Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A walk on Ziost.

"I understand fully and will be sure never to fall back on my word. I Juthan'Athar'Ruodo can assure you of that Master." Juthan rose silently and slowly, a fluid motion as he did. He then stood as he normally does, both hands crossed behind him and his head forward once he did as she command. He stood beside her and waited for her questions or commands, his mind wandered though, still thinking of the possibilities that would come of this. @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]
She acknowledged his words with a single, solitary nod of her head, barely more than a minimal inclination. "There is a tomb deep in the swamps of Dromund Kaas, within an ancient and disused Temple. You will go there and retrieve from it the holocron. See to the... wildlife as you see fit. Do not fail me." And with that, the most minimal of information, the Knight turned and walked away, leaving him there as she wandered back through the halls and disappeared amongst the shadows. Even if he asked a question or tried to speak out she did not respond, he had been given his task.


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