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Approved Tech AICD-001-P Mass Storage Device

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Ronan Nakasla

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To create a containment device and virtual playground for an Artificial Intelligence.

Development Thread

SUDOKA Industries





Plasteel shell, metal circuitry, decortative transparisteel light housing.

As Ash Valente developed his artificial intelligence, he realised that for the scope of what he wished to create, he needed it to be contained and easily manipulated in its early stages. His solution was to consult his team at Sudoka for answers. They brainstormed, and dug out a prototype design that would work perfectly, with a few additions relative to his needs. They developed the AICD, or Artificial Intelligence Containment Drive, and labelled it 001-P, or the first prototype. Through the efforts of a team of three technology experts, under the supervision of Ash himself, they worked and created this device.

Its function is that of a very small computer with none of the functionality. It is a self-contained virtual reality that runs on a small "Grid" upon which the inserted AI may use as a playground. This serves the purposes of giving the creator(s) a gauge of its ability, and provides stimulation and entertainment for the prototype Intelligence. Through this system, it can help study an early creation on a closed system rather than let it roam free over systems while it's still being worked on. It is a safer way to handle the AI than conventional means.

While not thought of during design, it is possible to connect the device to a common terminal and interact with the virtual world within like one would play a video game. It is unlikely that such interaction would be advisable, as interacting with the internal systems in such a way would compromise the idea of it being self-contained and closed-off save for rudimentary command-like interfacing, it would present a novel way for one to interact with a developing Intelligence.
[member="Ash Valente"]
Due to inactivity and the presumption of this being a work in progress this will be archived until you are prepared for it to be reviewed. Please notify an admin or RPJ when you have completed your development thread and are ready to have this looked over.

Ronan Nakasla

Alright. Thanks [member="Thurion Heavenshield"].

[member="Darth Vitium"],
The development thread is incomplete because I'm basing the next post off of whether or not the submission is approved.
Basically, if the sub is approved then Ash gets a new toy with no fuss. If the sub gets denied, then the attempt fails IC and they start over.
[member="Ash Valente"]
I have no issues with approving a mass storage device, especially when it stores considerably less than canon - I was more anticipating that you were intending to complete the thread and were thus not ready for judgement, it is my opinion that this does not necessarily need one.

That being said, pending approval.
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