Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All that glistens

Midvinter - ice and cold, freezing winds that took your breath, and that was only the morning. Ren looked out across the endless fields of white, it seems they lived in extremes anymore.

The jungles of Dagobah, the cold of Midvinter were pale comparisons to Atrisia. Memories of a life she once had haunted her nightly calling to her trying to pull her back. The light was trying to peek back out, the light was trying to extinguish the darkness that was flourishing in the heart and soul of Ren. Ever since her first night on the ship sharing a bed with a man she barely knew but had this deep attraction for, to the discovery of the Axe of Adas, to the birth of her son to that same man, to Animus Amalgus, to [member="Mythos"].

They referred to her as his wife and she was in every sense of it save for one. Mythos loved her and she loved him and the rest at times did not matter.

She had been reading texts about Midvinter she knew that out there lay undiscovered many things, many sources of myth that were beginning to beckon her to find them, to disprove, or validate their existance.

She turned and looked back at the bed where Mythos slept covered in furs, she smiled, ok it was cold but at least the family was together. She looked back out the window she had not asked for much since her arrival but today....was different.

"Oh sleepy head, the sun is rising and the day begins. I have a favor to ask of you" Since she did not know the protocols, she would need to ask she sat on the edge of the bed...

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