Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens OOC thread]

This is the official OOC discussion thread for the fight on Makeb, featuring the home team - Red Ravens - and the away team - Rebel Alliance.​

There will be three primary objectives, though everyone is welcome to go on their own little rampage if they must. :D Objectives 1 and 3 might be best for those who like to wreak havoc of invasion-like proportions. Objective 2 is more finesse-oriented and not the best choice for ground-pounders.

Objective 1 - Talaos City
Rebels: Instigate riots and take down Red Raven enforcers
Red Ravens: Weed out disguised Rebel Marines and take down those responsible

Objective 2 - Solida Hesk's Resort
Rebels: Apprehend [member="Cryax Bane"] and other high-ranking Ravens
Red Ravens: Protect Raven leaders and capture the Rebel commando squads and their leader

Objective 3 - Mining Mesa / Stronghold One
Rebels: Raid the Isotope-5 mines and steal the Isotope-5 cache
Red Ravens: Protect the Isotope-5 cache and capture the Rebels' Senior Intelligence Officer

When posting, please use the standard format for announcing your actions and notifying the other players involved. Make sure you @mention the people you are playing with.

Location: (Where your character is. Yeah.)
Objective: (Your character's current intentions, likely related to Objective 1, 2, or 3.)
Allies: (Characters on your team that may be affected by your post. Tag to notify, please.)
Enemies: (Characters on the opposing team that may be affected by your post. Also tag to notify.)

Allies or neutral parties may sign up in this thread if interested in participating in the skirmish RP. However, all applicants are subject to review by both Geneviève Lasedri and Cryax Bane before admission into the thread in order to preserve the spirit of the RP.
[member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] No assignments. Just grab a location and defend. Just remember to spread out and feel free to RP all those droid and henchmen NPCs.

Let's keep this free form and fun!
[member="Daxton Bane"] Ok I know I said I wasn't assigning but we already have a few on Objective 2, so if anyone could jump on Objective 3, that would be great :)

Protect dat Isotope 5!
[member="Darth Arcanix"] The Red Ravens gladly thank you for your offer of assistance!

Geneviève Lasedri and I will see how the numbers look once the Factions have all had a chance to post in there. As they're a minor faction and we're a major one, we want the fight to be somewhat fair. If it looks fair enough on both sides, I'll contact you and let you know if you can join.
This is where I must ask where my Loyalties lie, as being an independent trader I'm a member of both!

Hmm, though the Ravens honestly pay more :p

[member="Cryax Bane"]

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