Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Republic and Senate?

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Sphaera Tea Company Owner
A few of us have been in discussions, both IC and OOC. We have 6 planets in our system and are soon to add 5 more to the fold. Should we adjust into becoming more of a Republic? I've been having it brought to my attention by a handful of others that aren't even in our faction, yet have been keeping an eye on us. We are being viewed as more than just the Switzerland of Chaos, but more of a Republic as well. I had run the GR twice (not by choice) for short stints and even IC people hadwanted Kay to be the Supreme Chancellor, yet I had her refuse. People like us, as evident that we have no enemies and no salt, no drama to speak of outside of IC plots. So they are pushing and hinting ( [member="Veiere Arenais"] you aren't the only one) for us to step into that role.

And given that we have a bunch of worlds under our care, it has been suggested that we install a Senate, opening up more avenues for plots and more inclusion of the other worlds besides what we write about them in our doms. It would mean putting a call out for more members, which is fine. I just still want to be careful with who we bring in. It will also give us more people in case we face a Diplomacy invasion.

But first, what are all your thoughts on that? Good idea? Bad idea?
We do have a very big opportunity here to represent the face of a "New Republic" so to speak. It's also been suggested to me that as we are now, many on Chaos don't recognize the name Commenor for the size of the faction that we have become. The Name doesn't correlate with the expansion that we've found ourselves stepping out into.

As it stands, we work as a government ruled by a monarchy yet running as a confederacy (Federation). The Monarchy has final say over all things yet the worlds within our care are free to govern themselves providing they are in line with Commenori Law.

To bring a Senate into things will open the governance of the faction to more consideration of these other planets, their backgrounds, giving them more identity and inclusion to the overall theme, as opposed to us being one planet encompassing many. On the OOC end of things, nothing would really change too drastically. [member="Lady Kay"] would resume as Faction Leader and become the Supreme Chancellor. Commenor would still have a King and Queen but royalty would hold less importance where the Senate would convene and judge upon majority opinion with Kay at the center of it all.

I personally am all for this move, I've been quietly hinting at it to Kay as she's already suggested :p I too held a great liking for the Galactic Republic though it had a bad reputation by the time I came into it, we on the other hand do not. Everyone gets along with us OOC and we've currently got no enemies among major factions IC. I'm quite confident we could pull this off pretty well, though it will take time and we'd like everyone to be enthusiastic about it so by all means be honest about what you think, the decision's one that will be based upon what everyone wants here!


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
I'm for this as well. I believe this would give us an opporutnity to establish ourselves as a medium between warring factions. I'll elaborate. As a Senate or 'New Republic' we are more diplomacy focused (I think from what I see) and we can help broker problems/issues between other Factions; acting as the go between to prevent war and to further strengthen the galaxy as a whole. Now there will be those factions that want war, and they can do so but we don't have to choose sides just stay our course.

I think by taking on such a role it will help us to grow as we need while having 'friends' in places that could be beneficial to what we are doing. Now, on the otherside we should remain neautral as a Faction if a friend goes to war, but members can flock to their side to lend support. ICly this is good, OOCly people will not see this as we (I) do.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
What would our name be? Our rank bar tag hasn't been added yet, so we can change it.

Republic of Allied Planets? (RAP..hehe.. [member="Darlyn Excron"] , I can feel your mind working on puns already)

[member="Veiere Arenais"] made some suggestions:

Federal Systems Alliance
New Republic Confederacy
Commenor Systems Alliance
New Commenori Republic
The Commenori Republic

Open to more suggestions :)
I think Commenor Systems Alliance sounds good. Since it's going to be mainly focused around Commenor (at least I believe so). Also, behind the Commenor government, is it an elected leader, or a monarch? Because a republic has elected (Just thought that might mean something to the name)
Commonwealth is still a brilliant one if you can fit that in with something.

Federation of Allied Planets is also a good one. heh heh.

Commenor Organized Republic Nation....

Im stretching but im trying.
For the sake of a Rank tag it would be easier if the name was kept as small as possible least we abbreviate it so it's initials.

I'm not at all opposed by the way of going the way of the "New Republic", though I do believe there's already a minor faction with that name that splintered away from the SJO after the Galactic Republic's decline. In taking that name, we would be encroaching on their history (I think the factions inactive but don't quote me). I wouldn't mind seeing us as the new face of the old Galactic Republic, hopefully done right and perhaps even grabbing some of the old members that supported the faction beforehand.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

C.O.R.N....hahaha. Knew it wouldn't take long :p Commonwealth was already used. It's gone now, but people remember it.

But yes [member="Veiere Arenais"] , the New Republic was made after the fall of the GR. The GA was splintered off the GR about 2 years ago or so, not long after I joined.

[member="Darben Skirae"]

I was thinking before we went Major, of having an elected Monarchy like on Naboo. But things changed :p It's too early to go for that. But I suppose that Republics are elected. And yes, Commenor is the Capital, so much would take place there. Yutan also has the most population and has the Jedi Temple too. So there'll be activity there as well. And given that Yutan is not our home hex, it'll be the one open to invasions.

Commenor Systems Alliance has two likes so far.

I can't create polls, so we'll have to do a count here.

Confederation of Allied Planets, maybe? Make it sound less like Star Trek's Federation of
[member="Lady Kay"]

I know I am just here to sell guns and offer immoral support, but I like all of yall and what is going on here. The GR earned a pretty nasty rep, and the few spin offs that followed weren't too good either. So I love the idea of establishing a senate, but we may want to avoid the word republic for pure PR reasons. For a smooth transition I would keep Commenor somewhere in the name to avoid confusion. I like a mix of the first suggestion you had and the last;

How about the Commenor System Alliance?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Count me in for that one too. I tend to go with the majority ;) There's a section where we can change our name for the map update. So we have time until the end of the month to do that. :)
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