Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Predator In Distress


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Zoya nodded and sniffed the air, looking for potentials. A variety of smells hit her nose, but one stood out: prey.
She spotted him. Some poor human passed out on the steps of a closed establishment. He was comatose, and wouldn't let out a sound.
Zoya shed the coat as she bounded near-silently the distance to her prey, her clawed hand striking out at his neck. He did not wake as his throat was ripped out, and would never wake again.
She eagerly tore into him, blood spraying her as she used her claws and jaws to rip chunks of flesh from his corpse and shove them into her waiting mouth. She moaned in pleasure as she felt his meat travel down her throat, blood dripping down her chin. The rain covered the sounds of her messy feeding, and she eagerly dug her claws into his chest, ripping out his organs.
As she fed, she could feel her wound start to close. Just a few more minutes of feasting, and she could leave the corpse for the authorities to find.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
Mit watched. equally disgusted and fascinated with the Rapax's feeding. He stood, leaning against a doorway. Even from where he stood he could see the girl's wound closing. As she was near finishing, Mit walked towards her and grabbed what was left of the body. He turned, found what he thought would be a good spot, and tossed the body of the side of the road. "That was horrifying. Although, you just made me far more interested in you" After a moment of walking, he realized how awkward that sounded. And hastily attempted to repair his statement. "Your species. Not you. Damn that sounded odd."
The stumbling in his voice screamed that he was terrified after seeing what she was able to do.


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Zoya sighed in pleasure as she licked the excess blood from her hands, enjoying the metallic taste, even if the alcohol in it was somewhat ruining the taste. But, meat was meat, after all.
She turned to her savior, smelling the terror on him. It was obvious to her nose, and her sensitive ears picked up on the stumbling in his voice. The man was terrified of her, and she supposed she couldn't really blame him. If she was a non-Rapax like him, she would likely be scared as well.
She thought about what to say. How did she talk to him in a way that would not scare him off? Ah, she would take his mind off of the matter.
"I could use some new clothes." She gestured to her ripped and bloodstained garments. "These have seen better days."
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"Quite. Care to rob a store? Or would you like to kill someone with some proper clothes?"
Mit shuddered at the thought of how calmly the girl had spoken after mauling a random man. After a moment he regained his composure and waited for a response.
If hunting for some clothes would take the previous five minutes off his mind, it would do. Who knows. It could even end up entertaining.


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Zoya cocked her head at him.
"If I kill someone, it's not going to be clean enough as to leave their clothing intact."
She fought dirty, and didn't leave enough of her prey to take much of anything. The mauve haired girl looked around, settling on a set of clothes she saw in the window of a nearby store.
"Those will suffice." She said simply, waiting for his response.
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
Mit grinned a bit.
"I could have killed them. Unlike you, I don't maul everything after I kill it, and unlike you. I don't fight by ripping people in half."
He meant this as a joke, and hoped it wouldn't offend the girl. He really didn't feel like being mauled.
He peered towards the window, then towards the empty streets.
"Pretty. Well, who's going in?" He asked, tapping on the glass of the display.


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Zoya wasn't offended by his joke, but showed no outward reaction. She did not wish to scare off her new-found friend, after all.
The Rapax stared at the window, deep in thought. She needed those clothes, but even with her feeding, she didn't have the strength to break through the glass on her own. But she wished to get them as soon as possible, and knew there was one way to get them.
With a grunt of pain, her telum shot out of her shoulderblades, further ruining her clothes. The wing-like appendages were colored like fire, and flickered with constant motion. She quickly used them to obliterate the glass, then retracted them back into her back. She quickly changed into the clothes, not really caring if her savior saw or not.
When she had the new clothes on, she turned to him.
"We should find a place to lay low."

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"Right. There should be an abandoned warehouse around here somewhere."
Mit looked away from the girl as she changed. While unecissary, it was reflexive.
"So. He gets a tail and you get bloody wings?" He muttered as he climbed through the broken glass and slapped a button labeled Disable Alarms
"Just making sure."



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Zoya watched him disable the alarms, and for a moment she nearly slapped herself for being stupid. She was unused to dealing with such trivialities.
The Rapax looked around and spotted the warehouse in question. She went up to it, and stared at the door, considering how to open it.
After a moment, she sighed and used her enhanced strength to break the lock.
She entered the warehouse and looked around.
"I don't believe I caught your name." She asked her savior.
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"Mit. Mit Tuxaire." Mit said as he fumbled along in the darkness attempting to find a power switch.
After a moment he found the main switch, and activated it. The lights flickered on and the empty room was flooded with a bright red hue.
"And you?" He yelled to the Rapax from across the building. "I'm not sure I got your name either."
THe warehouse would be safe enough for the moment. At least until the officials gave up with whatever searches they decided to start.
But there were still so many things that would be hunting them.


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Zoya blinked in the light, then sat on a nearby crate, straightening out her new clothes. They were good enough, but to this day clothing still made her uncomfortable. She much preferred her youZth, when such things were not necessary.
"Zoya. My name is Zoya." The Rapax bit down the urge to tear apart her new friend, and simply gave him a small smile, and gestured for him to sit beside her.
"By this point, I'm sure you have a lot of questions; since we have some time, I'll answer them."
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]​


Well-Known Member
Mit hopped onto the crate and sat next to Zoya.
"Alright. First of all. Why did you go into that guy's grounds? You seemed to know they were there."
He wondered what would happen if that other guy came back? What if he brought others this time?
No doubt every thought He had would be reflected in his expression.
He just hoped Zoya wouldn't notice.


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Zoya rubbed the back of her neck before responding, a bit embarrassed.
"Honestly, it's hard not to be in a Rapax's hunting grounds. This planet, for example, is crawling with my kind. Even now, we're in someone's hunting grounds."
Which is why she was trying to stay quiet. Attracting attention was definetely a bad idea. She didn't know if she could kill another Rapax in her state.
She noticed his expression, and smiled.
"You're worried he'll come back. Don't worry, he won't mess with us again tonight. It's the others we have to worry about."
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"That's.. Troubling. If one of them comes, do you think you would be able to fight them? That bugger messed up my shoulder pretty badly... I'm kind of wishing I had your healing power now..."
Mit gingerly felt his still bleeding shoulder. He started to cry out in pain but managed to slap his hand over his mouth.
"Erm... You never heard anything. Yeah?" He murmured, his face flushing a bright red.
Then, trying to cover up his obvious embarrassment. He turned towards the stacks of crates.
"Think they could have a blaster hidden in any of those boxes? Not sure I could swing a sword tonight."


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Zoya barely kept herself from drooling as he touched his wound, keeping herself from indulging in her mind's fantasy with sheer willpower. She wanted nothing more than to rip him apart, but kept herself from doing so.
She looked around, and used her claws to slice open a crate, and a few blaster pistols tumbled out. She despised the weapons, but slid one over to Mit.
"I hope that is to your satisfaction." She said with disgust.
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
Mit saw the look on Zoya's face as he ripped a bit of cloth off his jacket and wrapped it around his shoulder.
"Don't even think about it. Every time that thought goes through your head, just imagine me doing what I did to him, but now I have a blaster. I would rather not shoot you."
He smiled at Zoya mas he picked up the pistol and checked its clip.
"You know. You would be alright, if it weren't for the whole. Well, wanting to eat me thing."


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Zoya smiled, her sharpened teeth showing themselves to him.
"I'm going to take that as a compliment."
The heartfelt moment was ruined as a voice emanated through the warehouse.
"Ah, isn't that adorable?"
Another person dropped down from the rafters, a grin covering her face as her red-on-black eyes stared in amusement at them.
"Now, I believe we should turn our attention to the fact that I'm now looking at my new dinner."
Four large blue tentacles shot out of her back, waving in the air behind her.
"Anyone disagree?"
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"Ah bloody hell..."
Mit stood, glaring at the newcomer as he did.
"Listen lady, I already sent one of your friends running, and now I've got a blaster. Do you really want to do this?"
He dived forward, coming to his feet. Blaster raised. He fired a few shots at the person, most at her chest, the others at her head.
"So. You up for a fight?"

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