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Approved Tech Alkahest Blade

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Alkahest Blade

Image Source: Here. A copper knife for sale.
Intent: To put Phylis’ talents to good work and create her first true alchemical (or Alkahal) weapon. This is essentially a Light-Side version of a Sith Sword from canon, but as yet lacks to power to channel and unleash the Force.
Development Thread: Yes. The post linked specifically, but the thread generally as well.
Manufacturer: Phylis Alince
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Closed market (Jedi and friends of Phylis).
Modularity: In theory the practice could be applied to any metal and any weapon size. This weapon is copper, but steel, bronze, even gold could be used.
Production: Semi-unique
Material: Copper, leather binding on the hilt, Force infusion.
Classification: Dagger
Size: One handed
Length: 30cm
Weight: 500 grams
Special Features:
  • Moderate Light Side aura. Contact can burn creatures strong in the Dark Side or objects created by it like Sithspawn.
  • Impervious to Lightsabres.
  • Resistant to damage, as Sith Alchemy weapons are. Only a powerful Dark Side adept could remove the Alkahest power, returning the blade to normal metal.
In her attempts to create a Light Side version of Alchemy, Phylis Alince had several issues. The first was how to channel the Light into an item. At first she solved this by using empowered crystals, but whilst this did conduct the Force it faded over time and did not impart resistance to the object. Another notion was needed.
Therefore Phylis sought the advice of [member="Mirien Valdier"], a Dark Side alchemist, yet a friend of [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. From Mirien she learned some important methods in how to use the Force to affect the molecular structure of the metal, channel the Light into it, and thus create a resistant item.

A simple copper knife – chosen because an ingot of it happened to be there – was her first test. By using the Force she was able to finally create an alchemised object which was impervious to almost all harm. Lightsabres and ordinary hammering could not break the item, though it was not yet able to channel the Force as a weapon or deflect blaster bolts. That would come as her skills improved.

The Light Side aura around this blade is noticeable to Force users, and can burn those corrupted by the Dark Side, and creatures created by alchemy.

A powerful Sith Lord could use the Dark Side to overwhelm and eradicate the Light presence in this blade, similar to how a Jedi could do the same to Sith artefacts. Doing this would allow the weapon to be merely normal and able to be broken.

It is however, still a knife. Though sharper and hardened compared to regular metal, it cannot pierce armour and is too small to effectively duel lightsabres. At the moment it is a curiosity, but in time it could be the spark which sets forth a new age.
[SIZE=11pt]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] An opposite of Sith Swords, though not as powerful yet. Similar to Force imbued blades, but a modern update.[/SIZE]
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