Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All things can be healed (open)

[SIZE=14.6666669845581px][member="Coci Sinopi"] @Jeela Tillian [member="Una Gal"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Uther Weiss"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666669845581px]Voss [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6666669845581px]Forest of Mystery[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6666669845581px]Old temple[/SIZE]​
Maya waited until those that had wanted to learn from her some of her knowledge of healing came about. Finding hers making sure all was ready looking on at only a hand full of healer beginners that had followed her into the unknown. It had been the perfect place to learn and teach with much active or even others to teach. Coming to find herself making sure all was ready even to the fact that there had been a clearing made that brought in building supplies and other supplies needed to restor this once glorious temple. It would be renamed for now it would be a starting place on the planet of Voss that the healers could have there own place away from others.

Folding her own arm behind her. After which time going to what found to be a tree of life. It had been dying but with her know how of the nature and the healing she brought the tree back to life with her own force powers now bounded with it.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

She had returned to Voss from Tabaqui. Much had happened to Coci since her turned .. mostly good, apart for a minor hic-up with one of the Knights of the Order. But her life had changed considerably .. now she had people in her life dear to her, and if something bad was to happen to either of them, she wanted the ability to be able to heal.

Beside, a jedi never really stops training, even masters. To remain good at what one does .. like anything, one must practice and or received skills from others to better improve. And so Coci enrolled in Master Whitelight's healing training.

She found the woman easy enough, standing by a tree.

"Master Whitelight, a pleasure to see you again", was her only reply. Save a small smile on her face, a knowning smile as Maya is one of her.
Today's training would be a little different forUther. He was stepping out of his normal skill set to receive an introduction to the healing arts with Jedi Master Whitelight . As consequence of his former master's harsh training regime, he had only known to use the Force as another tool to be used against his enemies. To hunt, torture, and kill. While he would do his best in the training, he figured he was going to have some problem applying the Force in such a radically different manner.

The training was supposed to take place in and around a refurbished temple assigned to the healers of the Silver Order. Stepping out into the clearing of the temple, he could see construction materials here and there. The Silver Jedi seemed to be doing pretty well for themselves considering the current state of intergalactic war. While the Jedi here seemed to pledge themselves to a peaceful existence within the galaxy, he knew the Sith wouldn't care. Having lived among them for years, he knew they wouldn't stand for the existence of a single Jedi if they could help it.

He found Whitelight under a tree with another woman. The tree teemed with life, dwarfing the presence of those that stood under it. However, it also shared a similar signature to Whitelight, indicating some sort of connection between them. Quietly, he approached them both, offering the pair small bow of respect.

"Hello, I'm Uther Weiss. Master Whitelight, I'm grateful for whatever you are willing to share with us today."

Always the professional, he kept his composure while addressing Whitelight, but he couldn't help but admire the Zeltron's beauty. It was hard not to when it seemed like every bit of Zeltron physiology was geared to elicit such a response. Meh, he would get over it as he got used to being around her and could focus on his training.

[member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Coci Sinopi"]
About to answer Coci with her own friendly greeting. Turning to see another one that had came from her invitation. After which she still played her friendly kisses upon the cheeks of each one of them. "Welcome welcome I"m glad to see that you found the place.", knowing that it was off the main path after all she had only found this one by hunting. Even so she couldn't help but let herself wave them on over to the play they would start.

"My first question to both of you is how much do you know about healing, and how much in the force do you know.", this was a simple forward question. Even those she knew Coci answer as being one with sister to. Keeping up this she would still ask those question to the group.

Jeela Tillian

Jeela frowned at the forest around her. There was supposed to be a temple nearabouts. Just where was it? She rotated slowly in one spot, trying to see if there was some hint of the location. Nothing.

She took a seat on a falling log, thinking. But it was time now to stop thinking. She stretched out with the Force. Surely there'd have to be some sort of indication that there were others around. There they were. Just a few hundred meters away. She stood and went that way, slipping between the trees and avoiding fallen sticks until she found the place, well away from the path that was usually used to go through here.

She quietly stepped inside, and bowed slightly to the masters inside and nodded to Uther.

"May I suggest a more visible path to this location?"
Late, again. Dagos was sure he would start to get a negative reputation sooner or later, but given how this training location could hardly be considered easy to find, maybe he would be cut some slack. He didn’t think he would ever find the place if he hadn’t known how to follow the trail left by those that had passed this way before him. Tracking was something he was good at and he was happy to be able to do something he knew how to do, being a new jedI was constantly about learning and sometime he forgot that there were plenty of things he already had a handle on.

Speaking of learning, that was the entire reason for his trek into the jungle today, he had come to learn the art of healing from one of the silver order’s premiere healers and he couldn’t be more excited. He knew a lot of the padawaans wanted to learn how to use their sabers and so did he but he more than anything else wanted to help people, and in Dagos mind the best way to do that was to learn how to use the force as a tool for healing.

“I’m not too late am I?” Dagos asked running a hand through his ever growing hair.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Tiland limped into the area and settled himself down on the ground, wincing slightly. That limp was something he would need to work on. There were a few poultices had yet to try that might work. Or perhaps this Jedi healing could help, although he doubted it had a physical cause. It was difficult for Anzati to have such long-lasting injuries, and as far as he remembered, he had never had one.

So that was one mystery to study. One of an infinite amount of mysteries to be studied. This was but the first step.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Jeela Tillian"]
[member="Coci Sinopi"]

Since Hawk Solo had brought Akaito to the Silver Jedi Akaito had been a lost one. He could not find anyone his own age there, which meant his only interactions with people were when he put on his charming, cute smile to get free desert from the women of the order. Hawk, or papa, had told him that a lot of thee women were very powerful with something called the force, but he just saw women who were push overs for a cute smile, maybe that meant he had the force. Akaito was playing near the forest by throughing rocks at tiny animals or climbing trees when he noticed a woman sitting on a log. Due to Akaito having no training or such, he had never showed signs of having the Force in him which made it easy for him to hide from people because he didn't give much of a signature. He watched the girl from behind a tree sitting on the log and then she left down a hidden path so Akaito followed. He had never left the compound, but maybe she was going on an adventure. He followed her in secret trying to stay hidden until they arrived at a temple and he saw some ladies who he normally got free food from, but stayed hidden as he was unsure where he was or why people were gathering. To him he was well hidden, but with so many force users he might as well have been standing in the open.
[member="Akaito"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] @Jeela Tillian [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Uther Weiss"]​
She gave a warm smile to Maya at her greeting which is usual for the girl. Coci waited for the others to arrive and listened to them before she would speak.

"Master Whitelight, I have but basic experience and skills with the healing arts, I wish to learn much more, enough for the to be of some good assistance if needed".

She could wait by the side of the group, a little off from them, as is her way.
A few more Jedi piled in later behind Uther as Master Whitelight inquired about his knowledge of healing, and in the Force in general. With the exception of Jeela, they were all strangers to him. He smirked after he heard her suggest a alternative path here. While he found her to be sharp, sometimes she came of as a know-it-all. Out in the distance, he felt another presence (Akaito) as they focused their attention on the group, but he left it alone when he could sense no malicious intention, only an animal curiosity.

"I have no experience with healing, and what I do know of the Force centers around tracking and combat."

He didn't want to get into the details about all of what the latter part of his response entailed, because it was a touchy subject for him. Almost all his offensive skills were originally derived from Sith techniques, so he was always reluctant about using them around Jedi. Fortunately, he had yet to encounter a threat that required such skills anymore. (A good aim with a blaster tends to solve many problems.)

[member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Jeela Tillian"], [member="Dagos Terrek"], [member="Akaito Solo"], [member="Coci Sinopi"]
Tiland leaned back, closing his eyes for a few moments, absorbing the information they were sharing. Experience in healing and the Force. Those two were simple enough. Healing wise, he had spent over a hundred years studying herbs and traditional medicines. With the Force, he could meditate and soothe the hunger that gnawed him. Any more and he would be too dangerous to allow near a civilized world. He placed his staff across his knees and studied the crowd again. Then he spoke, softly and quietly.

"I can meditate in the Force and little more. I have studied herblore and traditional healing techniques for....oh...nearly three galactic centuries. I have not studied the use of the Force in the healing arts."
Coming to rest her own hand upon her hips. Her eyes and ears listening to all that had gathered. Thinking more to herself what a grand group that this was that had gathered. Now for now she would teach them as a group then later down the road would pair them off or even group them off.

"As I have gathered from some of your answers there is a lot of different level. I"m going to begin at the beginning. All things need healing just not the flesh kind." pausing as to hope they would be follow and not put them to sleep the first time doing this sort of teaching.

Walking around looking at [member="Uther Weiss"] when he spoke the next part as well as some of the others. [member="Jeela Tillian "]some of the others before speaking. In the soft tone she once had before all took place. "Its not for use to decide when one gets hurt or wanting to harm another. There are those that will not fully understand or agree with this. " as she paused to look at [member="Coci Sinopi"] knowing that her sister in shadows. Still she pushed on, "The healing is one that should be brought to all of this galaxy even those that wish to harm you, it not for our place in the force to be there exucsner. Being a healer means that your give back life. In everything there is the hidden word of the force a circle that we must respect and keep in balance. Don't get me wrong there is a point where we must defend ourself from the darkness out there and to understand it bring justices but we should go looking for a fight just to bring death. "

As about to speak more came running from the slide one from the temple.

"Master Whitelight please forgive me but come quickly its happen again, there couple workers that are trapped and hurt badly.", getting the nod from Maya.

"Well, it seem you will get some hands on training today," waving for all to follow her into the temple. To find the room that the workers had been in when it had caved in on them. After which time seeing that those had already starting to clear out timber and other rocks to get to the workers. With a calm manner as if this wasn't a emercey at all but just another day to her.

"Okay place this one over there and that one there, Master Coci I will need your help in this matter. Along with all your help.", getting the four workers out after which she quick cheek them out through the force. they would do the Tragi here for now. Finding her way over to the what she would call the worse one of the four. Putting her hands over his stomach. "The wounds on the outside one can see its what can't not be seen that we need to find and work on. Please come around close your eyes my fellow pupils. " , as she would expain after the major healing was done first. As she started let the force flow threw her into the body. With her eyes close to see what was unseen.

"Yes thre it is there is sereal blood vessels that have been damage those that are able feel and see how I fuse them back together." , as she let herself flow over all that need done making quick work, moving on to the organs doing the same thing with little or not words from her mouth.

[member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Uther Weiss"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Akaito Solo"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] @Jeela Tillian
[member="Akaito Solo"] | [member="Jeela Tillian "]| Tiland Kortun | Dagos Terrek | Maya Whitelight | Uther Weiss
Coci gave a small nod of understanding to Maya, it is a far enough reminder to Coci of the philosophy of the Healers as Maya is well aware of the nature of her. But Coci is not hear to learn the art of healer for purposes other for which they are intended. She now has loved ones she wishes to protect, if they are hurt.

As they moved to the accident site, Coci immediately aided the rescuers through levitation moving the larger pieces of fallen debris to the side so they are able to retrieve the injured.

As Maya called her and the students to her, Coci stood by the Master Healer and did as commanded. She closed her eyes and focused on the body through the force, her basic abilities able to know what Maya as after, and would aid her by connecting to her for strength. Coci sensed the internal wound by allow Maya to do the mending. She could 'see' the blood vessel and how Maya worked.
For his part, Uther merely observed events as he followed Master Whitelight to the site of the accident, feeling he would only interfere with the work of the other healers on the scene. From an exchange between Whitelight and the other woman he had first seen with her (Coci), she learned that she too was a Jedi Master.

As she was healing the most seriously wounded of the injured, she asked them to close their eyes and observe her use of the Force on the laborer. Having a good perception of the Force, it was easy to follow her own reserves flowing into the man, but the hard part was actually trying to make sense of what she was actually doing to his body. If he was to take a guess, based of what he knew of standard medical treatments like bacta immersion, she was using the Force to stimulate and direct rapid regeneration of damaged tissue.

When he felt Master Coci pool her power with Master Whitelight, he was tempted to do the same. If he could follow Whitelight's flow of the Force into the laborer's wounds, then it could help him better perceive how she was interacting with his immune system. However, with a dormant Sith spirit just chilling inside his body, it probably wasn't the best idea to be opening himself up to a crowd of Jedi. So he thought of an more conventional solution as an alternative.

"Master Whitelight, visualization helps me immensely in actualizing my powers, so do you mind if I used a bioscanner to observe your patients you heal them?"

[member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Akaito Solo"] [member="Jeela Tillian"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Uther Weiss"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]

Dagos watched in awe as the two masters combined their energies to heal the injured worker. The feeling was an almost overwhelming wave of positive vibes that washed over and through the young Padawaan. Instinctively and with very little choice in the matter Dagos combined his own force signature with the master’s as they continued to heal the man from the inside. Learning to use the force had come naturally to him since he arrived at the temple and this was just another example of his natural prowess coming to light. It was the queerest of feelings, like Dagos had just become much less dense, he felt almost like a sapling. As if a strong breeze would have him bending over yet still firmly rooted to the ground.

As his force energy flowed through the worker he could feel the other two JedI repairing his internal injuries and by feel Dagos literally felt the damaged organs as if he were actually wrist deep inside the man trying to put him back together. He knew that he likely was doing very little to help the two more experience JedI but he couldn’t help but feel he was doing something right.
Tiland followed them towards the accident, checking the equipment in his bag, then stopped as the two Masters worked to heal the man through the Force. He had a vague sense of what they were doing, but nothing specific. His strength in the Force was not deep enough to really add or sense what they were doing yet.

What could he do though? Well, he had a bag full of poultices and other traditional medical techniques. He shifted through it, moving towards some of the others. Shock was the first priority, and that didn't need the Force to take care of. Warmth. Blood flow. Keep them conscious and awake. Stop bleeding. There was a time for lessons and there was a time for action. Now was the time for action. Lessons were not good things when lives might hang on the balance.

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