Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Tempered Heart

Location: Kooriva, Inner Rim, Confederate Space

On the outskirts of one of Kooriva's thriving cities the Solanaceae had setup a small training camp. An experienced Witch taught some young Acolytes about the thriving ecosystem of the world; of its similarities and differences of the many other worlds in the galaxy. They even spoke of a time when a woman or man might come to see one world very much like another, and find travel tedious and unnecessary. However, such was not the case. Each world had subtle differences with unique opportunities to learn more about many forms of life, paths life might take, and interactions with people that might draw out new perspectives through such encounters. In isolation, a lizard may be just a lizard, but a world was not made of easily referenced pockets of existence. To ignore the greater picture was as much a crime of the heart as it was of the mind of those that failed to see what lay around them.

Meanwhile, just out of sight of the group, a pale woman crouched just atop a rocky outcropping overlooking a grassy plain with a herd of beasts ambling through it. Vytal's green eyes observed the creatures and felt the currents of the spiritual power of the place near and far. The ebb and flow of life, death, and what lay beyond. While the young ones learned of the need to 'listen' to the wider world, the Nightmother took the opportunity to do so from another world among many. In theory, she might do so from the 'comfort of her own study,' but that seemed to miss the point entirely. It wasn't about being efficient, it was about experiencing it first hand. Like life, there were subtle sensations that came with doing that remote viewing and even tomes could not adequately convey.

Other members of the Solanaceae and even Knights Obsidian had been welcome to come to Kooriva, of course. It was rare when the Witches obscured their movements -- usually restrained to investigating something of ancient importance, acquiring sensitive materials, or engaging in their own 'field operations.' A great deal of their Coven was devoted to educating the masses of spiritual matters, after all, even those that would not devote themselves to the causes of the Knights. Elevating the heart, mind, and soul were their own rewards.

And the Solanaceae were not so timid to be afraid if something sought to confront them openly either.

Whether a Covenstead was established here would depend on the reception of the local inhabitants. So far, Vytal certainly enjoyed the thriving flora and fauna present. Better than worlds consumed by industry for a woman that had been born and raised on Dathomir. Technology was breathtaking, but it was also lifeless. Hollow. It was good to simply bask in wellsprings of life on worlds such as this.

Tag: Faegard Faegard



T A G: Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura
I was almost ashamed of how long it took me to do this.


It was humbling to realise how naive I had once been; galavanting off to Dathomir in a rented shuttle with no mind to my own safety, let alone the political situation of the planet. I had been foolish, immature, brash, and had paid dearly for it. But I was wiser now, stronger, more reserved and burdened with understanding.

I was also a monster.

My jaw clenched as the reminder once more came to the surface of my mind. I wasn't a pure Dathomirian anymore. Well, I was raised away from Dathomir, I don't know if I ever truly counted as one. But my blood was tainted now, corrupted, different. Would the Nightmother even give me an audience? Would she even see me?

Halfway through braiding the long curtain of dark hair hanging over my shoulder, I intentionally yanked it a little tighter than I needed to, literally pulling myself out of my thoughts. I'm here now, I'd come this far, I had to try. I'd brought the Phantasm down on the outskirts of the city where I'd heard she was. However inside I yet remained; the UV shields up as I watched the sun go down through a filter of space glass and chemical treatment.

I told myself that this was just as good, but there was a tiny part of me that wished I could have felt it upon my skin, just one more time.
The lights inside the Phantasm flickered for a moment.

Then the sense of something being nearby... something watching... something wrong might tickle the senses.

A shadowy figure stood deeper in the vessel, but within sight of the pilot. Ambient light from the interior did not highlight any discernible features. Even the very air around it had grown still. Silent. Until a voice rose from the deep. It came without direction as though the shadowy figure had not been the one to speak. Had it? Or was this Another that spoke? "She is waiting."

Meanwhile, outside, the pale Witch shifted her focus from watching to listening to the world come alive as the sun fell over the horizon. Creatures that had adapted to stalking the night -- to live, to hunt. It was the pleasure of being alive to see such diversity given form. Life molded itself to every where or circumstance it found itself. As frightening as some of it may be at times, Vytal continued her communion without a single word needing spoken.

Soon, perhaps, she would return to the women and men that had worked hard that day. To ensure their physical, mental, and spiritual needs were met. Evaluate whether any needed particular attention be it in counseling or motivation. Some they taught had no aptitude for magick; naturally their path of instruction differed from those that did. It was those that did which the NIghtmother would ensure had found their true course. One did not need to understand where the path would lead every time, so long as their feet were solidly on the road.

She would wait for the skies to turn black, however. To wait for the nocturnal life to emerge. It was the least she could do.

Tag: Faegard Faegard


T A G: Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura
She is waiting

I'd been sitting in the pilot's seat, side on so I could see both the controls, and the living quarters of the Phantasm. The lights flickered, and my fingers paused in my braid as my attention was pulled into the belly of my ship. A shadowy silhouette had appeared, semingly existing only between the flashes of light and dark as the lights struggled. My eyes flew wide, a rush of adrenaline coursing through me.

My mouth opened, but no sound came out. By the time I had recovered from my initial start, the shadow had disappeared, and the Phantasm's lights had returned to normal. For a few moments I remained silent, going over what I'd just seen. My fingers worked almost of their own accord, finishing the braid and tying a tie around the end. With a sigh, I stood, grabbing my cloak. The sun was still setting, casting cool, pale rays into the sky. It was still dangerous, but with the thick, sturdy fabric, I should be safe from the worst of it.

With the hood up over my head, the cloak around my shoulders, and gloves on my hands, I was protected from the worst of the ailing sunlight as I stepped tentatively down from the Phantasm and alighted onto the ground for the first time. Instantly I felt two things. At first, was the rush of effervessence within my spirit as my body touched the living earth for the first time. I uttered a little sigh as the tingles settle. Secondly, I felt the distinct prickling upon my cheeks as the setting sun cast its final harsh rays at me.

With a grimace, I pulled the hood further down over my features. I didn't know exactly where to go, at first, but somehow, still began to walk. The air was cooling, the soft breeze carryingt he scent of the evening as it descended. The more steps I took, the more I felt my soul attune to this place. That was when I began to notice the pull. It was subtle, distant, a sensation of pure force magic that only a witch would sense.

Keeping my head down, I followed this pull, allowing it to take me to wherever she was.

Best not keep her waiting any longer.
Vytal's eyes slid open after she had reached out to an aerial predator of the night. It was a welcome relief to simply...embody a creature and know what it is they thought of felt. A straightforward if merciless lifestyle for survival. Spirits were far more complicated. Some were worse than dealing with the Living. So opportunities to simply be were a welcome opportunity. A way to vacation without actually being on vacation. Not that she could ever escape the voices of the Dead.

Slowly, the armored Witch rose to her feet and turned to begin moving through the vegetation. After all, even when she was on a distant world matters of galactic affairs could also not be run from long. People had ways of finding her. Fortunately not many, but enough. Though, again, they hadn't sought to hide their presence here. Though Vytal didn't broadcast which of many magickal gatherings she was at unless she wanted the public to be aware.

She stopped in a small clearing surrounded by trees. Her hands folded before her as she awaited the arrival of another. If they had come all this way then there must be something pressing. It was the Nightmother's responsibility to see to the needs of the masses, the Knights, and especially Witches. Something she'd taken on some time ago and would not disparage even now.

Still no love of Politics, however.

Tag: Faegard Faegard


T A G: Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura
My walk took me through a forest, the trees seeming to come around me like some welcoming embrace of the planet. I could feel the quiet spirits of the plantlife around me, the flora and fauna as the woods settled in for night ahead. This wasn't unusual in and of itself however, I felt a pang of sadness within me as I felt the energy seem to... retreat? Recoil, as though my very presence was unwanted.

That... that was fair, I supposed. I was an unnatural thing that did not belong here, not anymore.

By the time I came to the clearing, the sun had set entirely, and I felt more comfortable walking with my hood down. My heart had begun to race, my breaths shallower and my footfalls lighter as I had drawn nearer to this place. She was near, I could feel her.

As the trees parted and I stepped into the grassy space, I saw her; a figure waiting. I tried to approach, but my legs failed me, and I could manage to draw only a few feet towards her before I stopped. For a few moments I said nothing, searching for the nerve to speak as the cool, quiet night settling around us.

Finally, I spoke,

"You're... her... the Nightmother."

Nice, Faegard. Real nice. Great introduction.

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