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Approved NPC Aedan's Security Team

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Name: Rally Master Makin Akaata
Loyalties: Aedan Miles Aliit’bur of Clan Akaata
Role: Head of Aedan’s personal security team
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 28
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: None

Appearance pt 2: Tall and solidly built Makin is in his prime by all standards. He wears armor that has been repainted to a neon green color with black surrounding it. He has Brown hair and green eyes his skin is tanned from days spent training in the sun.
Personality: Makin as leader of the security team for Clan Leader Aedan Miles is calm and calculating except when off duty or when they are relaxing a bit. Then he is someone who enjoys hanging out and laughing with the rest of his brothers and sisters.
Weapon of Choice: Mandalorian River Gun L3 variant, 2x Mandalorian Ripper MK 2, and Fett Kal Trench knife.
Wealth: Small amount of credits most of his new gear bought my Aedan.
Combat Function: The combat function of the security team of Aedan Miles is to assist him in combat whenever it would not be a liability. Trained as an Elite Soldier from the Mandalorian People he is the leader of the security team and a rifle man of some skill. He is known to first use his River Gun until things get hairy or to close for comfort. Then he switches to his pistols and uses them with a fair amount of skill.
Skills: Trained Mandalorian soldier skilled combatant and a combat pilot if need comes to it. Trained as a commander he has a tactical mind set that he easily puts to use when the need comes to it.
Weaknesses: His abilities are primarily commander based he is able to shoot his weapon well but he far prefers the position of pointing out positions of enemies and strategic points.
Notable Possessions: Hyperion Combat Armor, Mandalorian River Gun L3 variant, 2 Mandalorian Ripper MK 2, Fett Kal Trench Knife, and a Rassalion-class elite fighter
Other Notes:

Name: Initiate Graad Akaata
Loyalties: Aedan Miles
Role: Graad is the demolitions expert of the security team for Aedan Miles.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 25
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: No

Appearance pt 2: [SIZE=11pt]Graad’s armor is a bit more standard then most others and he is more stout and solid. Weight a solid weight carrying a grenade launcher he generally has a bandoleer of grenades strapped around his chest or waist. The bandoleer is a quick snap so that if need be he can undo it and get out of it rather quickly.[/SIZE]
Personality: Thinks everything is all about fun. Except making things blow up that is serious business. When it comes time for him to have fun with his grenade launcher or use detonators to blow things up.
Weapon of Choice:
Wealth: A small amount of credits most gear and ammo bought by Aedan Miles.
Combat Function: Graad tends to be the first to fire when they enter combat generally with a force breaker grenade launched into the midst of their opponents hopefully to mess with any force user they have with them. Next he would target them with grenades until his companion got to close then he switches over to a scatter gun charging in with fierce abandon.
Skills: Mandalorian trained soldier and combat pilot. Graad also has a small degree of knowledge on how to easily take down buildings if the need comes.
Weakness: Graad is not as agile as the rest of his brothers and sisters rather more of a solid mountain of flesh. Thus it is harder for him to dodge incoming blows instead he hopes that he can withstand them.
Notable Possessions: Mythosaur Grenade Launcher, 1x M12 “Kath Hound” Shotgun, 1x Fett Kal Trench knife, Hyperion Combat Armor, and 1 Rassalion elite fighter
Other Notes:

Name: Jarg Akaata
Loyalties: Aedan Miles
Role: The sniper of Aedan’s security team he is a rarely seen member usually perched so Aedan is within sight and 1KM at all times.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 23
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: Nope
Appearance: Image to large
Appearance pt 2: [SIZE=11pt]Jarg’s armor is painted pitch black to help him find a hide site and perch. He is tall and lean when not wearing his helmet he has blond hair and brilliant blue eyes. His skin is more fair due to his time spent training to hide thus remaining out of the sun.[/SIZE]
Personality: Serious and silent Jarg rarely talks but when he does it is generally to crack a very poor pun.
Weapon of Choice: 1x BTI-WWSR The Harpy, 1x BTI-CES The Retaliator, and 1x Fett Kal Trench knife
Wealth: A small amount of credits.
Combat Function: Jarg is the sniper generally moving off to find a perch or fighting from the rear of the group finding a spot where he has high ground. In the air he acts as the wing man to Mekket Akaata flying an Elite Rassalion-class fighter.
Skills: Trained Mandalorian soldier and elite sniper almost capable of keeping up with Aedan when it comes to marksmanship. An efficient combat pilot capable of keeping up with Aedan except for when the force is guiding his piloting tends to stick with the other members of the security team joining Aedan in dogfights.
Weakness: Jarg’s skills lay solely in him having the distance on his opponents thus he can’t really bee a close combat fighter.
Notable Possessions: Hyperion Combat Armor,1x BTI-WWSR The Harpy, 1x BTI-CES The Retaliator, 1x Fett Kal Trench Knife, 25x BTI plug and fire cells , and a Rassalion-elite fighter
Other Notes:

Name: Mekket Akaata
Loyalties: Aedan Miles
Role: Heavy Weapons expert of the security team for Aedan Miles.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 24
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: Nope
Appearance: Image to large
Appearance pt 2: [SIZE=11pt]Unlike his role would suggest Mekket is not a wall of flesh but more of a tall lanky guy who prefers to use a heavier weapon hen most. His armor is black and red with small skulls on the inside of one of his bracers in a line. No one really knows what they mean even Aedan has asked a few times only to get a shrug and smirk from Mekket.[/SIZE]
Personality: Mekket is a friendly person rather open and kind except when it comes to combat then he draws in on himself and focuses on the task at hand.
Weapon of Choice: 1x BTI-Ravager Series Repeater, 2x BTI-CR Rippers, and 1x Fett Kal Trench knife.
Wealth: A small amount of credits.
Combat Function: A soldier and heavy trooper using a heavier weapon then his brothers and sisters.
Skills: A Mandalorian trained heavy trooper of sorts. Wearing heavier armor then the others in the squad and wielding the biggest gun he could get his hands on at the time. A walking death machine for sure but also an able combat pilot whether it be in the faster Rassalion-class elite fighters they use or the more destructive Naast-class Missile boats.
Weakness: Mekket excels at being closer to his targets not as far out as Jarg he prefers to be within 30-40 meters where he can efficiently pin someone down with fire from his repeater.
Notable Possessions: Hyperion Combat Armor, 1xBTI-Ravger Series Repeater, 2x BTI CR Rippers, 25x Plug and Fire Cells, power pack, 1x Fett Kal Trench Knife, and a Rassalion-class elite fighter.
Other Notes:

Name: Lunasa Akaata (Ice Queen)
Loyalties: Aedan Miles
Role: Female communications expert of Clan Akaata.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 24
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: Nope

Appearance pt 2: [SIZE=11pt]Tall and for all extensive purposes beautiful if only in a deadly sort of way. She has a scar under her left eye in an x from a fight she lost before with an instructor. Her hair is white and her eyes are an ice blue color. Her armor portrays her nickname even farther the parts of it that can be painted are painted an ice blue and on her chest piece she had painted a large icicle. [/SIZE]
Personality: Cold and distant but not on purpose earning herself the nickname Ice Queen by her comrades taking to it she uses it as her call sign when flying.
Weapon of Choice: 1x BTI-836 Assault Rifle, 2x BTI-CR The Ripper, and 1x Fett Kal Trench knife
Wealth: A small amount of credits
Combat Function: The person in charge of keeping the group and Aedan in contact with other friendly forces in the area and if need be to call out for assistance.
Skills: Mandalorian trained soldier found an affinity with communications gear and hacking capabilities. Fair combat pilot known for staying near the edge of dog fights to hack into enemy communications and keep the squad informed.
Weakness: Due to her generally cold personality sometimes she comes across as harsh or uncaring over the radio when calling for help or answering a call for help.
Notable Possessions: Hyperion combat armor, 1x BTI-CC13 blaster rifle Ol reliable, 2x BTI-CR The Ripper smg, 1x Fett Kal trench knife, 25x Plug and fire Cells, and 1x Rassalion-class elite fighter.
Other Notes:

Name: Isabet Akaata (Isy)
Loyalties: Aedan Miles
Role: Medic of the security team of Clan Akaata but don’t mistake her medical knowleddge and tendencies to mean she can’t fight a spit fire able to wield a blaster almost as well as any other.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 24
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: Nope
Appearance: Image to large
Appearance pt 2: Short and quick Isy is the one who bounces around helping her companions when they need it. Under her helmet lies a cute female face with brown eyes and red hair. Her armor is painted bronze and on the side of her helmet is a small cross in violet instead of the standard red for a medic. She carries a small backpack with any spare ammo and medical supplies she needs.
Personality: Kind hearted and hating to see the suffering of her companions but a spit fire at times. It’s like two sides to a coin with this one.
Weapon of Choice: 1x BTI-BR The Corvos, 1x BTI-CR The Ripper, 1x Fett Kal Trench knife.
Wealth: A small amount of credits.
Combat Function: A good shot with a blaster rifle she tends to stick near the back though where she is less likely to get shot sometimes serving as the spotter for Jarg. A trained combat pilot she is able to keep up with the others in her fighter. Trained combat medic able to patch the squad up at any chance she can get. As the lightest armed she also carries extra Plug and fire cells and ammo for the others.
Skills: A trained Mandalorian soldier who also took to studying field medic skills so as to serve as a way of stopping as many people as possible from dying. Also trained combat pilot after hearing she had been selected to serve on Aedan’s security team.
Weakness: She finds it hard to resist the urge to do her job even if it means putting herself or someone else in danger to retrieve a fallen comrade so that she can fix them up.
Notable Possessions: Hyperion Combat Armor, Bacta patches and various medical supplies, 1x BTI-BR The Corvos, 1x BTI-CR The Ripper, 1x Fett Kal Trench Knife, 35x BTI Plug and Fire cell, 10 clips for both Graad and Makin, and 1x Rassalion-class elite fighter.
Other Notes:

Security Team Notes: 6 Rassalion-class Elite Fighter purchased by Ordo for the use of the team.
[member="Aedan Miles"]

I am going to ask you to add some written text to every NPC's Appearance section. Pictures may not be visible to everybody and sometimes they tend to break, making them completely invisible. That's why written text is always better.

Next, please add weaknesses to every NPC.
[member="Maria Natalja"]

Edits made I put the weaknesses and appearance sentences in a separate color for ease of locating them. I also added another slot for Weakness alone.
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