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Approved Species Abbadon

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  • Intent: To create a dangerous Sithspawn for the Firebirds
  • Image Credit: Chainsaw Man
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: D'Harhan
  • Name: Abbadon
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: Morghulis
  • Average Lifespan: 75 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Living humanoid shaped weapons that have been created by the firebirds from those they captured... lobotomized, corrupted and cybernetically enhanced to have powerful bladed weapons on their hands and faces. With bodies shaped by darkside energies to look muscular and less defining features aside from prominent chainblades on their bodies. THey march and are sent by firebirds like hounds into fights.
  • Breathes: Type I with artificial lungs
  • Average Height of Adults: 2 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Deathly Pale
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Females become firebird servants... men become cybernetically corrupted sithspawn.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Blade: The blades protruding from the body of the creatures are enhanced with alchemy to be constantly sharp and shred through metals or even resist lightsaber blades.
  • Mental Scars: Mind tricks, mental intrusions and trying to probe thoughts are dangerous... the creatures don't have a shield so much as a replay loop of what was done to them... it makes for a powerful defense that can terrify
  • Force Nullification: THeir bodies have been infused with the force and grafted with cybernetics... the force maintaining and keeping the body from rejecting the implants... without the force their bodies can fall apart and reject violently.
  • Force Light: Being sithspawn the creatures are highly sensitive to force light effects and the lightside.
  • Mental Oppression: THeir minds are largely gone and they serve as an extension of their masters within the FIrebirds... their will is the will of the creatures and removing thaat ifnluence makes them slowly start to realize who they were and what they became.
  • Diet: Nutrient Paste
  • Communication: Body language: THeir facial expresions are gone and so are their voices but they can twich their bodies and serve as extensions of the will of the firebirds.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: Seen as tools to the Firebirds, and twisted by the darkside they are the fury and rage of the group.
  • General behavior: Quiet and secluded, they are not social among the Firebirds.. they are seen as servants, as tools and such they are kept in pens or crates where they can be secured and monitored. Deployed as needed on other worlds and turned loose on populations. With jedi and lightsider force users or anything really that isn't a Firebird controlling them they are brutal and violent wading in to shred and tear the flesh... among each other they seem docile and
Fashioned by the firebirds from the ancient Niordi who augmented their own people to make them living weapons that could walk. Balaya integrated much of their refined methods and twisted with sith alchemy made the cybernetics for the Firebirds.. brutal in their execution of targets and able to be controlled by the force users. The Abbadons were a next generational weapon to be deployed in areas they were not looking to have survivors. Balaya has given her skills when crafting sithspawn and with all of the work that they have been working on and enforcing their rule on the planet. The augmentation process was set up and designed by Bal;aya to be repeatable on a scale that was large but not massive. they were not turning everyone into these things... they were meant to be sent in like a shock trooper that would smash and give them an advantage when they were exploring the worlds in the unknown regions. Under the guidance of the Morning Star. The short use of them as they were worked on to perfect it wjile expanding and over time refining the process.
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