Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Shadow in the Night

It had been a long time since the scarlet marble had seen her previous ruler. Mustafar had now long been under the command of the tyrannical Sith, now Ultimatum was returning. The artificial knew that he would never be returning as a king, his future no longer lay in the heated planet. His future was to be found in the depths of space. No longer were his machinations bound to the gravity of any single world. But it did not mean he was free to leave everything behind. Ultimatum was returning for a single purpose, the final remnants of Progenitor base were to be swept clean of the world and his work and devices that had been within saved as best possible.

The artificial was not alone, he had sent out a message to the other Metal Lords to see who else might willingly step into enemy territory with him. Ultimatum had no intentions of war, but a private matter to handle within the jurisdiction of his own company. He would not step beyond the confines of his own land, land which had been purchased under the company of LOOM and was therefore his by ownership. The largest section of land and the most important, was that which contained the hidden Progenitor facility. There were many secrets that the planet held, just as most planets had, yet this one Ultimatum knew well and his knowledge was far reaching in regards to the world.

Yet even with his vast network, not everything of that world was known to him. He would learn that before his trip was yet done. The Sovereignty lay in wait above Corellia for the arrival of those who would join him. The artificial had yet to even consider adopting the new name of the world, for he did not believe it would be fair to name it such even though Alderaan retained its name after what had occurred to it. He was not going to take the Sovereignty to Mustafar, for that ship was well known there. He would take an indistinct transport for a less obvious entrance to the world.

WD-334 was on [member="Ultimatum"]'s transport with the droid as they headed for Mustafar. In the old data bank memories of the war droid, there were many things about the Galactic Empire of old. One of the things that had recently popped up was of something that had to do with Mustafar, or rather something hidden on Mustafar. Something the droid wanted to take, for itself and it's growing forces. Whatever was down there would no doubt be worth it. Perhaps a ship schematic of an Imperial ship never used, a hidden armory, or maybe even a fully stored base with vehicles, enough equipment to supply an army. It could be anything, the possibilities were endless to the war droid.

"Ultimatum. What is this unit and you going to search for?" the droid asked. It held it's shield in one hand, leaning against a wall of the transport's bridge. It had brought a small force for personal security, only four of it's Echani guard droids. Could never be too careful, especially in the territory of where they were. "The chances of interception by First Order is high, we must be wary." Even though Ultimatum had once owned this planet, it could be possible that it might not even count to anyone who intercepted their transport.
"At the beginning I will be collecting some pieces of tech and data from my old base on Mustafar. The facility should still be functioning, though I fear that the rather hurried escape might have allowed others to enter. It might be the home of scavengers or other such scum. As for Sith, I am certain that we will have to be more cautious for now." The artificial looked away for a moment, memories returning to him of the faces he had met and the feats he had accomplished.

"Do you have any idea what it is you will be searching for or where? There is a whole world to search over and while we can remove those places that are well populated and worked that still leaves a significant area to search through." The droid was certain that they would be able to find whatever it was that [member="WD-334"] was searching for, but it was a question of time and whether or not there would be trouble discovered along the way.
WD-334 searched through it's databanks, looking for whatever was on Mustafar. All it had, however, was a location. And not a fixed location, but in fact an area, a rather large area at that as well. It's answer to [member="Ultimatum"]'s question may not be what Ultimatum would want to hear, but the war droid did not think that. "Fixed location; unknown. Objective target; unknown. Search area south of landing zone." The war droid thought about how they could go about this. They could split up, it would take less time. But that would run the risk of them being attacked and taking heavy losses. "This unit could split from you, but chances of losses will be higher. Suggestion; explore Ultimatum's base first."
Ultimatum nodded, "I would be happy to have your help, I am uncertain of the condition of the old base and I would be more comfortable with the two of us sticking together. If the Sith should discover us during the mission it would be better to stand as a group." The droid was prepared for battle with his own weapons and a group of V-1s, another common sight on Mustafar under his regime. Ultimatum had hoped to bring along the experimental V-2s, but the first volunteers were still being prepared for field testing.


The transport was slowly lumbering its way towards the surface of Mustafar. The ground flight control had contacted the craft and began questioning for ground clearance. "Transport 289 you have entered First Order space, identify cargo and intent."

Ultimatum allowed the computer built into the transport to respond with a preprogrammed response, "Cargo is supplies, foodstuffs, and ammunition for colony base. Droids aboard for colony use. Weapons on board for protection. Trade company Legacy Of Organics Manufacturer has predestined landing location."

The silence over the comms was somewhat reassuring, perhaps the control team was willing to let the transport go, or perhaps it was a sign of immanent attack. Time would tell. The confirmation information was sent a few moment later, if there was going to be trouble, it would probably happen soon before or after landing. Either way Ultimatum believed they could handle a defense force. Ultimatum's people were armed with the disruptors he had designed, for war time.

The artificial lord looked to his companion and the larger droid's forces, [member="WD-334"], and asked, "How long have you been active, and what about your guard?" He did not recall ever truly speaking with the droid much on anything more than a battlefield command level.
WD-334 looked out of the viewport of the transport as [member="Ultimatum"] spoke. Really, most of Ultimatum's words just passed over, except for words like 'Sith' and 'mission'. Only words that mattered did the droid take into account, sometimes fully listening. The war droid pulled back from the bridge of the transport as they descended toward the surface, missing what Ultimatum gave in response to the First Order communicator. It got it's guards ready, just in case.

WD began to return to go over the plan when Ultimatum asked a question. It was one it knew well, a command was inbuilt to answer such things as operating time. As if an automated response, the droid gave it's answer. "846 years in active service. Lost in action in 4 ABY, Battle of..." The droid trailed off. It could not remember the planet. Or the system. Only the year it had taken it's injuries. "Battle unknown." It then passed on to the next question, the one of it's guards. "Echani guards have been designed to mimic my appearance and strategies to work well with this unit...This unit's guard has been programmed well. Just as this unit had been." In truth, WD had copied only a segment of it's own code, it's combat systems and strategies over into each Echani. But the personal guard, they received physical training. WD had made it that they could learn, just as WD had been. To watch enemy movement, and those that learned fast enough were handpicked. The others went back to be on the frontlines. WD-334 however hoped to gain some extra muscle in it's ranks.
"You've been around for quite some time! Were you active since lost or were you reawakened recently?" The difference between the artificial could not be more obvious. While [member="WD-334"] only took in what information was important, Ultimatum accepted most information in a conversation. The differences in programming intent were apparent in the vast divergences of their character. However, one thing did they share, a purpose for war. Ultimatum was a commander war droid, at least in initial intent, but no longer. He had surrendered such a fate long ago for a greater purpose.

The ship was preparing to land as he asked, the V-1s began preparing for infiltration with basic tactics that Ultimatum had discovered some time ago. There was no expected confrontation, the transport's scanners did not indicate any nearby organic or artificial which was a good start. The heat outside was almost comfortable for the world, far exceeding the highest temperature on many other planets. As the loading ramp lowered to the rocky ground the wave of heat blasted into the ship, preparing those inside for the extreme temperatures to be found outside. The V-1s put on their helmets so that they could see and breath, it appeared to be something of a storm outside. Ultimatum had seen far worse storms when ruler of this world, but the volcanic ash and rock thrown up in the air was nothing to sneeze at given the propensity to drop seemingly out of nowhere.
WD-334 agreed, it had been around for a very, very long time. Many years, and those many years had worn the war droid down from so much time. And despite such long time, it never learned to disobey an order. If an order was given, it would follow as long as it had allegiance to the order giver. The war droid had never turned down an order, and it would not be doing so for a long time.

The war droid was going to try to be as stealthy about this as possible, following [member="Ultimatum"] off of the ship. Ultimatum's infiltration team followed, and WD had his own force remain on the ship, hidden from sight. In case anyone, or anything, tried to take it. It was their only way they could get away off this planet. The heat was scorching, but WD-334 had used a flame thrower back in the time of the Galactic Empire. It was used to heat. It was a weapon that it had used against all foes. "Distance to objective?" The large droid asked down to Ultimatum, moving behind.
The V-1s spread out once outside the craft, some setting up a sensor beacon while others moved into the ash. Ultimatum wanted to ensure as best possible that they would not be ambushed. The droid moved into the darkness and smiled, this was a memory to him. He was standing on the world that had become his home for some time. Now this world was an enemy world, controlled by those who stood in absolute counter to his beliefs. A droid with beliefs, oh how his maker would have been displeased.

When [member="WD-334"] asked about the distance, Ultimatum responded, his voice growing louder to be heard over the growing storm, after looking at the surrounding ground for a moment, "Approximately one hundred meters that direction." He pointed before beginning to walk that way. He hoped that perhaps this storm would cover their actions from any prying eyes.

It would be a few minutes walk before the rock outcropping was seen. It was a familiar sight to the artificial lord, the rock cropping hid the entrance to the facility. Once there Ultimatum would walk the ground and pull open a hidden hatch, large enough to fit a far larger droid into the base. He looked forward to getting in there and seeing what time had done to the place.
WD-334 gave a bleep after [member="Ultimatum"] gave his answer. The war droid slowly moved across the ashen, volcanic ground. Ash fell around. None of this was familiar, so why was the war droid seeing things throughout it's own data about Mustafar? Something was here. Something it wanted. Perhaps, Ultimatum could know. Or maybe at this base Ultimatum was bringing them to had information. "This base. Does it contain information?" it asked. All it wanted to know was whether this base had information.

WD made a misstep, that took it by surprise as it's foot dipped into some molten lava. It quickly withdrew it's leg. It's leg felt hot, but not melted. "Planet climate; hazardous. Exercise caution in footing" the droid quickly stated. Then it got back to marching forth, in the direction toward the location of ultimatum's base, occasionally looking around for something, anything at all that could give a hint to the droid. The area was located nearby.
The question caught Ultimatum off guard, it was one of his bases of course it would have some form of information. That was assuming that no thing or person had gone through and damaged all the systems or deleted it. It was not impossible, but Ultimatum doubted that someone would be able to access the computers here. Nonetheless, the answer to his ally's question was obvious, "Yes, there is a lot information of varying sorts within the base. Whether or not it is the information that will help solve your own issues is another matter." He had realized a moment after starting that perhaps [member="WD-334"] had asked intending information about his own memories.

When the larger droid stepped in lave had to refrain from chuckling aloud, most who had lived here would be ever vigilant against walking into the molten rivers. The droid was lucky that his hull could handle the extreme temperature. "Careful, don't want to go for a swim in that."


When they reached the door, he entered the facility first. The halls were darkened and there was a thick layer of dust on all the surfaces. There were also light tracks to be seen, faint as if they had been made some time ago. It made him wonder who else might have accessed the base. Who else had known of its entrance, the Vanguard had told him that she had not revealed the surface door to the Guide. Who then could have gotten in? "Be on your guard, looks like someone was in here at some point, they might have left us a few surprises."
WD-334 pondered over [member="Ultimatum"]'s words after having it's trip. If Ultimatum was correct, then WD would find what it sought at the base. If not, WD would not stick around. Despite whatever it was looking for having Imperial origin, it would not stay in such unfamiliar territory with no clues except a large search area.


Upon arrival to the base, as Ultimatum had announced, WD-334 readied the shield as Ultimatum entered. Nothing fired, nothing came out. That was either a good sign, or the side of an ambush. WD was always ready for anything, or at least the droid always thought so. When Ultimatum gave the large droid the order, as the droid took it rather than a suggestion or something else, to be on guard the large droid raised it's shield again, slowly dragging it across just above the flooring, it's cannon at the ready to fire just in case something came out. Although it never looked down, only ahead.
The steps of the metallic intruders were muffled by the thick layer of dust and ash. The air was musty and the rooms were dim. What lights the droids brought with them revealed dust floating in the air and the remains of many a robotic factory piece that had fallen silent in the time since their master had left. There were indications of other people having entered since the artificial lord had escaped. There was a droid body that had been moved to a table and partially dissected, with several tools haphazardly left around the table.

Ultimatum led the way further into the facility, first to the workshop room he had built. This had been the center of his power, from here he had designed and planned marvels that were beyond organic comprehension. He had held create the body of a fellow artificial intelligence and had planned the development of others. Now though this place was to be left. Ultimatum would have told others that he felt no emotional connection to the place and this was partially true. Yet there was something in him, within his very being that whispered into his mind the memories and put emotions where there would have been none. A part of him that he had been given by his creator, a more organic development than would have normally been issued to droids. Just one more piece of proof that he was not a simple droid, but an advanced intelligence.

"This is the work station. I built droids and other technology here. Let's see about turning this thing on." He began speaking to himself as he moved to a terminal connected to the main work station. He pulled the handle to the powercell and waited a moment. Swiping his hand across the screen to brush away the dust, a faint light shone. Lettering appeared on the screen, but ti crackled and was far too dim to see properly. Ultimatum wondered if the wiring had corroded or something of that ilk so he opened the port and slid in a memory device. The download began automatically and the artificial stepped away from the terminal. He explained, "It will take some time. I will have the V-1s come and collect it while we continue. Do you wish to have the lights turned on or is the darkness just as well?" Ultimatum recalled there being an emergency generation cycle connected nearby should it be needed. He was unaware of [member="WD-334"]'s model and its ability for night-vision.

While he spoke, the droid placed a radio beacon on the terminal. That would be visible to the visual sensors on the helmets the V-1s wore. None of the V-1s that had come with him knew of this place. Those few volunteers for the V-1 program he had received while ruler of the world had mostly perished in the rebellion that had forced him to leave.
WD examined over the work station that it's companion pointed out. So this, [member="Ultimatum"] used to design things, and build droids. The war droid awaited the activation of the work station, and it indeed did work. The large droid looked over Ultimatum's shoulder, trying to see everything there was to see on it, anything of interest. Anything that could help the war droid with finding what it had come for, the location of whatever it was within the droid's databanks. "Information....any information on this unit's target?" It wanted to find something, something that would help the war droid.

The droid shook it's metal head. "Lights will alert enemies." if they weren't already alerted. "Information...where will needed information be?" the droid asked, looking on ahead to the direction they would no doubt be headed to next. "That way?" If there were any hazards, they would no doubt be ahead. "This unit will go first."
Ultimatum shook his head at the droid's first question. No the information he was looking for would be stored elsewhere. Ultimatum had never connected the history compilations that he had made to the work servers. It had taken Ultimatum considerable effort to collect and eventually compile what he believed to be a near complete file of Mustafar's history. Even then there were large gaps where apparently the Mustafarians had simply not kept records. Apparently written records were something that they didn't exactly keep track of and much of their history had been collected from old HoloNet records.

There was another terminal that had access to those records, in his office. It was not too far away, as many of those who had seen could attest. Often when one entered his office it would soon turn to some form of work, which required them to move to the work station. The terminal in there had its own power as well, so Ultimatum suggested, "Let's continued down this hall and then take a right when possible. There is a terminal in there that might have what you are looking for. Does your memory have any form of time database for what you are looking for here? Any way of showing an approximate date? That could narrow it down considerably." Ultimatum had another idea to narrow it down, but he hoped that perhaps [member="WD-334"] would actually be able to give him something more definite.
WD-334 felt slightly disappointed at the first answer, and [member="Ultimatum"]'s query to the droid made it wonder, search it's own memory once more for any sort of clues, any extra clues that would direct them. But all it had was the area...All it did know was that it must have been during the Empire, or otherwise why else would it be in the droids memory?

"Time of Galactic Empire. Unknown fixed date." It made the droid think more. Perhaps some kind of area that could hide something of importance...WD had seen some areas, like mountains that spewed lava in the distance. "Map...does this facility have map of nearby area?" the droid asked. If the droid could get hooked up to the map, it would be able to mark the area in the war droids data. No doubt it would show some kind of hint to where this place was. "This unit can be connected to a map, then search for possible locations. A place to hide something."
Ultimatum made the necessary adjustments to the history. There was still a lot of data in that time period. For whatever reason, the Empire had loved Mustafar. Perhaps it was due to its rather chaotic nature. That made it suited to the Sith's naturally destructive mind and it made Ultimatum's job all the more difficult. However, when [member="WD-334"] suggested a map Ultimatum knew that it was the answer. Date and location was like latitude and longitude, with one or the other it was possible to isolate a certain event to a considerable degree, but with both it became almost child's play.

Bringing up a map on the terminal the artificial moved out of the way for WD. "Here, a topographical map of the region around Progenitor." Ultimatum did not know how the unit hooked up to such devices and thusly wanted to give him space to maneuver as he needed. There were just so many different types of droids with different connectors that made assuming that one specific technology was the correct one very foolish. He had come to the conclusion that many organics could not agree on the subject and so they had each created their own specific design, only later for manufacturers to attempt to universalize them so that they could all be interconnected. It was sheer madness. It should have started with one to begin with, one single uniting design.
WD-334 looked over [member="Ultimatum"]'s shoulder to see as much as it could about the history that was brought up. So much was listed, the droid was so very unsure as to what else could be found, and so much time had already passed since the time of Galactic Empire. The war droid was most intrigued by all of this new information.

The war droid was given access to a topographical map, which the war droid gained access to thanks to one of the other droids with them helping the large droid hook up, since it had no proper hands. Data ran through back and forth until the area in WD's memory appeared upon the map. WD disconnected, then began to look it over. "Mountains...location perhaps?" the droid queried. There was one caught the droid's eye, close to the center of the area. "This one" it said, putting down it's shield to point with it's clamp hand. It would not be that far of a trek.
The droid looked over the map and the area that [member="WD-334"] pointed to. Indeed, it was a short traversal distance. Ultimatum believed they could get there easily enough, though he was concerned with the geological activity near there. Mustafar was a lava planet and its stability was questionable at best. Earthquakes, resulting in lava and similarly disastrous events. It was best to move quickly and not dawdle.

There was some minor Imperial history about something in the area, but it was top secret and apparently had never been removed that status. Too much was redacted to find anything that could explain it, only something about the Inquisitorius, which Ultimatum did not understand off the top of his head. It would take some time to figure out that piece of information.

"Then let us head that way. There isn't much in the memory banks about it. Does the Inquisitorius mean anything to you?" From Ultimatum's understanding the old Empire had been fairly strict with compartmentalization of information, yet at the same time there was a lot of information that moved about the Imperial army in the form of rumors and what not. Perhaps the old droid had served under these people at some point. Ultimatum had no way of knowing.

The small artificial began to lead the way out of the base, after placing another beacon next to the terminal. There would be a several other places that the droid would try to drop of beacons. The cloning room, with its several cloning spheres, and the factory, with some metal that Ultimatum wanted moved, were two areas of particular interest. He had items that would need to be moved to the transport for addition to later ships.
WD-334 looked over the map as [member="Ultimatum"], but did not see the information that Ultimatum gathered. It was running numbers on how dangerous this trek would be, especially with the large droids heavy weight. Crossing any thin ground, the droid would only cause to crumble beneath it. Any bit of lava would melt away the armor, even through the shield if it's legs remained in the molten rock.

When Ultimatum brought something up, the war droid thought about it. Inquisitorius, it knew nothing of this. Nothing in it's database brought it up. Perhaps, whatever it was had been wiped, or had never come to be in it's database to protect the information from the enemies of the Empire. "This droid knows nothing of this 'Inquisitorius'." Perhaps it was what they wanted, what WD-334 had come for. And it wanted whatever it was.

"The trek will be dangerous. With 67% chance of falling into molten rock" the droid said analytically. But, there was one good thing. Nothing had been here to rear their heads against them, or any weapons.

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