Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Veil of Curiosity

Faith was slightly stunned by the behavior of Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe in front of their guest Alwine Daye Alwine Daye . While Marina had kept her tone to be somewhat formal and she did use the proper titles for address, it was her lack of timing that Faith found disappointing. Someone who was a member of the corps of diplomats learning about decorum and timing it was completely obvious now that Marina had learned nothing.

Her dislike of Theo was obvious but in Faith's mine out of line. He had merely suggested that Marina would be excited about taking Alwine out.

"I suggest that Theo you take Alwine for the tour. Marina will stay with me for a bit and we"

Becca who had stood at the corner of the room her mouth had dropped open when Marina laid into Theo. She wasn't sure what to say or do.really...."yes mam" She found words to speak.

"Becca arrange for an air speeder and everything else." Faith looked to the floor for a moment then up to her guests, "it's been a long day already I think. I hope you enjoy your tour Alwine I'll see you both when you return."

Faith looked to Marina, "Lady DeVoe, have a seat please"
Theo Vereen Theo Vereen Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

The notion of having ebony hair had seemed like a dream to Alwine when she was younger. These days though, she could hardly imagine herself that way. Still, she smiled and nodded her head in response to Theo's compliment, taking it as such.

She looked to Marina then, eyes slightly squinting. The woman had been formal before, but now it was a whole new level of it. It was all too easy to see she did not like the prince. As soon as she realized that, Alwine shut herself out of what was going on.

After all, this was inner-Alderaan politics. None of her business.

"It's quite alright," she assured her. She wished to suggest that they end the meeting unless they required any assistance with anything from her, but the Queen stepped in and ended it for all of them.

Alwine gave her a respectful nod.

"If I may refresh myself before we leave, it would be appreciated," she hinted at the fact that she was still in armor and, the dirt of the prison.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
If she could have crawled under a rock right about now she certainly would have.
But she didn't and there was no un-ringing that bell.
The mere fraction of a second her eyes crossed that of her queen were enough for Marina's heart to almost stop beating. She couldn't believe it herself the outburst.

Suddenly even the irritant Theo seemed to vanish in her tunnel vision along with-...with-.. .what was her name again? She had suddenly forgotten Alwine too, as all which seemed to exist were she and her beloved queen. Her queen, whom she adored.
But no, Theo and the other girl if she could remember her name, were still quite present; just not immediately in Marina's consciousness. She was that distraught. That is; not until Queen Faith gave them both leave.

Marina was in despair. She knew what she had done and were deeply regretting her open outburst. She knew she should have held herself better and bit her lips shut. But again, she rang her thoughts out like a church bell. There was no take backs.

"My sincerest apologizes..." she barely uttered those words aloud to both the queen's son and..and..Lechner.... Alwine Daye Alwine Daye ... yes, that was her name, it suddenly came to her again, as the two departed.
"Oh Berkana, forgive my outburst. Do with me what you will. I am but a failed instrument of your hand..." She then silently prayed to herself as she stepped up and knelt before her beckoning queen.

She remained quiet with a lowered head. She had disrespected her queen, the court and certainly the prince. For the moment, she did her best in keeping her feelings for the prince out of her thoughts if they didn't include owning up to her wrongdoing.
Of course, she tried a few times as she remained there as a subject awaiting disciplinary actions from her queen. But words just could not form, only the trickle of tears making their way down her check to kiss the palace floor...

Faith Organa Faith Organa
Faith nodded, "By all means Alwine, Tess are you there, please show Ms. Lechner where she can freshen up." Faith watched them leave Theo stood at the door for a minute watching.

Faith looked over, what had brought Marina and Theo to this junction.

Faith stared at the back of Marina's head, "While I can celebrate your ability to make decisions and be yourself there are times I wish you would learn to hold your tongue."

A deep breath she held it then let it out, "I can see since you are kneeling you know the weight of the error you have made. Now, I said sit not kneel, put your butt in the chair pick your head up and look at me Lady DeVoe." Another breath Faith had to remember to keep her own control in place.

"Then explain yourself."

She would have it known what the feth was going on.

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe | Alwine Daye Alwine Daye
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Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
The fire by which had burned within her at that given moment with Theo had all been extinguished. She knelt before her queen and the very mother of the man that somehow evoked an inferno by his very presence. Ok, maybe not an inferno per say, as she could only be enraged by him, not ever wishing to burn the prince. That- that would be preposterous...unthinkable.
And by all means no; No she did not wish for any harm come to him.
Just wished-
Berkana (God), she did not know really what she wished of him, least of all explain herself to his mother.

Getting herself off the floor, Marina quietly and somberly she took the offered seat next to her queen. How could she explain herself to Queen Faith if she herself didn't know the deep down roots as to 'why'. She never felt so loss for words than at this moment.

Marina's tongue could not connect with the feelings or of the fleeting reasons as to why she reacted like so in the mere presence of the prince. This was one of the most arduous tasks her queen had asked her do..'.explain'.

Still, one couldn't very well keep their queen waiting...

I don't know." Even managing to speak the very truth as she herself could understand it, as she really couldn't, Marina knew how lame, how insulting to her queen it sounded. Marina were no child, but in some ways and where Theo were concerned, she seemed to revert to one... that is, act like one.

"My queen.... " it were all she could say, for it were all that her thoughts were focused on. She had disrespected the very monarch of a bloodline she had swore to uphold in the highest. She were DeVoe, one of the Great Houses of Alderaan. Her family had taken legion to the Royal House of Organa even before the fall of House Thul.

"... I can't find the means to put into words as to why such contention exists between Theo and I." her words were of pure truth spoken. It were obvious that Marina herself didn't know as to why Theo and she acted toward each other as such.

"I...I could apologize to him again. Try making it more consequential...more meaningful.. " She could only offer to apologize to Theo again. But deep inside it weren't a true apology to Theo, but rather to his mother, her beloved queen. Marina could already feel the conflict brewing within her center at the thought of kneeling before the prince and humbly apologizing to him. She knew if any intended respite existed, it would easily be shattered the following moment. Only thing Theo had to do was to razz her in the manner that he always seemed to do.
No, an apology to Theo would be a shallow attempt at an armistice between them.

...on second thought, I don't think that'll hold truce for too long." she then despaired, feeling the grip of reality. She could not fool herself, and certainly not play it down to her queen. Marina simply didn't understand as to why the two irked each other so much.

Although, Marina knew she could lay her life down for Theo.

Faith Organa Faith Organa
Was she to treat you like one of the children when the mysterious little gnome named not me lived in their home. Faith was not particularly happy with the response of don't know.

Faith mentally crossed her arms looking at Marina. A deep breath.

Faith knew she certainly couldn't put Theo and Marina on a mission together by the goddess who knew what would happen them. War in the Core? Good grief.

Another deep breath.

"How long has this been going on?" Maybe Faith could figure out the trigger point. Maybe, but then this might turn into a problem with no immediate pin point or resolution. She had to consider everything. OR maybe a mission together would finally put it all to the end. A make it or break it.

She just did not know, and she really wasn't sure she would get an answer to her satisfaction from Marina.

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Come to think of it; when did animosity between the prince and her start?
It seemed-
No, it felt like it had been a lifetime of suffering him.

But it hadn't been.
Marina's eyes momentarily seemed distant, out of body...she were else where in her mind, in her thoughts, digging up what had been a buried memory....
When exactly did she come to loathe the pompous jer-..ahem...the prince?

A decade ago?
Nooo...she were abroad, studying in the Universities, and before that, she had never met the royals.

When then, for Berkana's sake?

Marina were sitting by the queen with a dumbfounded look on her features. Naturally the blonde weren't aware as she were still elsewhere...replaying back her memories as to when she first felt that feeling of her stomach upturning. had been the first time ever that she had met the prince.

Yes, she suddenly recalled that first time...ever.

Marina were deep within herself, distant from her queen whom she were sitting next too. Actually at the moment, marina were not aware of the queen, nor of where at the present moment her physical self were. She were on his ship. Theo's ship. Marina had been, ordered by the prince to land her ship on his.
Where were they? Marina had but almost erased it out of her memory.

The Metal Lords... the Return of the Metal Lords.

Denon...yes, it all came to her like a forgotten misplaced dream.... her first encounter with the prince were on the system Denon.
But that were a mere 20 months ago. How did it feel a lifetime ago, she wondered as the memory unfolded.

All along in the queen's chamber's it seemed that Marina had drifted off, was in some kind of trance, reliving something in her past. The blond's expression were vacant like she were elsewhere. And she were, as she were an observer reliving the past.

Marina had gone to Denon to aid in the crisis at the time. She were an intern to her queen and represented the better part of Alderaan for what had been the FWO, a coalition of free worlds with Alderaan as it's center core.

What had happened for her to feel as she did for the royal prince?

Marina relived those moments... her docking on his ship, her meeting him for the first time...that first impression of the royal prince. He were handsome....

"Gasp!..." Marina suddenly came out of her trance.
Oh Berkana, she had found him attractive! Her heart almost stopped at that very moment.

Marina blinked trice finding herself eye to eye with her queen. She had been staring blankly through Faith as her memories unfolded. Now drawn back, escaping that buried memory she realized where she was again and what her queen had asked of her. How long had this strife between her son and her existed for?

" Nothing..." Marina then suddenly uttered before biting her lower lip shut that moment.

No way! NO FREAKIN WAY, she were thinking.
So that was why she had blocked that memory of Theo. He had slapped her across her face at the very moment she met him. Ok, not really slapped her, but it was like a slap on the face. Or maybe a slap on the face would have been better, less traumatic for her. She had been attracted to him and he...
He - he so belittled her.

"I don't remember." Marina's first ever lie to her beloved queen.

Her face color became deathly white ... and strangely, the room seemed to be at an odd angle. Oh Berkana, she just blatantly lied to her queen, she realized...
Everything immediately shrunk around her enveloped by an enclosing tunnel of darkness.

Marina then suddenly collapsed...lights out.

Faith Organa Faith Organa
Faith the mother of 4 children knew a lie when she saw it. Yes saw it, the moment that showed in the eyes.

"Don't lie to me. It's beneath to tell a lie." Faith couldn't remember all the missions she had sent Theo out on as not only her son but in his capacity of an officer in the Alderaan Navy. There could have been a moment when they were together and..but when. She was getting too old and her recollection sometimes failed.

Then the unthinkable she passed out.."OH my BECCA!"

Faith moved to the floor to roll Marina over, a quick look and Faith knew she was alive. She had not died there. What the feth was going on with her?

Becca came in, oh...she ran for the kit coming back to kneel beside Marina, "Faith?"

"I have no idea she fell over after telling me a lie." Faith was concerned.

Becca pulled the smelling saltz, "I don't find much wrong with her...not from what I can tell. But either way we need to wake her up" Becca waved the small vial beneath Marina's nose.

Now they both waited.

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
It were like that of the palace gardens in Springtime...
It were what Marina were awakening too, as the palace were as fresh inside as the gardens. Marina's mind were emerging into consciousness quite clear, refreshed like that of a good night's sleep.
Until her eyes opened.

For starters; where in Berkana's name was she? Marina weren't in her bed or any bed for that manner. Was she on a table or floor? She were disoriented for a moment. And she were looking up... up at a tall majestic alabaster ceiling-
Strange the familiarity of it.
If she were to guess; it were- Oh Berkana, it were the throne room!

Becca, the Queen's aid popped her head into Marina's initial field of view.
Was she alright, Becca were asking quite concerned. Marina looked up at her for a moment before her eyes came upon Faith's striking features whom seemed to be knelled next to her.
In that instant, Marina took in a frightful gasp of air. It all suddenly came back to her....Theo, the lie, the shame.

"Y...yes, I'm alright." Marina replied slowly sitting up, her eyes not daring to look into her beloved queen's. The shame was too much for her to bare as her mind recalled Faith's last words before everything faded to black....'don't lie to me'

"Becca, please don't...
. I can manage...." Marina gestured to Becca's attempt at helping her to her feet were un-needed. Marina didn't need help getting up. In fact she didn't want to get up at all, just back on her knees. Her head hung low, for she were not worthy to look up to her queen.

Marina's lips would remain sealed, despite the explanation she remembered her queen asking of her.
What could be her excuse to have lied to her?
Was she going to tell her queen that she had been crushed by her son? That...that she had found him attractive the first time she met him? Marina hadn't known as to how much she had cared for his attention/approval, till Theo struck her down even before he had gotten a chance to know her.

She were no ditz, or spoiled nor privileged like Theo thought she were. She had a heart of gold, strong will power and a loyalty to friends and the House of Organa that could not be broken.
It were the latter that she were now faced with breaking and keeping.
She could not explain the turmoil inside her concerning the queen's son. That would be betraying Theo, whom were of House Organa. And she couldn't expect her queen to continue to have her in her presence, if she could not tell the truth.

It were a no win scenario. Marina failed not only her queen, but her own House.
As thus, she remained kneeling before her queen...waiting to be quickly dismissed from her queen's court and presence for her insolence.

Faith Organa Faith Organa
Faith watched making sure Marina was alright.

She seemed to be ok, though seemingly disoriented. Just as much as they had gotten her awake she had regained her wits enough to move to kneeling again this time next to Faith. "Becca leave the kit, but please leave us."

A deep breath Faith could sit here all day long she had lots of affairs to contend with but sitting here seemed to meet a purpose as well. What the feth is going on?

She narrowed her gaze what would she do with the kids? Well it depended on the kid, L Laira Darkhold could take punishment. That girl would sit for hours if she had to and not think one thing of it. Theo on the other hand a bit softer would cave and ask for forgiveness. Little Ma'ree seemed to be an angel, so far.

Bud he would stick his chin out and take it no matter what, he was mandalorian, a warrior he would never give up.

So how would she handle this?

Faith reached under to cup Marina's chin and raise her gaze, "You need to tell me if Theo has offended you in some way, I need to know what he did and if he deserves punishment. I must know what is going on and to find out if it is something that can be mended. At the very least our two houses need to not have such animosity within the walls."

Faith would have a long talk with Theo later to see if he could think of anything, and if she could get it out of Marina compare the stories.

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Theo... her queen's very mention of her son made marina cringe. But not so apparent on the inside as it were inside. Still, what her beloved queen were asking was something marina couldn't answer.
She couldn't, for she herself knew not as to why Theo had affected her as such.
Ok, so maybe Marina were lying to herself as she did know the reason. Only that the reason was UNFATHOMABLE to even touch upon it. She had found herself attracted to him before he punched her in the face. Ok, not really physically punched her, but but it felt that way to Marina the way he talked down to her at the time. Crushed her heart right there and then!
No she couldn't tell the queen anything as to why she had acted so with Theo, the queen's son. would make matter's worse...expose her vulnerability. Her first crush, CRUSHED!!!!
The humiliation of her queen discovering that was too humiliating for her to say the least. Marina would rather have Faith throw her in the palace dungeons. Wait, did they even have dungeons in the palace?
Maybe the queen could put her in one of the emergency food store rooms below the palace for a while...maybe for like forever. So Marina's thoughts were burrowing.

No, she could not answer her queen, despite the heartache she were feeling in disobeying the queen she loved.
Marina slowly shook her lowered head 'no', clenching her lips tight.

But wait, her queen indicated she were concerned about their two Houses and wanted to amend what was at seemingly tearing them apart. Their two Houses apart?
NO No No!!! No, Marina could not be the cause of strife, any separation of their two Houses. They had stood together for Millenniums.

No my queen. " She finally found the voice to speak.
"Prince Theo is not to blame.

I....I initiated this strife between the prince and I.
I am just difficult. I shouldn't challenge his authority. I have disrespected him in doing so." There, that should have her beloved queen throw her into the store rooms below....

Faith Organa Faith Organa
She listened, "You challenged his authority." She repeated no emotion. When would she have challenged his authority? When does he have authority? Faith began to think back how long ago was long when HK was still around to talk to about Alderaan and history.

The Metal Lords...Theo had been sent to on a mission of protection and recovery. Had he mentioned anything when he came back he had seemed disgruntled but h...had she would have remembered him talking about Marina.

Oh...there was a conversation about how someone wanted to land and he wanted to make sure it was safe to land. Had he argued with Marina? Had he given in to his terrible temper? Faith wasn't sure how to proceed certainly her son had his bad moments. She wouldn't want to protect his bad behavior though.

"Surely whatever it is that has set this tension in motion can be resolved. The only time Theo has any authority is when he is acting as an officer in the Alderaan Navy. So...this took place on a mission off Alderaan...and....perhaps on Denon?" She might as well poke the cat a bit more. If she was anything it was persistent.

Queen's rights.

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
She flinched.
Oh Berkana, had her queen hit the nail on the head. And apparently it had shown with that momentary cringe. Marina was found, caught by the queen herself. What was she to do now? Marina had tried to mislead her queen once and that nearly killed her. Well, not really, but the distraught which immediately followed when she did had been all to painful in her heart to ever do it again. She were now more than sorry, marina was besides herself.
Denon. Her queen had homed in at the inception of what abraded between her son and Marina.

But no. No she couldn't put this on her queen's son. It were after all Marina's oath of heart to stand by the Royal House of Organa. Her heartbreak were her own. She'd have to take the entire blame for it.
'Damn Theo', she were still thinking. As much as she were irked by him, she still would defend him.

"My queen...please, I beseech your mercy. There was nothing the prince did that weren't called for by protocol.
I...I just wasn't prepared well to assist the FWO at that time. It were my failure to understand set military procedures at the time. I would have jeopardized the mission. I understand that now. But I was just too proud at the time to understand." Ok, but that didn't explain as to her rude behavior just a few moments ago.
Besides, she weren't proud. Not proud enough to disregard file and ranks, especially when it came to the Royal House. Marina was strong and sharp minded, but not proud.

I've failed you my queen." She still labored in breath, silently praying that somehow Berkana would persuade her beloved queen to accept her as a failure and dismiss her entirely from her court and presence. Marina were set on disgrafully sailing to the unknown with her ship, forever to wander the outskirts of their galaxy bearing her shame. She would die out there alone....without honor.... without queen.... without family....

One minute..then two passed in silence.
Had her queen heard her? maybe it came out garbled as she were in tears trying to speak.
"I... I have failed you, my queen." She once more repeated, daring to look up to her majesty. If one's eyes could look like a deer caught in a hunter's spotlight, it were those of Marina's.

Faith Organa Faith Organa
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Faith wasn't sure what face she was wearing as she listened to Marina. But more and more it sounded like Theo and Marina had a fight and it had escalated from there to now.

What was said between them Faith would have to ask Theo for clearly Marina was willing to throw herself on her own sword. "Marina." Faith looked down for a moment, "I am not failed in that you and Theo had a fight, which could have led to words being said that have dug in and caused you and him some problems in getting along. I don't know if you have noticed but there are many people who don't get along, or have fights."

Perhaps handling Marina the way she would Laira would be beneficial. "But you can't have these outbursts in front of off worlders. It makes us look like we are divided and we don't want to give anyone that impression. So if you need to chastise, or argue with Theo wait until guests are gone."

Faith knew what she had to do, she was going to have to order Theo and Marina on another mission and let them argue this all out. They'd either shoot each other, or throw one of them out the air lock. She wasn't sure that was a great idea but perhaps it would begin a healing. They needed to be confined and get this out.

But she would wait to tell them both, at the same time.

"Now pull yourself together Marina." Faith smiled, "We must all fall before we run. Understand?"

Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Why wasn't her queen angry with her?
Marina had prepared herself for the worst....but her queen's tone were compassionate, understanding... and it all spoke of truth.
Soooo...her queen wasn't angry that she could oppose/argue with her son, the Prince? Only...only do it in private? Was she hearing her queen right? That...that sounded like her own parents speaking to her.
Marina nodded, keeping her head slung low before Faith, until she were kindly asked to pull herself together.

Azure blues slowly rose up to meet that of her queen, before her body followed suit. With features gleaming of tears shed, Marina found her strength returning. It were all from Faith's empathy that she were able to understand that her queen were not at all angry at her, but wished to repair what bond had inadvertently was broken between marina and her son Theo.

In her heart, Marina had wished Theo could respect her as she could him. But whatever had triggered them or her to develop an acute adverse reaction to his presence, was a factor still unknown to her. Marina had argued with many people and entities all the time. She weren't one to hold her opinions if other's were wrong. She had even argued with many a sith...Imperials and underworld characters too. But none had ever made her loose her temper so quickly...for even the slightest of things, like she did with Theo.

"I...I understand, my queen." She managed to reply.

"It has never been my intention to challenge Prince Theo. I will be more open minded and will hold my standpoints for a more appropriate time, your majesty. " She said, more so making a promise to herself. But could she hold that promise? She had too, for she could never let her queen down...ever again.
Marina saying that, took a knee before Faith again. It were her means of agreeing to do as her queen wished and it were not for trying, but to actually do it.

Faith Organa Faith Organa

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