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Private A Rare Find on Alderaan

Market day in the City of New Aldera was a wonderous thing to behold. Vendors from across the Alderaan came setting up their booths and offering everything anyone could use. The forgers offering phrik knifes, the many booths of hand made goods, there was even one for moss painting all of it made the Elder Organa smile and feel the warmth of the people all around her.

Even the remote Mandalorian Clans living on Alderaan came into the City so it would not be uncommon to see a few milling about. Rianna had considered sitting in a booth today to, instead she convinced her apprentice Tayla to do so. Tayla smiled and rose up on display a number of plants from the green house, and then to the left side of the tent first aid kits for free. MandalMedical and The Green House were represented.

"How does it go?" Rianna inquired of Tayla.

Tayla smiled, the young Tagrutan shrugged, "Everyone likes the free first aid kits. Which is what we wanted right?"

Rianna nodded in agreement, "Yes everyone should have one. I am going to walk the rest of the street here find something to eat" Rianna was always hungry. The market day encompassed of off the main roads and paths into the City. New Aldera like old Aldera was an island City on a lake. Many came in through the space port and traveled to the City, or rode a thranta in, or just came by speeder. Many today came from nearby planets to shop, Market Day offered something for everyone.

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

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