Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A training between generations

Tag: Laneya Wexler Laneya Wexler


1 - Diana's lightsaber, 1 - Diana's master-lightsaber, 1 - extention piece, a box of training gear.

It had been a good many moons since last she had anyone on the ship. It felt odd. Almost like the halls of the ship were made to house just her. That was ridiculous of course. She always made sure there was room for someone to join her on the ship and be comfortable still. The Red Hare... an odd name sure. As many things she named herself, the name never really reflected what the object was like. The red hare was a ship that was white and blue. It's corridors showed many pipes, and breaches that had been fixed by the woman at the helm. While not pristine, it was a very well maintained ship. Perhaps it was better to call it a home.

The soft scraping of the breaks, the handle to let the vehicle land was pulled and with a soft thud the ship landed. It had been so long that the woman almost forgot what it was like to inform someone of having to brace for impact. Sure she had been asked to show someone the ropes... well so far she felt like she was just as ill prepared to do so as ever. A soft sigh erupted from the lips of the woman. The metallic scraping of the tired leg and arm getting a stretch while their flesh counterpart sounded their relief with an uncomfortable snapping sound. It sure sounded like she was older then she was. The tired woman stood up, with uneven steps, one clunk after every soft step of her boot, she took through the corridor to her room. The passenger had been asked to prepare, she should do the same.

The briefing she had provided this girl was easy; dress for a workout, bring as many weapons as you are comfortable with handling, get a change of clothes, rations for 2 days and a big stick. All rather straightforward. It was no surprise that Diana herself had more then ample of those things. Her room a collection that showed just a bit too well that the woman appreciated armour. She let her fingers slide past the metal panels that adorned her favourite set, walking past a bright red set of armour that was so heavy it required force power just to move... and finally a normal closet. The hinges creaked as the large object opened and showed a scala of different robes. One in particular was grabbed, a free flowing, airy outfit known to Diana as her Emerald Jedi outfit. It was a signature look for her, but as always she tossed the headpiece to the side in favour of her many metal beads and trinkets. The woman had bright red hair, like a bright crimson that was now slowly being invaded by strands of bright white hairs. Small braids and waves, beads woven into the sea of red made her hair stand out no matter what she would try to hide it. The woman stood tall in the black fabric, almost 2 meters tall, a body trained for years that showed all the signs of it. Her muscles were toned, yet her skin fair and soft... if not for the scars.

With the outfit, the woman sighed and released the mechanism within the arm and leg. Her left arm, completely metal prosthetic, fell straight into her outstretched hand and received a quick tune up. Tighting the bolts and springs, before snapping back into place with a soft whirring of cogs within the object. She made them... and she needed them. Her left leg received the same treatment, and with a soft sigh the woman looked up past the closet into a standing mirror. She was seeing a warrior that had seen a lot. Soft eyes that were once both emerald green, now her left eye was damaged and hazy, a soft glow betraying her need for force sight to see with it. Her lip and cheek showing soft scarring, the exposed abs showed puncture and slashing wounds. Her left side being littered in scars and burns, while her right side was covered in far less. She was proud of what she was able to achieve, but it still hurt a bit to see herself like this.

The woman turned, steeling herself for the sake of a new generation. On her dresser rested two light sabers. She hooked a silver one on her belt, and took the heavy black hilt in her hand, swinging the wooden rod on her back and letting it slide down into a loop on her belt. With a soft hum she tapped the light, and the woman left her room.

She walked with measured steps, one after the other, down the corridor to the room assigned to the girl. The Red Hare was comfortable enough for a trip, though it might have been a bit bare bones for people with high standards. The planet they had arrived on seemed to house at least a meadow of substantial beauty. And Diana was intending to have the meadow, its nearby lake and the forest be put to good use. For now, the two would need to hoist the equipment out of the hull and get their gear ready. The warm, calm voice of the older woman spoke out as the metal hand knocked on the cold metal door;

"We have arrived. I will meet you in the storage bay to set up for your training. Please be sure to bring all the things I asked of you."

She then turned and walked to the storage of the ship, pulling the small lever to open the hatch in the back, and let the fresh wind rush into the ship. Surely this was going to be a good afternoon.
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Tag: Diana Sophistica Diana Sophistica
Wearing: Something simple and modest


It was a daunting situation, to say the very least. In less than...actually, she didn't even know how long it had been! One minute Laneya was getting a mentor out of Taiia Mataan, and the next minute she's being whisked away on some training endeavor? Things moved so very quickly once the ball got rolling, and honestly Lana felt like her head was still spinning. Still, she had taken direction well; she had been given a list of things to bring along with her, and she did exactly that.

Well...aside for a big stick...and weapons. Neither of those things she had among her personal belongings. The young brunette had no fighting experience, and the only weapon she had could hardly be classified as such. Didn't stop her from bringing the little carbon based pocket knife with her, though a fat load of good it would do her if things got hairy. Still, it was proof that she could at least follow directions, and that had to count for something.

The journey on this ship, with a stranger, had been quiet. Which both unsettled Lana and helped oddly ease her at the same time. She hadn't really found her niche among the people within the Knights, and so not talking had become something she was pretty used to. Though being a guest on someone's ship made the silence odd in moments and uncomfortable in others. Whatever the case, Lana stayed where she was supposed to stay, and did the things she was supposed to do. She had made sure her things were put away, made sure her attire was comfortable and easy to move in, and that she had her knife with her. Not overly impressive, but hopefully she could find a big stick where ever they were going.

Time would soon tell, considering the knock at her stay room door. The noise startled Lana, and she half turned to face the doorway and the woman in it with semi-wide eyes. Bring all of the things...well, all she could do was bring what she had, right? That couldn't be helped. So she nodded quickly, "Yes ma'am." she let out, then was on her feet to gather what she had. Only when she had accomplished this did she follow the path the older woman had shown her when she had first arrived on the ship. Oddly named ship, but Lana found that endearing. She wasn't exactly normal herself.

She found her way to the storage bay just as the wind whipped through. The brunette stopped short, closed her eyes, and sighed as the cool air hit her skin. The fresh air felt nice, and it helped to ease the young woman into a less stiff and nervous state. Not fully, but it helped. Once her eyes came open again, her gaze shifted to Diana. "Alright...I think I'm ready." she stated, her tone soft. She honestly didn't know if she was ready or not, but it was now or never.


Tag: Laneya Wexler Laneya Wexler

The morning promised to be good. The woman felt the soft breeze of the wind that howled through the valley they had just landed in and left her with little worry that it would turn out for the better. The smell of the different flowers and a hint of the salty ocean off into the distance was different from the frigid landscapes she often used for training. She slowly rubbed her hand over her stomach as she remembered there would need to be a meal at some point... first some training, but then it would definitely serve them to get some food in their systems.

The sound of another human talking shifted her attention back to it. With a friendly nod she aimed her focus back to the young woman. Her attire was comfortable, as requested. Wearing armour was not as common for Jedi as Diana would like. She often found herself being looked at in her heavy armour. Among the confederacy this was far less so still, but even there. For now she wanted to keep things easy, and repeatable without her presence for this woman. After all, this was a matter on how to make sure she would survive her future missions.

"Ah perfect. And you started with thinking, that is an even better start."

She smiled kindly to the girl. Approaching her and realizing just how much their worlds must have differentiated from one another. She raised her right hand, gloved but soft, and placed it on the girls shoulder. With a soft tone, a hint of joy from the earlier well meant praise and the chance to teach still in her eyes she continued.

"We will first move 3 of these containers. That one has practice weapons, some first aid kits and a few miscellaneous things. The second one over there is for practice materials such as dummy targets and full blown mannequins. Finally that last one over there, the bigger one? I'll carry that one, it contains weighted training gear. We likely won't use it today but it's good to warm up with."

She pointed at three different containers. All clearly made to be easily stored on top of one another, and clearly placed to make it so whoever had to carry them, wouldn't be given too many obstacles while walking out of the hull. The containers were not too tall, only about knee height and with a fair bit of width to them. They each featured two handles made of old school rope that were tied together on the top. It would be easy to carry them for sure.

"I heard you had little training in combat. So I will provide you with a basis and help you find a place on the battlefield, should you later wish to do so. I am not here to see you harmed, so tell me anytime and we will take a break. This isn't the military and I am not here to see how much punishment you can take. But I will push you, I look forward to training you... now if I move my weighted container to the middle of that meadow there before you bring those two light ones... well you'd have been slower then a cripple... so lets get you a win under your belt."

Playfully she chuckled, the woman sounded warm and inviting, but also had a hint of a gruff in her voice that made it all too clear, unless requested, this wouldn't be an easy afternoon for either of them. But hopefully an enjoyable one. Diana moved to be besides the girl, and looked at her while she took an exaggerated stance, bent her left knee with a soft metal whine of the new spring, and counted down out loud from 5 to 1. Upon sounding 'go' she dashed with some effort to the chest of weighted armour. The other chests were about 20 kilo's each. A substantial weight but due to a lot of handy light weight materials, it was not too bad. The one Diana lifted was about 4 times that. The armours being a pretty big staple to her by now. She lifted it and the container whined under the weight of the armour as the woman held both handles in one hand. She started to move. One step. Two step.

Her movements were slow. Truly this would be so much easier with her force powers. But this girl couldn't use hers, so Diana wouldn't use her own to win this. It would be against her code of honour. With every breath she warmed up her muscles and the speed slowly increased. Almost reaching normal phase of a leisurely walk. The main problem was that once a foot had been set outside the ship, they would still need to move a good 20 meters before reaching the point Diana had designated. But her unbalanced layout of metal to flesh, every step with her metal leg took twice as long, just to ensure she wouldn't topple over due to the lack of balance.


Tag: Diana Sophistica Diana Sophistica

Admittedly, Lana didn't know what to think about this older woman. But really that wasn't saying much considering she didn't know what to think about most people who came into her life. Or passed through it for that matter. So many people were only around for their own gains, and it was hard for the young woman to pick out those in the crowd who did not simply have some false agenda or ulterior motives - or both, for that matter. She could see genuine emotion in Diana's expression, and yet how many times had she seen such things before in her day? The only difference here currently, to all of the other times she's dealt with people?

Diana had yet to hear the unique Force abilities of Lana's vocals.

So, the younger woman could at least relax around the older. she had thought. When she was given instructions, the brunette's gaze drifted back to the crates. She wanted Lana to do what? For a long, drawn out moment she stared at the storage containers, her brow furrowed and she honestly seemed to be calculating for a moment. "Alright," she finally let out and directed her gaze back to Diana. "To there," she extended an arm and pointed to the location, "Right?" The rules needed to be clear, after all. And once she had gotten the affirmative, Lana nodded and was ready to roll.

At the go, the younger woman moved to both crates. She studied the way they were made, the handles on them both, and then the seals that kept them clasped shut. She checked to make sure they were closed tightly and wouldn't just randomly pop open, and then she turned her back to them both, took a handle in each hand, and began to drag them behind her. Laneya had spent years working in that crummy diner, hauling in supplies, moving around food and dish crates all of the time. She was built for this sort of labor, even if she wasn't particularly fond of it.

It wasn't easy work, but she was definitely moving faster than her mentor was - for the moment.



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