Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Planet Agriworld-3063; Designation: Avidon

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Baroness Magrath

Location Designation
..:: Avidon ::..

..:: Astrographical Information ::..

Region: Wild Space
Sector: Not Applicable
System: Avidonian

Suns: Trinary Star System
  • ​Avidos
  • Donian
  • Sethal

  • Nephoge - Necropolis
  • Drassilia - Mining Colony
  • Lusuria - Resort / Private Retreat

Grid Coordinates:
  • R-3 [Estimated]

Chaos Map Location:
  • Tigel Arm: Between Lorrd and Morellia

Orbital Position: Third Orbit; Habitable Zone
Orbital Period: 375 Local Days
Rotational Period: 26 Local Hours

System Features:
  • Denalia - Desert planet; Second Orbit; Habitable
  • Edenia - Terrestrial; Fourth Orbit; Habitable

Stellar Objects:
  • Space Debris - Failed worlds, Abandoned vessels, Rogue Asteroids, etc etc
  • Asteroid Fields - Inner System Ring; Outer System Ring

..:: Physical Information ::..

Class: Terrestrial
Gravity: Standard

Atmosphere: Type I Breathable

Climate: Temperate


  • The mildest and the wettest season on Avidon. The days are usually long, with short cool nights. Often the temperature does not reach above a balmy 23c (75f). As it is the wettest season, there are many days in which a light sprinkling of rain occurs throughout the day. Those days in which the rains are heavier, often mid to late spring, can see a deluge of rain pour down.


  • Much like Winters, Summers on Avidon are short, and are usually hotter than the other seasons. The temperature can often reach 29-32c (85-90f) with the peak of the Summer reaching into 37c (100f). Due to the heat, much of the Summer is spent ensuring the health of crops, and making sure that those few that bloom and flower in the Summer are harvested to prevent over exposure of burning.


  • The longest of the seasons, as well as the coolest. The length of Autumn on Avidon means that the harvesting season is also just as long. Many of the crops that were planted and having grown in the Spring through the Summer are sometimes left until the end of the season to ensure full maturity of the crop. Much of the season is cooler than in Spring or Summer, with temperatures never seeming to rise above 21.1c (70f), making many days comfortable.


  • The shortest of the seasons, lasting only about a month or two, though it is also the coldest. Temperatures often drop as low as 1c (35f), and the season is marked by the beginning of the rainy season that runs into the Spring season. Nothing grows during this season.

Primary Terrain:
  • Grasslands
  • Rolling Hills / Lowlands
  • Rivers
  • Oceans
  • Sparse Mountains
  • Glacial Ice Caps
  • Sparse Forests

..:: Points of Interest ::..

  • Magrath Plantation
  • Aurodium Bank of Avidon Central Headquarters
  • Chronos Spaceport
  • Autumn Fortress
  • Aeosagus Ruins
  • Imperial Garrison
  • Hutt Palace

Geographical Landmarks:

  • The Spires
  • Droarr Dale
  • Araisoen Tarn
  • The Cataphractic Planes
  • Ar'sael

..:: Biological Information ::..

Native Flora:

  • Rolla
  • Aislel
  • Crawling Aetar
  • Edreoseed
  • Jihunna Fruit

Native Fauna:
  • Caurina
  • Trichus
  • Hydrurga
  • Arachnocampus
  • Papilionoidea
  • Caelops

..:: Societal Information ::..

Native Species:
  • Aeosagians - Extinct

Immigrated Species:

  • Humans
  • Morellians
  • Sephi
  • Twi'leks
  • Wookies
  • Other Slave Species

Primary Language(s):

  • Galactic Basic Standard
  • Huttesse
  • Bocce

Government: Planetary Barony
Population: 9 Million
Demonym: Avidonian

Major Imports:

  • Slaves
  • Technology
  • Raw Materials

Major Exports:
  • Slaves
  • Foodstuffs
  • Manufactured Goods

[*]Wines / Spirits

  • Neutral

..:: Major Population Center(s) ::..

  • Avalon - Capital


  • Tyrohallow
  • Dragsturm
  • Voxhaben
  • Velociedge


  • Arcdale
  • Aldervale
  • Vanstein

..:: Culture ::..

Much of the culture of the Avidon comes from the waves of various colonist whom settled or called the world home. Even those Pirates and Smugglers from bygone eras left their mark in one way or another, and with it once being called home to a powerful Hutt Crime Lord, even the Hutts' culture has left a mark on the world. In more recent years the Culture has become an amalgamation of Humanocentrism and Alien Cultures brought along with those non-human species sold as slaves.

..:: Architectural Design ::..

For countless Eras Avidon has played home to many cultures and varying races, each leaving a mark on the Architectural heart of the system. Ruins from an ancient Hutt Crime Lord gave rise to what has been seen as Hutt Art and Design, reflected among many of the homes. While cultures as diverse as the Twi'leks of Ryloth, and Wookiees of Kashyyyk have had their own hand in guiding the design of the buildings.

Many of the more simple structures are just that, and often reflect the designs seen on the homeworlds of many of the slave species. Simple wooden or more expensive brick and stone homes dot the land, with a few older styled metallic habitation pods serving to show a more retro design.

However many of those homes of the wealthy are much larger and more opulent, drawing inspiration from Hutt Architecture and Human High Culture melded together. Massive manors and mansions mark the center of vast plantations, and are often made of more highly expensive materials such as marble rather than the cheaper Duracrete alternative.

..:: Entertainment / Art ::..

While Human High Culture never rooted as deeply on Avidon as on other worlds during the height of the Empire, there was still enough of a basis that it remains rooted in much of the entertainment and art seen in the system to this day. Much of the entertainment however is often held by the upper class and the noble families whom spent billions of credits to hold fancy balls in which fine dress is demanded. While many of those with little money are often supporters of their favorite Jizz musician or band, such music is looked down upon by the social elite, whom prefer more elegant string orchestras.

Art in itself has also begun to see a meld between what little Human High Culture there is as it is melded to great effect with the art styles of other cultures. Many of the slaves that have arrived have often been set free or were purchased specifically for their creative talents in Fine Art and Music. Those that are freed are often then hired on by families and held in retainer due to their skill.

..:: Slavery ::..

Avidon has a long history of Slavery, starting when it was originally held as a fortress world for a Hutt, and though the practice disappeared during some Eras it has been an active part of the culture of the world and its people since the rise of the Empire. However while it is legal, it is also highly regulated and taxed. There are many laws that are specifically designed and enacted to see to the health and protect the slaves, because even if they do have such a status they are still living begins.

These laws are so strict that many slavers have found themselves in a reversed role in which they've become a slave, and the former slave is the master. There has been in more recent years a call to end the practice all together, referencing the laws in place to protect the slaves as already a step towards its removal. On the other side of the spectrum however, there has been a call by Slavers to strike down many of the laws that protect the slaves, stating that it hurts their business and is more of a hindrance than an aid.

With the planet once more moving closer to being considered aligned with the Hutts, the practice of the Slave Trade seems to be on the verge of a new Golden Age within the system.

..:: Indentured Servitude ::..

Used more as a punishment than for any other reason, there are very few whom become indentured servants. While the practice to many is barbaric, and has not been used in many years, it still remains as a powerful deterrent to prevent others from crime. It was originally introduced into the planet's judicial structure at the height of the Imperial Era when the Galactic Empire reigned.

It was in the past always meant as a more lenient punishment than what had often been the case when it came to those in debt or otherwise involved in property destruction.

..:: Humanocentrism ::..

While the view of Human High Culture did not take root on Avidon as it did on many other planets, or even persists in belief, there is still a Humanocentric view as many positions of power or note are held by Humans, or Near Humans. This has also caused some tension as those whom are slaves, or fall under the slave system are often non-human species. Even those near-human species are often only held to the title of or the punishment of indentured servitude.

..:: Matriarchical Society ::..

While many believe that the males of the family have reigned over the countless ages that the Magrath Family has been in power, it has really been the females that hold the power. While not as Matriarchal as those in the Hapan Consortium; Avidon still has a retention of a Matriarchal Society. Even in many other families outside of the Magrath family, it is the women that either have control of the family, or have some dominate say in the family's assets.

This has also carried over to much of the local government. With Avidon being overseen by a hereditary Barony of the House Magrath. Likewise, there are many lower governmental positions in which females are the head of those sections.

Technological Level:
  • Galactic Standard

..:: Historical Record ::..

..:: Pre-Republic Era; Before 25,000 BBY::..

Avidon had originally been the home to a primitive species that are now known as the Aeosagians. What little that is understood about them comes from those ruins that have survived. From the looks of the ruins, the Aeosagians had inhabited the world of Avidon much earlier in the planets life cycle, when the planet was once covered entirely by water. This conclusion being made due in part to the ruins appearing to have been made from coral.

What exactly befell the Aeosagians is unknown, though it is theorized that a cataclysm saw the rapid change in climate and the evaporation of many of the ancient oceans that had once covered the surface of the planet. This cataclysm most likely lead to the fall of the Aeosagian culture as they were a primarily aquatic race, whom likely were unable to evolve or adapt to the changing climate and geography of their world.

The Cataclysm in question has been theorized in multiple cases, however the most convincing case is that the sea levels which at one point had covered nearly the whole of the world began to recede. As more land was exposed, many of the Aeosagian colonies that were closer to the surface in the warmer temperatures began to become exposed to the open air (that being those ruins remaining). As sea levels continued to drop, and the Aeosagians were pushed further from their natural homes, they found themselves incapable of adapting to the colder waters in the deeper ocean. While those few warmer waters near the equator proved to be too warm for their delicate biology.

..:: Great Manifest Period; 20,000 BBY ::..

Originally discovered during this Era, the Avidonian System was found to be of little consequence by those Republic Scouts that came across the System, as it was considered to be located in 'Wild Space' even within the Tingel Arm. Deemed as being too dangerous to settle due to an unknown reason, the fact that at that time there was only one habitable world was also another reason it was not officially added to the register of worlds.

A few hundred years into this Era saw its essential 'rediscovery' since Republic scouts first found the system. This time its discoverers were Smugglers and Pirates. They viewed the system as having a value worth more than simple mineral wealth or credit value.

However, even with its rather unknown status, the Smugglers and Pirates soon moved on from the system. This was caused in part to the rising defensive planetary fleets and Republic Fleets sweeping these forgotten regions for Pirates and other Illegal activity. For nearly the next Four-Thousand years the system would lay dormant.

..:: Kymoodon Era; 15,000 BBY ::..

With the beginning of this Era marking the end of the Hutt Cataclysms, the location of the Avidonian System soon found its way into the hands of a rather ambitious Hutt looking to make a name for itself. This Hutt, whose name has been long forgotten and even wiped from those ruins left behind, turned the Avidonian System into their vast playground, and even went so far as to construct a grand Palace that also doubled as a formidable fortress in its day.

During much of the Hutt's life cycle, the system boasted multiple outposts and spice refineries. Additional Fortresses and space stations were constructed as well as the first storage warehouses into the larger spacial debris. By the year 14,999 BBY, the Hutt had passed on this Fortress World and the system to his successor in his clan.

This however would lead to a devastating war that tore about the Hutt clan, resulting in the near destruction of the World. Eventually its location was once more lost, with the datapad holding its placement having either been stole, sold, or otherwise misplaced. For a few thousand years the system, and Avidon itself was quiet, with only the dead and those few Hutt Droids remaining to keep it company.

..:: Pius Dea Era; 11,987 BBY ::..

This would be the Era in which the Avidonian System would rise to what some would call its highest point. During the sweeping reformation of the Republic, and the Crusades against Non-Human species by the Pius Dea Cult, the Avidonian System became a bastion against violence. No one knows whom had rediscovered the system's location, or if they had managed to come across the datapad with its coordinates held within; what is remembered is that it became the home and for many, a life saving refugee in the Galaxy.

Secretly the System was established as a hidden fortress in the vastness of the Galaxy, located beneath the nose of the Pius Dea Cult. Many of those Non-Human species that were being attacked and assaulted found their way through secret means to the system. For much of the Era, and until the fall of Pius Dea and capture of Contispex XIX, many aliens called the System home; only vacating it once the Pius Dea Era came to a close.

Few remained after that tumultuous time, with those remaining forming their own bands of Pirate or Smuggler groups. A brave few ventured to the edge of the Asteroid field were they managed to find the hidden warehouses established when the system was held by the Hutts. In time as the prospects of a good life moved on, many chose to leave the system, with those few remaining eventually passing away, taking the location of the system to the grave.

..:: Subterra Era; 8,000 BBY ::..

As the Era began, it would mark one of the highest points of the system's use as a strategically placed hide out for a vast Smuggler organization. The leader, having grown up on the stories passed down through his family about how his ancestor had once hidden in such a place during the Pius Dea Crusades, was galvanized to search for this fabled location. Spending nearly half his lifespan, and a sizable portion of the funds he earned through his years of a Smuggler, he was proud to finally reveal the location of the Avidonian System to his family.

In the following years, and for nearly three thousand years, the Avega Family set up operations with the Avidonian System as their base. From here they spread out to the neighboring worlds, and expanded their criminal enterprise. Spurred on by the discovery of the Hutt warehouses, and a few that had been left untouched, they unleashed a wave of spice across the worlds they had influence upon.

However when a Criminal Organization gets too large, or a Governor has too much to lose, they are often targeted first. By the closing of the Post-Manderon Era, much of the Avega Family Cartel had been toppled. Those last few hold outs clung to bastions in their former territory, and the hierarchy of the Family fled into the Avidonian System with their funds, attempting to regroup and rise once more. By the time of the Old Sith Wars, the Avega family was a shadow of what it had been, beaten down by the Republic and the Hutts after drawing too much attention to themselves.

..:: Old Sith Wars; 4,000 BBY ::..

As the Era before drew to a close, the Avega Family Cartel was a mere husk of the power it had formally been. Hounded by the Republic, torn apart by the Hutt Cartel, the family had very little in the means of escape or survival. However, enter the young patriarch, the head of the family that would use the Avidonian System as his trump card.

In a brilliant move, this young man tipped off the Republic and the Hutts of a potential Smuggling operation happening near the system, giving both sides a final chance at crushing the Avega Family. When both sides arrived at the empty location only to find the others, they quickly turned upon one another, the Republic suspecting the Hutts of working with the Avega Family, and the Hutts likewise believing something similar. When the dust settled, the Avega Family Cartel was disassembling what remained of their operations in the Avidonian System, though not due to their family being destroyed.

The ploy had worked as the young Avega family head had planned. He managed to reveal to the Republic the location of the Avidonian System, and prove just how useful it would be so that they could keep an eye on the Hutts. Selling the rights of the System to the Republic, and for the most part, protecting his family, the Avega Family was relocated and settled in the Core Worlds with a wealth of credits and land.

Soon the system would show in worth when just short of Thirty Years the Mandalorian Wars began.

..:: Mandalorian Wars; 3,976 BBY ::..

The Avidonian System had seen much in its time since it was first discovered and through the years held by various interest. This though would be a War like none before. Even the Pius Dea Crusades could not compare to the pure destruction and chaos that was wrought by the Mandalorian Wars.

With the system firmly in the hands of the Republic, it found a new calling when a repair station was set up in the system. For much of the war the Avidonian System watched Republic vessel after Republic vessel limp into its hold only to be repaired and sent back out. This was the duty of the Avidonian System, a hidden repair dock in Wild Space to keep the Republic Fleets and Vessels repaired and battle ready.

However, as all wars go, there comes the war of intelligence. Fearing that the system had been compromised, the Republic soon withdrew from the system. Deleting its location out of their Vessel's memory banks, and scuttling the vast Repair yards that had been constructed. The truth though was that the Mandalorians had never known or even found the location of the system, thus the Republic lost a vital installation due in part to false belief and fear.

The system would carry on through much of the war that remained, acting as a hide away for those few whom managed to luckily stumble upon the system. Of course it would change hands again and again as various little small time pirate groups and criminal organizations moved in before fleeing.

..:: Jedi Civil War; 3,959 BBY ::..

The Dark Side and the Light Side will always been in conflict, or at the least those whom hold the tenants that one must be utilized above the other. As the Jedi Civil War raged, as Revan and Malak tore through the Republic in their mad bid to strengthen it against an older more powerful enemy, the Avidonian system played home to a few Jedi whom decided it was best to hide from the war. For a time the ancient Hutt Fortress and those ruins from long ago that dotted the world were inhabited once more.

The system's relative isolation from the neighboring worlds made it a perfect safe haven for the Jedi hiding from the Sith. Much more so at the conclusion of the Civil War when bounties began to be offered for Jedi. Over the following years and into a new bought of Republic and Sith Empire warring, the Avidonian system remained a bastion to those that wanted to escape from the Galaxy.

Over time those few began to grow in number, and a new people called Avidon home. In time this small group began to splinter and leave as many had before. Though a few remained, practicing the ancient techniques of those few Jedi that had called the world home, their descendants proving to be Force Sensitive in their own right. Those that left often went to join the Order, or find their own way in the Galaxy. Those few that remained did so with the understanding that the Galaxy was too destructive, too chaotic for their own taste, and thus they passed in peace not knowing what was about to swallow the Galaxy.

..:: Draggulch Period; 2,000 BBY ::..

The Galaxy had barely repaired itself from the tragedy of the Mandalorian Wars. The events that followed through the years left many worlds limping forward into the future. The Republic in an attempt to show its might continued to invest in those worlds, trying to further repair the damage that had been done. Yet it would prove a nearly futile gesture as a new schism among the Jedi quickly pushed the Galaxy back into another age of war.

For a thousand years the Republic fought against a New Sith Empire, while also finding enemies in the Hutts and strangely enough finding allies in the Mandalorians. For the whole of this Era, War spread across the Galaxy. In the final years before the Ruusan Reformations, it fell upon the Army of Light lead by then Lord Hoth to face against the Brotherhood of Darkness.

Where was the Avidonian System in all this you might ask? It was where it had always been, forgotten and found again. Those seeking to flee the chaos of a new war found their way to the system, slipping into the inner system and hiding upon Avidon. In time even they would remain, inhabiting the older ruins and building new villages. Though this time they would not leave once the war was over and the danger passed, and soon an old family would return.

..:: Fall of the Republic / Rise of the Empire Era; 1,000 BBY ::..

The Avega Family Cartel, an old power that had for a time expanded their hold across numerous neighboring worlds all before giving up the location of the Avidon System. They had for a time relocated to the Core Worlds, and now they were returning, though their name was different. Since the time of their ancient exodus from the system, they had become a rather wealthy family, and members of a cadet branch found themselves to be rather disappointed in how the main family had been squandering their resources.

Thus it was Horatio Magrath whom gathered his family and set off for the ancient system still remembered by his family. They settled on the world, and using their wealth they purchased lands across the world, until they held so much that the began to view themselves as nobility. Their pockets ran deep with the world's newly designation as an Agriworld. They even managed to get their noble status recognized by the Republic, and those that mattered had their eyes averted to the family's slave dealing.

Throughout the Era the Magrath Family strengthened their grip on the system, until it came to the point that one could not talk about the Avidonian System without talking about the Magrath Family. A Family that it was very well known that the women held the power, and were the true cunning behind the Family's power.

..:: The Clone Wars; 22-19 BBY ::..

It was only a matter of time before the Republic would find itself in another war, and this time it happened to be with itself. This would mark the closing of the era, a thousand years of the Republic falling, ending with a tumultuous and deafening roar to mark its swan song. The Republic stood on one side with a vast army of clones, and the Separatist on the other with a vast army of droids, and stuck in the middle were dozens of worlds that sought Neutrality, caring for neither one side nor the other.

All the while the Avidonian System looked on to watch carefully, to see which side would come out on top. The Republic or the Separatist, and soon a decision had to be made to choose one or the other. Yet the Magrath Family held power in the system and cunning as they ever were they chose a third option, one that many others did not have the luxury of due to their distance from a very specific species.

Before the Republic could send their diplomats and Jedi, and even before Count Dooku himself could arrive in the system, the Magrath Family had reached out to the ancient Hutts. They knew full well what might occur should they choose the Republic or the Separatist, yet the knew the protection their system could gain from being allied with the Hutts. When the diplomats arrived, they came to find that they were not only speaking with the Matriarch of the Magrath Family, they were also dealing with a representative of the Hutts that had arrived.

Thus by allying with the Hutts, the Magrath Family ensured both their titles and holding, their prestige and the Neutrality of the world. Of course their alliance would not remain for long, as the future would show.

..:: Imperial Period; 19 BBY ::..

An Empire that was to stand for a thousand years, replacing a corrupted and weakened Republic at the closing of the Clone Wars. The Jedi Order had been destroyed, and those few survivors had fled across the Galaxy. A new era of Human High Culture began to take hold as the Empire began to reach out across the Galaxy.

During the rise of the Empire, the Avidonian System kept its ties with the Hutts, though more so they became secretive with their alliances and business dealings. While they were loyal to the Empire, even going so far as to aid in the establishment of an Imperial Base and Naval Repair Yard, the Magrath Family was by far not interested in Human High Culture. While they did have a hint and learning towards Humanocentrism, they were still very much accepting and willing to work with non-human species; due in part to a vast many of the Magrath family being of Near-Human origin.

Even though the Avidonian System was known for its Slavery of such species, it was also known for the care it took when it came to those species; going so far as to enact strict laws, rules and regulations when it came to the slave trade and the treatment of slaves. It was during this Era that the Avidonian System saw its greatest growth, and the Magrath Family a rise in power, influence and wealth. Many of the ancient warehouses that held the wealth of an ancient Hutt had been rediscovered, with the wealth claimed by the family, and additional warehouses opened to serve as hidden stashes and caches for those more prominent figures that may or may not have been involved in illegal activities.

It was even said that a handful of the local Imperial Officers married into the Magrath Family, further strengthening the Family's ties with the Empire and the Imperial Army and Navy. The Avidonian System would go on into the next Era as one of the few systems in Wild Space that was relatively well defended.

..:: Rebellion Era; 0 ABY ::..

When one power rises there will always be those whom see it as a beast over stepping its bound. Those whom had seen the Fall of the Republic and fought in the Clone Wars saw the Empire as that monster. Many had begun to revolt against the Empire, and at the destruction of the first Death Star, many began to openly voice their opinion. The Magrath Family would soon find itself drawn into the power struggle that would result from this Era.

The Avidonian System remained a staunch supporter of the Empire throughout the Rebellion, though they also kept close ties with the Hutts and funneled weapons into the hands of Rebel Cells. After all, the Magrath Family was there to survive and earn credits. They supported the Empire, all while managing to slip a few Imperial Weapons into the hands of the Rebellion at the same time. When it came that the second Death Star had been destroyed and the Emperor killed, the Magrath Family pounced upon the opportunity that presented itself.

The Avidonian System once more became a Neutral realm, reaffirming its ties with the Hutts. Those many Imperial Officers in the Military and Navy also played their role. While much of the Garrison of the Imperial Army as well as various Imperial vessels fell back to the Core Worlds or fell in with other Imperial Warlords; those that remained, primarily a Legion of the Stormtrooper Corps, and a half dozen Star Destroyers were brought to heel by their commanding officers. Thus their actions, and their ties to the Magrath Family through marriage, aided in securing a loyal force for the Magrath Family, and the new protectors of the Avidonian System. In time, these forces would evolve into what is now known as the Fenrir Guard, and the Avidonian Defense Fleet.

The System survived through the following Eras, and watched as a new Sith Lord emerged from the shadows.

..:: Pre-Gulag Plague Era ::..

Many Eras saw the Avidonian System rise in power, and those few even watched as it atrophied with time. This Era, this marked the greatest rise in power that the system and even the Magrath family had ever seen. As the chaos of war loomed, and Sith rose again and again, until the very moment that the Triumvirate was formed, the Avidonian System stood with its ancient allies the Hutts.

A world of strength, and a family of such wealth, this was the era when the system was changed. Hiring Vong Shapers, they terraformed many of the worlds in the system. First the inner system's planets were terraformed, and more settlers brought. Then the moons that orbited those worlds were terraformed and changed.

On many of those former moons, mineral wealth beyond what had ever been detected on Avidon was found, further strengthening and empowering both the Avidonian System and the Magrath Family. With an unbridled and untapped system of wealth at their back, the Magrath Family became the de facto and undisputed rulers of the System, having seen to its needs for countless generations.

They stood and watched as the Gulag Virus was unleashed a Galaxy away, and their wealth ensured that the system would remain strong. Construction of a massive space station ensured that only a few were capable of entering the system. Even then those whom could enter were put under harsh quarantine and medical scans to ensure that no trace of the virus passed into the system.

Even then, many of those permitted entry were further quarantined to the Outer System and were not allowed access into the inner system. The Avidonian System itself took a staunch isolationist stance and soon all travel was shut off and all ties with anyone outside of the system cut. While the Gulag Plague struck a few of the worlds in the Outer System, it never reached the more highly populated Inner System, thus protecting the bulk of the population.

..:: Post-Gulag Plague Era ::..

The Galaxy begun to repair itself, and slowly over time as the plague died out, and the last sufferers of it passed, the Galaxy began to heal. The population of hundreds of thousands of systems had been devastated by the plague. The Avidonian System was one of those few whom had managed to survive due to the wealth of a single family that sought to protect those that turned to them for protection.

As the Galaxy began to reopen, the Avidonian System carefully and methodically ensured that this was not a lull in the virus. Those few worlds that had been struck by the virus were cleansed in the beginning, entire cities burned to nothing more than ash, and others completely cut off to ensure that the virus did not infect the healthy on those worlds. This methodically planned survival ensured that the system and much of its population did survive.

Slowly they began to shake off their isolationist stance. Their vessels pushed out from the system and began to make contact once more with neighboring worlds, and the Magraths soon found that many of those worlds had a need. A need that the family and the Avidonian System could provide.


The system was known as a mass producer of foodstuffs and now in a Galaxy looking to heal, their vessels began to push out. Wealth poured into the system as food poured from it; and even when the Sith Empire took root, the Magraths stood staunchly at the reins, looking after their people. Even as the Empire crumbled and the Republic and Mandalorians began to close in, the Magraths stood like a bulwark, ready to meet the future head on, and they did.

..:: Netherworld Event ::..

Billions missing in the blink of an eye, even those close had gone. Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, all whom had anyone just as easily lost them. The Galaxy was thrown into Chaos, and there in the malestrom stood the Magrath Family.

As always they turned and brought the System to the ancient allies they had held close to all throughout the Eras, the Hutts.

The Future of the System shall now be written, and it shall be one of Wealth, Power, Infamy, Fame.

..:: Closing Information ::..

Notable PC(s):
  • Baroness Magrath


While the original submission, and its subsequent resubmission are both archived due to the reference of creating a new Star, this has thus removed all nods and references to such an action. Likewise it may be brought up as to why this submission was created rather than having the previous one pulled from the archive, with that reasoning being that while this is a Baroness Magrath; this character is a new character that is to reflect the original idea I had when I first thought of the Magrath family and the Baroness. Thus this new submission is to ensure that all of the stories involving this character are contained on one profile rather than spread across a handful.

The full intent of this submission is thus to further the story and to reflect the original idea of the character; to more methodically create the story of the Baroness Magrath and the Magrath family, rather than what was rushed, and viewed personally as a holding unto from a previous site rather than the original planned idea for the Magraths involvement with Chaos.

With the additional intent of recreating Avidon and the System, which other individuals enjoyed and to reintroduce the world and system that those individuals were inspired to create stories for and with.

Previous Submission - [link]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Before a judge takes this over and deals with the actual content of the submission, I have some questions concerning the intent here.

As I recall, this planet was requested to be archived here: I requested some changes to it. This in turn is a refresh of

Now, what I see in this submission is pretty much a copy-paste of your second one with the removal of the artificial star. I am however questioning why you did not request the old one to be reopened.

As it is, I will let it go this time since a lot of time has passed and it would be odd to pull out such an old submission under a different character account. However, I would like you to link the previous submissions in the intent.
However next time I would appreciate some consultation on this matter with myself or [member="Lorelei Darke"]

With that done I will turn you over to [member="Darth Prazutis"] or [member="Taeli Raaf"] to examine more closely.

Baroness Magrath

I do apologize for not requesting the previous one to be pulled from the archive.

As you mentioned, due to its age in the archive, I personally felt that it would more appropriate to resubmit it with a new post; primarily due in part to it being accredited to a new account.

I have, as you requested, linked the previous submission in the intent section.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Alright so lets get right to it! So far as I've read this application over, each time more in depth I find that it is very well done and put together. You've expanded in splendid detail on all of the fields including history. That being said there are a few things that need to be addressed:

  • Suns: Trinary Star System
    My issue here is that you list three suns in this system, and further in the application you list the climate as temperate. Tatooine for example has only two suns in its system and it has a scorching hot, arid climate. Now I admit I do have a lack of knowledge when it comes to the scientific area, but I don't see how it could maintain a climate like that with three suns.

[*]Technology Level
  • So it sounds from what I read here basically it means galactic standard. Just list something like that in here.

[*]"It was even said that a handful of the local Imperial Officers married into the Magrath Family, further strengthening the Family's ties with the Empire and the Imperial Army and Navy. The Avidonian System would go on into the next Era as a fortress system."

  • A planet like this especially so far out in the Wild Space would not become a fortress system because some officers married into the Magrath Family. A Fortress World as classified in Star Wars is a massively protected planet typically of strategic significance and as powerful military and political strongholds. Anaxes, Coruscant, and Kuat are fortress worlds. Fortress worlds by Imperial standards possessed staggering amounts of firepower[Coruscant for example possessed an entire sector fleet, a massive amount of battle stations, and a super star destroyer always in orbit], and it was far beyond the amount any local officers planetside could requisition for any period of time. You could change this to being well protected or something along those lines.

"The Avidonian System once more became a Neutral realm, reaffirming its ties with the Hutts. Those many Imperial Officers in the Military and Navy also played their role. They brought many of the Soldiers, Stormtroopers and Crews of the Imperial Vessels under heel, securing a loyal force for the Magrath Family, and the new protectors of the Avidonian System. Thus the System survived through the following Eras, and watched as a new Sith Lord emerged from the shadows. "

  • This is acceptable once Palpatine died the Empire was ripped apart by infighting and Imperial Warlords, but I need some clarification on exactly what you mean by "Many of the soldiers, stormtroopers, and crews of the Imperial Vessels" if these ships are going to be used at some point in Chaos.

Baroness Magrath

  • Suns: Trinary Star System
    ​I have the following as examples of established Trinary Star Systems with Temperate worlds.
    ​Hali - While an Article Stub, it is mentioned as a Temperate world in a Trinary System.
  • Cerea - Home of the Cerean species, also a Temperate world in a Trinary System.
    ​Additionally in regards to Tatooine. In its past, Tatooine was at one point a lush and verdant Jungle world. It was due to an Orbital Bombardment by the Rakatans, that saw the world 'Glassed' and over time that glass broke down into the Deserts that Tatooine is known for.

[*]Technology Level
  • ​Edited

[*]"Fortress System"
  • ​Wording edited to state 'For a system in wild space it was relatively well defended'.

[*]Imperial Forces
  • ​Section edited to give an exact numerical account.
    ​Legion of the Stormtrooper Corp (9,813 units)
  • Half Dozen Star Destroyers
    ​Additional blurb added - 'In time these Forces would evolve into what is now known as the Fenrir Guard and the Avidonian Defense Fleet'. Proper NPC Unit submissions will be made for these in the coming days.

[member="Darth Prazutis"]
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