Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Allies/Enemies

I have a very loose idea of where I would like to go with Lina but i'm not so rigid i couldn't be persuaded or influenced to go any other way.

I have half an eye on the Rimward Trade League and the other half on the Sith Order as both could have fun implications.

For the moment I need to understand where Lina is in my head because its been a LONG time, so I'm looking for anything from business interactions, combat, possible alliances (Lina doesn't make friends). I'm game for anything, hit me up here or DM me if you have an idea.

Darth Osiris

Well, without knowing the full direction you intend to take your lovely lady, but my Sith is also seeking out allies and contacts as he seeks to establish his presence, and that of his little organization, in old Sith space. Would be more than happy to brainstorm some thoughts!

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano


Raeykmu being a true opportunist is always looking for his next investment. It wouldn't hurt to make a new business contact who also happens to be a mighty Sith :)

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
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Prince of the Expanse
Not Sith Order proper, but Kyyrin's...ah...very close with certain members of that order. Plus he's a Dark Sider in his own right venturing forth into the galaxy to forge his own path. Not sure what that path is gonna look like yet, but thems the Perks of letting RP experiences dictate.

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
Always interested in meeting new Sith.
I'm down, may have to put a public thread together as I was not expecting so many response! Let me have a think, unless you have thoughts already in which case let me know

Raeykmu being a true opportunist is always looking for his next investment. It wouldn't hurt to make a new business contact who also happens to be a mighty Sith :)

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
Crime boss? Right up Lina's alley. I'm thinking they need to discuss over a drink

Not Sith Order proper, but Kyyrin's...ah...very close with certain members of that order. Plus he's a Dark Sider in his own right venturing forth into the galaxy to forge his own path. Not sure what that path is gonna look like yet, but thems the Perks of letting RP experiences dictate.

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
Contacts in the Sith order is great, could give Lina some more perspective on them and an angle in if that's where she goes. If you have an idea on how they can cross paths, shout, if not you can join the Public thread :)
I have a very loose idea of where I would like to go with Lina but i'm not so rigid i couldn't be persuaded or influenced to go any other way.

I have half an eye on the Rimward Trade League and the other half on the Sith Order as both could have fun implications.

For the moment I need to understand where Lina is in my head because its been a LONG time, so I'm looking for anything from business interactions, combat, possible alliances (Lina doesn't make friends). I'm game for anything, hit me up here or DM me if you have an idea.
I’m down to run Nola, they could start and run as business acquaintances n maybe unfold into an unspoken friendship lol. Idk. But either way she needs interaction
What have you got in mind?
Lina has never actually met a Jedi, all her social interactions have been with morally grey or outright evil people. I'd be interested in soemthing, but I haven't yet fgured out the details...

I’m down to run Nola, they could start and run as business acquaintances n maybe unfold into an unspoken friendship lol. Idk. But either way she needs interaction
another business acquaintance would be good. you'll have to DM me with details for Nola.

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