Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish A Red Dawn

CLOSED INTERACTION | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt



It had been years since he showed his face to the Galaxy. For years he had been hiding, recruiting bodies for his ranks and furthering his agendas. Keeping a low profile to not attract unwanted attention to his machinations.

They came unexpectedly, and rushed out to Concord Dawn’s surface. The sect of Mandalorians within this sector declared open hostilities with any element of Imperial. To all his enemies he’d be thorn in their paw; a slight nuisance that would bear more pain overtime until that pain would cause even a mighty lion to cry in frustration.

Like a snake with a venom that would kill its prey slowly, yet surely.

Their objectives were simple: cause enough damage to the agricultural infrastructure of Concord Dawn and bring a plague to afflict their ability to grow crops. A swift and easy operation as it should be before Mandalorian reinforcements arrived to contest the small fleet he arrived with.

Whatever garrison of Mandalorians was stationed on Concord Dawn would be countered with his own mutual allies of Mandalorians, warriors hailing from Clan Munin as Djorn and its chieftain both had aligned hostilities with the current Mand’alor and his sect.

Water was the key source to an established civilization. Every major source of water was targeted and every ranching installation nearby would be burned down.

Bline touched down with his guard of Stormtroopers, a squad of them as they trespassed a local ranch indifferent to whom its inhabitants are. There would be no trouble, so long as they didn’t interfere in his affairs.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Oyu'baat Tapcafe

Enjoying a drink in Oyu'baat, the message alert was almost something Arla could ignore. Buy'ce on the table, she was sipping her first Netra'Gal of the day. Her mind was about to relax, but the rest of the galaxy had other ideas. Someone was causing trouble on Concord Dawn. Sighing, Arla opened a secure comlink to Mig Gred Mig Gred

"Ner vod. You seeing the report from Concord Dawn?" It was the ancestral home of his Clan, and he would want to know. As Marshal of the Journeyman Protectors, she had more than enough remit to intervene on her own behalf, officially or otherwise. For now, she'd keep things unofficial.

Unofficially, she was going to help what she expected to be a number of interested Mandalorian Protectors who would be intrigued by the prospect of an outside force attempting to throw its weight around the Mandalore Sector. Especially on Concord Dawn, which was as old a Mando'ad planet as Manda'yaim itself.

Co-opting a ship was no issue at all, and there would be no shortage of volunteers for such a mission, she was sure. Dispatching a strike force would take little time, assembling it none at all. Whatever response was necessary, would come quickly. But she'd let Alor Gred take the lead, for now. She would provide and organize support.

And kick the shebs of anyone that wanted it.

Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt


Loske was not in the mood.

Her home was under threat from all sides. Her youngest had just flown the coop prematurely, and she didn't know where they were. Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt and Tansu Treicolt Tansu Treicolt had left a message that they were with Auteme Auteme , but when she reached out to their old friend, Auteme had not seen them. Her devastation and anxiety were tenuously held inches away from something she was used to—something angrier. Anger was easier than despair, hurt, or grief. And if she'd had less rage building up from somewhere deep within, she might have smirked at the irony that the girls left home for adventure, and yet the worst part of adventure was now at their former doorstep.

And anger came easier now as Frank filled her space with incoming reports. She looked out at the shadows speckling the skies of the planet she'd fought tooth and nail to return to and had spent years rebuilding.

Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt and she had arrived as exiled Jedi and had grown into warlords. Protectors. The two of them, as husband and wife, had rebuilt Concord Dawn to be prosperous again and less a dustball. Harvests yielded year over year.

Protectors, clad in blue-grey armour, took to their roles to meet the assault. By land or by sky, they had the equipment to contest threats and the network to ensure support across Concord Dawn's crust.

An alarm on the perimeter of one of the bantha paddocks tripped, and Loske panned to the image Frank projected. A jolt wrenched behind her ribs and her fists clenched.

"Activate defensive protocol in section B1. Queue all connected perimeters to follow sequence if tripped."

Frank beeped once to confirm.

The stormtrooper dispatch trespassing on Treicolt Homestead would soon light up. First, drones would suddenly appear from seemingly out of nowhere, locking on targets and firing. Second, the sudden noise and light show startled a handful of bathas who, when scared and disoriented, moved remarkably quickly with little consideration of who or what they crunched underfoot.
FOES: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | INTERACTION CLOSED
FRIENDS: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch

CLOSED INTERACTION | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt


A pillar of smoke could be seen in the distance with another forming in another set of coordinates. Fire would consume anything in its path until interrupted or its hunger finally sated, and the yields of crops would do well to expand its touch. The sky seemed depressed as clouds blocked the rays of the sun, allowing a few beams of sunlight to grace the earth; almost as if Concord Dawn wailed from the man made fires scorching its terrain.

The troop of Stormtroopers walked with swagger, confident that they’d meet no resistance from the farmers of this great homestead. There would be the angry patriarch with his rifle, no doubt, but that was something easy to neutralize. What was a bunch of bantha herders compared to trained, hardened soldiers?

It was best to be a warrior in a garden than a farmer in a battlefield.

Their confidence betrayed them when blasters hailed from above. Small drones blitzed at the Imperials, making quick maneuvers that made it difficult to hit accurately. Djorn could’ve devised quick tactics to counter, but the stampede of banthas caught him by surprise.


Cursing in frustration, seeing a few of his men pinned down by the salvo of light blaster fire and being trampled by the herd. He fired a flurry of blaster bolts at an incoming bantha, the fur of the beast dissipated the first hits only for the high heat to eat through its fur and impact on its tough hide. It cried in pain and changed course from Djorn.

<“Hurlen!”> he yelled to one of his lieutenants nearby, having a sudden idea. <“Toss incendiaries! We’ll make a perimeter to avoid the damn animals!”>

Whether wild or domesticated most animals feared fire. A set of incendiaries were primed and tossed, brilliant flames sparked alive and sending fear into the banthas. The bulls and cows no longer charged directly at Djorn and his men, doing everything they could to avoid the licks of fire. The remaining Stormtroopers rushed into the flames to be evade the stampede, allowing all of them to focus on the drones. Droid poppers were thrown into their directions, thus disabling their electronics.

A few seconds of respite was offered, before again marching to the homestead. It was clear that these farmers would die on this hill. The Imperial warlord stopped in his tracks to kneel down and yank off the dogchains of a fallen comrade, before resuming his march.

Another name fallen, another reason for him to continue his war until death or victory received him. It was the duty of the living to carry on the will of their dead.

A Galaxy united under one banner; the Imperial banner.

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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked at the reports, his hands shaking a little as his memories flashed back to that day. Running. Losing Ilik. Watching his planet and people burn. He heard his comm, quickly listening. Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch . He took a breath. "Yeah. They've been coming in all day." He wasn't wanting to just stand by if he could help it.

Mig looked out aboard the ship, sharpening his various blades as he prepared himself for this fight. Concord Dawn wasn't his clan's home anymore. So much had changed over the years. He wasn't about to sit by and let someone else wreck the world though. It was still his homeworld. His home at heart. He was ready for a fight if need be, and would look over at Arla as the ship continued. "Ok. What's the ETA?"

Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Oyu'baat Tapcafe

Mig was clearly plugged into the goings-on at Concord Dawn.
"Yeah. They've been coming in all day." He wasn't wanting to just stand by if he could help it.

"Ok. What's the ETA?"

His response energized Arla to join in the response to the incursion.

She looked around, Oyu'baat was packed. Arla caught the bartender's eyes and held up four fingers. He caught the signal and changed the channel of the holo, where Arla linked a live feed from Concord Dawn. It was clear that a battle was developing between raiders and locals. The mood in the cantina changed noticeably. Arla stood up and yelled over the din and the news report.

"I'm going to Concord Dawn. Anyone want a lift?" The roar that met her was appreciable and very much in the affirmative. The cantina quickly emptied, the Mandalorians spilling outside into the street.

Arla had dropships waiting just outside to take them to their ships. Their ships were already in orbit, fueled and ready to launch. Many locals took up the call, joining the Journeyman Protector and the other units who would make up her ersatz but powerful task force.

"We're on our way." She commed back to Mig. Minutes later she was aboard a dropship heading up to the Restoration-Class Battlecruiser Ijaat's Hammer. Its sister ship, the Mia's Blade sat alongside, also ready for departure. Minutes later, the ground forces aboard, the two big ships set out for Concord Dawn, jumping to lightspeed.

Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt


Perimeter after perimeter would light up and respond to the trespassers. The homestead was well-guarded. But booby traps and secondary defences were hardly as intimidating as a Jedi Master hellbent on protecting her property.

A speeder was the quickest way to intercept the oncoming squad. She wouldn't dare let them cross the halfway point. Wind and wheat were the only resistance to the hyper-focused rider.

"Frank, feed me the video again. I'm two clicks away from their last position." Her dashboard lit up with silhouettes, she refocused and zoomed. Loske clenched her jaw.

Djorn Bline.

The feed closed, and Loske let the anger build. She wasn't confused, she wasn't caring, and all her thoughts narrowed to a point.

In no time at all, her speeder stopped dead parallel to the collection of stormtroopers. It was dust and wheat heads that curled around her, pluming out and obfuscating anything beyond her silhouette. Narrow and calculative, her eyes were steady on the painted visor she knew well. Even if he'd changed his armour over the years, she'd recognize his presence. The way he idled in The Force was like a grey, heavy, angled thing.

The silence between them was charged. She hardly looked past him at the retinue of support. They were lives either to continue or end. She couldn't evaluate them more than that. They didn't matter more than that—not on her home turf, not when her family life and dream were threatened.

There was a part of her that wanted to start off with a plea or a bargain. Appeal to the man she'd known. The man who still held onto the keepsakes of his rebel father. The man who warred within himself which side he should carry the flag for. The man who'd once pledged to claw through the galaxy to bring her back to her Maynard.


But it had been so many years. And the face beneath that visor might belong to a man she didn't know as well as she thought she did. The galaxy was tricky, and the way time played had teeth.

"Concord Dawn is not the planet you want to start problems with."

The matriarch started strong, threatening. The Warlord the world had crafted her to be. And then, without adjusting her posture or softening her expression, she said why.

Like all those years ago, when she'd masqueraded as a holovision starlet, only to give up her disguise needlessly. She could still remember the first time she'd met him and how they'd laughed.

That felt so far away now with him this close. Like this. Where yellow and plumes of black were all the eye could see.

"This is my home to protect. Take your fight somewhere else."
FOES: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | INTERACTION CLOSED
FRIENDS: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Mig Gred Mig Gred
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CLOSED INTERACTION | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt


Every yard gained something else sprung out to attack him and his men. A reflection of the life he has lead as war will always bring strife no matter who the soldier was. It was all a matter on how to cope with it, how to survive on and off the battlefield. Unfortunately, finding a reason to fight and never retire his blaster was Djorn’s coping mechanism aside from his other ambitions.

Finally, a few moments of peace before braving another storm to not wear down their morale.

Only until a speeder flew and stopped meters away from Djorn with a familiar blonde dismounting from the vehicle. His men had their weapons trained, natural as it was second nature to prepare for any potential threat. Though to their surprise they lowered their weapons when their leader motioned them with his arm. Sudden chills rushed over his arm, even down to his knees when his eyes focused on the woman. While mixed emotions stirred in his core, he mainly felt…content. Content to know that an old friend was still alive and well.

Of course, the moment wouldn’t always last forever this way as the air between them became mildly bitter.

The silence shattered, and the Jedi stood her ground unmoving. She had a right to that just like the rest of their farmers and residents defending what was rightfully theirs. Whatever came next would obviously be dependent to what Djorn would say and do. His guard fanned out, moving away so they would not hear whatever dialogue shared between the two. It was unlike for her to be angry, then again he had never seen her angry before.

She had changed, as did Djorn.

Behind her stood the serenity of her homestead and farm, the few rays of sun gracing the land and even putting her in the limelight of it. What stood behind the Imperial, however, was the polar opposite. The destruction of fire spread and Stormtroopers engaging with potential hostiles, the ringing of blaster bolts could be hear from the distance. The sky was meek with clouds and smoke blotting out the sun. It all represented the natures of their own individuality.

“Loske,” he began, it was years since he pronounced her name. He then went to remove his helmet, unveiling the scarred and aging face that didn’t belong to a man of his age. The toll of war shaped him, physically and mentally. He was a far cry of the man Loske knew years ago; once whole and more…alive.

“I didn’t think to find you here, honestly. I wouldn’t have trespassed if I’d known.”

and turned to observe his surroundings, the Treicolt homestead being in better shape than the others, “the rest of Concord Dawn will burn, after the Mandalorians declared open season on any Imperial. So I thought to return the favor to them. They should’ve thought twice before opening up their mouths, not that they’re unfamiliar with Imperials occupying and humbling them,” a smirk etched on the corner of his lips at the thought of the many times Mandalore and its systems were drove out by the might of the Imperials.

“I’ll be out of your hair once the damage has been done.”
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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
"We're on our way."
"Good. Meet you there." Mig would get up, prepping a team of his own before leaving the planet. Soon, an assault carrier modified Neebra-class and Sur'haai-class scout frigate left the system, their aim being to arrive at Concord Dawn about the same time as Arla's forces. The smaller ships aimed to leave hyperspace in a high orbit, hopefully allowing the scout frigate to run scans before getting too close without support, and try to use its comms system to contact the planet.

Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt

"The damage has been done." Loske inserted firmly. There was an edge of disciplinary impatience in her tone. One that came more readily after raising five children.

As usual, Loske didn't fully believe him. Djorn had built a lifelong legacy of snaking around the truth and using cunning to his advantage. Whether or not he'd known of Treicolt Homestead didn't seem to matter because he was here now. The action could not be undone. She didn't say anything, but a hardness set into her countenance that looked sharp and calculative.

It stung that these invaders that swept in and wreaked havoc on their community were under the command a former ally. And a would-be friend if it weren't for their constantly warring ideals.

"Leave now. The Mandalorian Protectors have little presence on Concord Dawn." She gestured up to the skies. "Those ships are ours meeting yours.

Command a ceasefire and spread your message elsewhere."

She couldn't help but pull at that one string that had unravelled years ago.

"Do you still wear your father's chrono under your Imperial armour?"

FOES: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | INTERACTION CLOSED
FRIENDS: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Mig Gred Mig Gred

A faint curse escaped the man's lips when a faint static shock shook through his hand, the Concordian waving it up and down to shake it out and away before he continued his work on the harvest droid. Waylon waited just behind his father, crouched down in a similar manner to the older man as he tinkered away at the droid, glancing once toward their landspeeder before back to Maynard. He cursed again with another shock, too stubborn to get someone else better at the task to do it for him. For all the heights he'd reached in policing Concord Dawn as its de-facto ruler for some years, he relished in completing simple tasks like this, as rather inconsequential as they were, or as simple as it was to dispense accountability for them to either of his twin sons, what with his daughters having since marooned from the world.

He was initially furious with them up and running away but had since relaxed his stance. He knew at some point they'd want to sprout wings and flutter off, make lives of themselves away from the homestead.

He just wished they didn't steal his lightsaber.

As much as Maynard thought to build the dream here, he knew just as well the call of the Galaxy was strong, as much as he'd seen the deepest, darkest underbelly of it, it made him into the man he was now, it gave him Loske and everything else he had here. Until then, he maligned this place as much as they did.

He could tell his boys wanted to make way down a similar path, they were getting antsy, questioning more and more about where their sisters could be and what they could be doing.

"Still just gonna keep shocking yourself or do you want me to take over?" Waylon asked, lofting a brow to his father who shook his head.

"I'll get it eventually- it usually isn't this-" And with a final crank, the harvester droid powered back to life, Maynard pulling himself up from the hatch, closing it before he dusted his hands off and tossed Waylon the tool bag.

"See- toss that in the back, would ya? We got a couple more to check and then..." He said, mouth agape slightly as he saw the arrival of the Imperials. The scorched earth beneath their arrival and the fires that tread in the wake of their path.

"Wh-what are they doing here? I thought-"
Waylon began to speak before Maynard hopped over the hood of the landspeeder to get into the driver's side.

"Get in, come on. Get the commlink up, get your mother on." He said before he flicked the various control panel switches of the landspeeder to life, grasping the control yoke before twisting it in the direction of the main homestead. Sentry drones were already flying overhead as he doubled back across the sprawling fields of grain, raking through them with the mass of the landspeeder easily cutting through them.

Waylon was working the commlink on the dashboard, tuning into the homestead's channel only to find static.

"They're- they're jamming...they're fucking jamming!" Waylon said, desperately fumbling with the device.

"We're almost over there, what about Waylon?" He asked, nudging for his son to switch the channel of the commlink.

"He's on shift today, with the Protectors."
They both worked to fill in gaps in the nearby patrol schedule. Crime wasn't often beyond low life criminals they'd string up. It was a good, low risk way for his boys to get experience.

Soon enough, he had eye sight of Loske, Djorn. He parked the landspeeder behind one of the storage units on the homestead. He turned to Vyrin, pulling the scoped rifle from the storage trunk of the landspeeder and tossed it his way. "Watch my back, any of those imp beeline it for me or your mother don't fuckin' hestitate, you understand?" He asked, making his way to the homestead proper as he unclasped the holster of his blaster rifle, glancing over his shoulder for affirmation.

He made his way toward them in a brisk pace, his teeth grinding against one another in some aggravation. He glanced over his shoulder again to see Vyrin posting up atop the storage unit, aiming down the scope of his rifle as he braced it up against the durasteel vent of the structure, scanning for nearby targets as Maynard walked toward the figure opposite of Loske.

His eyes narrowed as he recognized him.

"Djooooorn- Bline." He said, grasping the pistol belt as his hip as he eyed the man up and down. He knew well that Bline loathed in seeing Treicolt again.

"I'm sure it was me you were missing, huh?"
He asked to the man, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What business do you and your men have here? Other than causing needless trouble? Last I heard us and yours were on decent enough terms, able to talk at least...and now here you are burning up all that good will. Among other things...for what?" He asked outright, some bitterness seeping into his tone.

CLOSED INTERACTION | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt


Both his eyebrows raised, finding this side of Loske so interesting. She was always calm in the face of hostility, never losing her cool and always had a positive attitude in any situation. He didn’t see that in her this very instance, and part of him admired that; however, things were a straw away from turning ugly as she was inexorable in her stance and so was Djorn.

No one would deny his destiny; carving the Galaxy in his image. All the men he lost and all the blood he spilled had to account for something.

"Do you still wear your father's chrono under your Imperial armour?"

He frowned, taken aback by her words. His left cybernetic hand reached to his right wrist where the chrono wrapped around his flesh. He had spoken about his past, though in half truths and lies remaining an enigma to her and to others but he had never dared mention about his father. He did his best to keep that buried within him.

“Who told you that,” with a demanding tone, almost offended to know his past and secrets were uncovered. Hypocritical of him to feel that way.

“Loske, I cannot-“ and was cut off when his eye caught sight of him. Maynard. The man rushed before slowing down in his steps as he came close to Loske, he too staring down the Snake.

"I'm sure it was me you were missing, huh?"

He glared at the man and lightly snorted. One thing he was surprised to see was the fact he didn’t unholster his blaster and started blasting, though perhaps in the old days he’d resort to that.

"What business do you and your men have here? Other than causing needless trouble? Last I heard us and yours were on decent enough terms, able to talk at least...and now here you are burning up all that good will. Among other things...for what?"

“As I was saying…the Mandalorian Protectors declared open hostility with any Imperial sect. These are the consequences of their actions, fellas. They reap what they sow. They and any associate of theirs are my enemies…with exceptions,” referring to the two.

“Hurting the agricultural sector here will cause a food shortage against them. I’ve instructed my men to apply any tactics to make sure Concord Dawn becomes infertile, but I won’t let that plague here on your land as a token of goodwill to you,” though they were sure to bite back as tensions soared.

“I hope you two can sympathize with me.”

The ball was in their court, anticipating to see what they’d do next.

When Loske and Maynard first touched down on Concord Dawn over two decades ago the planet had been a dust ball.

For every fertile foot of land, hundreds of meters more were beetle-swarmed surfaces, dried out from constant sun.

Death had been everywhere, oppressive and beautiful. Far more decay could be found than anything alive. In such thick mats of decomposition were cellulose cemeteries in need of the rejuvenating ax. Someone just needed to discover it.

A bit of bushwhacking and investigation revealed the extent of the prodigious rot. Crumbling, creature riddled holes, decaying for centuries. Loske had taken her time to understand how far the infestation spread, and listened to the planet as it whispered its plan for revival. It had a plan but it did not have the time. It was then that Loske realized that it was more than love for Maynard that had drawn her so readily to the dream of Concord Dawn. It was The Force — the planet needed her as much as she needed it.

The motionless trees and nutrients from the farway forests were migrating, immortal stands of aspen retreated and then followed the encouragement back to the throngs of Harlan again. And even though the citizens pleaded with the soils to yield them harvest because they needed it to live, life did not answer to reason. And meaning was too young a thing to have much power over the planet. All the drama of the world gathered underground — massed symphonic choruses that Loske could only hear when she dove deep enough, and understood that the surface was not a reflection of the thousands of surviving years beneath. Ten millennium would pass until the evolution of the underground met the surface in a way where nature and human could benefit one another.

Loske had seen to it that this timeline compounded, and set to work with meticulous motions delving into the molecular level of the unseeable migration. In a way, Concord Dawn's crust was the first glimpse she had into motherhood. It was her first test of patience, investment, giving, growing, and nurturing to yield something that would take on a life of its own and far outlive her, but continue to give to others.

And now it was on fire.

The roots down below cried out, twisting and curling, trying to collect and feed moisture to the drying, poisoned surface above. All around, The Force curled in agitation with a vibration that permeated to her very core. Loske could not bare it.

It wasn't a feeling she expected Djorn to empathize with. He had never set down roots, how could he ever expect to understand the steadfastness of the trunk? The purposeful stretch of branches? The fruiting yield of toil and labour? There was nothing of his that should could set ablaze in the way he burned the home of her children.

She felt Maynard and Vyrin approach and she used the time to consider explaining all this to Djorn. But when he appealed to their sympathies, she realized all those crags along his face had given him age without wisdom, her angry eyes turned listless. Apathy broadened in her chest.

Loske swung her leg over the speeder, took only one, two, three purposeful steps straight to Djorn and slapped him.

Her palm stung and she glared at him through narrowed eyes.

"You're dead to me, Djorn Bline."

She did not step back. The only movement she made was a tightening of her fists by her sides. A gesture that clenched up The Force around her. As much as she'd studied the earth, she'd studied the atmosphere.

Concord Dawn's soils were dependent on the givings of the rain, the oxygen, the sunlight. Their co-dependency was extravagant and eternal and the would-be Kiffar clone would be foolish not to understand both. And once she understood their rules, their interplay, she could wield them.

The rhythm of heartbeats and breaths filled her ears and she focused on them. The breathable atmosphere pitched into high-pressure, crunching the armoured plating of Djorn's men inward. It had happened silently. Quickly. Unseen. Only a muffled cry of agony from one of the troopers was a sign that something was going wrong.

"Final warning. You and your men leave now or you will die here without purpose."

But their bones would not stay. Concord Dawn's grounds were for those she loved.

FOES: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline
FRIENDS: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Mig Gred Mig Gred
FAMILY: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Vyrin Treicolt
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G R E E N _ S N A K E



The punch hurt him as it should, but it stung more than just the flesh. It rippled down to his heart, feeling betrayed and dumbfounded to know this is how it would end between father and son.

Djorn, a newly minted Storm Commando, had been sent to Toprawa by regards of Imperial Intelliegence to destroy a devastating weapon secretly built by a cell of insurgents they had been after. Numerous of conflicts were waged with one against the other, a war of attrition between Imperials and Democracy Revolutionist. It was costly for the Ord Radama Imperials unable to counteract against these insurgents, always reacting no matter where the battle took place. Aside from wounded or deceased men, supplies and materials were stolen and there was no manner to trace this scourge.

Until today.

They blundered and finally they'd suffer tenfold in the being of a single man. Their weapon and their organization would cease and desist. Destroying their project and eliminating the men had their difficulties, but it did not bring turmoil to his conscience. They were soldiers doing their duty as he did his. He slightly enjoyed performing his task with a hint of callous, a little bit of payback to him and his own for the months of trouble they caused to Ord Radama and its frontiers.

But it shook his core to find out whom was the head of it all.

Djorn had tried to reason with his father, to surrender himself and be given a fair trial on his word. There was no way convincing the senior. Maxeas, too, tried to convince his son to run away with him and start anew far away from here. Trying to explain the errors of Imperialism and saying how he should fight to preserve the Galaxy as it is; that no man or small group of people should bend the Galaxy to their will.

“If you don’t comply, I will force you to,” the son issuing an ultimatum, not accepting his father’s philosophical views on the Galaxy. He did not want bloodshed, but he’d use violence to detain his father and make him face his crimes.

Maxeas looked disappointed and hurt, releasing a heavy, sad sigh. “Djorn,” the last bit of air flowing out of his nostrils, “I should’ve ran away with you before it was too late. It was my fault to settle down on Ord Radama.”

“Do what you will, and I will do what I must.”

It all didn’t make sense for the younger Bline. Everything he’d done was to provide peace and order to Galaxy, deliver it from constant suffering it had always known. Only to find his father preventing that from happening, deluded into thinking his ideals would better the future. It would ultimately send Djorn on his lifelong crusade to eliminate these ideas he thought were responsible from holding the Galaxy back from progressing.

With binders in hand he’d march to his father only to receive a sucker punch from the man, initiating the battle between father and son…


CLOSED INTERACTION | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt



The sudden slap across his cheek stung, red pigmented where it bruised the most. Strange something so simple could hurt the most. A blaster bolt, a slug, a thermal detonator, even a lightsaber he could tolerate. There was nothing personal about those weapons and its users as soldiers did not carry personal resentment to their opposition. They only did their duty, and whatever grievances they carried were moot to their need of survival and victory.

"You're dead to me, Djorn Bline."

Her words along with the slap cut him deep to his it unburied repressed emotions of memories he struggled to drown out. It reminded him of that fateful day. The day in which he fought and killed his father, remembering the punch which started it all and ended with a knife deep in his sternum.

They were his phantom pains along with the compatriots he’d lost. But this and his father hurt the most.

"Final warning. You and your men leave now or you will die here without purpose."

This was a repeat of history for him. He was offered a choice. He could leave and offer amends to mend the bridge that was holding on by strained rope. Or continue his path of war and destruction, even if it meant trampling over a cared one. His emotions contemplated as he stared somberly at one of his men on his knees, being hurt by an unseen force as his hands went to his armored chest where it hurt the most.

No doubt this was Loske’s doing.

His eye then turned into a glare, finally coming to a decision. The venom in his throat was swallowed; he could see and feel red.

“You know,” he finally spoke, thinking about the times he had spent with Loske still glaring at the distressed stormtrooper. The Outback and its diner, a time where he suffered a crisis in his identity; the time where she orchestrated his capture when their nations were at war; the time when they fought as allies, only to lose her and transformed into a monster which cost him his left eye and arm.

“I really wish,” he’d drown them out, burying them with his anger and rage evolved from his grief. There was no turning back now.

To do the right thing, you sometimes have to leave the things you care about behind.

“That we didn’t cross paths,”
he meant it with sorrow to know what would come between them. His cybernetic arm subtly prepared the wrist blaster and fired one shot into her.
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Loske and Maynard planned to die on this homestead. They'd lived so much of their lives fighting for it, coveting it, building it. Their only natural conclusion was to rest eternally in the soils of the world they'd made alongside their brother, Ryv.

She'd had clarity the moment she and Maynard fell in love. The kind of peace that came with knowing exactly what you wanted, all the time. What you would protect. Loske's entire world was two steps behind her, with a hand above his blaster, and crouched in the speeder with a scope fixed on Djorn's men, and all around her at the same time.

The Force and she had advanced over the years. Her awareness was broader, fuller, than she'd achieved in her youth.

With a deep inhale, she centred herself the moment Djorn started speaking. There were no vibrations of remorse about him, nothing felt gentle.

"Me too."

Between them, she'd made the atmosphere highly pressurized. She'd refrained from affecting Djorn outright, giving him the precious benefit of the doubt, letting him choose his ultimatum, but when he chose wrong, it only took a subtle gesture of her hands to reinforce the barrier between them. The air knitted like a shield. The atmosphere type shifted, and if Djorn's helmet was still on, his HUD would report the atmospheres shift from Type I to Type IV.

Loske didn't even move when the concentrated firepower pinpointed for her gut. It should have cored right through her.

But it didn't.

Instead, the air's density slowed the angry red plasma streak. It's normally sharp sizzle muffled and magnified to a thunderous rumble. Normally violent and fast, the plasma bold was transformed by the dense atmosphere, and became something fractions slower. It gathered brilliance, the air around it shimmered with heat, particles ionizing into an eerie, luminescent fog. It all seemed to be in slow motion until it wasn't.

A radiant burst of light erupted, casting stark shadows. The air itself seemed to warp and weave. Intense heat distorted the very fabric of reality for a heart-stopping moment. The shot struck something invisible, and the impact erupted into a molten firework, each spark extinguishing almost as soon as it flared into existence, quenched by the oppressive air.

Loske remained unflinching behind the translucent barrier she'd stretched in front of herself, and spread wide enough to protect Maynard and Vyrin behind her.

Then, a concussive wave of heated air blasted outward from Loske, rippling through the atmosphere with enough force to knock the intruders to their feet.

FOES: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline
FRIENDS: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Mig Gred Mig Gred
FAMILY: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Vyrin Treicolt
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CLOSED INTERACTION | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt



What was supposed to be a fatal blow failed and the air around him grew heavy. He felt what his distressed Stormtrooper was hurting with. The weight of the world suddenly on his shoulders, everything compressing within him. The red plasma bolt of his violently illuminated the space between him and Loske. The red flare beamed his person, his eyes narrowed in a glare to avoid its afflicting blindness. He looked like a monster with the intense illumination reflecting off of his face with the scars and eyepatch.

His eye shut when the plasma erupted in fireworks when it exploded upon the barrier. The air was suddenly hotter than it was previously, though he was no stranger to the intense heat of a blaster bolt. The bright lights ceased from existence as quickly as the fire ignited, however.

What came after was a powerful force throwing him to the ground with heated air blasting into him. The exposed skin of his face would only suffer minor first degree burns, his face searing with red and the outer layers of skin could be peeled off.

He’d not let this slight pass him.

He would retreat eventually, but not after quenching the flames of the rage inside of his heart. His need of vengeance was a poison to him.

“Open fire!” he yelled aloud to his men, unslinging his blaster rifle and shooting relentlessly at Loske. In case things turned ugly he pinged for a lone TIE pilot to come to his position and provide air support wherever needed against the two Jedi Masters.

When Djorn readied his weapon and fired a round toward Loske, Maynard drew his own side-arm with unnatural reflex, a blaster bolt coursing through in sharp retort not a split second after Djorn's own blast before Maynard brought his weapon up from the hip from whence he drew it and fired a burst toward him before he stilled behind Loske's barrier. He snapped his gaze in the direction of Vyrin, muttering below his breath.

"Cmon...take the shot..." He said before peering back toward Djorn. It was a thin, intangible tether but Vyrin felt the compulsion as he peered through the scope of his slugthrower, eyes focused in on the Imperial and to his father's command, unheard as it may be, his finger pressed against the trigger, his breath stalling before he squeezed down on it, delivering a high powered round toward Djorn's chest before the scream of the approaching TIE fighters snatched his attention, a hail of heavy laser fire thudding into the earth around them all as he ducked his hands over his head for cover, his eyes squeezing shut in fear.

All the while, Maynard coursed the Force through Loske, huddling down with her to surge his own power through the barrier she sustained, weathering the streak of laser cannon bolts as they crashed into the earth. Soon enough, they were left in the wake of the fire, a stretch of his homestead scorched from the run. He grit his teeth before he glanced the way of Loske. His intent in his eyes was stark clear.

He was going to kill him. He let off a low grunt of anger before he sent a gloved hand toward Djorn to will him from the ground in a fierce pull toward the Rogue Jedi, sending him in the vector of any intervening zones of fire with his other hand readied to crack the barrel of his blaster pistol across Djorn's skull with swift retort.

CLOSED INTERACTION | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt



Their firepower was naught when dispersed by the Force barrier. Still they resumed to apply pressure hoping their concentration would break. They couldn’t outlast this onslaught forever.

Though it seems there was another individual involved. He could see the a moment of the muzzle flash of the slug thrower a second before the slug made contact with the plating of his armored chest. The quality of the armor stood against time as there was no penetration, though bruising and trauma would inflict upon the area of his torso.

“Sniper!” calling out to his men to suppress the position of the sniper.

One thing came after another when he was pulled towards the pair of Jedi against his will, specifically towards Maynard. Djorn’s body tilted forward as a means to tackle the Treicolt patriarch although it would be sloppy and a bit painful for the Imperial, for not having control over the momentum. It would allow him, however, to avoid the barrel of the pistol meant for his head.


This homestead was her home. But her family was her fortress. Every ounce of herself poured into the shimmering shield that stretched over herself, her husband, and her son — further bolstered by her better half. Plasma ricocheted from the invisible barrier and left the stretch of land and flesh beneath unscortched.

Maynard's claim to kill garnered no argument from her. That was many ears earned. Djorn no longer had her attention, nor her pity, friendship, or empathy. He had nothing. He was nothing.

"Vee! Take the shots you choose. They're all yours." She shouted over her shoulder, emboldening her eldest (well, one of them. The minutes mattered to the boys).

All of her focus shifted to protecting Vyrin. Djorn proclaimed him a threat, and the men of his that survived her original oppressive crush started to rise. First their knees, then their firearms focused and Loske grit her teeth. Instead of waiting for the air around them to churn and evaporate, she used it against them in a telekinetic burst. The pressure was astounding. Like a A-A5 speeder truck hit each and every single one of the troopers individually, straight to the chest. They'd be dents in the ground, grooves in the earth.

Loske stepped into the fray, her fists clenched and gathered, ready to deliver another pummelling blow should one dare to lift a head or weapon.

"If you continue to follow Bline," she spoke, her voice amplified by unseen and unfelt winds, "You'll die here. For who? For what? The false promises of a mad man who's pursued the same desperate focus for decades?

Lift your hands without your weapons, call off your ships, and you might make it to pursue your own dreams. "

FOES: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline
FRIENDS: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Mig Gred Mig Gred
FAMILY: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Vyrin Treicolt

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