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[ "Aeon Erantes" ]
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(Last recorded appearance.)
Aeon Erantes

Mercenary (unconfirmed)
Bounty Hunter (unconfirmed)
(claimed by suspect but failed to elaborate what it was)​
Force Sensitive:
Approx. 160lbs
The person-of-interest is a human male, stands at a height of 6'1'' and appears to be around 160lbs, and has been described by female officers, as well as Karl in Research & Intelligence, as being "handsome". Appears to be in their young twenties. Last seen with short brown hair, visible facial hair scruff, and green eyes. Has a thin body structure that is otherwise muscled. Does not have any identifiable markings on his skin although torso is supposed to have various scarring that have healed years ago, albeit still persist. Does not often appear with his face revealed making identification difficult. Is instead reported to favour wearing armour, including helmets, and various robing and tunics over the armour. Please refer to the section below for a more detailed analysis of the target's armour and clothing. Another favourable means of tracking is by their ship, which is too, discussed below.

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Target has various reported skills and strengths that make engaging them directly unwise. Aeon Erantes has demonstrated skill in multiple combat forms, either an effect or cause of their chosen profession. A martial artist, they have reportedly demonstrated skill in K'tara, a form often only taught to Alliance Special Forces (suggesting possible connection) that emphasis the use of stealth and ensuring the most damage in the most subtle, or quickest way. Uses short quick movements. Possibly trained in an art called Rek'dul, although we do not have any current information on it. Also proficient in
Teräs Käsi. Aeon is a capable weapon fighter - trained in dual wielding and in the use of a single sword, or similarly shaped weapon. Finally he has also shown proficiency in the use of blaster pistols and rifles. Beyond combat Aeon is an excellent pilot, likely due to necessity of his career. Also graduated University although did not pursue anything with it and primarily took courses in the Humanities. Target also apparently has skill in gunsmithing. Finally, target is known to prefer stealth in his tasks.
Despite piloting skill Aeon has very limited mechanical skill and must make stops to repair his ship when necessary. While force sensitive the target does not appear to have been trained extensively, and demonstrates a lack of control in his usage. Primarily relies on his other skills to make up for the fact. Another point of interest is the fact he is fairly emotional, and can be frustrated easily when something is not going his way, lowering his efficiency more so. Of course this may also result in the target becoming enraged and lashing out. Precision is advised if attempting to frustrate the target into a mistake. Target has shown occasional hesitation. Based on his known history we believe he likely suffers from minor depression.
Known Ship:
Target can often be located based on where his ship is docked, being a particularly unique ship. The ship, titled "the Defender", is a modified StealthX, and retains many similarities to the ships albeit modified. It is doubtful the target himself made the modifications but there are no records of it being stolen, or vanishing. The wings of the ship can split to more closely resemble the StealthX and reveals Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launchers. It is otherwise closely built to that of a StealthX unit. Four fusial engines that rely on TibannaX, equipped Defender deflector shielding, sensor negators (albeit rendered useless if proton torpedoes were used, or if comlink was used), gravitic modulator, photon absorbers, and thermal dissipator. It is clear the ship is intended to remain unnoticed. Armed by four laser cannons, and four proton torpedoes (two hidden and unusable in that state), the ship needs only to be piloted by one person. Somewhat larger than the StealthX it appears to be able to carry one passenger. Additionally not as agile as the StealthX the focus appears to be on remaining unnoticed. A visual of the Defender has been attached.

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Very little is known about the armour but it appears to be very important to him. Possibly because he constructed it, won it, or inherited it by some means. We do know it is quite flexible, and likely covered by spun cortosis. The helm, while similar, holds greater functions. It is theorized that it contains a built-in and adjustable lens that can zoom in and out on things. We believe it is also contains elctrobioncular-like and thermal imaging functions. Beyond that no agent has yet got their hands on the equipment and so we cannot accurately say at this time. A visual of his primary armour has been attached (attachment number one), while the others are rarer but noted alternatives.

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The target has been noted to use an unknown and modified rifle. It appears to be similar to that of the A280 blaster rifle albeit more powerful. An image of it has been attached (attachment number one). The target has also been known to use modified dual WESTAR-34 pistols, painted black. Lastly it has been reported that the target is known to have used a dagger and various other melee weapons.
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[ Recording detected. . . . Playing. ]
"My childhood? Do you people really ask for that? I mean, no offence Doc, it's just a bit cliched y'know? ... Well. It's not going to be a story of grandeur and future heroes and two-dimensional villains, if that's what you're looking for. ... I was born on Elshandruu Pica, some drukhole out in the Outer Rim, that probably had some potential at one point. I grew up in Picavil, a city, and it was a pretty okay living arrangement. My father was a physician, my mother an accountant, and when I was nine years old I was told that I was going to have a little sister soon. Great, right? I think I was happy anyways. Who knows? I was a kid. Nine months later, and I'm ten now, my mother is rushed off to the hospital with my father and I was left with my neighbours. Then it happened. And don't worry doctor, the neighbours were fine. This isn't that kind of story. My father remained at my mother's side throughout the operation, not allowed to operate himself of course, and there we go. I had a baby sister. Chelsea. Of course, her name could be something entirely different by now. Anyways. Even in this age of laser guns that go pew pew pew there were complications. My mother died shortly after.
And how did that make me feel? I was ten years old. I was confused. A little sad. But mostly confused. I suddenly had a baby sister and no mother. But it was my father, Jyron, that was impacted the most by this. My mother, Val, was apparently important to him. Who would have figured with them being married? ... Sorry, right. Anyways. My father, the good doctor, occasionally indulged alcohol before this event. After he became an outright alcoholic. But he wasn't an angry drunk, so do not worry there. Just a depressed one. I do not remember precisely what happened but the news outlet of the time reported that he had apparently gone into work subtly drunk, which I think is impressive because I'm pretty darn obvious when I'm drunk. But he operated on a patient, and as you would expect - botched it pretty horrendously. The patient died and his license was revoked. They wouldn't even give him a job as a janitor. But who would want to keep working in that hospital after that?
It was a bit of a hot topic at the time. I spent most days at my neighbour's home, with my little sister, and they more or less adopted us. My father could not get a job anywhere in the city. So he gambled. Oh, and this is important to note, but on this planet there is a history of piracy. In this case the casino my father liked to gamble at was owned by a fairly successful pirate. Well, I'm not sure what exactly occurred at this point. But I could tell you everything you would want to know about my neighbor's home if you'd like. No, huh? Well I'm guessing my father was not a lucky man because one day he just outright vanished. Never came home. My sister and I were at the neighbor's at this time. So we were adopted by them. Told to gather our stuff from our house I went to go just that, only that I was not the only one in the house. Wasn't my father. I recall just staring at the man, probably in shock or something, and then just black. I awoke in a ship medical bay. Like father like son, right?
If you hadn't guessed the pirates decided to collect as much as they could on my father's debt. I guess my presence volunteered me. They whispered of killing me, fearful of being hunted for kidnapping a kid. Not terribly bright men, I admit. But the captain and his sinister smile had another idea. He started mentoring me. You're probably wondering if I planned to escape or something. Well, to be honest, no. I don't know why. I just recall looking out the cockpit windows and seeing space. It was beautiful and terrifying. That is where I belonged. Not a living room with shabby green carpeting. The pirates hit multiple small merchant ships and looted various worlds. I learned quite a bit of the black market in that time. Eventually, two years later, they were hired for a job. Told to go to a planet called Susevfi, a relatively nearby planet, and loot a specific area and search out an object or something for them. So we headed to that planet. When we got to the coordinates we saw a nearby bunker-like structure falling into ruins and decided to explore. But in a twist we found someone living there. An old man. Not a frail one mind you. He was well-built. Still a warrior. Which is exactly what he proved. The pirates attacked and the man, with unbelievable speed, whipped out a glowing sword weapon and deflected them. I still remember it. Gold and fiery.
He cut through them with ease. And I don't just mean he killed them easily. He physically cut through them as if they were paper. But, as you could guess, he spared me. Asking me the same question as you're asking me now I told him. He gave me a choice. Keep letting others manipulate my life or take hold of it myself. I chose the latter. He trained me in various arts, fighting, crafting armour, and just four years ago that training concluded. He died from illness. Never was a man for doctors. So I left that planet with purpose, and a few other things, and headed out on my own. So, doctor, any insights?"
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