Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Acid Rain (Vjun)

A lone courier ship settled on the landing pad of Bast Castle, a Rekali enclave once, and before it a stronghold of Darth Vader himself, though it was long ago. A single figure disembarked the shuttle: a Givin, readily recognized by his bone-white exoskeleton and cavernous eyes. He squinted up - or at least he was squinting, somewhere deep in those eye sockets (not that anyone could see) - at the gloomy sky and the steady, persistent drizzle of acid rain. Heaving a long suffering sigh, Ni'gel, for it was him in the flesh, produced an umbrella from the recesses of his ankle length black robes.

The pitter-patter against the polypropolene did sound pleasant, or at least it was far more pleasant than having his flesh dissolved by the acid rain and hearing his own screams of agony.

Ni'gel gave a little shiver at the thought, then walked forward toward the entrance to the monolithic castle - quite literally the only notable thing on the planet's dreary surface for quite some distance. He walked up the causeway, closer and closer to the front doors.

The Sith Empire still claimed control over this region of space, though it was also perilously close to the Mandalorians. And Ni'gel did not want to be running into any of those fellows, thank you very much.

"Hello?" called Ni'gel in his best confident, articulate SIth voice, though it still came out tremulous and trepidatious even so. "Is anyone home?"
No one answered, which made Ni’gel feel both greatly relieved - since it made his objective all the more easy - and slightly stupid - since he had just spoken into empty air.

Still, Ni’gel couldn’t help the sudden nervousness that came over him as he activated the front gate to the castle. It yawned open with a hydraulic hum, beyond it only darkness. The Givin looked balefully at that gaping maw, then pressed forward.

He flicked dry his umbrella and collapsed it, stowing it once more within his black robes, then produced a glow rod in its stead.

Now then.... where was the light switch?

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