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All Manner of Creatures (Tenloss Expansion to Maridun - Mandos and Tenloss Only)


I'm Sexy and I Know It
OOC: This is a peaceful bit of expansion for Tenloss. There's some wildlife on the planet that could be easily sold or farmed and the like, so Tenloss is giving it a go. This is a Mando and Tenloss only thread on a Mando held world. I'd like to keep violence to a minimum, please. Any and all Mandos are free to join, help, talk, chat, argue, etc. Play tree hugger, play lumberjack, play hunter or forester. Go wild, just please don't shoot anyone. I'll post up once every 24-36 hours unless others start posting, in which case posting may be faster :p

Proper transit papers were acquired, permits purchased, and money was in the bank if they needed to buy more. Various small freighters entered orbit above Maridun. Each was filled with personnel and material. Each bore a Tenloss logo on the side.

They entered atmosphere and started unloading equipment and people. They'd landed in one of the many Savannahs on the planet and got to work. A large swathe of land was cleared and the earth there tamped down, prepped for construction. Various machines dotted the fields here and there, ready to start building as soon as the word was given. Material sat nearby, waiting for use by the machines and workers.

It was to be a small prefabricated site, made of easily constructed materials and the like. Once it was set and the venture deemed profitable, more permanent structures would be raised and the facility would become set. With the low amount of valuable minerals and materials on the world, it seemed less profitable to show up for mining or harvesting. Sure, the soil was fertile, but there were other worlds for agriculture. Why was Tenloss here? Simple.

"We'll set up the ranches here and here," Popo said to his foremen near one of the shuttles, one hand jabbing at a map set on the table before them. "I figure we can start bringing in the wildlife within the first few weeks. Let's hop to it, folks."

With that, engines rumbled and machines roared. Building had begun.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Bit by bit the prefab structures rose up. For the most part, they were small buildings. Most were living quarters and storage areas. Others were slightly larger and made into warehouses and machine sheds. Here and there a larger building was set up, the design and build easily identifying them as barns and livestock sheds.

Fences and stables went up next. Whole swathes of land were cordoned off and sturdy barriers erected. The goal was simple. Many creatures here were grazers and herd animals. A large, fenced in area of land would keep them contained and easily accessed, which meant money for Tenloss.

Why? Profit, of course.
Forest city of Bjjurka
Siting at a table in the tree tops an armored mandalorain spoke with the Lorekeeper Haffren. Haffren was an amani leader of a large tribe and had once been a mercenary often fighting alongside mandos. Returning home he took charge of his tribe and after many years had established a loose coalition with the northern tribes. Atin Kandossii, the mando resting in a chair next to Haffren had come to enlist the tribes as mercenaries to the mandalorain cause. For a price of course.

"I have respect for your prowess and your people. And I know that many of your tribe and the others would never wish to leave your homeworld. But dark times are coming my friend. My people and yours have lived together and fought at each others side. All I wish is to cement our alliance through a treaty. We will answer your call for assistence and for you to do the same."

Haffren nodded his head in a rhythmic motion, not in agreement but as a rocking motion that many of his species seemed to do as old age grew near. "Mandalorians are warriors. I know this to be true as I have fought with your sire's litter mate on many occasions. But we resent the slavers come to take our young away. Few return. We want no more slavers on our planet. Can you agree to this?"

As he spoke another amani walked in and spoke. "Intruders in the plains of sigal. They have set up encampments." Haffren turned eyes to Atin. "Are you responsible for this?" Atin stood slowly while shaking his head. "No." Haffren's eyes became heavy lidded. "Then we go to meet the invader." It wasn't a question so Atin accepted.

Stepping off the branch he fired his jetpack to slow his descent to the ground below. Walking over he climbed onto the speeder bike as Haffren and thirty other closed with him. "We go." Then the amani rolled into balls and sped off against the ground towards the grasslands. Turning the bike on it rose up and Atin goosed the throttle accelerating ahead to catch up with the amani.

Clearing the forest he sped along as behind the people who called this world home paused to get their bearings before rolling forward. Klicks fell away until Atin found himself in sight of gated compounds as buildings were constructed. Slowing he stopped near the gate and dismounted to stand before the gate as Hoffren and his guard rolled to a stop and stood still. Hoffren walked next to Atin.


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