Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A warm welcome

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Jacen was far more calm and collected as he came to visit the next day. The First Order broadcast was still fresh in his mind, but he'd erected a barrier around it to try and detach the events from any emotional link. Not the easiest given what they contained.

"I've spoken with the others. The Silvers still have a lot of faith in you it seems. You want to go back to their space?” he asked.
Jacen came back. The faith these people had him in must have meant something.

Connor stood, and the news was a welcome one.

"If there are answers to give, I must first do it for my old Order. Then, it is up to them if I face trial or be sent to the First Order for them to deal with me. I probably have a price on my head bigger than any Hutt could give."

He sighed, and nodded.

"I will serve my time here until you are ready. Your hospitality has been...a welcome one."

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

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