Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alcohol Is A Jerk: Round 1 {Enigma}

Dr. Stone told her to take things easy. How had Nyx taken that? Obviously that meant to go to a slightly better bar than usual and get hella drunk. And that's exactly what she was doing at the moment. The alcohol was adding up. Glass after glass after glass. Probably not good for someone with her health issues. But that had never bothered her before and it wasn't going to start now. Maybe in a few hours...

Just not yet.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"I think you may need to sober up, ma'am..." Circe eyed the woman ravenously drinking. She was startled at how much alcohol intake she had - for any human, that much alone would destroy your insides and damn you to a slow, painful death. "Like, you're drinking too much, and it'll destroy your liver, even if it's artificial."

Hopefully she would heed the advice and /not/ start a war.
"That ain't exactly your business, ma'am." Nyx was a Zorren. This much alcohol wouldn't kill her. Any more though.... any more and she'd have to start worrying. "All I care for is the taste. Don't give a frak about the consequences." Despite that the woman set her drink down, content with her level of intoxication.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"Come now..." Circe interrupted. "Do you really want to end up rotting your liver away and having to pay thousands of credits to get a synthetic installed?" She frowned as she watched the large zorren continue to drink, ordering herself a glass of a rather generic-looking light beer. "Why not talk a little bit, take some more time in between drinks?"

That seemed like a good idea.
In response she picked her glass back up... and set it down... harder. The clunk was a fair bit louder- more obvious. Unfortunately the bartender took that as a sign of her wanting more. With a scowl he came over, moving to pour her another round. Nyx stopped him a moment before the first drop would have fallen.

"I'm done for now."
She turned to the woman who had spoken.
"You always get involved in things that don't affect you?"
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"You always have a sense of fatalism?" She countered, looking at the woman with every sense of seriousness that the woman was giving her. "You're drinking this heavily for a reason. I don't know what the reason is, but slowly killing yourself with alcohol certainly isn't the answer." She crossed her arms in frustration, wishing that this sort of thing wasn't as regular as was implied.
"Does it matter? I'm frakking drunk, which is what I wanted, by the shiving way, and yer a stranger I ain't gonna see after this. You don't even know if this is a one-time sort of thing or if it's something I do all the time. Maybe my whole karking family just died and I need a drink. Or maybe yer just kronging up the wrong damn tree, honey," Nyx fired back, suddenly wanting another drink. But she simply pushed the glass a little farther away. The dozen or so (give or take a few) she had already downed was enough for her.

She hoped.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"You wouldn't have given such a sharp response if it was that simple." She smirked. "I know how that sort of thing goes. I've experienced plenty of it - lost more than my fair share of spouses one way or another, and I can certainly ensure you that it's even less fun of an experience than you seem to be making me believe it is." She took another sip of her light beer, being cautious in her moderation.

"But then again, we haven't even been formally introduced. I'm Vanessa Vantai. Who be you?"
Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Krong you."

"Honey, I'm a forty-year old Zorren soldier. I've seen a lot and I'll continue to see a lot of things. People like me put up walls. Things don't bother us as much. Or at least we don't show it until there's a bottle of booze around." Nyx frowned before actually taking a look at her conversation partner. Their gaze met for a moment before her eyes drifted down... and down... and down. From head (and that luscious hair) to chest (and those pleasantly sized ladies, which Nyx spent a second to long looking at) to waist (and those slim, slender legs) to her feet (those were normal). Then she glanced back up without breaking her scowl. "Drosk Ssolas Nyx. That's my name." But it wasn't. It was the name of her Grandfather, who had once lead the Imperial army across seventeen successful campaigns. He was quite dead- having died of the Gulag Plague. But his legacy remained- along with the knowledge of his family. All Nyxai were generally watched carefully by Republic and Empire forces. Even though there weren't much of them left these days. Drapeam was one of the few members her age. There were only three others in her generation. Unless you counted her deceased siblings...
She didn't.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"Really? You don't look like a man to me." She smirked, noticing how the woman examined every inch of her body. "You also look most exceptional considering your age... Perhaps we should talk elsewhere, maybe in a more private environment." She motioned for the woman to follow her, desiring greatly to exit the location and find somewhere else to enjoy things.

The tables weren't sturdy enough here.
"Zorrens live to be around five thousand if they don't get themselves killed."

But at that point she wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying. Or what Circe was saying. No, she was more focused on the fact that it sounded like someone wanted to frak. An attractive person at that. So, in her very, very drunken state the woman followed after her temporary drinking partner, a grin plastered on her face.

"I'm Drapeam. But everyone calls me Nyx. You should to."
She left her reasons to herself.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"You don't say?" She chuckled, motioning for the woman in question to follow her elsewhere, aside from the rather dungy bar. "I'll call you Drape, because you can drape yourself over my shoulder anytime, sweet thing." Gee, what a flattering thing to say. "I already have someone who goes by the name Nyx. Would hate to confuse you."

Of course both of them were different... but what did you expect?
That didn't sound very good to her.
"Look, Drape is better than Drapeam, but I really don't like being called by my first name. So... can you not?" Nyx, being very drunk, was actually being open about her feelings. This was a rare occasion. Celebration would be the suggested course of action if they weren't sad emotions. Maybe this lady could... ahem, cheer her up? Or at least make up for things somehow... "It's... it's a long story, really..." Her face twitched for a moment. It was fairly obvious that she was trying not to frown. One could say that this was a semi sore subject for her.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"Well, what happened?" She paused, placing her hands on the woman's shoulders, a soft smile on her face. "Let Vanessa help soothe your spirit and take that load off you. I'll gladly listen to whatever you have to say." Her empathic abilities from her days as a Zeltron were still relatively strong - hopefully she could once again reinforce the positive feelings and help purge the negative ones.

Yes, many, many positive feelings, weren't they?
"It's... complicated. I don't think I could tell you when I'm this friggin drunk even if I tried... Let's just say... my family isn't great but I think I tried to spite them or something?..." She was drunk. There really wasn't much else you could get out of her at the moment.
Nyx was okay with that.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"Very well..." She took the woman into a closed room, resting her hands over the intriguing near-human's shoulders. "You seem most intoxicated... For us to enjoy this sort of thing, I can't afford to let you feel as such. Is there anything I can do to prevent your hangover and provide you with the necessary good feelings to function properly?"

Hopefully this wouldn't be something Circe would feel wrong about.
"Sleep is the only cure for a hangover, darlin..." And Nyx was very tired. "Water and pills typically help as well. I, uh, I think there's some other thing too?... Some... cocktail sort of thing... but without alcohol in it..." Something like that. A doctor would probably know.
Too bad she wasn't one.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"Medication, dear." She smiled. "You mean medication... " She paused, trying her best to keep the woman composed and to pierce the shroud of alcohol surrounding her external synapses. "Just focus carefully and the hangover should go away. Look into my eyes and let it just melt off your mind. It really is that simple." Of course this was a way for Circe to gain control and help purge the alcohol away, but still.

"How do you feel?"
Typically it was hard to trick Nyx. Manipulating her was easier, at times, but she generally took some convincing. Throw in a bunch of alcohol to the mix? Well... things change. Drinking had messed up an important part of her life. Whenever she did it... well, she ran a risk of doing that again. This definitely seemed like one of those times. Or maybe not. There was to much whiskey in her blood for her to understand the situation. Vanessa, as the woman called herself, likely was not capable of curing her hangover in a few moments. Yet she practically felt the dizziness fading away... everything becoming clear... She looked away with a crooked grin after a few moments.

"Better. I... definitely feel better. Maybe I should... pay you back for that?" Oh Nyx, you smooth little frakker.
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[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

"You're not done yet. Close your eyes and keep focusing on the inside of your mind." She continued to focus, purging the alcohol from the woman's systems to further increase her mental clarity. "Let your senses return to you, brightly and vibrantly as best you can through your releasing of the alcohol embedded deep within your system. And remember, after all - alcohol is an anesthetic. Pour it over wounds to help sterilize them and prevent infection from setting in due to improperly utilized bandages."

At least, she recalled reading that sort of thing somewhere.

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