Alric Kuhn
Handsome K'lor'slug

Affiliation: One Sith/Darth Vitium
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: Aarshlût-Class Command Ship
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Yorik Coral, Durasteel
Classification: Destroyer
Length: 1600
Width: 650m
Height: 850m
One Yaret-Krinra
One Grutchin Breeding Pool
Eighty Five Yaret-Kor
Eighty Dovin Basal's
6 Starfighter Squadrons
Special Features:
- Escape Pods
- Encryption Villips
- Adult Yammosk
- Adult Shreeyam'tiz
- Yuuzhan Vong Life Support Systems
- Tall-Yor
- Targeting Brain
- Thorn Throne
- Holonet Transceiver
- Hau Polyp Furniture
- Nestbunks
- Qahsa Databanks
- 1 Vivarium with a full gestation bin complement.
- Darth Vitium's Meditation Chamber
Maneuverability: 17
Hyperdrive Class: 1 (Backup 5.0)
Armament: Comparatively, the Aarshlût Class Command Ship is one of the most well armed Ships in the entire One Sith Fleet. Though outwardly it appears to be of both Technological and bio-technological origin, the fact is that the Aarshlût is almost entirely of Yuuzhan Vong Origin. The entirety of its weaponry is based off of Yuuzhan Vong technology, featuring many of the same weaponry that is found on other Yuuzhan Vong Ships. The first of its armaments is its eighty five Yaret-Kor, more than is found on the Skrii-Ro'ik Cruisers, its Dovin Basals are similar in number, reaching far above even the Skarr-Ro'ik Carrier. The other two armament held by the Aarshlût are more unique. The Ship is the first to feature the Yaret-Krinra, the massive Yuuzhan Vong Equivalent of the Hypervelocity Gun. The last weapon featured aboard the Aarshlût is a single Grutchin Breeding Pool containing Turfhoppers.
Armor: The Aarshlût Class Command Carrier along with its powerful Arament also holds something Special, something that is found on no other Yuuzhan Vong ship. Across its thick Yorik-Coral skin is a secondary plating of Durasteel sheet. This Durasteel laps over the Yorik Coral, functioning as a secondary and more powerful armor to ensure that the Yorik-Coral beneath survives longer.
Darth Vitium's Meditation Chamber: Like one would expect from the flagship of a Sith Lord, the Aarshlût holds a meditation chamber. Unlike many other vessels in the One Sith Fleet with Meditation chambers like the Dark Blade or the Immortal, the Meditation Chamber aboard the Aarshlût is special. It was constructed through instructions by Darth Vitium herself, the specifications for its creation and indeed the process by which it was made was constructed were overseen by Lady Vitium herself. Unlike the simple quiet chambers aboard the Immortal or Dark Blade, the Chamber aboard the Aarshlût actively enhances and strengthens the use of the Darkside of the force. This is achieved through the same effects as those of a Sith Meditation sphere, knowledge of whose construction Vitium gained from Naga Sadow.
Slow: Unfortunately, due to its heavy armament and thick armor plating the Aarshlût is rather slow compared to other weapons of similar size. The Dovin Basals that move the vessel are located on the inside of the ship, within the thick durasteel plating, this protects them while still allowing them to grab hold of the spacial surroundings. However, it also slows their progress somewhat as it makes them work harder to actually grip at things.
Refit Requirement: Because of the thick Durasteel plating upon the Yorik-Coral located across the entirety of the Aarshlût-Class Command Ship, the ship often requires a full refit after battle. This is because unlike Yorik-Coral, Durasteel cannot heal itself. So when the Aarshlût goes into battle and is damaged, its Durasteel plating needs to be replaced and re-done, a process that can take some time.
Alignment: Due to the nature of the Yaret-Krinrar, the weapon can only fire at whatever the Aarshlût is currently facing. This means that the entirety of the ship must be shifted and moved based on where the Yaret-Krinrar is about to fire. Though the rest of the Aarshlût's weapons do not suffer from this same mitigating weakness, the Yaret-Krinrar is a substantial part of the damage that the Aarshlût is able to produc.
The Aarshlût class-command ship was originally commissioned and thought of by Darth Vitium, Voice of Sector One and Sith Lord of the One Sith.
The vessel itself was originally thought of by Lady Vitium after a detailed analysis of One Sith Fleet battles and the ships that were used within them. Lady Vitium noticed a glaring flaw within the use of most starships by the Sith, including the Dark Blade and the massively over constructed Immortal Class Dreadnaught. Noticing this flaw, and attempting to think of a solution, Lady Vitium began detailed thought on the idea of a new vessel, one that could fill the niche left by vessels like The Immortal and the Dark Blades.
What came about was the general concept of the Aarshlût Class-Command Ship.
Lady Vitium thought of the concept of the Aarshlût Class-Command Ship as a way of filling the spot of an Assault and Control Vessel, and although she had the authority to commission such a ship she did not necessarily have the control to realize her vision entirely in her own way. Luckily for her, Titan Industries the One Sith's main manufacturer was run by one Alric Kuhn, a man that is far more open to ideas than the previous Chief Executive Officer.
Using the excuse of a meeting Lady Vitium met with Alric. The two spoke, meeting within Alrics office on Coruscant to discuss things, and with some plying words and liquids along a soft touch the Sith Lady convinced Alric to listen to her idea.
What came about from this idea was the commissioning of a single vessel that would become the Aarshlût. This vessel, as Lady Vitium envisioned would fill the niche left by the Immortals and the Dark Blades within the One Sith Fleet. It would stand as a Command ship, one capable of Assault, Defense, and Skirmish like none other within the Sith Fleet.
This was achieved through a number of means, and the Aarshlût was carefully designed to meet said function.
First and foremost the Aarshlût is a Yuuzhan Vong vessel. Like every Yuuzhan Vong Vessel it is composed entirely of Yorik-Coral and dozens, if not hundreds, of different Yuuzhan Vong Biots. Throughout the ship run membranes, muscles, and other living tissues that aid in the operation of the Ship. This of course means that compared to other vessels of technological origin the Aarshlût has an extremely low crew count.
The Ship itself is armed to the teeth, holding more firepower than its similarly sized cousin the Miid-Ro'ik. It holds more Yaret-Kor, more Dovin Basals and comes equipped with two more special weapons.
The First of these weapons is the massive Yaret-Krinra Weapon. A substantially oversized Yaret-Kor that run the length of the ship. This weapon was produced by Titan Industries only recently and the Aarshlût is the first vessel to bare its weight. This massive gun is capable of firepower equal to a heavy Hypervelocity Cannon and can deal substantial damage to anything the Aarshlût might encounter.
The second reason the Aarshlût is held in such high regard is due to the inclusion of a single Grutchin Breeding Pool.
The Aarshlût is the first vessel produced by Titan Industries in this age that comes equipped with one of these unique Biots. The Gruthcin Breeding Pool is much like a small alcove hidden away in the back of the Aarshlût, there the Grutchin are bred, trained, and ultimately controlled the Aarshlût's Yammosk. Surrounding the Breeding Pool is a series of tubes which the Grutchin use to escape their Breeding Pool upon command. When sent out into space the Grutchin begin to feast on enemy starship, when their task is complete the grutchin are killed and new ones are bred within the pool.
The last internal addition that the Aarshlût holds that no other vessel has is the inclusion of Darth Vitiums personal Meditation Chamber. This Chamber was specially designed and constructed with Lady Vitiums own input, her careful eye watching as each decision was made and each piece was put into place. This was because the Meditation chamber unlike those on the Immortal or Dark Blade was special. It was modeled after those of the ancient Sith Meditation sphere, and unlike those of other ships actually actively enhanced the strength of the Dark Side of the force, allowing Lady Vitium opportunity to do much more with her power.
The most startlingly unique thing about this vessel is not its weaponry nor the placement of a powerful meditation chamber. Instead it is the unique hull-playing that lines the outside of the ship.
Above the Yorik-Coral, over the skin of the vessel is located plating of Durasteel. This thick extra hull plating is placed onto the Aarshlût much like a secondary skin. It is grafted into place through the use of secondary biots that latch onto it and hold it in place. The spacing of the plates differ from place to place on the vessel, however in most spots it is not more than a few inches apart. This second skin functions as any armor on a living creature. It is designed to give the Aarshlût more survivability, giving it extra strength and defense against any kind of strike.
Of course this armor comes with downsides, not the least of which is the fact that if it were to be damaged, the Aarshlût needs to trail back to one of Titan Industries main shipyards for refit and repairs. This is done quite often due to the frequency of battle.
The inside of the ship is more comfortable than one might expect. Unlike most Yuuzhan Vong Vessels the inside is not squishy or 'alive' seeming, instead the Yorik-Coral is hard and compacted. The rooms within are more metallic looking because of the way the Yorik-Coral has been treated. Throughout the ship there are several crew quarters for passengers, along with a stately room for Lady Vitium herself with a sweet bed for sweet things.
Overall however the Aarshlût is exactly the ship that Lady Vitium envisioned it to be. It is a balanced, powerful command ship capable of taking on any vessel of similar, and perhaps even greater size. Its massive cannons and its Grutching Breedin Pool make it more than a match, the Meditation Chamber allowing Lady Vitium an unprecedented amount of control over the battlefield.
The Aarshlût is the ultimate in space supremacy.
Development Thread:
Intent: To Create a Command Ship for Darth Vitium
Who Can Use This: Darth Vitium, Whomever she allows its use
Primary Source: N/A