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Akuss Wife of Nihilus

Darth Akuss

The Wife of Nihilus
NAME: Akuss
FACTION: Sith Empire

RANK: Sith Knight


AGE: 20

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 6'0"

WEIGHT: 120 lbs

EYES: Bright Orange

HAIR: Jet Black

SKIN: Pale White



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


Form IV Ataru Expert
Trained in the ways of the hawk-bat for many years to be quick and agile as well as aggressive against her opponents, and when using her light saber she could be a deadly force to be reckon with.

Eating little food besides what is required to survive has led to the young Sith Knight to have a very slim physique to both become as hungry as the Sith Lord of old she adored and to be quick and nimble while in combat.


Even though she is quick and nimble she is still very much fragile due to her slim body from not eating for several days, and living off the force itself. She could be over powered by anyone when she isn't paying attention but be wary she may be hiding something up her sleeve for this occasion...

Akuss loves to torture and play with her prey for hours on end against two opponents this may work against her as she will be busy going after one to not focus on the other who can easily sneak up on her at any moment.


Darth Akuss resembles a much more slim version of the ancient Sith Darth Nihilus with the black garbs and infamous white mask, not letting a single piece of flesh to be exposed.



The assassin's lightsaber was created in likeness to that of the former Dark Lord's own lightsaber.

Darth Akuss was born on the planet of Coruscant in 829 ABY to two Death Stick addicts who promptly sold the poor girl to a slaver when she was five years old not even knowing the names of the individuals who abandoned her. Due to her age she was sent to a less straining planet that being Zygerria until she was fifth teen she did menial tasks such as cleaning floors or clothing with other slaves. When she eventually did become fifth teen she was made into a servant girl serving high officials by giving them drinks and doing other "tasks".

Eventually in 850 ABY at the age of twenty the young Akuss was sensed by a Sith Lord while on the planet of Zygerria looking for slaves of her own. When Akuss's power was felt by the Sith Lord she was promptly bought by the Sith Lord and taken to Korriban to begin her training as a Sith under the Lord's wing, who would cut no corners. And train the woman nearly to death until she was able to harness her anger and use it as a weapon against him.

After a few months of brutal training the young Sith Acolyte was finally able to harness her anger and woe against the Sith Lord, the feelings of betrayal and abandonment by her parents and the consent abuse by her slavers fueled her anger. She was quickly able to disarm her former master in a one on one duel, proving that she was a capable fighter but could she truly be led to the dark side of the Force? To prove this her Sith Lord would find and bring her biological parents who abandoned her years ago to Korriban along with her former slavers she was given a choice "Kill or Die" She chose to kill but not too quick...that wouldn't be fun.

No Akuss would torture her family and slaver's for days regularly blasting them with force lightning and force choke not letting any of them catch a breath, however eventually nature took it's toll and all of them died from dehydration combined with their grave wounds. She was now a true Sith and was given her first task as an Apprentice to find and retrieve the Holocron of Darth Nihilus from his tomb, however when the Assassin went into the Tomb the Holocron had disappeared with no traces left of the ancient Holocron.

While she was in the Tomb she recieved a vision of her master killing her after she returned empty handed showing the true nature of her Dark Lord, a man who cared about little besides what benefits him. Though at this point disappointment was a lost concept to her as she had been disappointed far too many times to care anymore of such trivial things. Her mind was now open to a new master a Master who knew her constant hunger for vengeance for blood for the force...and she was chosen to carry on his legacy of being the Lord of Hunger.

The apprentice would return to her master after her vision turning her lightsaber onto him and claiming herself as the new Dark Lord, the new Lord of Hunger. From then on out she was entirely devoted to the teachings and life of her new master Darth Nihilus even starving herself to feel the same way the former lord of the Sith had felt thousands of years ago, her delusions led her to insanity to the point where she now believes she is married to the dead Sith Lord claiming herself to be the Wife of Nihilus. Re creating the dead Sith Lord's mask as well as making her lightsaber look similar to that of Nihilus's lightsaber to the tiniest detail.




Not to try and rain on your parade with the character here, but last I checked, I don't think you can just start off having a pair of unique canon items owned by your character. As well, the Holocron of Nihilus is already owned by somebody else in the RP, it's not just sitting in a tomb.

Per these rules and this list.

EDIT: Also, random thing here, but like...if you think starving yourself to get thin will help you be quick and nimble, I've got some bad news for ya. Or you can try it some time. Your choice.

Darth Ronan

"If ever a face meant death, if looks could kill,
DT-2319 said:
Not to try and rain on your parade with the character here, but last I checked, I don't think you can just start off having a pair of unique canon items owned by your character. As well, the Holocron of Nihilus is already owned by somebody else in the RP, it's not just sitting in a tomb.

Per these rules and this list.

EDIT: Also, random thing here, but like...if you think starving yourself to get thin will help you be quick and nimble, I've got some bad news for ya. Or you can try it some time. Your choice.

Yeah- I wanted to say that but I didn't want to break boundaries to them, And with the nimble thing, starving yourself like that will tear you down and make you not able to move as fast as you want,You'll be anorexic

Darth Akuss

The Wife of Nihilus
I was not aware that someone already owned the Holocron of Nihilus and from what i saw on the rules it looked like it said that you can't own more than a few and that's it. And about the Starving thing it's less about being nimble and more about trying to imitate Nihilus being constantly hungry for the Force.

[member="Darth Ronan"] [member="DT-2319"]
Then it might be a wise idea to remove that "And to be quick and nimble during combat." Because, yeah, starving yourself won't make you quick and nimble. It'll make you weak and barely functional.

And no, if you read past the first rule there then the rules clearly state that you have to do threads to get canon items, you have to make a submission for each one that hasn't already been submitted on the site, etc. etc. You can't just start out with them.

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