Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Window for Discovery


Uncharted System Rimward of Er'Stacia
In the gap of the spiral arm

It was a common misconception that the gaps between the galactic spiral arms were devoid of stars.

On a map, that's the way it seemed. Big empty spaces, absent of anything that might be interesting. But the truth was that even though space itself seemed like a void, it was festooned with stellar phenomena. Further, even in the voids within the voids, there were things to be found. They existed at a much lower concentration in the gaps than they did in the arms, but they were there if you looked.

And the Horizon? She was looking. She was looking all of the time.

Commander Zimm Simmerlin was jacked into the command chair on the bridge of the Horizon, sifting through all of the data coming in. They'd come out of hyperspace yesterday, in a process they had come to call 'skip and scan.' They'd hyperspace out into the black a short distance, then return to realspace, turn on all of their sensors, and find something worth looking at. Then they'd hyperspace again in that direction after launching probes.

Right now, one of the Horizon's hyperspace probes had found something worth looking at. Simmerlin activated the ship's intercom with a signal from his mind- an ability afforded to the members of the crew who were Yakan, or otherwise had the appropriate cyberware.

"Chief Daks- there's something you should see."


Derron Daks, the CEO of DDSI, did not need to come down to the bridge from his office in order to see what was going on. He had access to every ship system from an interface much like the one which Commander Simmerlin was using.

However, he had learned that personal appearances were good for morale. This was particularly the case since not all of his crew were Yakan. The humans and other species working in his 300 person crew were prone to becoming psychologically unstable if there wasn't regular interpersonal interaction.

And so, within two minutes' time, he was exiting the turbolift onto the bridge of the Horizon, and came forward to stand next to the ship's Commander.

Ensign Zorta, the human communications officer, smiled up at him as he came in.

"Brief me," Derron ordered.

Simmerlin's eyes were unfocused, still looking inward at the data feeds he was getting from the ship. But then he blinked, and seemed to return to the real world.

"Chief," he greeted Derron, "We've detected a world on Long-range sensors. It has a Type I atmosphere in a system with a G-type main sequence star. I launched a hyperpsace probe to collect more data, and the results were interesting.

There is an exo-system asteroid made of neutronium, approximately 500 kilometers in diameter, which seems to have been captured by the star's gravitational field. It is now on course to collide with this Type I world in... 36 hours."

Simmerlin put up a projection of the system from an overhead holoprojector, allowing Derron to see the system in question.

"How long will it take us to arrive," Derron asked.

"Thirty hours," Simmerlin responded confidantly. He'd already done the math.

"Good," Derron said, "Chart a course. We can be there in time to see the collision. Much data can be gleaned from such immense planetary body impacts. Good find, Commander."

"Thank you, Sir," Simmerlin stated, "but there is something else. Our probe detected a structure on the surface. It was built using advanced materials, and based on the carbon readings from within the metallic hull of the structure, it is thirty-thousand years old.

Evidence suggests it was originally a space station orbiting the planet, but its orbit decayed and it crashed into the surface. Surprisingly, it is largely intact. There could be readable data storage systems aboard, and other technologies present in a whole condition.

But sir, we will only have six hours once we arrive. Six hours is a short window for us to discover everything about that structure that would need investigating. Even with all of our resources, we'll miss a lot without help... and after that impact, it'll be gone forever."

Derron's lips turned downward slightly. He was usually impassive, but this was the sort of problem that distressed him most: The potential for lost knowledge.

Finally, he decided on a course of action.

"Set a course for the world. Give it a preliminary designation of PSN-1123, which I believe is the next in our database.

Then send a hyperwave to the Phoenix Initiative Phoenix Initiative members in case they are in the area and want to help.

Finally, put out a broadwave on hyperspace:

This is the DDSI Horizon, reaching out to all scientists, researchers, and explorers within range. We have discovered an ancient alien installation which will be destroyed by a meteor impact within 36 hours. Coordinates to follow. DDSI has extensive research and investigative resources, but what we do not have is time. Therefore, we are reaching out to you.

If you have the skills, interest, and proximity, please respond to the coordinates for planet PSN-1123.

The secrets of this installation will soon be lost forever, unless we work together."

Zorta called out from her station, "Message going out on repeat, Sir."

Momentarily, the Horizon re-entered hyperspace, hurtling towards a potential horde of knowledge, anxious to rescue it before it was gone for all time.



OBJECTIVE - Arrive at the planet and investigate the crashed alien station before time runs out, the world is destroyed, and knowledge is lost forever...

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A Window For Discovery

True to his word, Commander Simmerlin brought the Horizon to PSN-1123 with six hours to spare before the planet-killing asteroid would arrive. Derron came down with the Crab carry-all dropship. The dropship was not bringing the usual tracked research vehicle down to the surface, this time. Merely personnel and equipment.


For the sake of an expeditious retreat, the Crab itself would act as their base camp for the short time they were on the surface. Setting up a field base was pointless with so few hours left before this archaeological site would be destroyed.

Twenty scientists joined Derron on the surface, disembarking from the Crab. They broke into pairs, unpacking jump-speeders from equipment crates. Then they sped to their assigned zones of study.

The crashed alien orbital facility was huge, and these scientists would be fully occupied with cataloging the details on the external hull of the vessel.

Metallurgical samples needed to be taken. External thruster ports analyzed. Any writing on the outside of the station needed to be imaged for further analysis. Every part of the station needed to be measured down to the micron. It might not be glamorous work, but it was part of recording this alien structure for posterity.

But the work could not end with the external details. Someone had to go inside, where the meat of the matter was waiting to be discovered. That was for the Chief Executive of DDSI to do personally.

Derron hoped that others would respond to his request for aid. There was too much here for him to investigate alone. The more respondents he got, the more of this site he would be able to explore before it was destroyed in just...

...Five hours and thirty minutes.

Lina's fingers drummed lightly on the arm of her chair, impatient in the glow of hyperspace. The soft glow of her eyes made her crew nervous, for no reason other than that some of them had lived long enough to know her mother before her and the unpredictability that ran through her veins. Lina had never displayed it, but Anaya Fen had left scars in all of them that ran deep, so she did not punish them for marking her with the same brush.

The ship she brought was small, a crew of less than a hundred, but it was enough for two solid research teams and a salvage group. The best she could muster in the time given. Alarms blared, warning of real space reversion. "Finally." she breathed getting to her feet. "Mobilise the crews. Patch my comms through to the Horizon. Leilah," her twi'lek aide stepped forward "keep me apprised of everyone coming in to help. Who they are where they are from and what they are bringing."

The bridge had gone from tense silence to a bustle of movement at her commands. The planet, designated PSN-1123 filled the view-screen in front of her, she paused for the briefest of moments to appreciate its beauty before moving, leaving Leilah to take control.

"DDSI Horizon, this is Lina Djo, captain of the Mother's Bane responding to your call for assistance. I'm bringing two research teams down to the surface along." she walked through the ships corridors as she spoke. "We'll be on the surface in," a quick pause as she boarded the transport and the pilot gave her a hand signal, advising fifteen minutes. "Ten minutes." she closed the comms holding the pilots gaze. Hes shifted uncomfortably but took the hint. They had already lost too much time, any more now was unacceptable.

She didn't need to brief her team, they knew what opportunities lie before them and her expectations. Someone shifted behind her and she turned slowly to answer there quiet call for attention. It was a security guard, who looked entirely sheepish. "Miss Leilah sent me. For your protection, m'lady"

"Of course she did." she rolled her eyes. "You will stay on this transport." he opened his mouth to argue, but snapped it shut at the flash of warning in her gaze. She had every intention of exploring within that orbital facility and she would not to do so with a handicap.

Derron Daks Derron Daks

Aboard the DDSI Horizon

"Commander Simmerlin, hails coming in on the general frequencies. It's a vessel responding to our request for aid."

Simmerlin nodded. The non-cyborg crew appreciated such physical gestures. "Put it up on the holo."

Momentarily, the rather attractive features of a young woman were projected down from the ceiling. She appeared to be human, although there were many near-human species who were virtually indistinguishable from human beings. The Chief was Yakan, and other than his robust size and cybernetic scars, no one would be able to tell.


"DDSI Horizon, this is Lina Djo, captain of the Mother's Bane responding to your call for assistance. I'm bringing two research teams down to the surface along. We'll be on the surface in... Ten minutes."

She seemed to be walking as she was talking. Whether the video feed was provided by a camera moving with her, or her ship's internal surveillance cams was unknown. It may even have been a computerized avatar designed to provide face-to-face interaction when a holocom was interfacing with the com system. Many modern communication systems provided such a function.

Simmerlin arched a brow at the name of the vessel. Mother's Bane? It sounded ominous. But people named ships for all kinds of reasons.

"Captain Djo, we are pleased to have your help. I am transmitting the precise landing coordinates to you now."

He nodded to the communications officer, who quickly sent through the data.


"Our Chief Executive, Mister Daks, is below with a research team. I'll tell him you're coming. I'm sure he'll be glad to hear it."

The line shut off, and Simmerlin nodded to the communications officer to open a new one. She didn't need to be told. She understood who the next call would be for.

"Chief, a Captain Djo and her research teams are enroute to your position. She hails from the 'Mother's Bane.'"

Other than any obvious connotations, Simmerlin had no idea of the identity of that ship. But the Chief collected random trivia due to his virtual inability to forget anything. He might find the name more significant.

"Understood," came the only response.


The sky was gradually darkening on the surface of PSN-1123. In another hour, it would be night-time.

Derron took a dozen steps away from the Crab Carry-All dropship as the new arrivals descended to the surface. He was wearing his usual exploration gear- a heavy suit that offered protection from a variety of threats, along with built-in computational and scanning ability. He had dispensed with his elemental rifle, but his oversized elemental pistol was holstered at his thigh.

When he was near enough to make a greeting, his voice emanated from a built-in suit speaker.

"Derron Daks, DDSI. You must be Captain Djo. Thank you for coming."

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
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A Ruisto was a balanced old ship, well-suited for all manner of operations in the recesses of the Tingel Arm. The Nightshift had seen Kasmion through many dangers and delights, and as luck would have it, he'd been aboard and not so far away when the call came through. At Kasmion's request, the Kubaz helmsman dropped out of hyperspace quite close to the world in question, close enough that Kasmion might be able to reach out and get a sense of anyone they might speak with.

Sensor panels revealed the Horizon in orbit, a frigate the same size as the Nightshift; a small capital vessel called the Mother's Bane; and, of course, the neutronium asteroid. You couldn't dissuade or claim an asteroid like that without a Star Destroyer and a Great River tractor/pressor, but the asteroid did have value. Whether it might have more or less value after it smashed into the world was an open question.

Kasmion toggled the comms. "Horizon, Mother's Bane, this is the freetrader frigate Nightshift. Be advised I'm deploying unarmed scanning and sampling probes in the area. No harm intended, no interference at the ruin site."

A number of old Naboo probes did in fact begin to leave the Nightshift, some circling the planet, others flying low to scan the structure, still others making complex maneuvers to engage the oncoming asteroid.

Derron Daks Derron Daks Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano

Aboard the DDSI Horizon
"A frigate has just dropped into realspace, Commander," the Communications officer announced, "they're firing!-" a pause, "Probes. They're launching probes. I have a message inbound from them."

Simmerlin nodded, "Okay, more help. That's what the Chief wanted. Pipe it through, Lieutenant."

"Horizon, Mother's Bane, this is the freetrader frigate Nightshift. Be advised I'm deploying unarmed scanning and sampling probes in the area. No harm intended, no interference at the ruin site."

Simmerlin frowned slightly, pulling sensor streams through his cybernetic implants.

"Put me through," he ordered.

The communications officer touched a control and then nodded.

"Nightshift. I wanted to clarify your intentions, which are not clear from your probe deployment patterns or comments. We are engaged in a race to investigate the alien structure before the devastating impact. If you do not intend to join us at the ruins...

...then why are you here?"

It had not escaped Simmerlin that there was an incredible mineral opportunity afoot. He wondered if Nightshift intended to place a mining claim right underneath Horizon's metaphorical nose.

Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum
"Nightshift. I wanted to clarify your intentions, which are not clear from your probe deployment patterns or comments. We are engaged in a race to investigate the alien structure before the devastating impact. If you do not intend to join us at the ruins...

...then why are you here?"

Kasmion settled a little deeper into his chair and reached out for a sense of the person speaking. At this distance, he caught only a flicker of resolve and wariness, which told him nothing.

Well, it did indicate this fellow was unlikely to get spooked away from the ruined station. Not that spooking was on Kasmion's mind just now.

"Come now, surely the estimable—" He glanced at a screen. "—Dynamic Discoveries and Scientific Initiatives recognizes the value in pursuing multiple angles of inquest. But lest you think me cagey, commander, I'll tell you I'm using probes to learn everything that can be learned at the probe level before I determine my next course of action. There are risks to going planetside in this situation, and I weigh those risks differently."
[OOC: Apologies for the delay, i did not mean to hold this up!]

Lina's team worked fast on the flight down, packing themselves into black envirosuits, each with their own markings for identification. Lina could have been any of the others, save the edging on hers was gold and the lightsaber swinging at her hip was enough to mark who was was. "Bring me back something useful." she instructed them team as they landed, watching them disperse she identified the expedition leader and approached. Her 'bodyguard' much to her disdain walking two paces behind her, a heavy rifle in his hands. Her was very clearly not here for anything other then her protection.

"Well met, Mr Daks." she inclined her head. "Care to debrief me on what we know so far?"

She didn't acknowledge the descending probes, if they were something she needed to be concerned about, Leilah would have informed her.

Derron Daks Derron Daks Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum

Aboard the DDSI Horizon

Simmerlin considered the response.

There would be little to be gained by fencing with this man now, verbally or otherwise.

"Very well. Thank you for your promise of non-interference with our teams. If you do desire to help, I hope you will inform me so that I can advise them of your imminent involvement."

He nodded to the communications officer, who cut the line.

Simmerlin was not entirely convinced that Nightshift was here for anyone's benefit but their own. However, altruism was hardly an enforceable ideal in the galaxy.


On the Surface of the Planet

Derron glanced briefly at the lightsaber hanging from her hip, but did not immediately assign any great significance to it. The galaxy was a complicated place, and assumptions could be as dangerous as plasma blades.

"Of course. We detected an imminent collision of a neutronium body with this planet, which is itself a suitable reason for observation. The collision is likely to create a variety of fascinating particle interactions while the world is largely destroyed. But then we detected this structure."

He half-turned to indicate it. A flaw in his suit's design was that the head could not swivel independently of the torso.

"An ancient satellite which fell from orbit, and impacted largely intact. An orbital facility of unknown origin, now on the ground, to be destroyed in less than six hours. A thirty-thousand year-old trove of artifacts, technologies, and knowledge which will soon be erased from history, according to our carbon readings.

I mean to salvage what is possible before that happens. It could be dangerous. And so haphazard a salvage may be destructive to the site. I would never engage in such unprofessional archaeological operations if there weren't this clock on things.

But there is much to explore, and too few to engage in the exploration sufficiently in the time available.

My proposal is this: You and I enter the facility. We can work in the same areas for safety, or split up to cover more ground. Either way, we agree to share all discoveries between ourselves. And with any other parties who may arrive to assist.

If this is agreeable, we can-"

He was interrupted by a transmission from the Horizon.

"Chief. A frigate called 'Nightshift' has arrived and is deploying sensor drones. Not sure if they intend to help or if they are determining what they can lay claim to. For the moment, we are observing them. They have promised not to interfere with you."

"Understood," Derron acknowledged.

Then he spoke again to Captain Djo, "Another ship has arrived. Unknown if they intend to help or merely observe. So, shall we proceed to the site? And would you rather remain together for safety, or to split up to cover more ground?"

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum
Data began to come in. A pair of INCIS probes flew a slow circle a couple of hundred meters above the ruin, visible to Derron Daks Derron Daks and Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano . The INCIS had been designed for short-range penetrating scans, customs enforcement, and interdiction. Their sensors began to construct an in-depth model of the ruined station: intact portions, collapsed structural elements, both above the ground and embedded.

Meanwhile, a pair of EXPARC probes finished matching course with their target. They began a spiral around the asteroid, scanning it from all angles with in-depth sensors designed for geological prospecting. The dense ore resisted their scans in appetizing ways.

For security and big-picture awareness, two SIARC probes entered distinct orbits over the planet. Two more EXPARCs took up geosynchronous orbits over the probable site of impact.
Lina's head tilted in thought pondering the question as Leilah's voice crackled over her internal comms. "Captain, the drones appear to be surveillance drones, Naboo in origin. Not something I would consider a threat but certainly something we could benefit from."

"Then work your magic, Leilah." She replied before gesturing towards the pair above their heads and addressing Daks. "My aide will see what we can get our overwatch to share with us, but I agree to your proposal and while I'm not concerned so much about safety, two pair of eyes is always better than one. We should stick together."

Aboard the Mother's Bane, the blue skinned twi'lek settled herself into Lina's chair, opening communication to the Nightshift directly. "Nightshift, this is the Mother's Bane. I wonder if you might be open to a conversation about data sharing?" Leilah was every bit your typical charming twi'lek, backed with intelligence and fierce loyalty to Lina Djo. Whatever Lina asked of her, She would see it done, one way or another.

The two teams on the ground surveying the outside of the space station were already trickling reports through, materials used in construction, estimated time it had been on the planets surface vs how old it actually was, various theories on its possible origin. Leilah picked out the headlines and nothing more.

Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum Derron Daks Derron Daks
Aboard the Mother's Bane, the blue skinned twi'lek settled herself into Lina's chair, opening communication to the Nightshift directly. "Nightshift, this is the Mother's Bane. I wonder if you might be open to a conversation about data sharing?"

Kasmion took the call. His sense of the woman opposite him was, at this range, limited. He got the feeling that she was someone to take seriously, but couldn't pick out any shred of motive or good faith.

"Certainly," he said without hesitation. "The first tranche of snapshots has come through from the probes keeping station at the site. They have in-depth structural sensors that will save your teams significant time. I'll forward you a set of their scans. In return I'd request a video feed from inside when it becomes available. If we make that exchange, we can discuss other arrangements. We've both taken positions that will generate a treasure trove of information; I'm more than happy to keep trading."

Derron nodded his agreement within the large helmet of his suit, and turned to lead the way back to the alien structure which had- at some point long ago- fallen from the sky.

"Our preliminary examination of the site revealed an airlock which is open, with a follow-on corridor that seems mostly intact. There is even evidence of residual power sources. Remarkable, after de-orbiting, and the subsequent millennia. It seems a good entry point. But any additional scans you can obtain about the internal structure would be welcome."

He began walking the distance between where they were, and the side of the alien installation. They came to a depression in the side of the base where an airlock was open. Whether the occupants had fled the base, or the impact had caused it to open, was unknown. Water pooled just outside the opening.

A corridor beyond the airlock was mostly dark, with tantalizing hints of light within. Light which could only be the result of some surviving mechanism of power.

Derron showed her his bracer-mounted electronic tablet. "My suit has built-in sensors. I'm transmitting on this frequency back to my ship," he tapped the screen, where the data com frequency was showing. He wanted her to have the frequency so that she could link it to her own systems if she desired.

Then he returned his attention to the airlock. Data streamed onto his suit's HUD from the onboard sensors. Derron hesitated for a moment, debating as to whether he should draw his elemental rifle from its magnetized 'holster' on his back.

He decided against it, stepping into the structure without a weapon at the ready. After the outer opening, there was an inner opening. Then a corridor with clear evidence of damage.


"Partial collapse of structural elements, but overall the corridor seems sound. Electromagnetic signatures behind bulkheads seem to lead to these red lighting diodes along this side, and overhead white light emitters."

He bent down to pick up a very small piece of metal, placing it in one of the sample pouches along his belt.

The interior of the structure was deathly quiet, except for the sounds of their passage and the occasional drip of moisture. Derron's suit lights supplemented the weak interior lighting. Even so, there was something dark and foreboding about the interior.

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum
Leilah was used to having to negotiate, but then this was an unusual circumstance. Keeping information for oneself was counter productive. The more they shared from their different angles the more they would learn and the collective head were likely to come to a faster conclusion.

"Captain, I'm transmitting you the scans from the nightshift, should help speed along your exploration. If you have a video feed-" the frequency blinked on her screen almost instantly. "thank you."

Leilah rose from her seat, activating different holo projectors in the room. One for the snapshots nightshift sent through, the other for the live feed coming from Derron Daks Derron Daks suit. "Nightshift, transmitting the live feed now. If you can keep those scans coming please."

Lina followed Daks inside, stepping carefully, her bodyguard sticking close behind her his own weapon drawn. She sucked in a low breath as her eyes adjusted to the light. It wasn't just the aesthetic that made it dark and foreboding, the force here was twisted, angry even. "If there's power, we can find the control centre, we might be able to determine what happened. It maybe that some records are still intact"

She plucked a small projector from her waist, as Leilah fed her the scans she stepped alongside her companion and showed him. "A big station like this, its likely in the middle somewhere, most protected point. Here." she trailed a finger along a route. It would leave much of the ship unexplored, but the had a limited amount of time.

"Whatever happened here has left a scar in the force, so keep your wits about you."

Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum
"Nightshift, transmitting the live feed now. If you can keep those scans coming please."

Kasmion tore his attention from the camera feed. "We'll pass along high-resolution snapshots at five-minute intervals. In the meantime, I'll send you a different dataset free of charge. I'm patching in the DDSI."

His comms officer switched Kasmion to a public broadcast accessible by both ships.

"This is the Nightshift again," Kasmion said. "One of our geosynchronous probes, a geology model, has registered a handful of high-density contracts in the area, comparable to the station but much smaller. The analysts think these are secondary sites, possibly ejecta from the crash, or even escape pods if we're remarkably lucky.

"The contacts are less than four meters at the longest dimension and probably embedded in the ground a meter or two down. They're between two and twelve hundred meters from the main site. I'm transmitting a map now. Do either of your vessels have any equipment on site that could attempt an excavation or retrieval?"

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano Derron Daks Derron Daks

Simmerlin nodded to the communications officer, who cut him into the channel.

"Nightshift, this is Commander Simmerlin of the Horizon. We do have he means to perform excavations, but all of our available personnel are currently investigating the perimeter of the main structure. It has a circumference of nearly 2 kilometers, and our teams will need the entire duration available to us in order to take adequate samples and scans of such a massive area.

If you have the means to conduct excavations, Nightshift, we will gladly share what we discover in exchange for what you discover."



"I concur with your evaluation," Derron said with an approving nod, and began to pursue the course she'd suggested.

When she added, "Whatever happened here has left a scar in the force, so keep your wits about you," he paused before replying, "Where else would I keep them?"

The path she'd traced was dark and foreboding, like the rest of the structure. But it was free from impediment until they'd nearly reached their destination.

Here, a large antechamber had been penetrated by roots. In thirty-thousand years, the cracks and openings in the outer hull of the station had allowed some robust form of plant life to worm its way in. The roots reached into the antechamber like dark, malicious tendrils. Derron's scanner revealed that they were fairly mundane articles of vegetation, however, and nothing to cause concern.

Of much more interest were the bodies which lay about the chamber.

Bodies which Derron initially assumed to be alien humanoids, but which closer examination soon revealed to be droids. Ancient droids modeled after some vaguely insectoid humanoids. Possibly they had been formed in the likeness of their creators?

"Fascinating," Derron said as he came forward, leaning closer to the bodies. There were six here, scattered about like the detritus from a battle.

"Tri-tronic processor droid brains. Primitive by our standards, but still effective enough for maintenance or security functions. They have embedded energy emitters in their limbs with collimating lenses for long-range operation.

Likely security droids, then. Marks and cuts along their exterior chassis suggests a combination of electrical damage and plasma burns. The plasma burns must have been caused by a high-energy, highly focused torch. Or..."

He looked up from the deck, not yet speaking the alternative possibility aloud.

Beyond the antechamber was a massive vault-like door that separated this chamber from the control center. A complex locking device at its center glowed a faint red. Derron had not scanned it yet, but Lina might soon detect that the door was made with Phrik alloy. There were some gouges into the door's surface, as though it had been attacked by a similar weapon as the one used to defeat the droids. But the gouges did not go very deep.

Phrik was a very resilient metal.

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum
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Likely security droids, then. Marks and cuts along their exterior chassis suggests a combination of electrical damage and plasma burns. The plasma burns must have been caused by a high-energy, highly focused torch. Or..."

Lina followed his train of thought, fingers briefly trailing the lightsaber at her hip. A blink and she snapped her fingers at the bodyguard, pointing at one of the droids. Reluctantly he holstered his rifle his rifle, and gently began lifting two of the more intact droids onto his shoulder. Lina ran her fingers along the gouges on the doors. before bringing up the scans from the nightshift again, zooming in on where they were.

"Its not just a phrik door, look at this, the whole chamber is phrik. Its designers wanted to make sure that when the rest of the station perished, this would remain. Smart. The walls are thinner, not impossible to cut through, but time consuming." she sighed eyes flicking to her internal HUD display, they did not have a great deal of time to spend. The droids might have the key, but accessing their brains if any of them weren't corrupted by time. would also take more time than they had.

She crouched to get a closer look at the locking mechanism.

Leilah was getting bored of calling each ship individually, so as the nightshifts request came through, she activated a third and fourth holoprojector.

"A suggestion, gentleman," she greeted, "that we open communication between the three of us. We are after all, working toward the same goal."

"As for your request, Nightshift, I have nothing on the ground, but I do have pilots and troop transports that can be utilised for retrieval. Excavation that far down without causing possible damage on the other hand, is not something we have. If you can provide that means, I'm sure we can combine our resources and extract at least one."

"Horizon, how are we looking for time?"

Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum Derron Daks Derron Daks
Kasmion split his attention between the conversation and various data feeds. He had no objection at this point to shared communications.

"We have a handful of Mandalorian light utility vehicles aboard. They were designed for repair and construction, but they have precision manipulator arms, a good field of view, and nearly starfighter-grade engines that could get them to the surface and back in a practical timeframe. They don't have the capacity to carry these objects safely at escape velocity. If I deploy three utility vehicles to the three secondary sites that look the most promising, can you have troop transports standing by?"

He disliked trust in this context, but nothing aboard the Nightshift could manage that pickup, not unless he landed the frigate in the teeth of an asteroid cataclysm. Preliminary density scans from the probes at the asteroid suggested a truly apocalyptic collision in the near future.

Derron Daks Derron Daks Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano


Simmerlin only needed to consider the idea of sharing information briefly before assenting. "Agreed. As for troop transports, the Horizon has them on the ground currently, on-site. We can lift anything you dig up, and you can even bring someone onboard to attend the labs where we examine it, later."

He knew the boss intended a collaborative effort, here. Even if Simmerlin didn't trust Nightshift personally, his job was to bring the Chief's vision into focus, not to second-guess him.



The locking mechanism of the vault door which separated the antechamber from the control room seemed complex. Thirty-two triangular buttons glowed red within the large circle of the door. None of them had any markings or characters that might distinguish them from the others.

But the locking mechanism's mysterious triangular buttons were not the only oddity. The entire mechanism seemed to emanate Dark Side energies. Faintly, to be sure. But some technology within this elaborate lock was converting the energy of the alien base into some manifestation of the Force. It was a phenomenon invisible to Derron Daks, as he had no Force Sensitivity.

But for Lina Djo, it was another matter. The emanations of the device were undeniable.

Could the Dark Side truly be manufactured by a device? Could there be an electrical transformer that turned volts into the ephemeral energies of the Dark Side?

It seemed impossible, but the emanations of the glowing buttons left little doubt that something like that was happening within this device.

Some unspoken urging seemed to be drawing Lina's fingers to touch the triangular buttons. Surely, there was no other way to open the door and discover the secrets that lay beyond.

A transmission from the Horizon came across the shared frequency, which all were capable of hearing whether they were on the planet below or in orbit above. "Five hours before impact, by our calculations."

Behind Lina, but not so close as to alarm bodyguards, Derron Daks was now observing the lock as well.

"I see no markings that differentiate the triangular buttons. There must be some pattern, but with so many buttons and no way to know the length of the code, happening upon the correct pattern could be difficult. Even if it is a four-button sequence there are over a million combinations."

Of course, even that calculation was based on assumptions. No one could be entirely sure about the function of the lock and its buttons until a button was pressed.

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum
If I deploy three utility vehicles to the three secondary sites that look the most promising, can you have troop transports standing by?"

"Agreed. As for troop transports, the Horizon has them on the ground currently, on-site. We can lift anything you dig up, and you can even bring someone onboard to attend the labs where we examine it, later."

"All due respect Horizon, your troops transports will be needed to evac your people on the ground. As Nightshift found these pods, I would find it more agreeable that they retain the pod, should they succeed in excavating it. Consider our transports at the ready," Leilah's hand moved across controls, sending word to the hangar to prep three of their transports. "I have enough to bring all three back if need be, I'll have them follow you down."

"Five hours before impact, by our calculations."

Leilah let out a long slow breath assessing their progress, her eyes moving to the live feed, to Lina kneeling at the door. She paused to watch.

The pull was intoxicating, Lina closed her eyes and breathed deep. Derrons words seemed like a million miles away. In this moment, there was only Lina, the call of the force and this lock. She opened herself fully to the dark side that shrouded the ship, the call increased in volume. Logic and reason battled with the drives of her own desires.

She did not know what was behind the door. It was possible to place traps to sink them within the force to entice someone like her...but what if it wasn't a trap? What if what was behind the door would only bring more power?

Her hand was hovering over the triangular keys, trembling slightly. "Feth it." she breathed and gave in. Her hands moved across the triangular buttons, landing where the call pulled them most. Something deep within clunked, and Lina opened her eyes.

Derron Daks Derron Daks Kasmion Duum Kasmion Duum

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