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A True End to a Great Warrior


Well-Known Member
[member="Lucien Cordel"]
Damien remained compliant for all the length of the explanation telling why he was arrested. Then, with a deep chuckle that began to vibrate into a robust laugh, his eyes darkened to pitch black before snapping his cuffs. Rising, he used a swift mental control to force all men around him to abid by his will, which was simple: letting him pass. Once clear, his trail would be simple to follow, directly back towards the site he was working at prior.

This was their fight, not his.

[member="Dak Canton"] [member="Rave Merrill"]
Staring upward at the two ships that sought to destroy what he had long ago built, Kasamann gripped the minds of those brutish creatures above. Forcing them into deep charges, they flew directly over the edges of the destroyed walls, clear through space to land against the craft holding Rave Merrill.

Then, gripping the force like a mighty club, he drew back his arms and swung them forward, smashing all of the shots fired by Dak into each other. At least Rave was attempting to not decimate more then necessary, by taking down the tallest building for thousands of miles, which extended up as high as the planet offered, would likely destroy much. With his goals so singular, even Kasamann saw this as petty and unnecessary.

Gasping for a moment, he was surprised by the amount of energy he was already being forced to extend. This would need to come to him soon.

<Merrill, quite hiding in your craft, send your lap dog on some errand, and face me. It seems you are the only brave enough Master to show yourself, and I want my victory one way or another.> He bellowed.
[member="Kasamann"] [member="Dak Canton"]

Rave rolled her cloud car three times, shaking undead from her cloud car like water off a kath hound. Her laserfire, unabated, brought the tower to an unhealthy angle.

At which point she stopped spinning, cracked the cockpit, and leaped free once more. The Warden combat cloud car did its level best to accelerate to mach two into the most damaged part of J.A.C. tower. She descended out of the fireball like an obvious metaphor, Entropy streaming undead gore beside her. Coordination and softening the landing took too much attention to launch an attack as she fell, but when she straightened up from a hard landing and levelled Entropy at Kasamann, it was clear that the stealthentaur had her entire focus.

"You wanted me here." Beside her, the tower began to collapse. Chunks of permacrete rained down around her, dust billowed, metal screamed, and yet her voice punched through the mindshattering tumult. "You hide behind the undead, behind Daemon, behind another face, you snivelling cowardly hypocrite. Get over here and face the music."

She made a habit of restraining her rage, finding channels for it so that it wouldn't betray her, but she was a Merrill first and foremost. And every Merrill had a breaking point.

"GET OVER HERE, I SAID." She rose into the air, a green sphere of spirit ichor forming around her, turbocharged by the dead. Eye-watering streams of emerald lightning snapped out from her sword and her indestructible blaster pistol, preserving the gun's mechanism like the flesh of a hand launching a Sith arc. But this was no mere common-or-garden Dark Jedi or Sith, no reflection of a reflection of a tradition that had failed over and over again for millennia. This was the abject fury of the galaxy's most powerful Nightsister, a woman who had been instilled with the life experience of a Master at the age of eight, a woman who had made some of the greatest alchemical creations in history. Lightning snapped around, eradicating the few nearby zombies, before focusing on Kasamann. Her voice rose in a howling chant, and the ooglith masquer charred itself away from her skin, revealing her scarred face, her Vongshaped features.

A monster, like all those she'd made. But more lethal than any of them.


Marcus Tritum

You know, just this one time I'd really hoped things would go exactly as planned. I'd get to watch the tower come down, all the zombies and Kasamann would get pulverized, and I'd go back to the bar with Rave. Maybe meet a nice girl, settle down on a farm somewhere, live happily ever after. But nope, silly me. Instead I got to watch my missiles collide into each other, moved by an unseen power that I could only assume was the freaky mojo peopled called the Force.

A heavy sigh left my lips and I gripped the bridge of my nose frustratedly. Just wasn't my day. Never was...

I watched Rave pilot her craft straight into the side of the tower and then saw the she-devil burst straight out of the blaze, heading for the centaur and the zombified critters. My eyes found the burning structure of the tower and narrowed. JAC had caused the Fringe a literal world of hurt. Not enough to overthrow the government or anything, just a big friggin' thorn in the butt. I was gettin' real sick of seeing that logo around. Time to do some landscaping.

Another squeeze of the trigger sent the last two concussion missiles soaring from their tubes and toward the building. I followed that up by holding down the secondary trigger and just sitting there as an incessant slew of quad lasers cut right into the damaged structure. Glass and metal melted and my extra shove to Rave's work sent the tower crashing down around horse-boy's ears in a billow of pulverized dust and debris.

Rave could survive that, Zaiden too probably. The zombie fuglies though? Yeah, they'd all be dead.

[member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Lucien Cordel"] [member="Kasamann"]


Well-Known Member
Kasamann was instantly on the move, lowering himself down to the ground, as close to protective as a centaur could find. Next, a semi circle of protective Umbrakinetics appeared about himself, dissipating the energy that did come his way. The barrage couldnt be simply shrugged off though, leaving him clenching eyes in concentration, while tightening his fist until the knuckles shifted to a darker shade of lavender. But he had training with Spencer and Ashin alike in defending against lightning and its similar attacks, though he had never fought off Spirit Ichor like this - he had faced its many uses, including summoning items and using it hide a person.

When the barrage ceased, for it couldnt go unimpeded for eternity, Kasamann would lash out by straightening the energy that guarded him till it was flat then launching it at the woman. Had he still his Vong weaponry which he had mastered so, he likely would have loosed them to sneak attack. If he had his ally Maalraas, they the same. But right now he was all alone...

Or wait..

From behind him, where the craft had dropped him, roared Big Boy. Charging clear at Rave, the beast was like a tank barreling down on her. Then, from around his form, krept even more Shadows, these which sought to cast a haze about the beast before it could reach her - its hard to hit what you cant see, and the extea second needed to activate force abilities, for even more then others, could change all. Witches had to chant, so he may be lucky with this strike..

<Kill that fether, the one who took down the tower.> Kasamann roared to the pilots whom continued hovering near its remains. Like that, they both attacked all at once (whatever is considered norm for freighters. Sigh, probably should have done this better.) but their main form of attack, came by attempting to pin Dak in a nearby corner to slam him with their own ships.

[member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Dak Canton"]

Marcus Tritum

Pinning lil' old Dak into a corner with slow, cranky freighters might have worked... if I hadn't been using the freaking sexiest thing in the sky. I'm not combat pilot, but I can tell you I'm for damn sure better than whatever undead mooks were at the control of Zaiden's freighters. Those things aren't meant for combat. They're meant for transporting cargo to point a to point b. They're hefty and reliable, but capable of air combat maneuvers? I don't think so.

Proximity alarms blared to life as point defense cannons started opening up on me.

"Aw crap," I grumbled, pulling on the yoke and pointing my nose straight up. A few bolts shuddered past, but like I said... freighters aren't meant for combat. The Warden hummed straight up into atmo, pursued by the clunky baddies. Those big things couldn't climb straight up at a high enough rate of speed, which meant that I'd be reaching optimum turning way before they did. I pulled back, looping down and back toward the ground. The freighters tried to follow, but I was already pushing into their turn radius and coming up on the rear pilot. I had a lock on his six with my lasers and these fuglies didn't seem to know how to juke.

An upbeat tune jaunted through my head and I grinned mercilessly.

My first salvo sliced into his shields, the second cut through them and blew up his right engines, sending him spiraling down to the ground - spewing flames. I picked them off one by one, going from back to front. It was like shootin' a bunch of geese all lined up for me. No maneuverability, hardly any combat gear? I almost felt bad for 'em.

I left their wreckage on the ground or raining through the air in fiery tears of smoke trailing debris.
Lucien returned from the armoury a short time later having traded his suit jacket for a blaster pistol. As per his instructions a tank had been prepared. Lucien walked over with an air of nonchalance now would have been a great time to admit that he had never driven a tank and had no clue what to do ... Of course tthe great Lucien Cordel was not about to admit weakness in front of his peons.

Thus it came to pass that Lucien was sat in a tank, sweating buckets and trying to figure out how to start it.

Having figured out how to start the hunk of metal up Lucien attempted to drive. After shuntting backwards a few hundred times he did eventually get the tank moving in the right directiondirection. He whent rumbling down the streets of Valhalla crushing everything in his path until he had rejoined the main force were upon he decided that it might be best if some one else drove. He therefore instructed another soldier to take over whilst he manned the turret. That was much better all he needed was a cigar.

There is a short list of things one never does. When that list is compounded with elements of the slightly longer list of things one rarely does, one begins to encounter disaster.

One does not employ Sith magic against the chief student of the most powerful, knowledgeable, and versatile Sith sorcerer of the modern age.

One does not employ zombies against someone so expert in their creation and eradication that she can identify the strain by sight and employ the Words of Banishment.

One does not direct an attack of ridiculous speed and power against the back of an opponent whom one is facing.

Perhaps most importantly of all, one does not send a rancor against a Witch of Dathomir.

The green orb shredded around her, spearing out behind her to draw ribboned lines around the rancor's general area as it charged right into what was fast becoming a Nightsister Control Net tainted with Sith magic as she invoked choice portions of the Words of Banishment. The rancor's eyes took on a glow of green fire as Rave launched herself upward in a graceful, easy arc, and landed on the back of its neck. It stampeded on, firmly under Rave's control, and lashed out at Kasamann with an immense clawed hand, so fast it blurred. The Control Net faded, its effect solidified, and Rave put her power into the next attack, another arc of brilliant lightning.


Well-Known Member
(Thanks all for coming, but Im done with Zaiden. Far to many complications. Gonna go out in a bang though.)

When Kasamann felt his connection to his brute halting, he shifted all of his concentration into himself. Gathering energy as swiftly as possible from the surrounding area, he brought all of it within. Then, when the beast neared, the centaur blew up. At first the energy spent seemed enough, like he was going to stop...

But it wasnt. Expending further amounts, the damage radius blew ever more massive under his power. When the time seemed dire to stop, he didnt, he continued on in his pursuit, now damaging the very walls and structures of nearby towers. Under his might, the already damaged area began to collapse all around Rave and himself.

But still he roared on. Up until the last breath escaped his body. For a long moment nothing happened, but then a secondary explosion occured at once, however this would prove undamaging. Instead of perishing in the norm of Sith Lords, the Force ate at the creator of true Umbrakinetics, seeking to take his soul and body to the beyond. In the explosion, murky darkness of an unseen caliber licked and ate at his form until it couldnt be seen, and the blood tracking ritual would lead to nothing.

Thats the thing about plans though...

(Have at it Jon.)

[member="Rave Merrill"]

The explosion broke the undead rancor beneath her and sprayed out around the sword Entropy as she held it up. She carved a wake into the Force-blast as she touched down, her voice rising in a cadence to secure Zaiden's soul. The dead found themselves powerless, unless they had thousands of years to practice -- to the point where Palpatine had been carried down to a final death by one mortally wounded Jedi Knight.

Rave was no Jedi, but she was neither wounded nor a Knight. She dispelled the last of the Force explosion with a flick of her blade and raised the Lonesome Gun. The alchemized DL-44 barked five times, spearing the loose humanoid silhouette that flickered above Kasamann's remains. Each bolt, empowered by the Force-imbuement of the blaster's inner workings, was individually sufficient to sunder a ghost's hold on the corporeal, break links to locations or artifacts, bind the soul to the infinite trap that was contained within the Lonesome Gun.

The blasts punched through the last skeins of corporeal darkness, and the silhouette burned with radiance that made her soul wince. In an instant it was gone. The handle of the DL-44 warmed in her hand, confirmation of a spirit bound forever.

And silence fell. His explosion had thrown aside the dust cloud of J.A.C. tower, leaving only rubble and crushed undead. With his passing, all had gone inert. Apart from her, [member="Lucien Cordel"]'s crew, and [member="Dak Canton"], nothing more complex than a blade of grass still lived within a quarter mile. Rave's shoulders sagged until Entropy's blade dripped ichor onto the broken permacrete of what had once been the galaxy's greatest monument to the ambitions of Zaiden James-Greyson, Penumbra, Kasamann. A founding member of the Fringe, then its most tenacious enemy.

She holstered the Lonesome Gun and wiped Entropy on a tuft of cleanish grass, then sheathed the blade and walked away. She was, she admitted to herself, unsure of what she should be feeling. But alchemist that she was, her satisfaction hinged on the petty, not the grand or personal or tragic.

The gun had worked.

OOC/ Hope that works for ya, dude.
The zombies began to drop all around them, it was over it seemed. Lucien smiled and rose from the turret to stand on the top of the tank. "Today the fringe won a decisive victory and now my job is finished but your job is just beginning. the streets are filled with dead bodies, the tallest structure on zaadja has just come crashing down and most importantly of all I have zombie gore all over my hands and it is making me uneasy, now get to work" the soldiers grumbled as Lucien moved away but they didn't hinder him in his attempts to go. Lucien didn't know what the expected him to do, he would ruin his trousers if he helped.

With the help of an army officer Lucien eventually got into contact with his assistant forgoing pleasantries Lucien skipped the greetings and got straight to business "look into [member="D-Man"] see if he was involved in today's events if not cease all attacks on him and send I'm a card otherwise ruin him, before you do that though I need a luxury speeder and a bowl of scented water waiting for me at the central plaza yesterday and a team of local architects at the JAC ruins, that is all you are dismissed. Lucien then proceeded to end the communication with his elbow.

A speeder arrived shortly after and with it came one of the hall children from Lucien's house holding a bowl of scented water and a towel. Lucien strode forward and washed his hands before getting into the back of the speeder all without a word " The ruins of the former JAC headquarters if you please driver"

Lucien was pleased to see the architects waiting for him. He had big plans for this land. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I have a job for you before you stands the ruins of JAC's former head qaurters upon it I wish for you to build an immortal palace a building so grand that it will be remembered forever I want the finest gardens and some flattering stues of my fellow councillors but most importantly I want a large gold statue of me right here " he said tapping his foot on the body of the now dead stealth master "you have one week to submit your designs the successful designer will receive a worthy reward" Lucien then when to take a look around.

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