Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alak Vahd

ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Alak Vahd

Alak lived a life of positively intense comfort as a child. His parents were absurdly wealthy, in large part due to the fact that his father was possessed of a fair degree of highly specialized biomedical knowledge - needless to say, he was never short of a job. Dr. Praham Vahd, and his demure, lovely homemaker of a wife Meheela enjoyed success in their endeavors, and a marriage that, if turbulent, was underwritten by happiness.

The pride and joy of the family was their children, whom they doted on quite frequently. Alak was a middle child - his older brother followed his father into the medical career, and his younger brother was a bubbly joy with artistic aspirations. Alak was a lot more... aimless. He drifted through multiple career ideas, and spent his education mixing classes eclectically, uncertain of the direction he wanted to take his life. Then, he found it.

More than his purpose. He found everything. The Force was with him. He was of the Force. His parents were so proud, they supported him, doted on him. That was the beginning of the end.

Their lifestyle and his was like a pair of chemicals, innocuous when separated, yet poisonous when mixed. They disapproved of his drifting spiral away from the family - and when back together, they felt like they couldn't recognize their child anymore. In a way, he found happiness in the changes to his life - he took to the Jedi naturally, as though he had simply forgotten for a brief time that he was always a part of it - but that was not their way.

Yet when he turned back to what he loved the most - the Force, and helping others - that too was poisoned. Poisoned by war, poisoned by hatred, poisoned by endless abuse. Poisoned by his first failure.

Character Traits

+ Uncompromising
Alak possesses a strong moral fibre. He seeks, at the core of his being, to make others' lives better. Despite a somewhat unhealthy level of cynicism, he will never stop fighting to do what is right.

+ The Will and the Way
Alak truly does love what he does. He holds himself to a high standard in all regards, and seeks improvement and excellence in the Force, the blade, and even his service to others.

+ Brightly Shining
Alak is unafraid to speak out, and enjoys expressing ideas. He takes pleasure in resolving conflicts verbally, and seeks common ground and goodwill with even his enemies.

- Unforgiving
Redemption is an earned privilege. The Dark Side isn't just irresponsible - it's manipulative and cruel. Penance or punishment must be substantial.

- Mistrustful
Large organizations lose sight of the light all too easily. Mechanisms and systems have grinding gears that crush too many lost elements. Alak chafes with such groups, and prickles when bureaucratic systems run counter to his own moral judgements.

- Hopeless
Is evil indomitable? Will this war ever truly end? Is there a light after this long tunnel, or only chaos? Alak is haunted by failure and tragedy, and wavers on the edge of despair.

Powers and Abilities


- Shii-Cho (Favored)

- Martial Weapons (Favored)

- Soresu (Untrained)

- Djem So (Disadvantaged)

The Force

- Force Stun (Favored)

- Control Body (Favored)

- Dissipate Energy (Untrained)

- Empower Object (Untrained)

- Telekinesis (Disadvantaged)

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