Nimue Stormson
Empress of Effekt

The library always served as a decent place to both learn and relax. Empress Nimue of Effekt often frequented the large room in order to read up on histories or re-read old stories told throughout the ages. Sometimes it was for one reason or another, trying to uncover and unseen secrets of connections of the past that could answer age old questions. Other times it was purely a way to pass the time when her days weren’t filled with political burdens and the like that came with being the ruler of an entire planet.
A nice seat at one of the large tables in the room with her servants standing by if she needed anything while a plate of food had been set and ready for her. Bread and tea and small bite-size portions of meat. However there was room set for another it seemed.
Empress Nimue had called for the arrival of a Jedi she’d briefly met before. [member="Gherron Vael"] who was trained by another Jedi master she’d met at the ball held nearly three weeks ago. The party had been a means of introducing the galaxy to the planet of Effekt, which the Empress ruled, and so many an interesting guest had arrived while deals were made, friends established, and future negations discussed.
Originally Empress Nimue had tried to gain attention of Vael’s master, but he’d proven to be hard to reach. Instead she sought out that of the young knight, hoping that he could teach her a few things in the ways of the Jedi’s use of the force. She’d been calling on several teachers to educate her in combat, the force, and even forms of magic. Given what she’d already known herself, and what she’d learned, she knew having an overall idea of the force would help hone her abilities into something greater.
As she waited while reading her book Empress Nimue pondered if the pieces of pure silver were enough to convince Sir Vael to meet with her today. If he’d not been she’d have been happy enough to send more, though her message had made it clear that was but a sample payment of what was in store if he agreed to teach her.