Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Admiral Jakob Vyli

“Long Live The Empire!”
GenderMale (he/him)
Height1.57 metres
Weight68 KG
Force SensitiveNo


Jakob is a self centred Admiral for the Galactic Empire. He stands short but wears an imposing look, and he rarely shows any signs of emotion nor compassion.


Imperial Shuttle
DC-15A Carbine


As mentioned before, Jakob does not care about others and only about his success and his will to do anything for the Emperor. He comes from a rich family on Ferrix, where they were friends with high ranking Imperials on the planet. He graduated form the Imperial Academy at 22 and has served ever since then.


Strong Background
: Jakob has a powerful background and is quite rich, giving him an advantage over other Imperial officers

Strategic Mastermind: Jakob is no idiot. He has won many battles simply through studying supply lines and focusing on destroying them. His tactics can be costly, and therefore, is despised by stormtroopers.

Ambitious: While this is also a bad thing, Jakob’s passion and commitment to the Empire helps him greatly. He’s used it to fuel his anger towards the rebellion and has managed to prevail due to it.


: While he doesn’t show it, he always wants more, no matter what.

Ambitious: As mentioned before, he is highly ambitious and always wants to win, no matter the cost.

Hate: Most stormtroopers hate Jakob because of his high-risk tactics, as mentioned before. It has happened many times where stormtroopers secretly disobey his orders.

(This is a sub-account of Ender Ender )
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