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A Question of Willpower

Attn: [member="Lilla Syrin"]
  • Campsite
    Unknown Planet, Wild Space

The Overlord shook his head. "Good and evil are often a matter of perspective, Lilla," he said to her. "My policies and decisions may have been harsh, even brutal, but they kept my people alive. When an insurgency supported by citizens of your own Republic, which your government is now sheltering, began, it led to the deaths of over four million of my people."

"Yes, you heard that right. Members of your Senate, mainly Solan Charr's relatives, were directly involved in an insurgency that led to the religious genocide of my people, by an extremist group of Jedi and followers of the Lightside. And now, your government is sheltering the very same people who were behind that, giving them cozy positions within your state's administration. So many lives lost, all for the sake of your wretched Lightside," he spoke, bitterness dripping from his voice.

"Those deaths could have been prevented, if only your terrorist government officials had chosen to mind their own business instead of backing an attempted coup by a power-hungry madwoman. This, Lilla, is the nation that you serve. This is what the Galactic Republic stands for. Corruption, hypocrisy, the overthrowing of democratically-elected government so that they may be replaced by puppet dictatorships."

"But there is a better path. Join me. Join the Confederacy of Independent Systems, just like my Shrouded Republic did. Let us build a better future, one free of the weakness of fat politicians who serve no interests other than their own and the bulging pockets of their rich friends. One free of the hypocrisy of false democracies, free of duplicity and corruption, where all can succeed or fail purely based on their own skill and merit alone."

"This galaxy deserves a better future. The path of the Darkside is that better future, even if it requires sacrifice and hard decisions," he said to her, extending his offer one last time. Above the world, a massive fleet reverted from hyperspace, right on top of the pirates. Hundreds of ships, far more than the Ancient Eye ever had, now swarmed above the nameless planet, led by a ten kilometer long colossus, an indomitable Super Star Destroyer the likes of which had not been seen in centuries, since before the Gulag Plague had decimated the galaxy. The pirates never really stood a chance and were shown no mercy, their reign of terror ended with as much brutality as they had shown to their own victims.

The battle was over in minutes. Trapped by the gravity wells of the Confederate fleet's interdictors, the rickety corvettes and starfighters of the pirates were shredded by the much more powerful Sith forces. All that was left of them, were burning wrecks that were slowly tumbling through the atmosphere.

Despite the Ancient Eye's collapse, Darth Tacitus was far from beaten. In fact, it was clear that he was now more powerful than he had ever been, before.


Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla could not help but nod at the dark-siders first argument. Too many saw concepts like good and evil as some binary equation. But in truth, they were invariably a reflection on the individual and their circumstances. Even if ten per cent of really good or bad deeds could be considered universally agreed, it left 80 per cent that would be debated ad infinitum.

“I do not judge you per se – it is not my place. Harsh regimes are not necessarily unlawful or even immoral. I have often wondered what is worse…a kindly ruler, who by definition will have high levels of crime or a draconian leader, where lawbreaking is rare? I know it is but one facet of government, but it is worth considering as part of an argument surely?”

“Can I comment on this act? No, it is not something I am aware of. Can I condone it? Not if it is as you report. Are things ever as black and white as either side of an argument suggest? That I have to say I doubt. There will be grains of truth on both sides, which is why the Jedi do not make decisions on which side to support. We trust the senators to make the call accurately.”

“But nothing you have said is in the name of the light-side. The Republic is…a Republic. The Jedi are an order that serves them. We act in the name of the light side of the Force – not the Republic. It is challenging, but you must not conflate the two. I serve democracy. I serve the Republic. But I am a Jedi first and foremost. If my code conflicts with an order from the Senate, I shall not be able to comply.”

“And I will take your concerns, your voice and share them with the Jedi Order. If it is proven that what drives their decisions is little more than personal gain – then we have a decision to make. One that will be guided by our code.”

“As for your offer, I cannot accept. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. I will not judge your intentions but I can take exception as to your methods. A Jedi never accepts the end justifies the means. If that is the path on offer to us, we would re-examine the challenge and find a better path.”

“I am sorry if this is not the answer you sought, or expected – but I have to be true to my heart.” As she said this, she looked up. Clearly a battle was raging above the planet, as pieces of ship – big enough not to burn up on entry – caught by the gravity of the planet, plummeted to a fiery end.

And the fall of debris stopped as soon as it had started. Clearly the battle had been a short one.

[member="Darth Tacitus"]
Attn: [member="Lilla Syrin"]
  • Campsite
    Unknown Planet, Wild Space

Even as the shuttles descended, the Overlord shook his head. "You are naive," he said to her. "Go ahead, take these complaints before your masters. Who is your grandmaster these days? Is it Feanor? If so, I would give you a warning. It would be best not to mention anything I said, to her. What I've glimpsed in her file, suggests she has a tendency for flying off the handle. So, it would be safer for you to keep certain things to yourself," the Sith Lord advised.

"You say you are a Jedi, first and foremost. That you believe in what their order stands for. But, tell me this, were you given a choice about joining them? Or were you taken as a young child and indoctrinated into their beliefs and methods, like so many others before you?"

"I am not a perfect man and we Sith are far from unified. But at least, I do not force anyone to follow me. They do so voluntarily, knowing exactly what it entails," he spoke.

"One day, you will see the truth. You will see the rotten core of the Galactic Republic that your people emulate, a nation which tears children away from their parents, which has always supported the interests of the few at the expense of the many, a nation which has, in the past, employed armies of enslaved clone soldiers which, to them, were nothing more than a disposable commodity."

The Sith Lord's speech ended just as the first shuttles landed, shuttles bearing the insignia of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. B1 Battle Droids marched out, securing the perimeter, accompanied by armored soldiers outfitted with heavy equipment. The Shrouded Republic's Ultranauts.

"Looks like our little vacation has ended," the Overlord spoke, his tone ironic. "It is time for you to return to your people. And for me to get back to work."


Lilla Syrin

A great leap forward often requires first taking t
Lilla listened intently. Was she naïve? Possibly. Was that a fault? Not necessarily.

Innocence was something that was lost to experience. But too often it was replaced by a jaundiced view of the world. Lilla hoped she’d always maintain her belief in the good in people – she saw it as part of her role as a Jedi.

“I promise to share your concerns – and anonymise them if you would prefer. As to the Grand Master, I’ve met her just once, so cannot comment on her disposition.”

And Lilla meant what she said, for being true to her word was important to her – it was a core tenet of the Code after all.

“I understand some are taken from a young age. I was not. A Jedi found me on Tatooine and I asked to go with the one who found me. And, in truth, the teachings of the Code are entirely dovetailed with my own – there is no indoctrination. But I cannot comment on every Jedi or every Order. I suspect that, like most people and most organisations, there is a spectrum. That is life. Much like not all Sith are the same – at least not in my experience.”

“And to take your words to heart – if there is a truth that I am missing, I shall find it – and act upon it. Again, you have my word on this.”

She stood and bowed, her injuries still hampering her movements slightly. “Thank you for your patience and the sharing of your wisdom. If nothing else, I shall leave here today a different person to the one that arrived. That is a certainty. And I shall reflect and meditate on your words when I return to my Order. It is a courtesy to you, but also my duty.”

[member="Darth Tacitus"]

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