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Question Adult Jedi timeline

Maxir Vancil

So Maxir here has just come into his Force connection at 24. I was contemplating what the timeline would be for his training or if there even should be one. Is this oddity something that the Jedi would just wing it with? I mean Luke was basically raised from no training to Jedi Knight after a day with Obi Wan, a week's (I'm guessing here) worth of training with Yoda and two duels with Darth Vader. I understand that he was an extreme case, but was wondering the opinion of the forum. I was thinking a year or so to get the basics, past that I would think it would follow the normal course of things.


Maxir Vancil I don't currently write an active Jedi, but there's plenty of adult (both young and old) Jedi on the forum that got their start in adulthood or late teen years. It's still a bit uncommon but it happens. However long it takes your character to get where you want is totally up to you though, some people write an unskilled character for a long time before bumping them up in skill and some people take very little time at all.
I think it's extremely common on the forum to have a character start out as an adult, and since most people want to start a story at the beginning, it stands to reason there would be a lot of adult Jedi in training.

I don't think the question is time so much as the journey. What does your character need to be a Jedi in your mind? How much of that has to happen in actual threads and how much of it can be "background noise" that you say your character has? Do you want to write out the training or are you more interested in telling the stories as a knight? You should basically craft this story to fit what you want it to look like.

I think from a purely in character perspective the Jedi wouldn't have rules per say, it would be more like he would be knighted when he was ready. Basically it takes what it takes approach. I mean if after a year he still isn't ready for the preasures of knighthood are they just going to knight him because he's an adult? No. And if he's ready in a few months are they going to keep him in training when they have so many padawans that need training and so many Jedi needed to fight? No. They wouldn't waste that valuable resource.
I mean Luke was basically raised from no training to Jedi Knight after a day with Obi Wan, a week's (I'm guessing here) worth of training with Yoda and two duels with Darth Vader.

So, in general, you can start training late but do take in mind that Luke's timeline is vague. But he did spend years training not weeks, I believe a couple of years happen between 4 and 5, where Luke is training with a Lightsaber and training in the Force, then spends month or more training with Yoda. However timelines get fudgy and always best to take it from the perspective of storytelling and what stories interest you.

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