structures in regards to organs as many other races, such as a mono-cardiovascular system, and a brain to dictate the function of the body; however, Alua'an have an addition to their vital organs: the uzuur. The diaphragm in Alua'an are smaller than most, primarily due to the placement of the uzuur. The uzuur itself is a small organ, and the space it takes up does not lessen the diaphragm too much, but still a noticeable amount. The uzuur allows for molecular conversion of the carbon and silicon intake to form other essential nutrients for the body, allowing them to be completely sustained off of purely carbon and silicon. Because their whole body is dependent on the artificially produced nutrients given by the uzuur, loss of the uzuur's capacity to function will effectively kill off an Alua'an within a minute, unless some sort of life-support is given. The abilities of the uzuur make it a desirable item on the black market for those aware of the their existence; thus, not only does it add another vulnerability to the Alua'an, but a high price on their bodies.
- Feminine Bodies - Alua'an are frequently born with feminine looks, even as a male. Their muscle-density eliminates the necessity in expanding the body to make room for muscular development, taking out one of the things that defines a 'masculine appearance'. Also due to the development of their muscles, bone growth is somewhat stunted, frequently resulting in shorter and thinner bodies than most. Alua'an have the uzuur, which contributes to a feminine appearance in several ways. First, the placement of the uzuur. Taking up what would be some space for the diaphragm, Alua'an have higher-pitched. The uzuur is located below the diaphragm, often times making its placement a tad higher. This eliminates the need for longer vocal cords, which also contributes to higher pitched voices. The uzuur also artificially produces nutrients, making excessive fat nearly non-existent in them and maintaining a slim body in Alua'an. Because the uzuur produces nutrients for the body, the creation of Keratin is more easily moderated and attained. Because of this, hair is often extremely luscious, silky, and overall appealing. Furthermore, hair growth is accelerated, as cell-production in Alua'an can be done far faster than most due to production of their own nutrients. Given that, old cells are pushed out at a faster rate, thus more hair is produced. One of the few things that's not entirely explainable is the lack of hair growing throughout the rest of their bodies. Perhaps an evolutionary result, in which the attraction of smooth, hairless skin has eventually made it a dominant trait. Due to the rarity, Alua'an are frequently attracted to muscular, large forms with some facial hair, with the last being more likely a temporary trend amongst the young. A major feature in distinguishing males from females is chest-size.
- Overdeveloped Processing Speed/Elongated Temporal Sense - Carbon and silicon are the main two components consumed by Alua'an in any way. Alua'an is a carbon/silicon-based race, with many components of their body primarily built upon the two elements. Many organs in an Alua'an are primarily carbon, with select parts and tissues comprised of silicon. Silicon, being a semiconductor, is capable of translating electrical signals well while still retaining the capacity to do many functions for the body that carbon can. As a result, electrical signals are relayed from the rest of the body to the brain, with nerves being one of the few body parts comprised mainly of silicon. With electrical signals reaching the brain and being sent out faster, Alua'an suffer less of a time-delay than other races, allowing for faster processing speed and more finely tuned motor function and reflexes. Additionally, the brain can process information faster as a result, and effectively have the effect of "faster thinking" in layman terms. Unfortunately, this expands an Alua'an sense of time. While advantageous in some situations, they also suffer situations 'longer' than most. For example, in a torturous scenario, they comprehend the pain faster and essentially 'feel' it for longer amounts of time than most others in terms of sense. If an Alua'an were in a lonely situation? Despite not necessarily 'thriving' on social relations, they will still suffer the effects of isolation, and likely be 'hit' by these effects before others would, as they perceive this isolation for longer periods than most.
- Agile/Detail-Oriented - Due to the muscular structure and bone density of an Alua'an body, taking care of ones movements has become a thing of necessity, and eventually a cultural demand. Grace and elegance is a widely attractive trait, and exhibiting control of the body is equivalent to the human attraction to large breasts, aside from the supposed 'maternal-organ' effect. In tandem with their Overdeveloped Processing Speed, Alua'an may be accurately acclaimed to having extremely fast reflexes. On the other hand, their attention to physical movement has made them overly aware of 'detail'. Adding their processing speed, they may quickly notice and evaluate the details of most things they perceive, which often results in many Alua'an suffering from an assortment of 'effects' such as OCD.
- Night Affinity/Solar Weakness - Being a race that commonly populates below the surface of their planet, the Alua'an thrive in darkness. Adding their affinity to spatial reasoning and common breeding of force-sensitives, a lack of light does little to inhibit them. Unfortunately, this development has led the majority of them to be 'weaker' in well-lit areas, primarily due to the body's sensitivity to light so as to function in dim areas. Alua'an are particularly weak to solar-produced electromagnetic radiation, as their skin lacks pigmentation to protect from the radiation.
- Self-Sufficient/Atmosphere-Dependent - Given that Alua'an have the uzuur organ, much of their bodies needs are covered, and a respiratory intake of carbon is usually enough to keep them living. In contrast, this makes Alua'an extremely dependent on having an available and plentiful source of carbon. Furthermore, Alua'an lungs are essential to an Alua'an life, even by the second. A lack of carbon to breathe in can end their lives within minutes. Even simply holding one's breath can result in death if done for too long, adding to their lack of efficiency in water.
- Healing Factor/Short Livespan - As aforementioned, the nutrient conversion and production for their bodies are not well monitored. As a result, the constant and rapid production will inevitably give Alua'an the uncanny ability to heal their bodies, some to the point of rapid regeneration. Naturally, a rate of rapid regeneration cannot be done on internal parts of the torso and head (and neck), but most chunks of tissue is subject to repair. Unfortunately, this lack of moderation also means a rapid burn of 'life'. As with most species', Alua'an cells have a limited number of reproduction. A constant and rapid rate of cellular reproduction will allow Alua'an to reach their final days, on average, within 30 years. Of course, the majority are force-sensitives, and many are capable of granting themselves longevity. Naturally, longevity is attained only by the more skilled wielders of the force, but the process and concept is not unheard of in Alua'an culture. Additionally, their healing factor inherently offers Alua'an extremely high stamina. Typically, Alua'an are capable of healing entire limbs within the span of minutes (and are limited to only healing tissues such as skin, bone, and muscles at such a fast rate; everything else, if they can be healed, will repair at a normal rate). While this often prevents manners of death such as bleeding out, it should also be noted that Alua'an bodies tend to repair around something, as opposed to pressuring whatever was in their way, out of the way. Given that, if something were to be enlodged in them, they would typical heal around whatever was enlodged, effectively keeping the object there for an unspecified amount of time--indefinitely would be a possibility. This also prevents acts such as surgery or attempting to remove whatever was enlodged within them, as their bodies would actively heal while the process was taking place. Furthermore, bodily illnesses that register as native tissue (such as a tumour or cancer) will regenerate along with any other tissue, frequently resulting in the illness killing the Alua'an long before it would any other species.
- Rationale/Underdeveloped Empathy - Alua'an are capable of rational and logical thought. In fact, the side of the brain that deals with logic, numbers and the sort is well-developed. On the other hand, the development of the logical portions of the brain has effectively stunted the growth of the emotional portions of their brain. While they are extremely emotional beings capable of comprehending feelings, Alua'an typically suffer social deficiency. Their logical output can frequently fail to take into account the emotional aspects to a situation--sometimes even their own.
- Blind/Deaf - In accordance with Alua'an culture and tradition, after determining a child's capacity to fit into their society (comparable to Sparta's necessity in determining their children's capabilities) the newborn is blinded, either through removal of the eyes or other, more 'humane' methods. In addition to blinding the child, their hearing is stripped as well, through similar methods (e.g disrupting eardrums). In Alua'an culture, blinding and deafening children are to help them embrace and understand the force, making communication and daily living entirely dependent on usage of the force. Through the force, Alua'an (with the aid of developed and taught spatial reasoning) become aware of their surroundings, perceiving a certain range around them in three dimensions, with themselves as the epicentre of their range. Perception of sounds is done through the translation of vibrations through the air into meaning, also done through the force. Those more skilled are able to distinguish colours through differences in electromagnetism (which is how one might learn of another's hair colour).
Distinctions: Alunrovaan look nearly entirely identical to a human. The only difference is in the physical restrictions to their appearance. All pure-blood Alunrovaan have hair colours limited to either Red, Purple, Blue, Black, and White, with a small spectrum of shades available; furthermore, their hair tends to be grown out, as cutting them would be a tad redundant given the speed of their hair growth (10 inches a month/avg). Speaking of colours, Alunrovaan will without exception, even in the event of cross-species breeding, possess fair skin, primarily due to the lack of pigmentation. In terms of overall body shape, Alunrovaan tend to be rather slim, with an average 5 feet and six inches in height, for both males and females. Alunrovaan possess eyes of all colours, but are typically found to have pitch-black irises that blend in with their pupils. If not pitch black, other common colours include red, grey, green, purple, and blue. Another distinctive eye-trait is the common appearance of epicanthic folds, frequently being mistaken for an Epicanthix (given their rarity throughout the galaxy, it would be understandable for people to guess them Epicanthix before Alunrovaan). Aside from the explicitly stated, Alunrovaan will typically vary in appearance in all sorts of ways.
Average Lifespan: 30 years, Earth-Human standard (1,000,000,000 seconds approximately).
Races: Alunrovaan are comprised of only one singular race.
Estimated Population: Pre-Nego Destruction: < 10,000 Post-Nego Destruction: less than 50
Diet: not necessary to eat anything, but eating something with high carbon and/or silicon can give them a temporary boost of physique. The uzuur is limited in controlling nutrient creation and output, making it simply force out all the nutrients as fast as possible and essentially giving the body a surplus of nutrients to quickly burn off. Doing so stresses the uzuur and can ultimately damage the organ if frequency and consumption is too high. Eating anything that does not contain a suitably high amount of carbon and/or silicon can and will give Alua'an some internal 'difficulties'. The stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys, gall-bladder, etc. are still necessary. The uzuur creates nutrients out of re-arranged molecules of carbon and silicon, crystallises/liquifies the result and allows the rest of the body to handle it.
Communication: Alunrovaan have developed their own language, primarily based on the vibrations that produce sound, as opposed to sound itself. There are characters and written versions of their language, with few dialects that are local to planetary regions. Others aside from Alunrovaan can speak and comprehend Alunrovaan language through the noises made to create variations of 'vibrations' that Alunrovaan can mentally convert into meaning. A particular must in Alunrovaan communication is the precision of syllables pronounced, as vibrations can easily mesh into senseless ramble. Aside from their native language of vibrations, commonly referred to as 'Tinvaok', Alunrovaan can speak and comprehend other languages, but typically have a harder time learning different languages than most species'.
Culture: Alunrovaan follow a warrior-esque culture, in which those with greater fighting capability are those that thrive in their society. Considering they are a self-sufficient race, most things available are all luxuries, as little else except air to breathe and perhaps a home to shelter them are necessary. Aside from training in the force from their elders, Alunrovaan find little else to keep them occupied. Of course, there are plenty that dedicate themselves to the force more than others, but aside from the force the only thing to keep them busy is each other. The planet Alunrovaan populate has little else to offer, with Alunrovaan being the singular species on the planet. So, besides those that dedicate themselves to the force, many Alunrovaan take to practicing combat, frequently against each other. Because of their high rate of regeneration, brink-of-death combat is a common practice. Much of their combat-oriented society is a result of remnants of habits and traditions carried over as a result of their heavily war-based history. With fighting as their primary form of entertainment and manner of 'settling things', Alunrovaan are bolstered in reputation in correlation to their fighting ability. Those who are better fighters are seen in better light, and are frequently regarded as 'more attractive' by both genders. A part of Alunrovaan culture may be misinterpreted as 'open-minded' in regards to the freedom of choice in their society. Instead, Alunrovaan are actually extremely strict, but because of their small numbers and generally close community, there are few who interpret their traditions differently than others. Thus, they are commonly in agreement with their rules and traditions, creating the guise of seemingly 'open-minded'. In Alunrovaan society, they do not look simply at 'fighting' as a good quality, but combat as a whole. That in mind, these people are also appreciative of the less direct methods of winning a fight, such as intelligence, resourcefulness and especially the ability to use the force in unorthodox manners. Most of the physical cultural traditions placed upon Alunrovaan spawn at young age are stated elsewhere in the application.
Some smaller details such as specific aspects of their [singular] religion or other similar bits may be revealed through the dialogue of an Alunrovaan character or narrative.
Technology Level: Having their level of technology rapidly decline in the massive moon-wide civil war, Alunrovaan have quickly dropped to a lack of technology completely. They instead rely on their own bodies and the force to accomplish things. Alunrovaan are capable of utilising technology, however. With the uzuur being a highly valuable organ to be sold in the black market, pirates and other criminals frequently came to Negosvern. With failure being common, many ships of varying types were left on the surface, and the more curious Alunrovaan had learned to commandeer these ships and the other mechanics within it. For the most part, these ships and other pieces of technology are used for entertainment purposes, with the few survivors of their final war using the ships to escape the moon before its destruction.
General Behavior: Based on the cultural effects on them, Alua'an typically exhibit narcisstic attitudes. Given that they were founded upon isolationist ideals (or rather, were forced into isolation as a result of their past actions and/or inactions), and are beings capable of self-sustenance, Alua'an look to themselves and others to keep their sentient minds running fluidly. With a cultural heirarchy founded upon exhibiting power, those who have proven themselves stronger, faster, more attuned to their senses, and overall better fighters in all aspects and manners will naturally be treated with more respect than others. That in mind, Alua'an are typically self-involved and arrogant, with those 'on top' even moreso. On the other hand, given that all of them tend to be extremely powerful physically, wisdom and intellect is a highly valued trait, capable of turning the tide of a battle that was previously completely one-sided. That in mind, their arrogance is often only expressed indirectly, in sarcasstic, condescending, and/or passive-aggressive manners. On top of their usually unpleasant personalities, Alua'an rarely exhibit care to their surroundings. Without much necessity in their surroundings, even taking to moving underground as shelter, they frequently flaunt their abilities without attention to constructs around them, aside from their strategetical use. This sometimes even includes other living creatures. With Alua'an entertaining themselves through combat, caring little for injury due to their rapid rate of healing, they often fail to provide care for the well-being of others. Even if they had no intention in injuring another, it has become somewhat of a subconscious characteristic to simply assume that whoever was injured would be fine in the end. Overall, Alua'an are extremely unsuited to environments aside from their own, especially those of 'civil' standings.
History: Two different humanoid races birth 5 children. Ship breaks down and they settle on a moon revolving around a dwarf-star. Children grow up, the parents die. Children inter-breed, create their own children, which interbreed in turn. The genetic mutation gained from inter-breeding, rather than creating mental or physical deficiencies, seems to mimic a sort of accelerated evolution. Process continues and accelerated evolution continues. Soon, differences between opinion in the Alunrovaan create a schism between two factions. Their war devolves technology as reliance on the force and more primal weapons and their own bodies. Other surface-populations on the planet are hunted to give more energy and a boost of physique. Often times they even resort to eating the dead bodies of each other. A force user 'sees' the future in a vision and predicts that the war will end by the hand of an Alunrovaan born from both sides. They will have the greatest power their species has ever seen. War continues as people grow tired of the war that claims hundreds of thousands of lives over the span of several decades. Soon enough, children without adequate force capacity are sent away, killed and used as a boosting agent, or employed as more remedial servants. Some even start blinding their children and deafening them so as to draw them closer to the force, so to speak. People who tire from endless war seek out similar-minded people from the other faction and copulate, in hopes that their child would be the one to end the war. Many people do this, and each faction considers this treason. Fighting turns from faction versus faction to two civil wars on the opposite sides of the planet. During this, many of the people who have bred with those of opposing factions turn to the underground to hide and escape their hunters. Soon enough solar spikes and winds blast out, slowly annihilating those on the surface. All that's left is the Alunrovaan underground, who have begun to start their own society. For the time being, they live in peace. Some of the war habits and cultures still prevail, however; soon, they became simply cultural traditions, widely accepted by most everyone. Some decades fast forward, Yuuzhan Vong. With Yuuzhan Vong beginning to land and scourge for signs of life, the underground society was soon found. It quickly became a war between Yuuzhan Vong and Alunrovaan. With the force being something which could not effect the Yuuzhan Vong, Alunrovaan quickly developed new fighting strategies, which revolved around the force boosting themselves as opposed to being attacks and techniques in itself. A war waged for several more decades. While the Yuuzhan were a formidable opponent, Alunrovaan were well-adapted to their moon's conditions, such as the gravity most Yuuzhan were likely unaccustomed to, and the carbon-primary atmosphere breathed in. Unfortunately, fighting on the ground quickly took to the skies and space. Alunrovaan, who were an isolationist species with lack of technology, soon perished, as the entirety of their planet was destroyed with the Yuuzhan Vong finding it no longer worth the trouble to conquer the planet as opposed to simply destroying it. In place lies massive debris, still close to each other with a gravitational pull slowly reforming the moon.
Notable Player-Characters:
Intent: The purpose of this race is to serve as a way to create dynamic plots and threads. In terms of a more direct influence on the SWCRP-universe, hopefully Alunrovaan will serve as an unknown and therefore cautiously regarded species, given their origins from the 'edges' of The Galaxy. Their history and survivors are to hopefully give impact to the SWCRP-universe and provide new plots with a refreshing basis for many members. Originally, there was to be a planet-creation thread to pair along with this race due to the Netherworld event, but with their planet utterly destroyed, it seems a bit pointless now. Note: This species just so happened to be one of the first affected by Yuuzhan Vong entering the current Galaxy from their own. Note 2: Considering the low numbers of this species, I would appreciate it if creating an Alunrovaan NPC was discussed with me before its submission. If an Alunrovaan PC is created, I'm fine with no consultation.