Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alan Marek

Name: Alan Marek

Faction: None

Rank: Former Commander

Species: Human

Age: 38

Sex: Male

Height: 1.778 m

Weight: 240 lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Black

Skin: Caucasian

Force Sensitive: No


Strengths: Master Tactician, allowing him to win almost any conflict. Munitions Expert, being proficiently trained in an arsenal of weaponry, and having knowledge of all known weapons. Unparalleled in hand-to-hand combat.

Weaknesses: Two decades of combat has left battle scars resulting in a decrease in agility. Harboring a great hatred for the Jedi, he often acts uncharacteristically impulsive around them. Has a narcissistic view of the galaxy, sometimes resulting in a do-or-die attitude.

Biography: Raised in a war torn system on the Outer Rim, Alan was trained from a young age to be a warrior begining his military career at 18. Immediately seeing combat, and quickly rising through the ranks, Marek gained the respect of all. When he and his squadron returned from a battle in a bordering system they found their home world decimated. Setting off on a quest for vengeance Marek's Squadron began eliminating those they held responsible for their home's destruction. However, they caught the attention of the Jedi Order in a bad way, being forced in to a conflict with the Order's finest the entirety of Marek's men were killed, and he was put on trail. Escaping with only his life and a few supplies Marek has taken to the stars to avenge his people.

Ship: AGE-77; hyperdrive class 3, large shield generator, dual heavy laser canons, two laser turrets.

Kills: None

Bounties Collected: None


Role-plays: None.

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