Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Rose in the Arbor

Vulpesne's hands clasped behind him as he wandered near the edge of the Royal Forest, a Veran fox standing beside him. Word of the Teradin Trees had apparently found itself into the hands of someone in the outside galaxy and lucky for him, the person in question had requested to see them rather than destroy them.

Now as he leaned against the dense back fur of his mouth, he noticed a small transport landing nearby. No doubt the '[member="Iris"]' that he'd heard about. It was a species he'd met a few times, but not in the recent years, only in his merchant days with Zarro. He figured it'd be a nice refreshing change of pace, scenery, and a good way to spread a good public image, not that he needed it on the world, but getting known in the outside galaxy was always something he could work on.

Iris is a Sylphe. The Sylphe are race of botanical sentient beings who hale from the forest world of Slyvia IV. As a people the Slyphe pride themselves on their closeness to nature and often hold it in higher regard than they do for other races. Iris was one of those 'typical Sylphes' however she did not see not see other races as beneath her, she actually loved to learn about the other cultures of the galaxy. Other cultures were put on hold today, Iris had heard of man eating trees on Veradune and naturally she became very curious.

The transport ship that Iris had booked passage on finally landed and iris could barely be contained. Raising up from her seat as soon as the ship made contact with the planets surface, she rushed to the exit being consumed by excitement. The Slyphe left the metal box and took in her surroundings, left amazed by the world she was now standing on. Taking in a deep breath and fixing one of the strategically placed leaves in her hair, she looked around not being entirely clear on who she was supposed to meet today.
Vulpesen leaned further back into the dark black fur, waiting patiently. Meanwhile, [member="Iris"] would find herself with the aid of a guide who walked her out into the forest. He had a small speech prepared, mostly about being careful and trying to stay near Vulpesen lest she found herself eaten, burned, or otherwise harmed by the wildlife of the planet. The disclosure would then end as they reached the small clearing where Vulpesen stood. Offering her a smile, he stepped away and dismissed the temporary guide. "You must be Iris. A pleasure to meet you."
After a few moments of looking around where the transport ship landed Iris was approached by an unfamiliar person. This person kindly explained that they were a tour guide tasked with taking the Sylphe a man. A who was going to going to show her what she came here to see, which was the man eating trees. Not really an ideal getaway for most but the sheer mention of these trees almost stirred up some sort of primal instinct in her. Throwing the tour guide one of her ever so charming smiles she followed, eager to meet the man and get things under way.

The tour guide finally escorted her to her destination to be dismissed moments after. Iris watched the tour guide walk away for a moment then turned her bright green eyes back to the man. Tucking some of her shiny red hair behind her ear she said to him.

"The pleasure is all mine handsome"

A slanted smiled grew across Iris' painted red lips and she placed her hands on her hips

"Heard you were the man to talk to if a girl a wanted to see some beautifully dangerous trees?"

Vulpesen did his best to stay calm and collected as she spoke. He was after all, the leader of the Vitae and to show that he could be swayed and affected so easily by kind words was a poor sign indeed. For the most part it worked, a light smile came to his face and he gave a short nod. Though, the underlying feeling of flattery from her compliment did show itself in the way his tail wagged behind him, showing a bit more excitement than the rest of him allowed to let on. "Aye, that'd be me." He took a step away from Shadow who's tails turned to the side, showing an almost stair like pattern in their arrangement. "Would you like to ride? Much easier, and a lot safer. Veran Foxes are immune to Teradin Toxins."

A pleasure filled expression grew across Iris' face as she watched Vulpesen's reaction to her. It was an reaction she was all to familiar with and one that meant she had got what she wanted. Iris was struggling to contain her excitement, she rarely got time off and now she was able to go and see something she had always dreamed off. Vulpesen's request cause her smile to fade. She was not against it, it just caught her off guard. Iris glanced at the fox then back to him seeing no harm in agreeing to the mans the request. Letting out a small chuckle, Iris replied in her breathy voice.

"I see no harm in that. Shall we go Sir? the anticipation is killing me"

After making sure that his guest had made her way safely onto the mount, he flicked his tail behind him and gave a nod. "Of course." With one last smile to the sylph he turned and started to walk side by side with the Fox and plant woman. "It might be a while before we reach them. The Teradins are fairly dangerous and so we try to keep them away from the city walls. Wouldn't want one of your young ones wandering out and trying to climb the poisonous man eaters, would we?"


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