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Ain't No Sass in Our Kaas [Silver Sanctum Dominion of Dromund Kaas]

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"Much of the same, nothing too impressive... that I looked at the books for ritual and knowledge can be looked at by the masters and if any of it is dangerous they will know what to do. Though there is one about gardening tips and a cookbook as well. Strangely I found this." She held up the thin book that didn't look too interesting but it was a coloring book that had been done. "A coloring book that was left in here so who really knows what they might find important or worthwhile to have around." She opened it up and the pictures were mostly multicolored horses and bears or animals. All with symbols on their bodies either their flanks or their chests.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
She smiled at the concept of a cookbook and the idea of a Sith tending a garden seemed at first comical but she knew they were people and people had different interests. In fact she’d seen plenty of Jedi Healers raise plants and herbs for medicinal purposes, why wouldn’t Sith be the same? And maybe poisons as well as cures?

But she chuckled out loud at the thought of a colouring book and glanced at the pages. But the pictures actually intrigued her. “I wonder what the symbols mean? They don’t look like the drawings of a child.”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

SHe had to agree, there were legends from the mandalorains that ne of the sith emperors who had been in charge before it fell to the republic and mandos had had a coloring book as well as hundreds of children all seeking to claim his position. No one knew if it was true but why not she had seen stranger things and wasn't even going into the force enhanced sciences that helped her develop with her sister. "Hahaha I think we should add this to the questionable pileand let the researchers and jedi masters look over it. Might be the symbols are some script and this was where he hid his secrets instead of a holocron." You could never know but her hands came up opening another book titled 'Fifty Shades of Rust by HK-36' she knew that name from reports and records of the old Omega Protectorate. He was a shard who had helped the jedi plenty... now he ws somewhere and this was his... oh. "Oh ah" SHe closed the book and slid it away. "Definetly not for padawans."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel’s eyes lit up. The idea of a cipher hidden in the pages of a colouring book sounded really exciting – but seeking the code might be a trap in waiting, and so best left to the experts.

“What was that?” She noticed her friend’s face had coloured and she wondered why. Maybe a colouring book that was slightly more graphic? Or rude poems? Or worse? “You closed it in a bit of a hurry there.” She was teasing and made no effort to pick up the book or even read the title.

And then she noticed a book on droids and hastily grabbed it. Many were older models but the hints and tips on upgrades were as valid today as they were when they were written. She looked at her friend. “Do you think I could borrow this until I’ve read it?”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She pursed her lips not going to say what the ancient shard had written about while looking over some of the things and well she didn't see much problems arising froma book about droids. That could come in handy if they needed to repair in the field or work on things to fix ships. She motioned for it with a smile on her face. "It is nothing that would interest you just the musing of a six thousand year old shard and telling about some things in his life." She looked at her fellow padawan and more ideas though came to her for exploring or what they could do to get into trouble... safe trouble of th non killing or being killed persausion but nothing like running around an abandoned city to have some fun.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Actually shards were of interest to her, the overlap of machine and consciousness was fascinating to her – but she recognised when someone wanted you to stop pressing a point and so allowed it to slide. At least for now.

And she took the silence as consent and so pocketed the book for future reference, knowing she’d hand it in to the library on Voss at some point in the future.

“So, have we exhausted this place, or do you think there is more to see?”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Now she was wondering if there was anything else of worth there they could find or if they should keep searching around everywhere else. "Maybe." She was thinking about it and rising up from the seat as she looked towards the other padawan. "I think we can move on." She removed from her belt one of the locator beacons for them to tag important locations and set it on the table. They had a guide, a book on droids and there was any number of things they might find in here. The rest of the place was still around to be explored by them before she was approaching the doors and opening it towards the hallways inside. "We still have plenty around to look at."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel followed on behind Orihime. They'd made a decent find, at least for Padawans, and come across a dead beast. The law of averages said their luck had to turn sooner or later but Sorel was hoping for later. Not that she believed in luck. So her hand went instinctively to her belt, and to the hilt of her old Master's saber.

"I don't think you can call it a dungeon crawl unless you fight at least one monster. What do you think?"

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Agreed, they had not found a living monster but that didn't mean it wasn't there. Really the safest thing she could think of was they weren't splitting up to investigate strange sounds or following visions like some horror movie. "Perhaps but there are a number of different monsters in places like this... also we could be lucky and someone else is making a lot more noise then we are attracting them all to their location." Not the best thing but it was entirely possible in the long run given how loud she had seen some of her fellow jedi in the sanctum could be. Very loud and flashy a much better target for monsters then the two padawan moving around in the dark corridors... Though there was also the tickle monster that her mother had invented to get them to eat their veggies.... Evil evil monster.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
”Then we’ll go monster hunting,” Sorel stated emphatically and now led them through the ancient ruins, heading down wherever possible but remaining as quiet as she could. She had a dancer’s poise and so was very light on her feet, even wearing Jedi boots.

Finally they walked along a long and dark corridor and heard a scrabbling noise ahead. It was way too large and loud to be mice, so Sorel assumed they’d found themselves a real-life monster. She checked that her companion was aware before taking her Master’s hilt in her hands and walking stealthily forwards.

Peering around a corner, they saw it. Despite the darkness, it was clearly green in hue and it was large – although due to what she suspected was limited food down here, it looked somewhat emaciated, which was probably a blessing in disguise for the two Padawans. It meant it was very hungry, but weak.

It had a large and heavy tail that it clearly used for balance and had razor like claws. Adding the fact it had a leathery hide, Sorel deduced that from the books she’d just read, they’d found a vine cat. What it was doing here was anyone’s guess though.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Orihime liked the sound of that while she was looking over some of the things with a grin on her face while moving. She touched the shoto blade on her hip while looking around the corner with Sorel at the vine cat and nodding her head that she was ready for anything before she slid it off her hip and felt the force energies wihtin it pulse and dance along the hilt. Extending to a standard sabers hilt size while she let the biometric hilt read he palm to not shock her into unconsciousness. She was ready for anything and had a small look of enjoyment on her face as this seemed to be getting exciting now.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
The creature was definitely aware of them. Sorel didn’t know if this was through sight, sound, smell or some other ability – she’d even heard of some using the Force to detect prey, but she doubted it in this case. And as she surmised, it was wary of them. Hunger drove it, as well as an instinct to remain alive. But it must also have understood it was weakened and so stared at them initially, its tail flicking from side to side.

Finally it leaped at them, its huge claws swiping at them as it descended. Even in this weakened state, it was clear its tail was an excellent counterbalance and so it was able to leap, claw and snap its jaws without losing any control.

Sorel’s immediate instinct was not to attack, but to simply get out of its way, which she did by ducking under its form as it landed where she’d been. But the burning sensation on her back meant she’d not avoided it completely – and three claw marks showed where the robe and skin had been ripped.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

The creature looking at them and then lunging brought Orihime into something. She could feel the force speeding up her body as the two of them were moving. The blood pounding in her ears before the saber activated and went into a defensive stance. Her sabers hilt extending a little as it calmed her mind and body letting her feel the force more freely. The blue bblade appeared in varying shades looking more like an ocean then just the simple blue of most lightsabers as it seemed to shift. That pulse and jolt through her body gripping the blade from the solari crystal as the multichambered power cell sentthe energy through the custom lens and made the blade very fine and sharp. It was made to slice through beskar and some of the other materials that could resist a lightsaber. THe small smirk curling her lips before she glided back from the leaping creature before she was slashig to catch its landing leg to slice it off. She opened herself to the force letting it flow freely throughout her body reacting on instinct over thought to slash at it.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel kept her eyes on the creature. It may have caught her but its attention was now firmly on Orihime as the Padawan took off one of its legs with a swift and decisive blow from her lightsaber. Sorel activated her Master’s hilt and held it in her right hand but rather than attack with the blade, she instead raised her left hand.

It was weakened by lack of food and her friend had removed a leg, which would significantly affect its balance. So Sorel called upon the Force and sent a wave of energy in the form of a Force Push as its other front leg. It had the desired effect. Struggling already, the leg gave way and the creature flopped forward, its almighty chin smacking against the stone floor with an almighty thwack. They had successfully neutralised its ability to attack and it was now prone and relatively defenceless – at least for now.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She was watching it and felt the other padawan working at some of the things as she glided back with the saber extending into a saber pike while she created distance and held it at the ready to extend further with her hands on the hilt of it. To give the best feeling before she backed away making a space for Sorel to remain with her eyes on the beast. Her saber was a masterwork of her mothers design. Beautiful and giving her a massive reach compared to some as she could still extend the blade more and triple the blade length using the duel phase switch. All of her attention was on some of the creature before she planted her feet and the force energy was coarsing through the shaft of the blade.
Ferus had never actually been on Dromund Kaas. The last time he was ever close was during the reign of the New Order, during a war with the Mandalorians. A war that was lost, and ended with the destruction of the faction. It was a poor decision the last time. But now? Now was a perfect time to strike. The Silver Sanctum wanted the planet for themselves, but any self respecting Sith wouldn't allow that to happen.

The Jedi would not have this planet again.

Within his ship the Sith Lord sat, arms crossed. This was a rather important moment for him, the ability to finally walk upon the age old Sith planet. In his ship would be his own apprentices, a trio as per his own personal rules. [member="Ryiah Tenriem"] , [member="Honas'di"] , and [member="Sen Lon"] . Each would be given a weapon he felt appropriate, given their current equipment could mean their demise. For the blue Giant, Vrasjyme. For the human, a simple Sith Sword. And for the Togruta, a simple red lightsaber.

"You three don't know much about the Force yet, but you all know how to fight. Find an appropriate target, and eliminate them. Understood?" As he finished speaking the Phasma dropped out of hyperspace and the cloaking was activated. They would soon touch ground, and the hunt would begin.
The Nelvaanian, would stand beside the two other apprentices, towering above them both. He would grunt, as he held Vrasjyme in his hands, with his personal spear holstered on his back - though as useless as it would be, he brought it anyway for his own reasons. As the ship exited hyperspace, the Nelvaanian would give a short and brief nod of his head to [member="Darth Ferus"] before he would swiftly turn on his feet. He would blurt out of his mouth as walked towards the ships ramp, "I'll bring you back a souvenir." which he intended on fulfilling.

He would wait by the ramp, for it to be lowered - that's when the fun began. He came here knowing he would kill, he needed to. This was his chance to prove himself... worthy. The fact he carried the Sith's weapon, which was a spear-like weapon a lot like his own, but he could feel the power surrounding it. He was confident going into this battle, the opposition were unaware, they had the advantage. It was time to reek havoc. He was ready.

[member="Ryiah Tenriem"] | [member="Sen Lon"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Orihime Ike"]

Sorel sprang forwards and jabbed at the creature with quick blows. She knew she’d penetrated its tough hide but doubted she’d reached any internal organs. The creature shook angrily from side to side, and lashed out at her. Rolling as she was knocked foff her feet, she scrambled up and circled behind the creature. She knew her best chance was to stay on its blind side.

She slashed at the body twice more. The first blow left a scorched furrow. The second — delivered in precisely the same location — went all the way through. The creature reacted with a shudder. But before she could follow up with another attack, it kicked out with one of its massive hind legs, catching her in the chest and sending her crashing to the ground.

A sharp pain shot up from her side, and she knew at least one of her ribs had been cracked.
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Orihime looked and saw the creture was still alive before she touched it with the force and slashed to finish it off when Sorel was kicked back as she stabbed with the space and distance to impale it and stick it against the wall as she was recting to protect her new friend. She didn't have any aside from Sorel so... she needed someone to talk with and tease when the time came for it. This vine cat wasn't going to take that away from her before she was stabbing at him. The attention to smack him away and handle the beast while she cruched lower going with her movements and instincts.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Alone, she would have regained her feet as quickly as possible. If Orihime was in danger, she would have looked to have stood. Instead, she decided that she would remain seated and help from here, limiting the pain and therefore allowing her to focus most effectively.

She closed her eyes and lifted both hands to the creature. In her mind's eye she called the Force and entered the creature's mind. She felt every thought and emotion in that brain, the primitive instincts clearly in control. One by one she deadened them. She reduced its will to fight first and then, as she quickly progressed - like turning off a bank of switches - she literally froze it into position. Perhaps a fully fit creature would have fought off her attack, but it was both weakened and now injured.

So her friend was presented with a stationary target to dispatch - although Sorel did not know how long she could hold the creatire for.

[member="Orihime Ike"]

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